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Homework no. 1: Graphical Constructions

Homework no. 2: The Point

1. Represent in orthographic representation on two planes of projection, the folowing points: A(70,20,40); B(55,-20,45); C(45,10,-30); D(10,0,35); E(15,0,0); F(65,40,0); G(- 40,20-25); I(-50,-35,-10); K(25,-30,-50).

Obs.: Specify the space position of the points (the dihedral angles).

2. Represent in orthographic representation on three planes of projection, the folowing points: A(40,15,10); B(-30,20,5); C(-10,-25,-25); D(20,5,-30).

Obs.: Specify the space position of the points (the trihedral angles).

3. Represent the projections of the triangle ABC, on three planes of projection, knowing that the vertex A lies on the bisecting plane BI, the vertex B is situated in the quadrant III and the vertex C belongs to the horizontal plane [H].

Obs.: Specify the coordinates of the points.

4. One gives the point M(10,30,20). One requires to represent on three planes of projection the folowing points: - the point M; - the symmetrical M1 of the point M side [H]; - the symmetrical M2 of the point M side [V]; - the symmetrical M3 of the point M side [W].

Homework no. 3: The straight line

1. One gives the line (D) defined by the points A and B. One requires to find:

- The traces of the line: H(h,h’,h”), V(v,v’,v”) and W(w,w’,w”); - The regiones passed by the line.

A(15, 5,65); B(80,50,10).

2. One gives the straight line (D) defined by the points A and B, respective the point M(m,m’) not lying on that line. One requires to construct through the point M(m,m’), a horizontal line (G) and a frontal line (F) intersecting with (D). One works on three projections. M(10,40,10); A(-30,20,10) and B(25, 5,40).

3. One gives the straight line (D) defined by the points A and B, respective the point M(m,m’) not lying on that line. One requires to construct through the point M(m,m’), a line (Δ1) parallel to (D) and a line (Δ2) non intersecting with (D). M(25,20,20); A(50,30,15) and B(15, 50,40).

4. Represent in three projections all the types of particular segment-lines having the true length 30 mm.

5. Determine the true length of the segment line (AB) and the angles α and β between the line and the projection planes. A(50,10,25); B(20,20,10). Homework no. 4: THE PLANE

1. One gives three points (not lying on a line): A(40,14,25); B(28,6,40); C(45,6,35). One requires to determine the traces P,P,’P” of the plane defined by the previous points and the maximum angle α between the plane [P] and the horizontal projection plane [H].

2. Determine the line of intersection between two opaque plates: the plate [ABC] situated in a horizontal plane (or [H] parallel) having the coordinate +45 mm, respectively the oblique (skew) plate [MNP]. Study also, the visibility of the plates. A(103, 80, 45); B(55, 10, 45); C(15, 100, 45); M(110, 20, 30); N(60, 105, 90); P(15, 50, 10).

3. Determine the intersection (piercing) point between the straight line D(d,d') defined by the points M and N and the triangular plate [ABC]. Study the visibility of the line after the intersection.

A(15, 15, 35); B(50, 55, 60); C(85, 25, 10); M(18, 47, 15); N(70, 15, 48).

4. Determine the line of intersection between the plates [ABCD] and [PQR], using auxiliary projecting planes. Study also the visibility of the plates.

A(90, 10, 10); B(25, 5, 5); C(5, 40, 55); D(55, 45, z); P(80, 5, 40); N(30, 55, 0); C(5, 10, 65);

Not ă : All the plates are opaque. Homework no. 5: THE METHODS OF D.G. – The substitution of projection planes. The revolution.

1. Using the substitution of projection planes determine the true length of the line segment AB and the angles α and β between this line segment and the projection planes [H] and [V].

A(50, 5, 25); B(5, 35, 7).

2. Using the substitution of projection planes determine the true size of the angle between the intersecting lines (D) and (Δ) defined by (AC) and (BC).

A(48, 5,10); C(30,27,27); B(5,15, 10).

3. One gives the plane [P] by its traces: Px(80, 0, 0),

4. Using the method of revolution find the true length of the distance from the point M to the straight line (AB).

A(10, 25, 5); B(50, 5, 35); M(25, 50, 45).

5. Using the method of revolution, determine the true length of the distance between the parallel planes [P] and [Q] given by their traces: Px(15,0,0), the angle OPxP=135o, the angle OPxP’=150o, Qx(30,0,0). Homework no. 6: THE METHODS OF D.G. – The coincidence. The restouration.

1. Using the coincidence with a frontal plane determine the true size of the angle between the intersecting lines (D1) and (D2).

2. One gives the staigth line (D), defined by the points A and B, respectively a point M, not lying on that line. One requires to determine the distance from the point M to the straight line (AB).

A(10,8,12), B(65,27,35), M(30,30,26).

3. Determine the true length of the distance between two oblique parallel lines (D) and (Δ), given by their projections.

d' '

x O

 d

4. Represent a regular hexagon with the sides 25 mm contained in a vertical projecting plane, knowing that two sides are in frontal position.

Rx(60,0,0); the angle ORxR=90°, the angle ORxR’=45°.

5. Represent the projections of a cirle with the radius r=30 mm, contained in a horizontal projecting plane [Q] which have the angle b = 30o with [V]. Homework no. 7: THE AXONOMETRIC PROJECTIONS

1. Represent in isometric orthogonal axonometric projection the solids given in orthographic representation: 0 1 5 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 = = = r r r 0 6 0 3 10 30 10 30 10 30 10

x O 5 5 0 2 5 1 5

20 20 20 20 20 20 20

5 1.30 5

2. Represent in isometric oblique frontal axonometry the solids given in orthographic representation:

50 10 30 10 0 1 5 5

r= 25 5 =2 r=35 r 5 x r=3 O 0 2 5 4 5 1 0 1

35 50 35 3. Represent in dimetric orthogonal axonometry the solids given in orthographic representation:

66 20 30 16 0 1 5 2 0 6 10 2.5 r=1 5 2 0 x 1 O 7 1 0 6 5 1 7 1

4. Represent in isometric oblique horizontal axonometry the solids given in orthographic representation:

20 30 30 10 0 1

5 z z z z 2 5 1 0

10 15 20 5 Scara 1,5:1 3

Scara 2:1 5 1 0

z 15 5 30 10 z 1

0 R 0 1 1 5 5 2 1 1 R 5 35 0 5 35 R R5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 0

O 1 O O O O 5

5 x x x x x 1

R 5 5 0 0 1 5 2 0 0 2 2 5 R 5

3 3 5 1 y 0 2 0 0

1 O 1 x 5 Scara 2:1 5 20 5 1 0 0 1 1 5 z 5 R40 1 R

0 3 0

1 0 1 0 1 5

0 10 25 10 30 10 15 10 0 2 1 5 3 0

O 1 x 5 1 10 20 15 25 10 0 1 5 5 y y y y 1

R 5 10 R1 5 0 2 y 5 15 15 5 10 5 15 15 5 5 y

z 10 5 10 5 10 60 0 1 0 1 0 1 5 x 1 O y 1


z R 2 5 5 2 x O 0 1 0 1 0 1

25 25 25 y Homework no. 8: POLYHEDRONS. Representation, plane sections with projecting planes and develpoments.

1. Represent a cube (hexahedron) with the side 35 mm, having a face contained in a vertical projecting plane [R]: Rx(60, 0, 0), the angle ORxR’=45.

2. One gives a right pyramid having as base a regular pentagon inscribed in a circle with the radius r=25 mm, situated in the plane [H]. The altitude of the pyramid is 75 mm. One requires the true size of the plane section in pyramid with a vertical projecting plane [Q] and the development of the pyramid frustum between the cutting plane and the base.

3. One gives the oblique pyramid ABCDV: A(80,25, 0); B(60,45, 0); C(40,20, 0); D(75, 7, 0); V(15,50,50). One requires the true size of the plane section in pyramid with a vertical projecting plane [P] and the development of the truncated pyramid between the cutting plane and the base. Px(25, 0, 0);

4. One gives the frontal prism ABCDA1B1C1D1. One requires to determine the plane section with a plane [P] perpendicular to the prism edges and the development of the prism portion between the cutting plane and the base. A(85, 7,0); B( 101,26, 0); C(78,46, 0); D(66,33, 0); A1(7, 7,66); Px(13, 0, 0). Homework no.9: POLYHEDRONS. Plane sections and develpoments. The intersection with a straight-line.

1. Determine the plane section with the oblique plane [P] in the pyramid ABCS and the development of the pyramid frustum between the cutting plane and the base.

A(83, 51, 0); B(67, 21, 0); C( 40, 30, 0); S( 23, 75, 63); Px(13, 0, 0);

2. One gives the quadrilateral right prism with the base ABCD contained in [H], having the altitude 65 mm. One requires to find the plane section with the oblique plane [P] in prism, the true size of the section and the development of the prism portion between the cutting plane and the upper base (inclusively the bases).

A(85, 28, 0); B( 50, 50, 0); C(36, 30, 0); D(65, 5, 0); Px(10, 0, 0);

3. One gives the oblique pyramid SABC with the base ABC contained in the plane [H]: A(125,45,0); B(62,80,0); C(90,8,0); S(7,40,75). Determine the points of intersection (piercing points) between the pyramid and the segment line (MN). Study also, the visibility of the line. M(105,70,55); N(34,20, 5).

4. One gives the triangular oblique prism ABCMNP with the base ABC lying in [H]. Determine the plane section in prism with the oblique (skew) plane [P], the true size of the section and the development of the prism portion between the cutting plane and the lower base (inclusively the bases). A(15, 10, 0); B( 20,30, 0); C(40,15, 0); M(65,40,50); Px(80, 0, 0);

1. One considers a cone of revolution having the base a circle with radius R=30 mm, contained in the plane [V], the vertex S(s,s’) and the altitude 70 mm (as perpendicular line to [V]). Determine the true size of an elliptical section by cutting the cone with a horizontal projecting plane [Q] and the development of the cone frustum between the cutting plane and the base (inclusively the bases).

2. One gives a cone of revolution having the base a circle with radius R=30 mm, contained in the plane [H], the vertex V(v,v’) and the altitude 70 mm. Cutting the cone with a vertical projecting plane [P], one requires the true size of a parabolical section in cone and the development of the truncated cone between the plane [P] and the base (inclusively the bases).

3. Determine the true size of a plane section with a vertical projecting plane [P] in the cylinder of revolution, having the base a circle with radius R=30 mm, contained in the plane [H], and the altitude 75 mm. Represent also the development of the truncated cylinder between the plane [P] and the base (inclusively the bases).

4. One gives the right cylinder having the base a circle lying in [H] with the centre (85,30,0), the radius R=25 mm and the altitude 70 mm. One requires to find the plane section with the oblique plane [P], the true size of the section and the development of the cylinder portion between the cutting plane and the lower base (inclusively the bases).

Px(0, 0, 0);

5. One considers the oblique plane, having the directrix a circle lying in [H], with radius r=20 mm, the centre (40,30,0) and the vertex S(0,50,50). One requires the true size of a section with the vertical plane [Q] (horizontal projecting plane) given by its traces and the development of the lateral surface of the cone.


1. Determine the intersection edges of the roof slopes (sides) given in the Figures, knowing that: - the inclinations of the slopes are: 30° (for the roof no.1), 45° (for the roof no.2), 60° (for the roof no.3) şi 50° (for the roof no.4). - the drawing scale is 1:100.

2. Represent the developments of three slopes (arbitrary selected by the students) for the roof no.4 and two views for the roof no.3.

9.00 6.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 2.00 0 0 0

. 90° 0 5 . 6 0 0 . 7 ° 0 9 1 4 0 0 0 . 0 7 . 6 0 0 . 5

4 5 °

4.00 11.00 5.00 9.00 6.00

6.00 6.00 3.00 0 0 . 3 0 0 . 6.00 10.00 4

2 0 0 . 4 0 0 . 4 0 0 . 5 4.00 6.00 0 0 . 2

4.00 4.00 7.00 0 0 . 5 0 0 0 0 . . 4 4

4.00 4.00 5.00 1 0 0 . 3 0 0 . 4 5 0 0 0 0 . .

3 5 5 0 0 0 0 . . 4 2

9.00 5.00 2.00 0 0 . 1 3.00 10.00 Homework no. 12: PROJECTIONS WITH ELEVATIONS. Solving the platforms (construction sites).

1. Determine the boundary lines (intersection lines) of the embankments for a horizontal platform and for the acces road of the construction site given by its contour lines. The slopes of the embankments are: - for the cut = 1/1 - for the fill = 2/3 - the slope of the acces road is: 1/5 The drawing scale is 1:200. Represent also a longitudinal section in the topographic surface with the frontal plane [F].

8 7 6 9 5 4 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

0 0 6.00 11.00 1 0 0 0 0 . . 6 6

+100.00 1 0 1 F 0 F 0 . 0 9 8 7 6 6 0 9 9 9 9 1 0 0 . 2 1 0 0 2 . 0 6 1

10.00 7.00 3 0 1

4 0 1

5 0 1 2. Determine the boundary lines of the embankments for a horizontal platform and for the acces road of the construction site given by its contour lines. The slopes of the embankments are: - for the cut = 1/1 - for the fill = 2/3 - the slope of the acces road is : 1/7 The drawing scale is 1:200.

4 3 2 0 5 5 5 51 5

49 21.50

48 R =7 .50 m +50.00



7.50 8.00 6.00 46


45 48

44 47

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