1St Grade CCSS-M Curriculum Maps

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1St Grade CCSS-M Curriculum Maps

1st Grade CCSS-M Curriculum Maps Washakie School District #2 Example Scope and Sequence Overview

Unit of Domain, Cluster and Study Standards Domain: Ratios and Proportional 1 Relationships Cluster: Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning Dotom saolin:ve The probl Numbems.er 2 System Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to diviDdeo mfraacin:tio Thens b Numby fracetior ns. 3 System Cluster: Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common faDocmtoarin:s a ndThe multipl Numbeesr. 4 System Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the sysDotmemain: of raExtioprenssal ionumbens anrds. 5 Equations Cluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to Doamlgaein:bra iExc exprpessresiosnions asn. d 6 Equations Cluster: Reason about and solve one-variable equations Domandin: inExeprqueasslitieionss. and 7 Equations Cluster: Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independDomeantin: variables. 8 Geometry Cluster: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surfaDomcaein: ar eSatati, andsti cvsolu andme. Probability 9 Clusters: Develop understanding of statistical variability. Summarize and describe Unit of Study 1 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 1.OA Cluster: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Standard(s): 1. 1. Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. 2. 2. Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can:  Solve addition word problems up to add (+) 20 using a strategy of their choice. addend  Solve subtraction word problems compare within 20 using a strategy of their choice. difference  Write an equation using the correct equal (=) symbols to solve word problems up to 20. equation solve  Solve a story problem with three subtract (-) numbers up to 20 and an unknown addend. sum  Use objects, drawings, or equations symbol with a symbol to find the unknown addend unknown in a story problem. Unit of Study 1 - Additional Resources

A ddi t ion Wi t hin Ten Sheppard Software - Bugabaloo - Game - http : // www .sh e ppard s o f t w are.c o m/ m a t hga me s/ear l ymat h /buga b alooS h oe s .htm HMH School Publishers - Busy Bees - Game - h t tp:// www .hb s c h oo l . com/ a ct i vit y /bu s y_b e e s /in d e x .h t ml Fun School Carnival Math - Go-Go Go-Karts - Game - ht t p://fun s cho o l.k a boo s e .c o m/fo r mu la - f u sio n /car n i v a l /ga m e s /g a me_g o - g o_go- k arts. h tml Ambleside Primary - Number Bond Machines - Interactive Applet - http:// www .a m ble s i deprima r y. c o m/ a mb l e w eb / m e ntalma t hs/ n umber b ond.h t ml Education Place - Find a Friend - Game - http: / / www .edu p lace . com / ki d s/h m m/ s w fs / faf_ g rade1.h t ml HMH School Publishers - Great Day for Number Lines - Interactive Applet - h ttp:// w w w .harcourt s cho o l.c o m/a c ti v ity / number l ine1 _ 5_04/ NLVM - Base Blocks Addition - Interactive Applet - http:/ / nlvm . u s u. e du/en / na v /f r am e s _ a s id_ 1 54_g _ 1_t_1 .html Cookie - Add Numbers - Interactive Applet - ht t p:// www .c o o k ie . com / ki d s/ga m e s /a d d -nu m bers.h t ml PBS Kids - Curious George’s Busy Day - Museum of Tens Game - http:/ / pb s kid s .org/ cu riou s g e orge/b u sy d a y /t e n/ Ambleside Primary School - Number Bonds Machine - Practice - ht t p:// www .ambl e si de pri m ar y .co m /am b le w eb/ m ent a l m at h s/nu m berbo n d.ht m l Education Place - Using Symbols to Add - Student Tutorial - http:// e dupl a ce . co m / cg i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup.thtml&grade=1&chapter=2&lesson=3&title=Use+Symbo ls+to+Add&tm=tmfb0203e Education Place - Addition Facts Through Ten - Student Tutorial - http:/ / edup l a c e . com / cg i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup_k.thtml&grade=K&title=Addition+Facts+Through+10&tm=tmfa011 5e HMH School Publishers - Adding Bricks - Game - ht t p:// w ww .harcourt s choo l .c o m/a c t i v i t y/add i ng_br i c k s_ k / Education Place - eManipulative Number Line - h ttp:// w w w .edup l a ce. c o m/ c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/kids/hmm/manip/mn_popup.thtml&filename=nmbl_prim&title=Numb er%20Line&grade=K Education Place - eManipulatives Counters - ht t p:// www .edup l a c e. c o m/ c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? Assessment Unit of Study 1 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments Unit of Study 2 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 1.OA Cluster: Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Standard(s): 3. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. Examples: If 8 + 3 = 11 is known, then 3 + 8 = 11 is also known. (Commutative property of addition.) To add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten, so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12. (Associative property of addition.) *Students need not use formal terms for these properties. 4. Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. For example, subtract 10 – 8 by finding the number that makes 10 when added to 8. Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can: Add and subtract in ways that make sense [to addend me]. strategies Apply properties of operations as strategies to addunknown and subtract problems within 20. Add two numbers in any order to get the same sum. Explain strategy used to add and subtract. Write a subtraction number sentence and its related addition number sentence. Use addition facts to subtract. Model using addends and sums to subtract. Identify patterns in the writing of number families.

 Unit of Study 2 - Additional Resources

Pr ope r ties Learnthings - Commutative Property - Student Tutorial - http:// www .ngf l - c ymru . org.u k / v tc/co u nt_on _ me/e n g/Intr o du c t i on/ s tarte r a c t i vi t y.htm Learnthings - Same or Different (Commutative Property) - Interactive Applet - http:// w ww .ngf l - cymru . org.u k /vt c /co u nt_on _m e/eng/Int r odu c t ion / ma i n se s si o npart1.h t m

Assessment Unit of Study 2 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments Unit of Study 3 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Counting and Cardinality 1.OA Cluster: Add and subtract within 20.

Standard(s): 5. Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting on 2 to add 2). 6. Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g., 13 – 4 = 13 – 3 – 1 = 10 – 1 = 9); using the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., knowing that 8 + 4 = 12, one knows 12 – 8 = Math Content Objectives Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can: Identify which group of objects is greater than addition another group of objects. counting Apply concepts of counting on and counting fluency back. strategies Identify numbers. subtraction Use objects to count. Explain why and how a number gets bigger or smaller. Construct a model to show addition or subtraction. Recall addition and subtraction problems up to 10 fluently. Use manipulatives to demonstrate different strategies. Explain the strategy used to solve problems up to 20. Unit of Study 3 - Additional Resources

C ompa r ing N umbe r s 1-5 PBS Kids - Curious George’s Busy Day - Bug Catcher Game - http: / /pb s ki d s.org / curio u sgeorge / bu s yda y / bug s / Education Place - eManipulatives Connecting Cubes - ht t p:// www .edup l a c e. c o m/ c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/kids/hmm/manip/mn_popup.thtml&filename=connectingcubes&title=Connecting %20Cubes&grade=K Education Place - More, Fewer, Same - Student Tutorial - http:// www .edupl a ce . co m / cg i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/kids/mw/help/eh_popup_k.thtml&grade=K&title=More,+Fewer,+Same&tm=tmfa0104e

S ub tr action Wi t hin Ten Education Place - Subtract in Vertical Form - Student Tutorial - http:// e dupl a ce . co m / c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup.thtml&grade=1&chapter=3&lesson=7&title=Subtract+in+Ve rtical+Form&tm=tmfb0307e BBC - The Little Animals Activity Centre - Game - ht t p:// w ww .bb c .co. u k/ s cho o l s / l aa c / nu mber s / ch2 .shtml Sheppard Software - Matching Subtraction - Interactive Applet - http:// www .sh e ppar d soft w are. c om/ m athg a me s / ma t ch i ng / mat c hin g _subt r act i on.h t m Cookie - Mission Subtraction - Game - http:// www .co o k i e . co m /pr e s c h ool/ g am e s/ m i s s i on-subtra c tion. h tml Toy Theater - Bug Catcher - Game - h ttp://t o ythe a ter.c o m / bu g -ca t cher.p h p Education Place - Subtraction Facts Through 10 - Student Tutorial - http:/ / edu p lace . c o m/ c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup_k.thtml&grade=K&title=Subtraction+Facts+Through+10&tm=tmfa 0116e Education Place - eManipulatives Connecting Cubes - ht t p:// www .edup l a c e. c o m/ c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/kids/hmm/manip/mn_popup.thtml&filename=connectingcubes&title=Connecting %20Cubes&grade=K UEN - “Addition and Subtraction in Center Time” Lesson - http:// www .uen.org / Le s sonp l an/pre v ie w .cg i ?L P id= 1 4164

Lite r atu r e E levator Mag i c by Stuart J. Murphy The H ersh e y’s K i s s es S ubt r a c tion Bo o k by Jerry Pallotta H ow Many Fe e t in t he Bed by Diane Johnston Hamm H ow Many M i c e ? by Michael Garland Assessment Unit of Study 3 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments Unit of Study 4 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 1.OA

SCltandausterd(s)r: Work: with addition and subtraction equations. 7. Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. For example, which of the following equations are true and which are false? 6 = 6, 7 = 8 – 1, 5 + 2 = 2 + 5, 4 + 1 =5 + 2. 8. Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in each of the equations 8 + ? = 11, 5 = _ – 3, 6 + 6 = _.

Math Content Objectives Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can:  Explain that the equal sign means add (+) “the same as”. addition  Determine whether an addition or balanced equation subtraction number sentence is true or false. determine  Prove an equation is balanced with equal (=) the equal sign in any position. equation(s)  Use manipulatives to show how the number sentence two sides of an equation are equal. plus/minus  Explain and demonstrate how both relating sides of an equation are equal. subtract (-)  Explain and demonstrate how the subtraction unknown number was found. sum/differenc  Solve an equation to find the e unknown number in an addition or true and false subtraction sentence. unknown  Utilize a variety of strategies to find whole number an unknown number.  Find the missing number in an addition sentence.  Find the missing number in a subtraction sentence.    Unit of Study 4 - Additional Resources

E qual S ign/ B alanced E xp r e s sions PBS Kids Cyberchase - Poodles Weigh In - Game - http : / / pb s k i d s .o r g/ c y berc h a s e / mat h - games / pod d l e - w eigh -in/ Illuminations - “Comparing Connecting Cubes” Lesson - http:// i l l u m ina t ion s . nct m .org / Les s o n D etai l . as p x?I D =L40

Lite r atu r e E qual S hm e qual by Virginia Kroll S e v en L i ttle R a b bits by John Becker The Wolf ’ s C h i cken S tew by Keiko Kasza

Assessment Unit of Study 4 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments Unit of Study 5 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Numbers and Base Ten Operations 1.NBT Cluster: Understand place value. Standard(s): 2. Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.

Understand the following as special cases:

a. 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones — called a “ten.”

b. The numbers from 11 to 19 are composed of a ten and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. Math Content Objectives Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can: Identify tens and ones in any two-digit bundle number. compare/comparison Create and explain a “ten.” equal Show and explain tens and ones in any two- greater than digit number. less than Organize a group of objects into tens and place value ones and tell what number it represents. record Compare two two-digit numbers based on results the meaning of the ones digit. tens and ones Compare two two-digit numbers based on two-digit number the meaning of the tens digit. Explain a comparison of two two-digit numbers. Record how two two-digit numbers compare using symbols >, =, and <. Unit of Study 5 - Additional Resources - Continued

C ompa r ing 2- D igit N umbe r s Education Place - Comparing Numbers - Student Tutorial - http:// e dup l a ce. c om / cg i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup.thtml&grade=2&chapter=1&lesson=3&title=Comparing +Numbers&tm=tmfc0103e Crickweb - Compare Numbers - Interactive Applet - http: / / www .cri c k w eb . co.u k /k s 2nu m erac y - cal c ula t ion.h t m l # n cm en u Ambleside Primary - Counter Square - Model - h t tp:// www .ambl e sid e pri m a r y. c om/ a mb l e w eb/me n t a l m at h s/ c ounte r sq u are.html Topmarks - Caterpillar Ordering - Game - http:// www .to pm arks. c o.uk / Fla s h.as p x?f= C ate r pi l la r Order ingv4 UEN - “Bear Time” Lesson - http:// www .uen.org / Le s sonp l a n/prev i e w .cg i ? L P id=2 1 444

Ten Mo r e/Ten L ess Th a n a N umber ICT Games - 10 Less Shoot Out - Game - ht t p:// www .ictg a me s . c om/f o otba l l2.h t ml

Lite r atu r e 100 D a y s of C ool by Stuart J. Murphy 100 Sch o ol D a y s by Anne Rockwell 100 th D ay Wor r ies by Margery Cuyler S e v en L i ttle R a b bits by John Becker

Assessment Unit of Study 5 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments Unit of Study 6 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Numbers and Base Ten Operations 1.NBT Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Standard(s): 4. Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten. 5. Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less than the number, without having to count; explain the reasoning used. 6. Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (positive or zero differences), using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between Math Content Objectives Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can: Use a hundreds chart to add 10 to add numbers 1 - 90. addition Use manipulatives to represent digits composing a new group of ten when equations necessary in addition. less Use objects or drawings to explain manipulatives strategies used to add. mentally Write number sentences to show how more numbers were added or subtracted. multiples multiples of ten Compose and decompose numbers into number tens and ones. sentences Find the answer mentally when adding place value or subtracting ten. properties of operations Explain how adding or subtracting ten reasoning only changes the number in the tens strategies place. subtract Apply place value to solve mental math subtraction problems. two-digit Use a hundreds chart to subtract 10 numbers from numbers 10 - 100. Use objects or drawings to explain strategies used to subtract. Write number sentences to show how numbers were added or subtracted. Unit of Study 6 - Additional Resources

P lace Value (Te n s and One s ) Education Place - Identify Place Value - Student Tutorial - http://e d upl a ce. c o m/ c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup.thtml&grade=2&chapter=5&lesson=3&title=Identify+Pl ace+Value&tm=tmfc0503e Education Place - eManipulatives Base 10 Blocks - h ttp:/ / www .edup l a c e . com / cg i - bin/schtemplate.cgi?template=/kids/hmm/manip/mn_popup.thtml&filename=b10b_prim&title=Base%20Ten %20Blocks&grade=1 Education Place - Regroup Tens - Student Tutorial - http: / /edup l a ce. c om / cg i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup.thtml&grade=2&chapter=12&lesson=3&title=Regroup+Ten s&tm=tmfc1203e Education Place - Regroup Ones as Tens - Student Tutorial - http:// e dupl a ce . co m / cg i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup.thtml&grade=2&chapter=10&lesson=3&title=Regroup+One s+as+Tens&tm=tmfc1003e HMH School Publishers - Numbers to 100 in Different Ways - Interactive Applet - ht t p: / / www .harcourts c hoo l . com / a c t i vity/ n umbe r s_to _ 100_ b /

Two- D igit A ddi t ion and S ub t r action ICT Games - Submarine - Game - http:// www .i c tgam e s. c o m /sub m a r inen o pad2 .html ICT Games - Adding 10 Depthcharger - Game - http: / / www .ictg a me s . com / add10De p th/ i n de x .h t ml Education Place - Add with Two-Digit Numbers - Student Tutorial - http:/ / edu p lace . c o m/ c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup.thtml&grade=1&chapter=21&lesson=2&title=Add+With+Two- Digit+Numbers&tm=tmfb2102e Thinking Blocks - Addition and Subtraction Word Problems - Bar Model - http:// www . t hin k i ngbl o c k s. c o m/Th i nk i n g B l oc k s _ AS /T B _ AS _Ma i n.ht m l

Assessment Unit of Study 6 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments Unit of Study 7 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Measurement and Data 1.MD Cluster: Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. Standard(s): 1. Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.

2. Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a whole number of length units with no gaps or overlaps. Math Content Objectives Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can:  Compare the lengths of objects. compare  Organize objects by their length. end-to-end  Use one object to compare the length gaps of other objects. length  Produce an arrangement of objects by length unit lengths. measure  Accurately measure objects using a object variety of length units (i.e. linking cubes, order markers, paper clips, etc.). overlaps  Express length to the nearest whole whole number number.  Use the same unit length when comparing one object with another. Unit of Study 7 - Additional Resources

Measu r ing and C ompa r ing L ength U sing N onstanda r d U nits Education Place - Compare, Order, and Measure Length - Student Tutorial - ht t p://ed up lace . c om / cg i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup_k.thtml&grade=K&title=Compare,+Order, +and+Measure+Length&tm=tmfa0113e PBS Kids - Clifford Measuring Up - Game - http:// p bs k id s .o rg/c l if f ord/g a me s / me a surin g _ u p.html PBS Kids - Curious George How Tall? - Game - http:// p b s k i ds . org/cu r io u sgeorg e /gam es /ho w _tal l / ho w _ta l l.ht m l UEN - “How Big is a Foot?” Lesson - ht t p:// www .uen.org/ L e s so n plan / prev i e w ?LPid= 1 0 7 29 UEN - “Lengths of Ladybugs” Lesson - http:// www .uen . or g /Les s o npl a n/pre v ie w .c g i?LPi d =16226 UEN - “The Length of My Foot” Lesson - http:// www .uen .o rg/Les s onp l an/pr e v i e w .c g i?LP id=16225 UEN - “A King’s Foot is Always Best” Lesson - h ttp:// w w w .uen.org/L e ss o np l a n /pre v ie w .cgi?L P id=28 1 40

Lite r atu r e The B e s t B ug P arade by Stuart J. Murphy The G ro u chy Lad y bug by Eric Carle H ow B ig is a F oot? by Rolf Myller Math C oun t s: L e ngth by Henry Arthur Pluckrose Math C oun t s: S i ze by Henry Arthur Pluckrose Mea s u r ing Pe n ny by Loreen Leedy P ig P igger P i gge s t by Rick Walton S uper Sand C a s t le S atu r day by Stuart J. Murphy

Assessment Unit of Study 7 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments Unit of Study 8 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Measurement and Data W e e k s 1.MD Cluster: Tell and write time. Standard(s): 3. Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.

Math Content Objectives Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can: Tell the difference between analog and digital analog clocks. clock Read analog clocks to tell time. colon Read a digital clock to tell time. digital half-hour Tell time to the hour and half-hour. hour Write time in hours and half-hours. hour hand Identify the short hand as the hour hand on an minutes analog clock. minute hand Identify the long hand as the minute hand on an o-clock analog clock. time Show the time using an analog clock. Assessment Unit of Study 8 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessm Assessments

Unit of Study 9 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Measurement and Data 1.MD Cluster: Represent and interpret data. Standard(s): 4. Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.

Math Content Objectives Vocabulary Teacher’s Resources and Notes

I can:  Organize data. bar graph  Represent data. category  Interpret data. compare  Answer questions about data. data  Ask questions about data. equal  Understand and use descriptive fewer words like more and less to describe data. fewest  greater than less than more most picture graph tally chart tally mark Unit of Study 9 - Additional Resources

B ar G r aphs and P ictu r e G r a phs Teachers.net - Math Graph Center - Centers - http: / /tea c h e rs.net/ l e s s on s / p o s t s /2098 .html UEN - “Graphing It Daily” Lesson - http: / / www .uen.org/L es sonp l a n/pr e vie w .c g i?L P i d =18798 UEN - “Just Graph It!” Lesson - http:// www .uen.o r g/Le s s o nplan/p r ev i e w . cg i ? L P id=1 8 7 9 9 UEN - “Daily Graph” Lesson - http:// www .uen.org / Le s son pl an/pre v ie w .cg i ?L P id= 1 0696

Lite r atu r e The G re a t G ra p h C ont e st by Loreen Leedy Gue s s Who My F a vori t e Pe r s on Is by Byrd Baylor H annah ’ s C oll e ctio n s by Marthe Jocelyn H arriet ’ s H a l l o w een C a ndy by Nancy Carlson Tal l y O ’ Ma l l ey by Stuart J. Murphy

Assessment Unit of Study 9 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments Unit of Study 10 1st Math Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks WSH #2 - 8/2013 Domain: Geometry 1.G Cluster: Reason with shapes and their attributes. Standard(s): 1. Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw shapes to possess defining attributes. 2. Compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) or three- dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and compose n *ew shapes from the composite shape. Students do not need to learn formal names such as “right rectangular prism.” 3. Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, and four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters and use the phrases half of, fourth of, and quarter of. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares. Understand for these examplesMa ththat Con decomposingtent Objecti vintoes more equal shares createsVoc smallerabula shares.ry Teacher’s Resources and Notes alike I can: attribute  Recognize and identify the circle attributes of shapes. compose  Build shapes to identify and composite shape describe the attributes of shapes. cone  Draw shapes to identify and cube describe the attributes of shapes. curved surface  Sort shapes to identify and describe cylinder the attributes of shapes. decompose  Use more than one 2-D or 3-D different shape to create a composite shape. divide  Make new shapes from the equal composite shapes, using pattern blocks or tangrams. face fair shares  Recognize what shapes are used to flat surface make other shapes. fourths  Divide a circle into two equal shares or parts. geometric solid  Divide a rectangle into two equal halves shares or parts. Divide a circle into four parts equal shares or parts. quarters rectangle  Divide a rectangle into four equal rectangular prism shares or parts. Identify half of a circle. sort  Identify half of a rectangle. sphere  Identify a fourth of a circle or wholes rectangle. 3-dimensional  Identify a quarter of a circle or 2-dimensional rectangle.

Unit of Study 10 - Additional Resources 3- D imensional S ha p es ( C u b es, R ight R ectangular Pr is m s, C ones, C ylinde r s) Education Place - Identify and Sort Solid Shapes - Student Tutorial - htt p ://edu p la c e . com/ c g i - bin/schtemplate.cgi? template=/math/hmm/models/tm_popup_k.thtml&grade=K&title=Identify+and+Sort+Solid +Shapes&tm=tmfa0109e Math Learning Center - “Geometry: 3-D Shapes” Lesson - http:// www .mat h learn i ngc e n t er.o r g/me d i a/B r i d ge s _ Gr K _ On l i neSup p lem e nt/B KSU P - C 1_ G eo m etry3 D _ 0 709.p d f HMH School Publishers - Solid Figure Factory - Interactive Applet - http : // www .harco u rts c ho o l.c o m/ a cti v ity / sol i d_f i gu re_fa c to r y/ McRel - “Shapes, Shapes, Everywhere!” Unit - http:// ww w .m c rel . org/pdf / curr i cu l u m/50 21 c m _ s hap e s.pdf

Assessment Unit of Study 7 Formative Assessment. Possible Daily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips, Observation, Daily Work, Homework, Summative Assessments

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