6Th Language Artsmrs. Flint

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6Th Language Artsmrs. Flint

6th Language Arts Mrs. Flint Mason Creek MS—room C104 Phone #: 770-651-2533 Email: [email protected] (preferred method of contact) Remind Code: Text to 81010 @msflint6 Website: http://masoncreek.dcm.schoolinsites.com/-- click school staff –click Flint, Nicka

Meet the Teacher: My name is Nicka Flint. I am entering my 8th year of teaching with previous experiences in grades 5-8. I graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s degree in English and minors in Mass Communication. I also graduated from Georgia State University with my Masters in Teaching in May, 2010. Lastly, I completed my Specialist in Educational Leadership from Columbus State University in May, 2016.

Teacher Responsibilities As your child’s teacher, it is my responsibility to: * Provide instruction that will help students be successful in English/Language Arts and Writing. * Ensure that a positive and safe learning environment is maintained. * Maintain up-to-date information regarding students’ performance and make that information accessible to the respective parents. * Maintain communication with parents/guardians via email, letters, or phone calls.

Student Responsibilities It is the responsibility of ALL students to: * Follow classroom and school rules and procedures as outlined by the teacher and the Mason Creek Middle School Student and Parent Handbook. * Complete and submit all assignments in a timely manner. * Find out about missed assignments. * Bring required materials daily. * Maintain organized materials. Parental Responsibilities Parents have a responsibility to be actively involved in their child’s education. I am always willing to discuss your child’s academic and social progress with you. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns. It is the parents’ responsibility to: * Sign student’s agenda and monitor student’s Law of the Pack progress daily. * Reinforce the importance of abiding by school and classroom rules regarding behavior and academics. * Communicate with the teacher via email, letters, agenda, or phone calls. * Keep updated on their child’s grades via portal. If you do not have a portal account to check your child’s grades online, please check with the media center to obtain an account. ELA Course Description: Class Description: The purpose of this language arts class is to increase communications skills through reading, writing, speaking, and the study of the English language throughout daily instruction and activities. During this course, we will focus on mastering the areas within writing styles, grammar and oral expression.

Our major units of study will include but are not limited to:

 Narrative writing*  Expository writing (descriptive, explanation, comparison and contrast, problem/solution)*  Persuasive writing/Speech writing and delivery*  Vocabulary  grammar and conventions STUDENTS KEEP THIS PAGE; put in binder/folder for the year 6th Language Arts Mrs. Flint Daily Supplies: 1. 2 composition 2. Writing utensils 3. Agenda/Law of the Pack 4. Vocabulary Words (flashcards to be assigned on a weekly or biweekly basis) Grading Policy: The grading scale and weights are predetermined by Douglas County Schools and are as follows: 100-90 A 70 D 89-80 B 69 or lower  Failing 79-71 C A standardized grading policy is also predetermined and includes various aspects of classroom performance. Grade weight parameters are as follows: 1. Supportive: 30%  classwork and homework 2. Formative 30%  quizzes, ticket-out-the-door, and warm-ups 3. Summative: 40%  tests, CDAs, Projects Homework: Homework is designed for students to practice and review the concepts covered in class. It is also a way for students to discover problem areas within those concepts. Students may expect to have homework nightly, including weekends. Assignments will be graded in one of two ways. 1. Completion—based on whether or not the students completed the activity. 2. Accuracy—based on the actual accuracy of the student’s answer or responses. Side note: Anything turned in such as homework, tests, quizzes, projects, etc must have the students’ name, date, and period. Technology: 1. Remind.com is a website and app for teachers to utilize to send reminders via text messaging to students as well as to keep parents informed on what is happening in the classroom. A teacher may utilize it by informing students/parents when a homework assignment is due or to remind them of an event happening within the classroom or school. Please sign up by sending a text message with the code mentioned at the top. 2. Technology will be utilized within the classroom for instructional purposes with teacher permission. Some examples of technology include using “NoRedInk”, Engrade, Brainpop, etc.

Late Work: Work must be turned in on time. If there is a reason work will not be turned in on time, parent contact must be made to me asking for an extension before assignment is to be turned in. Each day late is minus 10%. Please understand that on day 4, the assignment will no longer be a passing grade. 6th Language Arts Mrs. Flint STUDENTS KEEP THIS PAGE; put in binder/folder for the year

Absences: When students are absent from class, it is their responsibility to determine what was covered in class while they were absent. It is best to contact Ms. Flint so she can get materials ready to be sent home or emailed so the student comes back with the work missed completed. If contact was not made, there is a “While You Were Out” Crate in the classroom, students find the day(s) they were absent remove, read, and take any materials they need to be successful on the assignment. There is also a table of contents in the class to inform you what is to be in your notebook completed. Students must put ABSENT and the date they were absent on the assignment to alleviate the assignment being submitted as late. Students have one week to complete missed work before a Late Grade is added.

Extra Credit: When opportunities arise, you will be notified immediately.

Cheating: Cheating is prohibited, and if it happens, both parties will get a zero for the particular assignment.

Discipline Process: Mason Creek Middle School uses Law of the Pack. See student handbook for how it is used.

Supply/Wish List: Teacher Wish List:

Really Need: Cleaning wipes, Dry-erase markers, paper towels, highlighters, Kleenex, post-it notes, hand sanitizer, an electric pencil sharpener, colored printer paper, or gift certificates to Walmart, etc.

Really Want: Electric pencil sharpener, colored printer paper, fine-tipped markers, Window Markers

ELA Supply List:

1. 2 composition notebooks or spiral notebook. One will be kept in my classroom for writing. ( This will be required by Thursday of the first week of school)

(The following items can be brought by Monday the 14th)

2. Pens/pencils

3. Paper and/or a section or folder where they can keep notes from my class. Most of our work will be done using the composition folders but they may need additional paper or a place to keep work that was turned back in to them.

4. Art supplies…Most recommended are fine-tipped colored markers (markers, crayons).

5. 2 highlighters. (One yellow and one of a different color of their choice.)

6. Recommended: Flash drive to save work or research conducted. 6th Language Arts Mrs. Flint

Please sign this page and bring back to class. Signature Page

1. We (parent/guardian(s) and student) understand what is to be expected within the Language Arts classroom setting regarding Mrs. Flint’s and the schools expectations and policies.

2. We understand the Law of the Pack expectations and will ask if we have any questions.

3. We know that we must sign the agenda on a daily basis and it can be another form of contact.

4. We know that the Remind App is a one-way text messaging system for Mrs. Flint to remind students and inform parents of due dates and activities within the LA classroom.

5. We know that Mrs. Flint is a source for help, guidance, and support and can be contacted via email (preferred) or phone.

6. We know that Ms. Flint has a classroom website where we may find additional resources.

Remind App. Text to 81010 @msflint6

Circle one: My child DOES or DOES NOT have internet access.


(Parent’s Cell Number) (Parent’s Email)

______(Parent’s Signature) (Date) 6th Language Arts Mrs. Flint

______(Student’s Name Print legibly) (Period) (Date)

This form must be signed and turned in by: ______1 point will be deducted from the Law of the Pack card if not turned in by this date.


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