School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP) 2015-16

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School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP) 2015-16

,School-wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP) 2015-16 To be implemented in pre-planning 2017

Elements have changed in the SPBP. Before completing, go to for:

 A NEW Brainshark with specific directions to complete the SPBP2016. Watch this Brainshark with all members of the Team. (Principals, please sign into the Brainshark Guest Book for verification.)  A suggested Timeline for completing your SPBP throughout the year to avoid the end of year rush  A Feedback Rubric to ensure your team will correctly complete the SPBP and develop a meaningful plan.

The School-wide Positive Behavior Plan is a compilation of the 10 Critical Elements of RtI:B. Please download it, complete each section in the template, and then upload it back into the SIP. Expectation Lesson Plans and Rule Lesson Plans are located in two separate downloads. To provide consistency across District, only plans entered in the District template will be accepted.

ACTION: Download, complete, and upload 3 separate files from OSPA Central in SIP Plan, BP # 2: 1. SPBP Plan: Critical Elements 1-10 2. Expectation Lesson Plans 3. Rules Lesson Plans

School Name: Pembroke Lakes Elementary School School Number: 2661 SPBP/RtI:B Contact Person: Cynthia Slater/Lori McLaughlin Direct Phone Number: 754-323-6950

1 CRITICAL ELEMENT # 1: Functioning RtI:B / Discipline Team

Current Team Member (SY 2014/15) List: Each name on this list verifies attendance in ongoing team meetings and full participation in developing this SPBP. Each member is responsible for representing stakeholders and sharing SPBP information with them. *mandatory member Stakeholder Full Name Position Representation Sandra R. Shipman Principal* Administration

Lori McLaughlin RtI:B Point of Contact* RtI:B Team

Steve Jones BTU Representative* BTU Parent/Community* Jessica Levine Community Representation Cynthia Slater Assistant Principal Discipline Committee, CHAIR

Karen Carmody Teacher Discipline Committee

Lily Suarez Teacher Discipline Committee

Jessica Rivero Teacher Discipline Committee

Gail Perrott Teacher Discipline Committee

Alescia Smith Teacher Discipline Committee

Timothy Carney Teacher Discipline Committee Discipline Committee Allison Koplo Teacher

Since this is a public document, please do not enter any P numbers.

Schedule and Document RtI:B Team Meetings for 2016/17 School year: (minimum of 4) Also enter in Master Schedule. Meeting Date Time Responsible Person September 13, 2016 8:30 a.m. Lori McLaughlin September 20, 2016 8:30 a.m. Lori Mclaughlin September 27, 2016 8:30 a.m. Lori McLaughlin *meetings are held each Tuesday*

2 CRITICAL ELEMENT # 2: Faculty & Stakeholder Commitment:

Indicate the activities completed 2015/16 school year to increase faculty and stakeholder understanding and knowledge of the SPBP:

Action: Date(s) Outcome (3-5 sentences) Staff Reviewed Plan/Behavior Data/ Staff Presentation of SPBP 4/26/2016 Questions Generated 100 % of Faculty Voted To Approve Plan for Faculty Vote 4/26/2016 the 2016-2017 Year. Stakeholders’ (parents and Stakeholders Viewed Plan at April’s SAC 4/27/2016 community) Presentation of SPBP Meeting

Plan the activities for 2016/17 school year to increase faculty and stakeholder understanding and knowledge of RtI:B:

Action: Date(s) Details (3-5 sentences) Pre-planning: Administration to review RtI:B processes 08/17/2016 [screening; progress monitoring] and expectations Staff Professional Development on during pre-planning week with staff RtI:B CHAMPS PROGRAM Grades K-5 [cont. from 2015-16] PAX Behavior Program Grades K-2 {NEW} Review and analyze 2015-16 behavior data 1.08/17/2016 Review and discuss SPBP; CHAMPS, and PAX Behavior Program Review, analyze, and discuss student behavior Staff Presentation of Behavior Data 2.10/28/2016 data for the first quarter (minimum of 4) Review, analyze, and discuss student behavior 3.01/13/2017 data for the second quarter Review, analyze, and discuss student behavior 4.05/24/2017 data for the third quarter Stakeholders’ (parents and RtI:B presentation to community and stakeholders 09/20/2016 community) Presentations of RtI:B by Mrs. McLaughlin RtI Facilitator/Coordinator

3 CRITICAL ELEMENT # 3: School-wide Expectations

Collect Behavior Data: Top 10 Incidents of Behavior (BASIS Behavior Dashboard)

1.Unruly/Disruptive Behavior [12]

2.Disobedient/Insubordination [9]

3.Disruption on Campus [3]

4.Defiance of Authority [2]

5.Technology Illegal Usage [1]

6.Technology Inappropriate Use [1]

7. Petty Theft <$300 [1]

8. Insulting Profane Obscene Language [1]

9. Battery [1]

10 Assault Threat [1]

Develop School-wide Expectations: 3-5 Common Negative Themes 3 – 5 Positive Replacement Expectations

EXAMPLE: Disrespect EXAMPLE: Be respectful to others

Disrespectful Be RESPECTFUL At All Times c Irresponsible Be RESPONSIBLE At All Times c Harmful/Dangerous Be SAFE At All Times c



**Download the Expectation Lesson Plans Template and complete 3 – 5 Lesson Plans, 1 for each of the above listed Expectations** 4 CRITICAL ELEMENT #4: Location-based Rules

Determine Top 3 Locations for Event Problems: (BASIS Behavior Dashboard)

Top 3 Locations Create an (BASIS Behavior Dashboard) Expectation / Rules Chart School LocationExpectations and Rules# Incidents Chart EXAMPLE: Cafeteria Rules12 Expectations Classroom (copy and paste NotLocations included from above chart) (copy and paste from 1.HallwayLocation #1: Location3 #2: Location #3: Expectations List) Hallway Cafeteria Playground 2.Cafeteria 3 EXAMPLE: (CAFETERIA): (HALLWAY): (FRONT OFFICE): Be Respectful to 3.Playground Pick up trash from table and  Keep hands and2 feet to self  Use a Level 2 Conversation others floor  Walk on right side Level Expectation #1:  Keep hands and  Remove and  Wait your turn Be Respectful At All feet to self dispose all trash  Listen to adults Times  Keep hallways clean  Listen to adults  Follow rules  Listen to  Eat only the food on  Play fairly instructions and your plate directions  Allow anyone to sit  Use quiet voices next to you

Expectation #2:  Say please and  Say please and  Say please and Be Responsible At All thank you thank you thank you Times  Use a quiet voice  Wait patiently in  Line up on time  Walk on gray line line for your food  Wait your turn  Use a quiet voice Expectation #3:  Walk in a single file  Walk in a single file  Walk in a single file Be Safe At All Times line line line  Hands clasped  Keep all food off the  Keep hands clasped behind your back floor behind your back  No talking  Sit at your assigned  Stay in your table designated area  Use equipment appropriately

**Download the Rules Lesson Plans Template and complete 3 Lesson Plans, 1 for each of the above listed Locations, each containing all of the rules indicated under it**

5 CRITICAL ELEMENT #5 Effective Discipline Procedures

Operationalize incidents into behavior examples: (Include a minimum of 3 examples of each type) District Incident Classroom Managed Behavior Office Managed (Office Discipline Referral) Behaviors EXAMPLE: Not answering teacher’s question Using profanity directed at teacher Disrespect 1. Unruly / 1.Ignoring teacher/fails to answer 1.Property damage/vandalism Disruptive Behavior 2.Talking out; not in your seat 2.Verbal intimidation 3.Chewing gum 3.Abusive language 2. 1.Excessive talking 1.Directed profanity Insubordination 2.Pushing/shoving/play fighting 2.Physical aggression 3. Refusal to do what is asked 3.Serious Threats/Major Bullying 3.Out of Assigned 1. Leaving classroom w/o permission out 1.Leaving class /in sight Area of sight 2.Out of seat 2. Out of seat disrupting the whole class 3. Leaving cafeteria 3. Cutting class/not reporting to specials

Categorize Classroom Managed Behaviors into “Minor” and “Moderate”. Create a consequence list that teachers can choose from for each category.

Minor Classroom Managed Behaviors Moderate Classroom Managed Behaviors Chewing gum Attendance/tardies Out of seat Excessive talking Not following classroom rules Pushing/shoving Unorganized/unprepared for class Ignore teacher/fails to answer No homework Leaving class/in sight Running in hallway Regular classroom disruptions Name calling Hallway/Bathroom misconduct Name calling; put downs Student angry with another student Talking back first time Not keeping hands to self

Consequence Menu for Minor Misbehaviors Consequence Menu for Moderate Misbehaviors (Teacher’s choice): (Teacher’s choice): Inform student of rules and procedures Inform student of rules and procedures Describe expected behavior Positive praise and/or feedback Re-teach expected behavior Re-direct/verbal warnings Student conference Re-teach/review expected rules and procedures Employ a behavior plan for student Provide choice/give alternatives Employ interventions and or consequences Student/parent conference Parent conference No improvements, refer to RtIB for added support

6 No entries needed for CRITICAL ELEMENTS 6 – 9 this year

CRITICAL ELEMENT # 10: Monitoring Plans

1. How and what data will you use to monitor the implementation (frequency, consistency, documentation, etc.) of the Lesson Plans? Include a minimum of 2 Action Steps.

Fidelity Plan WHAT: Criteria HOW: Shared WHO WHAT: Data WHEN: Dates for “Success” of with Responsible person Analyzed of Analysis Implementation Stakeholders 100 % teachers will Staff meetings on: Nov 14 EXAMPLE: Lesson Plan have behavior Nov16 Jan 21 Principal Review lesson plan in Jan 23 Mar 28 teacher log Apr 1 October 27, 2016 Faculty Meetings: 100 % teachers to Lesson Plan January 12, 2017 November 2, 2016 1.Administration place plan in lesson Review March 23, 2017 January 11, 2017 plan book May 30, 2017 April 5, 2017 100% of teachers Discipline will implement Committee October 27, 2016 CHAMPS Meetings: 2.Administration/Discipline Discipline January 12, 2017 strategies: October 27, 2016 Committee Chairperson Referral Data March 23, 2017 decrease in the January 12, 2016 May 30, 2017 number of student March 24, 2017 referrals by 20% May 25, 2017

2. How and what data will you use to determine the success of the plan (by Student outcome) or need for modifications? Include a minimum of 2 Action Steps. Student Outcome Plan WHO WHAT: Data WHAT: Criteria for WHEN: Dates of HOW: Shared with Responsible Analyzed “Success” of Analysis Stakeholders Person Student Outcome Monthly – First EXAMPLE: 80% students will Tuesday of each Monthly behavior ODRS Assistant Principal have 1 or less ODR month to review newsletter previous month SAC, Discipline, and PTA Decrease student 1. Assistant Principal Student Referral Data Quarterly Meetings referrals by 20% SAC, Discipline, and PTA Decrease student 2.Assistant Principal Attendance/Tardies Quarterly Meetings absences by 20% PLE Newsletter Quarterly Attendance Increase student PLE Newsletter and 3. Assistant Principal Attendance/Tardies Recognition w/ attendance by 20% Website incentives


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