President S Column

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President S Column


President’s Column Gerald Wicks Science Teacher Workshop Update Fellow NCHPS members, Dale Dunesbury There have been several opportunities for I am honored to have been nominated and science teacher outreach recently by members of elected as your next president. Given this the North Carolina Chapter of the Health Physics opportunity, I wish to share with you my thoughts Society. Talytha Moore and Dale Dusenbury were on what initiatives I would like to introduce, invited to present information on radiation at the support, and hopefully accomplish. North Carolina Science Teacher’s Leadership Our chapter has been involved with many Conference. This took place at the Trinity Center, successful activities that serve our membership in Salter Path, NC on July 13, 2004. The NC and the general public. Examples would include Department of Public Instruction sponsored the the 1991 Health Physics Society Mid-Year conference to provide information on radiation to Meeting, Science Teacher Workshops, support of science teachers. the Team of Radiological Emergency Volunteers A new version of “Get a Half Life” was (TOREV), establishment of a chapter web site, developed to encourage teachers to attend the and a consistently sound technical meeting Chapter’s Science Teacher’s Workshop in program. November. The presentation included basic Initiatives that I wish to support and information on radiation, health effects, waste accomplish follow: issues, and environmental monitoring. In addition,  Provide continuing education courses in sections were added to tailor the presentations to conjunction with the chapter meetings the different audiences, specifically chemistry,  Explore and establish, if needed, training physical science and earth science. for members seeking certification by the In the upcoming November workshop, NRRPT or ABHP NCHPS will now be presenting with the American  Promote our chapter’s relationship with Nuclear Society Chapter and the NC State Nuclear other professional organizations having Engineering Department. Thanks to Lisa Marshall similar interest, e.g. local ANS, AAPM of NC State Nuclear Engineering Department, who  Increase chapter membership and meeting has been putting in tremendous effort in attendance collaborating and joining of all the chapters’ together at the up coming November workshop.  Encourage members to volunteer their She is working with NCHPS presentation “Get a services in support of the chapter Half Life” and is looking for assistance from the I welcome your comments or suggestions Chapter to assist a booth on radiation issues with regarding the above items and any other ideas that ANS and NCSU Engineering Department. would enrich our chapter. There will be plenty of opportunities to Sincerely, help as the workshop draws closer. Anyone Gerald Wicks, CHP interested is encouraged to contact Dale NCHPS President-elect Dusenbury at [email protected] or Talytha Moore at [email protected] at 919-571-4141.

Newsletter -August 2004 1 TALSO holds periodic meetings but has no other DOT/ IATA Continuing Education Credit organizational structure; no bylaws, no dues, no Update charter, and only one elected official: TALSO Bill Fitzgerald President Dan Sprau. Much of the appeal of this The Continuing Education Panel of the group stems from this lack of bureaucracy, American Board of Health Physics (ABHP) has commercialism or formality, and from the granted four continuing education credits standing invitation to anyone interested in laser (CECs) for attendance to each NCHPS two half- safety to join the group. The casual and friendly day meeting beginning October 2003 through atmosphere of the meetings facilitates very December 2007. Also, eight CECs were practical, open, honest and useful presentations awarded to the DOT/IATA Radioactive Material and discussions on a wide variety of laser safety Shipping Regulations training course offered by topics. Ben Edwards and John McLamb. These CECs If you have an interest in laser safety, please visit are only applicable for use by Certified Health the web site [] Physicists (CHPs) and do not imply for the latest news and contact information, and accreditation or endorsement of any specific consider attending the next meeting. education program. Please take advantage of these opportunities to meet the criteria for TOREV Update recertification. Wendy Tingle Yes, Johnny (he’s really not a feeble old man☺) Triangle Area Laser Safety Officers James is retiring. His many years of service in [TALSO] Group Shines On Radiation Protection are coming to a close and we Ben Edwards will surely miss him. Johnny has also been the Nearly three years have past since a group of local NCHPS TOREV coordinator for many years as safety professionals began gathering periodically well. TOREV will be passed on to another willing to discuss laser safety issues and learn more about soul come July 30, 2004. Johnny’s staff is in the laser safety. The TALSO group was founded in process of updating current TOREV members 2001 as a means for North Carolina laser safety contact information to facilitate better professionals to meet and share laser safety ideas communication via email. A presentation will be in an informal setting. This group is based on the made at the Fall NCHPS meeting by Johnny’s California Bay Area Laser Safety Officers replacement to update chapter members on [BALSO] group - thanks to BALSO founders Ken TOREV. Barat and Dewey Sprague for their inspiration and support. Topics and presentations at past TALSO DOT/ IATA Class being offered meetings have included but not limited to: Ben Edwards  Best Practices and Benchmarking of Are you in compliance? DOT (US) regulations require Institutional Laser Safety Training initial training, plus refresher training every three years; Programs (including an inventory of other IATA (international air) Dangerous Goods Regulations people’s courses that can be viewed on the require initial training plus retraining every two years. web for free) This course will meet both DOT and IATA training  LIA’s Certified Laser Safety Officer requirements. However, even if you have completed Program: Pros & Cons training within the required interval, you may still want to attend to catch up on significant recent regulatory  Laser Alignment: the Most Dangerous changes, particularly for the DOT. As a result of Step in Laser System Set Up? harmonization with international rules, DOT  Development of Institutional Laser regulations have undergone the most comprehensive Entryway Safety System Design change in decades. While voluntary compliance with Guidelines the new rules was authorized beginning February 25, 2004, these changes become mandatory October 1, 2004. This intensive four-hour course will help you make a smooth transition to compliance with the new Newsletter -Augustregulations. 2004 2 In This ISSUE! President’s Message Page 1 DOT/ IATA Update Page 1 The NEWSLETTER TALSO Page 2 A publication of the North Carolina Science Teacher Workshop Page 2 Fall Meeting Announcement Insert Chapter of the Health Physic Society Affiliates and Executive Council Insert

Newsletter Staff If you have note-worthy information you would like to share about health physics and the North Carolina Chapter members, please contact the following individuals:

Giao Nguyen ([email protected]) 668-3185

NCHPS PO Box 20051 Raleigh, NC 27619-0051

Newsletter -August 2004 3

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