Dicots Family Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Identification Aceraceae Acer rubrum Red maple Rose Lake

Amaranthaceae Amaranthus tuberculatus Water hemp Gietzel

Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron vernix Poison sumac Rose Lake

Aquifoliaceae Nemopanthus mucronatus Mountain-holly, cat Rose Lake berry Asteraceae Aster sp. Aster Rose Lake

Aster borealis Northern bog-aster Rose Lake Aster puniceus Bristly-stem aster Rose Lake Bidens sp. Beggars-ticks All

Bidens cernua Nodding beggars-ticks Bengel Bidens comosa Strawstem beggar-ticks Gietzel Bidens coronata Northern tickseed- sunflower Bengel Cirsium palustre Marsh thistle (exotic) Bengel

Eupatorium perfoliatum Boneset Bengel

Solidago sp. Goldenrod All

Solidago patula Rough-leaved goldenrod Bengel, Gietzel Solidago riddellii Riddell’s goldenrod Bengel, Rose Lake Xanthium chinense Cocklebur Gietzel

Betulaceae Betula pumila Bog birch Rose Lake

Caprifoliaceae Viburnum nudum Withe-rod, wild raisin Bengel

Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium glaucum Oak-leaved Gietzel goosefoot Clusiaceae Hypericum boreale Northern St. John's- Bengel wort Droseraceae Drosera rotundifolia Round Leaved Rose Lake Sundew Ericaceae Chamaedaphnae calyculata Leatherleaf Rose Lake

Gaylussacia baccata Black Huckleberry Rose Lake

Vaccinium angustifolium Lowbush blueberry Rose Lake

Vaccinium macrocarpon Cranberry Rose Lake

Lamiaceae Lycopus sp. Water-horehound Bengel, Rose Lake Lycopus americanus American water-horehound Bengel Lycopus uniflorus Northern Water-horehound Rose Lake Mentha arvensis Field-mint Rose Lake

Lythraceae Decodon verticillatus Whorled loosestrife Rose Lake Polygonaceae Polygonum pensylvanicum Pennsylvania Gietzel smartweed Polygonum sagittatum Arrowleaved Bengel tearthumb Ranunculaceae Ranunculus scleratus Cursed crowfoot Gietzel

Rhamnaceae Rhamnus cathartica Common buckthorn Rose Lake

Rhamnus frangula Glossy buckthorn Rose Lake

Rosaceae Potentilla palustris Marsh cinquefoil Rose Lake

Prunus virginiana Chokecherry Rose Lake

Rosa palustrus Swamp rose Rose Lake

Rubus idaeus Wild red raspberry Rose Lake

Rubus hispidus Swamp dewberry Rose Lake

Rubus setosus Bristly Blackberry Rose Lake

Spirea alba Meadowsweet Rose Lake

Spirea tomentosa Hardhack, steeple- Bengel bush Rubiaceae Galium boreale Northern bedstraw Bengel

Salicaceae Populus deltoids Eastern cottonwood Gietzel

Salix sp. Willow Gietzel, Rose Lake Salix amygdaloides Peach-leaf willow Gietzel Salix candida Sage-leaf willow Gietzel Salix myricoides Bayberry willow Rose Lake Salix nigra Black willow Rose Lake Salix petiolaris Meadow willow Rose Lake Salix serissima Autumn willow Rose Lake Sarraceniaceae Sarracenia purpurea Pitcher-plant Rose Lake

Scrophulariaceae Agalinis purpurea Smooth agalinis, Bengel purple false foxglove Mimulus ringens Square-stemmed Gietzel monkey-flower Violaceae Viola sp. Violet Rose Lake Monocots Family Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Identification Alismataceae Alisma plantago-aquatica Water-plantain Gietzel

Araceae Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit Rose Lake

Cyperaceae Carex sp. Sedge Bengel, Gietzel

Scirpus sp. bulrush Bengel

Iridaceae Iris sp. Iris Bengel

Juncaceae Juncus sp. rush Bengel, Gietzel

Typhaceae Typha sp. Cat-tail Bengel,Gietzel, Rose Lake

Mosses, Ferns, and Gymnosperms Family Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Identification Sphagnaceae Sphagnum sp. Sphagnum Bengel, Rose Lake Osmundaceae Osmunda regalis Royal ferm Rose Lake Thelypteridaceae Thelyptris palustris Marsh Fern Rose Lake Pinaceae Larix laricina Tamarack, eastern Rose Lake Larch

Note: Species listed in the smaller font were found at one of the research sites, but will not be on the final.