Name (Print):__Fatima Abdul Kareem___Section___INSS300 WB1 Student# :____1150629______

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Name (Print):__Fatima Abdul Kareem___Section___INSS300 WB1 Student# :____1150629______


Name (print):__Fatima Abdul Kareem___section___INSS300 WB1_ Student# :____1150629______

Please check or fill-in your responses to the following questions. All responses will remain confidential. For completing the survey, you will be awarded 1% of your final grade..

COURSE–RELATED INFORMATION 1. What grade are you expecting to receive in INSS 300? A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F 2. Do you feel that you had the necessary prerequisites (required courses and knowledge) to successfully complete INSS ? Yes No

-----If you answered No to the above question, explain why you feel that you do not have the necessary prerequisites.


3. How would you rate your ability to write a business memo?

Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. How would you rate your ability to write a business letter?

Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. How would you rate your ability to create a spreadsheet (i.e. Excel or a similar package)?

Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. How would you rate your ability to create a database in a software (i.e., ACCESS, ORACLE etc.)?

Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. How would you rate your ability to perform IT research browsing internet resources? Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8. How would you rate your skills in creating web pages on the internet? Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9. How would you rate your file transferring skills through the internet protocols? Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10. How would you rate your skills in creating presentation (PowerPoint) slides? Low ------High 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11. Are you familiar ethical policies of the following? ACM YES____X______NO______AITP YES____X______NO______UB YES____X______NO______OTHER (LIST) ______

12. Did you use SIMNET? Yes____X______NO___X____

If yes continue, if no go to Q 12

SIMNET was useful in learning ACCESS:

not at all useful ------extremely useful 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SIMNET was useful in learning EXCEL:

not at all useful ------extremely useful 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SIMNET was useful in learning Internet concepts

not at all useful ------extremely useful 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q 12 Did not use SIMNET because (mark all that apply)

Did not have one ______

Too complex to follow ______

Tutorials not very helpful______

Already knew



Internet Concepts_____X______

Which software packages do you have knowledge of? (PLEASE LIST) MS Office Suite: Word, Excel. Powerpoint. Access; Lotus Smart Suite; Solomon , QuickBooks, TurboTax, Drake Tax, Printshop, Adobe Reader, Quicktime, Windows Media Player, MovieMaker

Which operating systems do you have knowledge of?:(PLEASE LIST) Windows XP, Windows 7 For following questions, please do not go to the internet to find answers. In a line or two just write what you know. These questions will NOT be graded. Every student finishing the surveys (pre and post) will get 5 points towards their final grade. This is to assess your IT related abilities at the beginning of the course. Answers here will also be used to create groups for the course. You will be given a similar questionnaire at the end of the semester. Please provide answers as accurately as you can. if you do not know an item just leave it blank, Do not try to find answer in the book or the internet.

BLOG - - Is a website where people make comments usually expressing their opinion about a particular event or issue.

PDA (in terms of its functions) - Is an electronic device that allows you to input needed information such as contacts, schedules, appointments, etc. It also connects to the internet. It is also used by some facilities such as the hospital and allows nurses to input and view info regarding their patient's vitals, medicine dosage, etc, it is also used by retail stores like Target to monitor inventory.

Database - an organized file of information that allows records to interrelate.

e-Commerce - Is the transaction of business sales over the internet.

CRM (customer relationship management) - information collected and used to learn and understand customers needs and wants.

SCM (Supply Chain Management) - the process businesses uses to track inventory or other information

Neural Network - an AI used to identify speech and handwriting recognition

AI (Artificial Intelligent) - machines imitating human thinking

Encryption - Is when regular text is transferred into unidentifiable text. Used for security purposes, especially over the internet. Window explorer - Is the program MS uses to maintain the files kept on the Windows operating system.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - protocol used to transfer information from one computer to another

iPOD in terms of functionality - Is an electronic device made by Apple. It is used to download and listen to music and videos.


JAVA/VBASIC Script - software which enables writing to internet programs, such as Webtycho discussion board

Pentium - Is the name of a computers processor.

SDLC - system Development Life Cycle - the steps used to develop an information systems

SQL - Is written in a database to give instructions to generate requested information.

B2C - Is the commercial transactions between businesses and customers.

Broadband width - Is the signal that allows you to access the internet.

AITP - an organization for information technology professionals

ACM - Is an organization for people involved in computers. Hacker - Is someone who is superior in the usage of computers, however it also has a negative connotation because hackers are often refer to people who break into other peoples or organizations computer systems bypassing security programs.

Web Broadcasting - Is broadcasting information over the internet


27. Do you own or have access to iPod or similar device? Yes______NO_____X______

28. Do you own or have access to Blackberry? Yes______NO____X______

29. Do you own or have access to mobile (cell) phone? Yes____X______NO______30. Do you own or have access to any other mobile devices? Yes___X______NO______If yes, Please list them Netbook

31. Would be interested in receiving course related content in any of these mobile devices? Yes_____X______NO______

32. Do you have a personal site on facebook?


33. Do you have any postings (videos) on Youtube? Yes______NO____X______

If yes how many______

34. Do you have a personal web blog site?


35. Are you doing extra project, create a video on a topic specified by the professor and post it on youtube for extra credit?



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