Los Angeles Newspaper Group
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Los Angeles Newspaper Group Retail Profiles Shopping Videos
Introduction & Selling Points Manual
© 2007 Digital Media Communications 1 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications OVERVIEW
I. What are Retail Videos?
Retail Videos are web video commercials produced for to increase Ad exposure and generate more quality leads for businesses. The web video ads have the same information as the ads in the paper. The only difference is how they are presented. Retail Videos can be watched online 24\7 for 30 days and can be accessed via Shopping Dynamically Rotating Banners (DRB™) on the main category pages of:
Daily News- http://www.dailynews.com Press Telegram of Long Beach – http://www.presstelegram.com Inland Valley Daily Bulletin – http://www.dailybulletin.com San Bernardino Sun – http://www.sbsun.com Redlands Daily Facts – http://www.redlandsdailyfacts.com San Gabriel Valley Tribune – http://www.sgvtribune.com Pasadena Star News – http://www.pasadenastarnews.com Whittier Daily News – http://www.whittierdailynews.com
There are two types of Retail Videos you can offer your Advertisers.
A LEVEL 1 RETAIL LISTING is a :30 video that consists of up to 5 photos, or library footage from a retail business. This is designed to feature / move product.
A LEVEL 2 RETAIL PROFILE is a :30 - :45 custom built video about the features & benefits of the business. This is designed to brand the company, as well as feature specific product, inventory, or specials.
There are an unlimited number of Retail Videos that can be sold. Videos are created from the Print Ad, Intake Sheet, and/or website Your web videos feature:
o Related Film Footage o Company Logos and/or Photos o Digital Graphics & Enhancements o Digital Animations o Professional Scriptwriting o Voiceover & Music
Retail Videos give an engaging audio/video overview of the business, and then drive prospects directly to the online posting for more information. They are an enhancement to your newspaper and Internet products. © 2007 Digital Media Communications 2 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications II. Who Sells Retail Videos?
You!! All sales reps. will be able to sell these multimedia packages. The product will be offered to all Retail advertisers as part of a complete multimedia package.
III. Who are we? (Digital Media Communications - DMC)
DMC is your vendor. We are responsible for scripting, producing and hosting Retail Videos and Banners. We will also provide training, answer your questions, and provide sales assistance.
IV . The benefits of Video as part of the Print, Online, and Video multimedia packages:
Preempts competition (print, online, and video combo dominates the marketplace and creates a distinct competitive advantage).
Business owners and Consumers like it (see testimonials).
Print, Internet & Video multimedia packages build the newspaper image and consumer franchise.
Video attracts the new generation of readers and non-readers who prefer to get information through a multimedia format. Many people prefer to receive their information from sight & sound. Web videos allow Retail Businesses to deliver their message to this typically younger audience.
Generating results (through maximized reach & frequency) builds loyalty to the newspaper brand (customer retention…i.e. a happy advertiser is a repeat advertiser).
Video enhances the image of the advertiser
Video levels the playing field for all advertisers (large and small), all the ads get the same quality video and audio treatment, thereby helping the newspaper retain and reacquire the “mom and pop” businesses from competitive print publications.
High Impact Marketing Message 24/7. Web videos deliver high impact marketing messages to consumers during work hours, evenings & weekends.
Video advances classified category by taking a one dimensional print ad and making it move and speak. © 2007 Digital Media Communications 3 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications Video adds “sizzle” to the multimedia package and creates selling opportunities for the sales staff. (web videos deliver value an advertiser can actually see).
The three component multimedia packages delivers excellent value in terms of quality and price with the result being an advertiser receiving more qualified consumers, faster.
Video as part of the package offers a new product offering for the reps so they can go after advertisers that left the paper.
Web Video Benefits to the Consumer
Videos Prompt Consumers To Take Action.
1. Internet videos are engaging – capturing the attention of consumers that request and then listen & watch an ad about a specific product or business.
2. Videos on the Internet have a certain appeal to user segments, especially the younger group (i.e. “twenty something's”).
3. Accessibility - The website & videos are available to view 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.
4. Consumers recall the message a week or two weeks after the ad appears in the newspaper (the videos “brand” the business.)
4. Consumers are motivated to click through to the Retailer’s website.
5. Consumers are motivated to contact the Retailer by e-mail or telephone.
6. Consumers are motivated to peruse the Retailer’s inventory.
7. Consumers are motivated to visit the Retailer’s business.
8. Consumers are motivated to read and consider the sales information in the print display ad.
Web Video Benefits to The Retailer
1. The video, multimedia approach directly expands the reach of an Advertiser’s marketing campaign.
© 2007 Digital Media Communications 4 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications 2. The Retailer’s marketing message pulls in the same direction using multiple advertising mediums.
3. Retailers benefit from the large marketing campaign which directs Consumers to the Retail videos on your site. Retail videos can focus on specific high profit areas inside a product or business, which may or may not be part of any advertising campaign (specials, etc.), at a value price.
4. The Business receives undivided focus of the consumer for :30 seconds or more, during the decision buying cycle.
5. Streaming videos deliver the Retailer’s message to the segments that are not reading the print version of the newspaper and/or the segments that prefer to receive information through sight and sound.
6. Streaming videos can directly influence the consumer’s decision to buy with price points, products and the Retailer’s image.
7. Streaming videos deliver high impact marketing messages directly to Consumers who are making shopping decisions during work hours or late evening hours while using the internet. (Typically newspaper web traffic peaks during work hours. Most Retailers do not advertise on these high traffic days i.e.; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday between 6am and 5pm).
8. Streaming Video allows a Retailer to actually speak directly to the consumer, and use the power of that audio & video combination to prompt action.
9. Branding tool - Sets their Retailer’s business apart from the other online ads
10. Commercial quality video online vs. text “liner ad” or display ad online. Audio / Video combination breaks through the static ad clutter.
11. Streaming videos can directly influence the consumer’s decision to buy with additional benefits and the Retailer’s image.
12. The emotional impact of video and the interactivity of the web, along with the powerful reach of The Retailer …
Retail Videos Increase ad exposure to generate more quality leads for Business.
“When reviewing website statistics, it is frequently pages featuring streaming video content that are the most 'sticky' and have the longest viewing times by site visitors. Use this factor to your advantage - it's an ideal opportunity to get your core brand values, products and services across to the site visitor.”
John Howarth © 2007 Digital Media Communications 5 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications 7th February 2004 Leading corporate communications & multi-media producer
© 2007 Digital Media Communications 6 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications V . FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
1. How Does an Advertiser get a Retail Video?
They are already doing it !!!!!
The process your clients go through to place an ad in the paper is the same for web videos. When your client calls, faxes, emails etc. their ad and you successfully include them into the multimedia package (Paper, Internet, and Video), the client has done everything needed to have a web video. When you sell a multimedia package, you will enter a rate code that includes web video. The Los Angeles Newspaper Group will bill the advertiser along normal procedures.
The deadline for the multimedia package is the same as print.
Retail Videos will be live created within 72 hours from the close of business the day the order is received. They will go live on your site upon approval from your Advertiser.
2. Can an Advertiser Only Buy a Retail Video ad?
No, a print and online ad is required.
3. What is the pricing?
- $299 for 30 (thirty) days Includes 5 (five) photos, voice over, music, and production.
- $750 for 30 (thirty) days max including full-run, all sites, at launch..
- $2,500 for 30 (thirty) days max for Majors (multiple locations) and National accounts.
4. What Happens after an Advertiser Buys a Retail Video?
DMC is sent an electronic version of the Display Ad/Insert, an intake form, the , or a link to the Retailer’s website.
A DMC scriptwriter will then script the ad for video. Everything for the web video is taken from the ad copy, intake form, or website.
© 2007 Digital Media Communications 7 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications Next the script is sent to the DMC production department where the announcer is recorded, graphics are received & re-touched, animation of company logos/taglines and on-screen text is produced, the commercial is built, the video is prepared for the online viewing and then all the access points, hosting and interactive links are implemented.
5. Does the Advertiser get a proof? Can the Advertiser make changes to their video?
- The Sales Rep will receive a link to the proof, 72 hours after the content has been submitted. The Sales Rep will forward the link to the Advertiser. - Advertiser has 24-36 hours to notify Sales Rep of 1 change to the Profile. - Sales Rep will notify DMC Ad Coordinator of change. - DMC will make change, and video will go live within 24 hours. - If the Advertiser wants to make additional changes, the cost is $75 per change.
6. Does my client own the Retail Video?
No. Retail Videos are for the client’s use for the defined package duration online. Technically, the client does not own it.
7. How to sell multimedia
Below is a detailed list of the primary selling points for the multimedia packages.
VIDEOS ARE ENGAGING – Web videos breakthrough static advertising clutter. This in turn increases Reach & Frequency.
IMPACTFUL MESSAGE IMPROVES RECALL – Presenting the Retail ad as a web video results in an engaging message that is more memorable.
FREQUENCY – As a web video, your ad is available online 24/7.
SIMPLE – An advertiser does nothing different to have a Retail Video. Everything stays the same.
EFFECTIVE – Web videos online increases the response.
SETS YOU APART FROM THE CROWD –Retail web videos set you apart. Your advertising is competing with fewer ads to get your message to the right person. Web videos are engaging and unique ads.
© 2007 Digital Media Communications 8 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications MARKETING – Web videos allow an advertiser to enhance their image.
PROGRESSIVE IMAGE – By using the Retail Videos multimedia package, an advertiser will demonstrate to consumers that they are a progressive company, i.e. this company is really trying to get their attention. Quality buyers are looking for forward-thinking companies.
PROVEN TRACK RECORD – Web videos have been online in several cities with great results and thousands of testimonials.
© 2007 Digital Media Communications 9 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications VI. Below are the Answers to the Commonly Asked Questions you will Receive from Advertisers
In most cases, when you properly offer the packages in the prepared quote, the advertiser will buy. However, as with any type of selling, some will ask questions. Below are the typical questions and some recommended responses.
Why do I need to do this when I already have the paper?
Using video and the Internet with the newspaper gives you complete market coverage, which improves your chance of finding the right buyer FASTER.
With Retail Videos, you get an entire month of video advertising for one price. Your advertising is competing with fewer ads to get your message to the right person.
It’s too complicated and expensive for me to have an Retail video … I have to get an ad made for you, etc. Actually, we produce the web video ad for you at no charge. Plus, we use the words and photos from your newspaper ad to write the video script, so you already know what your ad is going to say after you place your ad. If you would like to add a color logo to the ad, just email it to us.
Is anybody else doing this? Does it work? Major newspapers around the country are offering this product and hundreds of advertisers are presenting employment opportunities on the programs. It works very well and we have testimonial letters from advertisers in other cities.
© 2007 Digital Media Communications 10 DRB™ is a trademark for Digital Media Communications