Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research Higher Degree Supervision

Closing date – 5 pm Monday 4th May 2015


The purpose of the award is to promote, recognise and reward excellence in research higher degree supervision at the University of Sydney.

The Vice-Chancellor’s Supervision Awards are each worth $10,000.00. Normally two awards will be available, one of which may be awarded to a supervisor who is Level C or below.


The Vice-Chancellor will award academic staff who can demonstrate that their supervision of research higher degree students at the University of Sydney has achieved the highest levels of sustained excellence in relation to the Supervision Awards criteria.

A Committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellor will make recommendations for the awards. Recipients will be presented with certificates at appropriate graduation ceremonies.

Award winners will be required to contribute to disseminating good practice by, for example presenting at the Sydney Teaching Colloquium, providing a Teaching Insight for Teaching@Sydney and participating in academic development activities.

For publicity purposes, winners will also need to provide a photograph and a summary in 100 words or less of their achievements, within six weeks of the results being announced. Winners will be required to make their applications available to unsuccessful applicants and intending applicants.


Academic staff who have supervised at least three research higher degree students to completion as a Supervisor are eligible to apply for the Supervision Awards. Previous winners who received awards more than three years ago are eligible to apply. Previously unsuccessful applicants are also eligible to apply. Applicants including those at Level C and below must fulfill the requirement of having supervised at least three research higher degree students to completion.

Application Process

1. All applications must include a statement of support from the Dean of the Faculty. Deans determine which applications will be supported from their faculty. 2. Deans attach the statement of support in the form of a citation. The citation (maximum 500 words) should identify the nominee’s contributions to outstanding research higher degree supervision and state how these contributions further the faculty’s strategic priorities for research and research training. If the nominee receives an award, the statement will be used to prepare the citation that is read at the award presentation.


Applicants will be assessed on the basis of evidence that supports their claims against the following criteria: 1. Evidence of distinctive, systematic and coordinated strategies used to manage the supervisory process to achieve timely and successful completions. 2. Demonstrated significant and substantial achievements in integrating students into the research community and in assisting them to achieve their career goals. 3. Evidence that effective feedback on students’ progress has been provided. 4. Evidence that individual students have experienced supervisory practices appropriate to their diverse learning needs. 5. Evidence of a systematic and reflective approach to developing effectiveness as a supervisor including ongoing evaluation of supervision. 6. Contributions to enhancing supervisory policy and/or practice beyond the faculty (e.g. across the University or across a disciplinary community). 7. National or international contributions to scholarship in research training and supervision.

For applicants at Level C or below the Selection Committee will take into account achievements relative to opportunities and experience.

Selection Committee

The Committee is appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education). Its membership includes the Chair of Academic Board (ex-officio), Director (or nominee) of the Institute for Teaching and Learning, an Associate Dean (Research) and the President of SUPRA.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Education Strategic Awards

No additional application is required. Applicants will indicate on the Vice Chancellor’s awards cover sheet that they wish to be considered for the DVC ISS bonus. The DVC ISS will review the relevant applications made under the Vice Chancellor’s award scheme.

Application Procedure

Applications (of no more than 18 pages in total) must be submitted electronically in Arial 11 point font with 2cm margins and submitted as one.pdf file. For reasons of equity and timelines no extensions are possible. The referees’ reports for the successful applicants will be required in word form for the preparation of Graduation Citations.

Checklist 1. Cover page 

2. Application form (2 pages) 

3. One page overview 

4. A six page statement addressing each of the selection criteria 

5. Two one page referees’ reports in support of the application 

5. A Curriculum Vitae of no more than three pages outlining the  applicant’s educational qualifications, career history, teaching positions and teaching experience 5. Student testimonials and list of students who have completed theses  under the applicant’s supervision, 2 pages maximum

5. The Dean’s citation of no more than one page 

Application Submission Address