Schema UTB.Xsd

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Schema UTB.Xsd

Schema UTB.xsd

schema location: C:\Work\GDS-I\UTB\UTB.xsd attribute form default: element form default:

Element Complex types Simple types s UTB AirGun_type AuxType_type AuxData_type ShotStatus_type AuxLink_type Units_type AuxTrace_type COG_type Exceptions_type FieldRecord_type GpsPosition_type Impulsive_type LineSegmentList_typ e Point_type Receivers_type Shot_type ShotController_type Source_type SqrTempl_type VibLimits_type VibParams_type VibQC_type VibQcValues_type Vibrator_type VibratorsFleet_type element UTB diagram

properties conten complex t children Client DescriptionOfSurveyArea LicenseBlock GeophysicalContractor PositioningContractor Crew Operator FileCreated DateOfSurvey Comments FieldRecord

attributes Name Type Use Default Fixed annotation version xs:string required documentation Unified Time Break File Veriosn annotation documentation Root element of UTB file. Each UTB file contains array of FieldRecords. source Root element of UTB file. Each UTB file contains array of FieldRecords. The client's company name. The name of the country, survey area, survey type and project number. The company name of the main seismic contractor, and the seismic party name. The company name of contractor or sub-contractor responsible for the positioning/survey control in the field. The date of recording first shotpoint of survey and the last date of survey on this file any other comments Unified Time Break File Veriosn

attribute UTB/@version type xs:string

properties isRef 0 use required annotation documentation Unified Time Break File Veriosn source Unified Time Break File Veriosn

element UTB/Client diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation The client's company name. source The client's company name.

element UTB/DescriptionOfSurveyArea diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation The name of the country, survey area, survey type and project number. source The name of the country, survey area, survey type and project number.

element UTB/LicenseBlock diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element UTB/GeophysicalContractor diagram

type xs:string properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation The company name of the main seismic contractor, and the seismic party name. source The company name of the main seismic contractor, and the seismic party name.

element UTB/PositioningContractor diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation The company name of contractor or sub-contractor responsible for the positioning/survey control in the field. source The company name of contractor or sub-contractor responsible for the positioning/survey control in the field.

element UTB/Crew diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source element UTB/Operator diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element UTB/FileCreated diagram

type xs:dateTime

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element UTB/DateOfSurvey diagram

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children First Last source The date of recording first shotpoint of survey and the last date of survey on this file

element UTB/DateOfSurvey/First diagram

type xs:dateTime

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation The date of recording first shotpoint of survey source The date of recording first shotpoint of survey

element UTB/DateOfSurvey/Last diagram

type xs:dateTime

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation and the last date of survey on this file source and the last date of survey on this file element UTB/Comments diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation any other comments source any other comments

element UTB/FieldRecord diagram

type FieldRecord_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc unbounded content complex children FileNumber ShotPoint Shot ListenTime Comment DateTime Receivers source

complexType AirGun_type diagram

children ID GpsPosition Delay

used by element Source_type/AirGun source (usec)

element AirGun_type/ID diagram

type xs:int

properties isRef 0 content simple source element AirGun_type/GpsPosition diagram

type GpsPosition_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children Lat Lon Alt Time PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP Satellites Age Quality source

element AirGun_type/Delay diagram

type xs:float properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content simple annotation documentation (usec) source (usec)

complexType AuxData_type diagram

children Type SampleInterval Sample Units Gain

used by element AuxTrace_type/AuxData

annotation documentation Source Signature Traces: Sweep, Reaction Mass Acc, Base Plate Acc. source Source Signature Traces: Sweep, Reaction Mass Acc, Base Plate Acc. (sec) Aux. trace's data Signal Unit type Units's conversion

element AuxData_type/Type diagram

type restriction of AuxType_type

properties isRef 0 content simple source

element AuxData_type/SampleInterval diagram

type xs:double

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation (sec) source (sec)

element AuxData_type/Sample diagram

type xs:double

properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content simple annotation documentation Aux. trace's data source Aux. trace's data

element AuxData_type/Units diagram

type Units_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation Signal Unit type source Signal Unit type

element AuxData_type/Gain diagram

type xs:double properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple default 1 annotation documentation Units's conversion source Units's conversion

complexType AuxLink_type diagram

children ID Point Type

used by element AuxTrace_type/AuxLink

annotation documentation Source Signature Traces: Sweep, Reaction Mass Acc, Base Plate Acc. source Source Signature Traces: Sweep, Reaction Mass Acc, Base Plate Acc. Node's S/N

element AuxLink_type/ID diagram type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation Node's S/N source Node's S/N

element AuxLink_type/Point diagram

type Point_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children Line Station source

element AuxLink_type/Type diagram

type AuxType_type

properties isRef 0 content simple source

complexType AuxTrace_type diagram children AuxLink AuxData

used by elements Vibrator_type/AuxTrace Shot_type/AuxTrace ShotController_type/UpholeTrace annotation documentation Source Signature Traces: Sweep, Reaction Mass Acc, Base Plate Acc. source Source Signature Traces: Sweep, Reaction Mass Acc, Base Plate Acc.

element AuxTrace_type/AuxLink diagram

type AuxLink_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children ID Point Type source element AuxTrace_type/AuxData diagram

type AuxData_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children Type SampleInterval Sample Units Gain source complexType COG_type diagram

type extension of GpsPosition_type

properties base GpsPosition_type

children Lat Lon Alt Time PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP Satellites Age Quality StatisticData

used by element Shot_type/COG

annotation documentation Source COG. Note: Add Average method description. source Source COG. Note: Add Average method description.

element COG_type/StatisticData diagram

properties isRef 0 source

complexType Exceptions_type diagram

children Point Segment

used by element Receivers_type/Exceptions source

element Exceptions_type/Point diagram

type Point_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content complex children Line Station source

element Exceptions_type/Segment diagram

type LineSegmentList_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content complex children Line Station1 Station2 Station source complexType FieldRecord_type diagram

children FileNumber ShotPoint Shot ListenTime Comment DateTime Receivers

used by element UTB/FieldRecord

annotation documentation Describes one completed Shot Point. source Describes one completed Shot Point. Original Field Record File Number Collection of shots on the same shot point (sec) Observer's comments Time form Observer's report Active Receiver Points

element FieldRecord_type/FileNumber diagram

type xs:positiveInteger

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation Original Field Record File Number source Original Field Record File Number

element FieldRecord_type/ShotPoint diagram type Point_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children Line Station source

element FieldRecord_type/Shot diagram

type Shot_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content complex children ShotID EpID Status Source TimeBreak COG Index AuxTrace

annotation documentation Collection of shots on the same shot point source Collection of shots on the same shot point element FieldRecord_type/ListenTime diagram

type xs:double

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation (sec) source (sec)

element FieldRecord_type/Comment diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation Observer's comments source Observer's comments

element FieldRecord_type/DateTime diagram

type xs:dateTime

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation Time form Observer's report source Time form Observer's report

element FieldRecord_type/Receivers diagram

type Receivers_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children SquareTemplate Point Segment Exceptions

annotation documentation Active Receiver Points source Active Receiver Points complexType GpsPosition_type diagram

children Lat Lon Alt Time PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP Satellites Age Quality

used by elements VibQC_type/GpsPosition ShotController_type/GpsPosition AirGun_type/GpsPosition Impulsive_type/GpsPosition complexType COG_type annotation documentation Position Structure. Note: Add statistical info. source Position Structure. Note: Add statistical info. degrees degrees meters Unix time (ns) time dilution of precision Age of correction (sec) $GPGGA fix quality

element GpsPosition_type/Lat diagram

type xs:double

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation degrees source degrees

element GpsPosition_type/Lon diagram

type xs:double

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation degrees source degrees

element GpsPosition_type/Alt diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation meters source meters

element GpsPosition_type/Time diagram

type xs:unsignedLong

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation Unix time (ns) source Unix time (ns)

element GpsPosition_type/PDOP diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element GpsPosition_type/HDOP diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element GpsPosition_type/VDOP diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element GpsPosition_type/TDOP diagram type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation time dilution of precision source time dilution of precision

element GpsPosition_type/Satellites diagram

type xs:unsignedShort

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element GpsPosition_type/Age diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation Age of correction (sec) source Age of correction (sec)

element GpsPosition_type/Quality diagram

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 annotation documentation $GPGGA fix quality source $GPGGA fix quality

complexType Impulsive_type diagram

children ID GpsPosition Delay

used by element Source_type/Impulsive source (usec)

element Impulsive_type/ID diagram

type xs:int

properties isRef 0 content simple source element Impulsive_type/GpsPosition diagram

type GpsPosition_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children Lat Lon Alt Time PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP Satellites Age Quality source

element Impulsive_type/Delay diagram

type xs:float properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content simple annotation documentation (usec) source (usec)

complexType LineSegmentList_type diagram

children Line Station1 Station2 Station

used by elements Receivers_type/Segment Exceptions_type/Segment annotation documentation List of Active Receivers by Line Segments. source List of Active Receivers by Line Segments. Segment Explicit List

element LineSegmentList_type/Line diagram

type xs:decimal

properties isRef 0 content simple source

element LineSegmentList_type/Station1 diagram

type xs:decimal

properties isRef 0 content simple source

element LineSegmentList_type/Station2 diagram

type xs:decimal

properties isRef 0 content simple source

element LineSegmentList_type/Station diagram

type xs:decimal

properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content simple annotation documentation Explicit List source Explicit List

complexType Point_type diagram

children Line Station

used by elements SqrTempl_type/P1 SqrTempl_type/P2 AuxLink_type/Point Receivers_type/Point Exceptions_type/Point FieldRecord_type/ShotPoint annotation documentation Single Shot or Reciever Point Coordinate (from SPS file). source Single Shot or Reciever Point Coordinate (from SPS file).

element Point_type/Line diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 content simple source

element Point_type/Station diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 content simple source

complexType Receivers_type diagram

children SquareTemplate Point Segment Exceptions

used by element FieldRecord_type/Receivers

annotation documentation Active receivers description (from XPS file). source Active receivers description (from XPS file). Square Receiver Template Explicit Receiver Template

element Receivers_type/SquareTemplate diagram

type SqrTempl_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children P1 P2

annotation documentation Square Receiver Template source Square Receiver Template

element Receivers_type/Point diagram

type Point_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content complex children Line Station

annotation documentation Explicit Receiver Template source Explicit Receiver Template element Receivers_type/Segment diagram

type LineSegmentList_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 1 maxOcc unbounded content complex children Line Station1 Station2 Station source

element Receivers_type/Exceptions diagram

type Exceptions_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc unbounded content complex children Point Segment source complexType Shot_type diagram

children ShotID EpID Status Source TimeBreak COG Index AuxTrace

used by element FieldRecord_type/Shot

annotation documentation Single shot event description. source Single shot event description. SweepID, ShotID, etc ... Production, Test, Void Unix time (nanoseconds) Combined position of all sources on the same shot point SPS point index

element Shot_type/ShotID diagram

type xs:positiveInteger

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation SweepID, ShotID, etc ... source SweepID, ShotID, etc ...

element Shot_type/EpID diagram

type xs:positiveInteger

properties isRef 0 content simple source element Shot_type/Status diagram

type ShotStatus_type

properties isRef 0 content simple default Production facets Kind Value annotation enumeration Production enumeration Test enumeration Void enumeration Other annotation documentation Production, Test, Void source Production, Test, Void

element Shot_type/Source diagram

type Source_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children InstrumentType InstrumentVersion VibratorsFleet ShotController AirGun Impulsive Other source element Shot_type/TimeBreak diagram

type xs:unsignedLong

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation Unix time (nanoseconds) source Unix time (nanoseconds) element Shot_type/COG diagram

type COG_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children Lat Lon Alt Time PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP Satellites Age Quality StatisticData

annotation documentation Combined position of all sources on the same shot point source Combined position of all sources on the same shot point element Shot_type/Index diagram

type xs:positiveInteger

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation SPS point index source SPS point index

element Shot_type/AuxTrace diagram

type AuxTrace_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc unbounded content complex children AuxLink AuxData source complexType ShotController_type diagram

children ID GpsPosition CTB Uphole WindowOffset CapResistance GeophoneResistance Battery Status UpholeTrace

used by element Source_type/ShotController source Confirmation Time Break (usec) (msec) (msec) (Ohm) (Ohm) (V)

element ShotController_type/ID diagram

type xs:int

properties isRef 0 content simple source element ShotController_type/GpsPosition diagram

type GpsPosition_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children Lat Lon Alt Time PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP Satellites Age Quality source

element ShotController_type/CTB diagram

type xs:double

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation Confirmation Time Break (usec) source Confirmation Time Break (usec)

element ShotController_type/Uphole diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation (msec) source (msec)

element ShotController_type/WindowOffset diagram

type xs:int

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation (msec) source (msec)

element ShotController_type/CapResistance diagram

type xs:float properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation (Ohm) source (Ohm)

element ShotController_type/GeophoneResistance diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation (Ohm) source (Ohm)

element ShotController_type/Battery diagram

type xs:double

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation (V) source (V)

element ShotController_type/Status diagram

type xs:int properties isRef 0 content simple source

element ShotController_type/UpholeTrace diagram

type AuxTrace_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children AuxLink AuxData source

complexType Source_type diagram

children InstrumentType InstrumentVersion VibratorsFleet ShotController AirGun Impulsive Other

used by element Shot_type/Source

annotation documentation Source Type, Parameters and QC. source Source Type, Parameters and QC.

element Source_type/InstrumentType diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element Source_type/InstrumentVersion diagram

type xs:string

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source element Source_type/VibratorsFleet diagram

type VibratorsFleet_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children ID SweepLength Vibrator source element Source_type/ShotController diagram

type ShotController_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children ID GpsPosition CTB Uphole WindowOffset CapResistance GeophoneResistance Battery Status UpholeTrace source element Source_type/AirGun diagram

type AirGun_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children ID GpsPosition Delay source

element Source_type/Impulsive diagram

type Impulsive_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children ID GpsPosition Delay source

element Source_type/Other diagram

properties isRef 0 source complexType SqrTempl_type diagram

children P1 P2

used by element Receivers_type/SquareTemplate

annotation documentation Square Template (Top/Left, Bottom/Right). source Square Template (Top/Left, Bottom/Right).

element SqrTempl_type/P1 diagram

type Point_type

properties isRef 0 content complex children Line Station source

element SqrTempl_type/P2 diagram

type Point_type properties isRef 0 content complex children Line Station source

complexType VibLimits_type diagram

children Force Mass Valve Excitation Pressure

used by element VibQC_type/Limits

annotation documentation Control limits reached during the sweep. source Control limits reached during the sweep.

element VibLimits_type/Force diagram

type xs:boolean

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple default false source

element VibLimits_type/Mass diagram

type xs:boolean

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple default false source

element VibLimits_type/Valve diagram

type xs:boolean

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple default false source

element VibLimits_type/Excitation diagram

type xs:boolean

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple default false source

element VibLimits_type/Pressure diagram

type xs:boolean

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple default false source

complexType VibParams_type diagram

children HoldDownWeight BasePlateWeight MassWeight MaxPeakForce PistonArea ForceOut BasePlateArea

used by element Vibrator_type/Parameters

annotation documentation Vibrator's control parameters: Weights, Force Out, etc source Vibrator's control parameters: Weights, Force Out, etc percents element VibParams_type/HoldDownWeight diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 content simple source

element VibParams_type/BasePlateWeight diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 content simple source

element VibParams_type/MassWeight diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 content simple source

element VibParams_type/MaxPeakForce diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element VibParams_type/PistonArea diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element VibParams_type/ForceOut diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple annotation documentation percents source percents

element VibParams_type/BasePlateArea diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

complexType VibQC_type diagram

children Limits Values GpsPosition SweepCheckSum ParamCheckSum

used by element Vibrator_type/QC

annotation documentation Single Vibrator QC report data (PSS). source Single Vibrator QC report data (PSS).

element VibQC_type/Limits diagram

type VibLimits_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children Force Mass Valve Excitation Pressure source element VibQC_type/Values diagram

type VibQcValues_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children AvgPhase PeakPhase AvgForce PeakForce AvgDist PeakDist source element VibQC_type/GpsPosition diagram

type GpsPosition_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children Lat Lon Alt Time PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP Satellites Age Quality source

element VibQC_type/SweepCheckSum diagram

type xs:unsignedInt

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element VibQC_type/ParamCheckSum diagram

type xs:unsignedInt

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

complexType VibQcValues_type diagram

children AvgPhase PeakPhase AvgForce PeakForce AvgDist PeakDist

used by element VibQC_type/Values

annotation documentation Standard 6 values from Vibraror's post-sweep QC report (PSS). source Standard 6 values from Vibraror's post-sweep QC report (PSS). element VibQcValues_type/AvgPhase diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element VibQcValues_type/PeakPhase diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element VibQcValues_type/AvgForce diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element VibQcValues_type/PeakForce diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source element VibQcValues_type/AvgDist diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

element VibQcValues_type/PeakDist diagram

type xs:float

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple source

complexType Vibrator_type diagram

children ID QC Parameters AuxTrace Failed

used by element VibratorsFleet_type/Vibrator

annotation documentation Sweep, QC, Aux Traces source Sweep, QC, Aux Traces Vibrator's ID It is true if vibrator missed start or sweep was aborted

element Vibrator_type/ID diagram

properties isRef 0

annotation documentation Vibrator's ID source Vibrator's ID element Vibrator_type/QC diagram

type VibQC_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children Limits Values GpsPosition SweepCheckSum ParamCheckSum source

element Vibrator_type/Parameters diagram

type VibParams_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content complex children HoldDownWeight BasePlateWeight MassWeight MaxPeakForce PistonArea ForceOut BasePlateArea source element Vibrator_type/AuxTrace diagram

type AuxTrace_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc unbounded content complex children AuxLink AuxData source

element Vibrator_type/Failed diagram

type xs:boolean

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc 1 content simple default false annotation documentation It is true if vibrator missed start or sweep was aborted source It is true if vibrator missed start or sweep was aborted complexType VibratorsFleet_type diagram

children ID SweepLength Vibrator

used by element Source_type/VibratorsFleet

annotation documentation Vibrator's Group/Fleet description. source Vibrator's Group/Fleet description. Fleet's ID Sweep Length value in sec for correctation function List of vibs

element VibratorsFleet_type/ID diagram type xs:unsignedShort

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation Fleet's ID source Fleet's ID

element VibratorsFleet_type/SweepLength diagram

type xs:double

properties isRef 0 content simple annotation documentation Sweep Length value in sec for correctation function source Sweep Length value in sec for correctation function element VibratorsFleet_type/Vibrator diagram

type Vibrator_type

properties isRef 0 minOcc 0 maxOcc unbounded content complex children ID QC Parameters AuxTrace Failed

annotation documentation List of vibs source List of vibs

simpleType AuxType_type type union of (restriction of xs:string, restriction of xs:string)

used by elements AuxData_type/Type AuxLink_type/Type

annotation documentation Aux Trace type. (todo:extend types) source Aux Trace type. (todo:extend types)

simpleType ShotStatus_type type restriction of xs:string

properties base xs:string

used by element Shot_type/Status

facets Kind Value annotation enumeration Production enumeration Test enumeration Void enumeration Other annotation documentation Status for a single shot source Status for a single shot

simpleType Units_type type union of (restriction of xs:string, restriction of xs:string)

used by element AuxData_type/Units

annotation documentation Aux Trace Data type source Aux Trace Data type

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor

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