Minutes of Rockbeare Parish Council Meeting Held on Wednesday

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Minutes of Rockbeare Parish Council Meeting Held on Wednesday

2016/17 Page 1

+ Chairman: Jeremy Wollen

Clerk: Mrs Judy Morris ROCKBEARE Perdon House, Middle Mill Lane, Cullompton, EX15 1JP Telephone: 01884 33869 PARISH COUNCIL Email: [email protected] Web: www.rockbeareparishcouncil.co.uk


PRESENT: Cllr Jeremy Wollen (in the chair) and Cllrs: Jonathan Allen, David Mace, David Mason, Colin Please and Mark Readman

Also in attendance: Cllr Peter Bowden and one member of the public.

Mrs J Morris: Clerk

1. APOLOGIES: Cllr Chris Pepper (East Devon District Council).


3. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: Cllr Jeremy Wollen was elected Chairman for the civic year 2016/17, proposed Cllr David Mason, seconded Cllr Jonathan Allen.

3.1 SIGNING OF DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE: Councillor Jeremy Wollen signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the chair.

4. PRESENTATION BY CHRIS JENNER REGARDING THE FAB PROJECT: Mr Jenner explained that the the purpose of the Fab project is to provide an electricity interconnection between France and England. Once completed electricity can be imported/exported either way. No Public subsidies, regulated by OFGEM, low carbon energy which should result in cheaper electricty. Cables will be installed underground from Budleigh Salterton to Rockbeare where land has been identified as a potential site for the converter station. Public consultation to be carried out before a planning application is submitted.

Mr Jenner offered to let the Council have details of the consultation events. The Chairman thanked Mr Jenner for attending and he left the meeting.

5. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN: Cllr Colin Please was elected Vice-chairman for the civic year 2016/17, proposed Cllr Jeremy Wollen, seconded Cllr David Mason.

6. APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES: Cllr Jeremy Wollen was appointed as the Council’s representative on the Exeter Airport Consultative Group for 2016/17.

7. MINUTES: The Minutes of the last meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 20th April 2016 were approved and signed as a correct record of that meeting.

8. COUNCIL VACANCY: To receive update: Clerk reported that there had been no applications to-date. 2016/17 Page 2

9. REPORTS 9.1 Chairman’s Report: Cllrs David Mason and Jeremy Wollen attended a conducted tour of Rockbeare Manor and considered it to be a very interesting couple of hours. 9.2 Police Report: One recorded crime during May 2016, criminal damage to property under £5k 9.3 County/District Councillor Reports: Devon County Councillor Peter Bowden’s report included:  Interested to understand the Council’s view with regard to the proposed broiler houses at Whimple.  Request, from a member of the public, for a footpath from Bridge View, unfortunately unable to assist as DCC has no funding available for footpaths. He suggested that the Council looks at suggesting that the foopath is constructed as a condition of any s.106 agreement for new development in the area.  He was delighted that DCC do have funding available for the repair of potholes and Rockbeare has been reasonably fortunate in having some of its roads repaired. The work programme for highway repairs is available on the DCC website.  DCC able to assist parishes with materials to repair potholes etc. but they require anyone working on the highway to be Chapter 8 trained.  The Issues and Options report relating to the expansion of Cranbrook is currently out for consultation. Cranbrook having to seriously review the build density of houses, density at the beginning was too generous.

Cllr Peter Bowden left the meeting.

9.4 Any other reports: None


10.1 To consider and make comment on planning applications as follows:

15/1412/MFUL: Mr & Mr Michael: Replacement of two existing egg laying units with four broiler breeder units including service buildings providing office packing shed and general store, eight feed bins, a surface water balancing pond and associated landscaping at Goose Green Farm, Whimple (revised application):

Recommend refusal due to environmental concerns, including noise and smell. We note the statements made in the application documents and expect the provisions referred to will not only be provided but will be maintained permanently. We do have concerns over the potential for nuisance over a wide area primarily due to smell emanating from the units and trust that the measures proposed to eliminate this nuisance will be implemented and maintained. These comments are in addition to those made previously which were as follows:

The application site is adjacent to the parish boundary and any consequential flooding will be experienced by Rockbeare parishioners. It is noted that the applicant has carried out a flood risk assessment and that the recommendations made by the consultant will be incorporated in the development. The Council trusts that these measures will be properly maintained to ensure their continuing effectiveness and ask that a suitable condition is included if any consent is issued.

Devon County Council: Retention of asphalt plant. Aggregate store and ancillary stockyard/storage bays with importation and storage of recycled asphalt and planings (RAP) for use in the asphalt plant at Rockbeare Quarry: No objections 2016/17 Page 3

10.2 To consider and make comment on any planning applications received since the date of this agenda

16/1410/COU: Mr Daniel Lower: Change of use of land to garden at Westfield, Rockbeare: No objections

10.3 To receive details of determinations: Recent planning applications have been determined as follows:

16/0920/FUL – two storey extension to the rear of 3 The Village, Rockbeare: Conditional planning permission

16/0804/PDG – prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to dwelling and associated operational development at Lower Allercombe Farm: withdrawn

10.4 Cranbrook DPD Consulation: Comments relating to the Development Plan Document to be submitted by 7 August 2016, there is also an Issues and Options Report which requires a response by 25 July.

RESOLVED: That, as the closing date for respone to the Cranbrook Issues and Options report is before the date of the next meeting, Cllr David Mason drafts a response to the Issues and Options report and circulates to members for comment and approval, to then be submitted to East Devon District Council.

10.5 Neighbourhood Plan Update: Cllr Mark Readman reported that the Plan is now well underway. Grant of £6030 obtained to pay the consultant, next meeting on 26 June to look at the evidence gathered to-date.

11. BUSINESS & FINANCE 11.1 YMCA: To approve and sign the Service Level Agreement: Concern expressed that no quarterly report had been received and that attendance did not appear to be increasing.

RESOLVED: That the YMCA is contacted to let them know that the Council will review the situation in September 2016 and if numbers and other conditions have not been met then the Council will withdraw from the contract.

11.2 Annual Governance Statement 2015.16: To consider and approve response:

RESOLVED: That the Council answers “Yes” to all the questions on the Annual Governance Statement 2015.16.

11.3 To receive internal audit report:

RESOLVED: That the Council notes the internal audit report and actions the recommendations contained in the report.

11.4 To approve the Annual Return 2015.16

RESOLVED: That the Annual Return 2015.16 is approved.

11.5 To receive financial statement for May 2016

RESOLVED: That the financial statement for May 2016 is approved. 2016/17 Page 4

11.6 RESOLVED: That payment of invoices for June 2016 are approved as follows:

400393 Rockbeare Village Hall (Hall hire) 145.00 400394 TTS Group (Mother & Toddler Group) 7.16 400395 YMCA (Oct 2015-March 2016 £2500 plus April – Sept 2016 £2750) 5250.00 400396 Mark Readman (Neighbourhood Plan expenses) 27.50 400397 Mrs J Morris (salary) 360.24 400398 Mrs J Morris (keyboard and mouse for laptop) 19.78 400399 Community First (Insurance premium) 211.28 400400 Rockbeare Village Hall 55.00 400401 TTS Group Ltd (Mother & Toddler Group) 9.59 400402 Auditing solutions (Internal audit) 198.00 400403 Mrs J Morris (salary) 360.24 400404 Mrs J Morris (Projector) 366.00 400405 Rockbeare Village Hall (Pre-school hall hire) 120.00 TOTAL 7129.79


RESOLVED: That the Council commissions Stage One and Stage wo at a cost of £1425 plus VAT.

11.8 TAP FUND: To consider joining with Broadclyst to apply for funding for a “smartwater” scheme.

RESOLVED: That the Council does not join with Broadclyst to apply for funding for a “smart water” scheme as it is not aware of any organisation that would benefit from this

12. REPLACEMENT CLERK: To receive an update: Clerk report that the new Clerk will commence her duties with effect from the Council’s next meeting on 27 July 2016.

13. HIGHWAYS, FOOTPATHS: To accept items to report: None

14. ENVIRONMENT/COMMUNITY FACILITIES 14.1 Health and Safety: To accept items for action: None 14.2 Any other environment/community facility matters: None

15. CORRESPONDENCE (a) East Devon District Council: Offering grounds and cleansing work services to the private and public sector: Noted


NOTE: Cllr David Mason was thanked for his sterling work during his time as Chairman, Cllr Jeremy Wollen commented that “he will be a hard act to follow”.

SIGNED ______Date: ______

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