Easter Week at CCA

Easter is the most sacred day for our Christian faith, as we are thankful for a Savior who came to earth, died for our sins, and is alive today. During this pandemic, we want you, our CCA families, to be able to experience the excitement of Easter, right in your home. Although we will not meet together as large groups on Sunday, we can participate in each day of the in our homes. For each day of the Holy Week: 1. Join us on CCA’s Facebook, Live @ NOON, Sunday, April 5, everyday through ​ ​ ​ ​ April 12, as we take a few moments to remember each day of ’ journey from , through , and Easter Sunday. 2. Attached find activities you can do in your home each day of Holy Week, ​ ​ separated by age group. 3. Join us for a CCA Community prayer time on , April 8, at 7:00pm, using this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/130373878?pwd=RUpQa0NmZk1KVGp2cVh2SE1RcWZi dz09

Outside Activity Consider making a chalk drawing each day of Holy Week, on your sidewalk, to share the with all those who walk by!

Palm Sunday: ​ Younger Options Palm Sunday marks the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and people waved palm branches, as they would do to welcome royalty.

Supplies: Green construction paper and popsicle sticks, branches from outside or even brown construction paper to make palm branches; markers or crayons; glue; coats

Gather at the table or on the floor together. Ask: “What things do we celebrate about one another?” Talk about birthdays, grades, accomplishments, sports, music recitals, etc. PIck someone who had a recent accomplishment and cheer for them. Then ask: “How did it feel to be cheered for?” Explain that on Palm Sunday, people celebrated Jesus. They shouted, sang, and waved palm branches in excitement as Jesus went past them, to celebrate who Jesus is.

Think about the reasons we love Jesus. Cut strips of green paper. On each strip, write something you love about Jesus. Glue the strips on a popsicle stick or branch, to look like a palm leaf. Allow to dry and put in a vase. This can be a reminder of why we celebrate Jesus as the week goes on (and will go in your special place that you create on Monday)

In addition, you can write the names of people who are not Christians on green strips. Make a palm branch of these names, so you can specifically pray for them this week.

Have everyone get some coats. Lay them on the floor. Sit on the coats and read Matthew 21:1-11. Ask: How do you think it felt to be in the crowd when Jesus was in town? Would you have been excited to see him? What would you have done when you saw Jesus come past you? Say: Just like we are sitting on these coats, people threw their coats on the road for Jesus and the donkey to walk on, to respect Him, as one would do for a King who rode past them.

Say: Not everyone was happy to see Jesus. Some people wanted to kill Him. We will talk more about that over the next few days.

Have fun praising Jesus with this song: Every Move I Make https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPvnZILn6EY

Tweens Options Make sugar cookies in the shape of palm leaves. Frost with green frosting. As they are baking, read the Family Devotional and discuss the events of Palm Sunday as a family. ● Imagine yourself in the crowd. What would you be doing? ● What do you think about those who are cheering for Jesus? ● What do you think about those who wanted to plot against Jesus? Who were they? Why were they so upset? ● What was the significance of the donkey, the palm branches, and the coats? Challenge your tweens/teens to look up prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament to find answers to these questions.

Teens / Family Devotional Read Matthew 21:1-11 (See also Mark 11:1-11; John 12:12-16) and Zechariah 9:9. Palm Sunday is the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem, on a colt (donkey), while the crowds praised Him. Those praising Jesus would’ve been from the crowds coming into Jerusalem to celebrate the , his followers and disciples. The confusion comes when we read the passages here about Jesus being worshipped by the crowds. We wonder how the crowd could go from praising Jesus on Palm Sunday to shouting for His death with Pilate just a few days later. The crowds praising Jesus on Palm Sunday were most likely travelers who came into Jerusalem to celebrate Passover and had heard Jesus teach in the surrounding areas. The crowd around Pilate would’ve been made up of those whom the religious leaders stirred up; those in Jerusalem who did not follow ​ ​ Jesus.

Consider what it will be like when Jesus rides again! (Revelation 19:1-16) Spend time in prayer, praising God for who He is.

Song: Michael W. Smith, All Rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ydeHQJUcHU ​

Holy Monday: Cursing the Fig tree; cleansing the temple Younger Options Together prepare a special “Holy Week” place to sit and spend time learning about God this week. Maybe light a candle, put some extra pillows around, a few favorite stuffed animals, and a Bible. Talk about the temple, which was a special place the Jews would come to worship God. Here they would read the Old Testament and learn more about God and the promised Messiah. However, some people weren’t worshipping God in the temple; they were noisy and charging a lot of money for people to buy sacrifices when they came to worship God. Jesus wanted the place people came to worship to be focused on Him.

Read Mark 11:15-18. Spend some time in prayer together. Song: I have decided to follow Jesus: https://youtu.be/sEL0WpeH088 ​

Take a moment to be quiet before God and thank Him for allowing us to worship Him.

Tweens & Teens Options Sometimes our lives are so busy and noisy that we don’t take time to be with Jesus. Read Mark 11:15-18 and spend some time thinking about why Jesus reacts the way He does in the temple. Ask: ● What is noisy in my life that distracts me from prayer and time with Jesus? ● What is one thing I could change today and work on over the next few weeks, in order to make room in my life for Jesus? ● Spend some time sharing your goals with one another and then pray for each other to keep those goals.

Family Devotional Read: Matthew 21: 12-22. (see also Mark 11:12-25)

As Jesus cleanses the temple, we are reminded of HIs reasons to come and worship Him. He desires our full devotion, including a life of prayer. How can you make your personal life, even this week, more focused on time with Jesus, reading His Word and spending time in prayer with Him?

Song: This is Amazing Grace, Phil Wickham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFRjr_x-yxU

Holy Tuesday: Jesus taught and preached in Jerusalem Younger Options Jesus taught two parables during this time: the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) and the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).

Supplies: a lantern or flashlight The parable of the ten virgins reminds us to be ready for Jesus to come back again. Think about going on vacation. Have each person talk about what you need to do to be ready to go on vacation. What preparations do you need to make? What do you need to have ready to go? Then talk about what preparations we need to make for when Jesus comes back to take us to heaven? What should we do now in order to be ready?

Supplies: a box wrapped in gift paper with a bow The parable of the talents reminds us to use the gifts God has given to us and be good stewards of those gifts. As parent(s), tell each child what you see as their gifts and talents. What are they good at? How has God made each one of your children unique? Take a moment to just bless and encourage each of your children and thank God for how they are gifted. (Ephesians 2:10). Then talk about how they can use the gifts God has given them to help people know Jesus.

Put the lantern and/or box in your special “Holy Week” space. Song: My God is so big! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=65&v=5JAkVD_Rws4&feature=emb_lo go

Tweens & Teens | Family Devotions

Bible reading: Matthew 25:1-30

As parents, we have the privilege of blessing our children. Spend some time thinking about each child God has given to you. You are a steward of one of His children! ​ ​ Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has made us his workmanship (his masterpieces) to do good work for His Kingdom. The Bible also talks about parents giving a blessing to their children. Today, take a moment with each one of your children (together as a family or separately) and tell each child why you appreciate them so much. Tell them the gifts and talents you see in them. Tell them what you love about their personality. Consider writing it down so they can read it over and over again later (I guarantee they will.) Then spend some time praying together and asking God to use the gifts He has given to them for His honor and glory. Spend some time as a family talking about what talents God has given you and how you can use those talents, even during a pandemic, for God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 25:14-30)

You may also want to read the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. Take this time between Palm Sunday and Easter to talk about salvation with your children. Would they be ready of Jesus returned soon? Do they have a personal relationship with Him? Talk about what you can do individually and as a family to make your hearts ready for Jesus’ 2nd return.

Resource for leading your tween/teen to Christ: https://www.kidsofintegrity.com/lead-your-child-christ

Song: At the Cross, Chris Tomlin, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUvpBphq5og ​

Holy Wednesday: Choices in following Jesus

Younger Options Today Jesus most likely rested and spent time with those close to him. Read Matthew 26:1-16 to prepare yourself for what likely happened on Wednesday.

Supplies: 30 coins and a perfume bottle; leave in your special “Holy Week” space.

Gather together. Explain that each one of us has a choice to follow Jesus or not follow Jesus. The Bible tells us about two people, one who chose to follow Jesus and one who chose not to follow Jesus. A woman came and poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet. She had been listening to Jesus and knew that He would not be with them much longer. She wanted Jesus to know how much she loved Him. She fell at his feet and worshipped Him. Spray the perfume in the air.

But there was another man, Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples. Judas was angry when the woman poured the perfume on Jesus’ feet. But he was angry for the wrong reasons. He wanted the money for himself. In fact, he was so angry, he left Jesus, went to the religious leaders, and agreed to turn Jesus over to the religious leaders for 30 pieces of silver. (count out the coins you have).

Ask: If Jesus was sitting in our home right now, right here with us, what do you think you’d do? Would you want to be with Him? Listen to Him teach? Sing to Him? Sit and just be with Him? Or do you think having Him in our home would be inconvenient? A bother? Would you want to go to another room while He sat here? Why/why not?

Ask: Do you think Jesus’ life was worth 30 pieces of silver? What is Jesus’ value to you?

Spend some time thanking Jesus for who He is today. Song: Oh, how I love Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24l7IIaIXvc ​ Give it away: https://youtu.be/ywCiDhbD-Js ​

Tweens & Teens | Family Deovotions Jesus spent time with those who were close to Him, just before the events that were about to happen.

Read Matthew 26:1-16 Two different reactions with Jesus: A woman who gave everything out of love for Jesus and a man (Judas) who walked away and betrayed Him. Who are you in this story?

Play the song, “Alabaster Jar” by Gateway Worship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVDvofVJiFw Discuss: What can I do right now, to show my love and devotion to God? Spend time in prayer and express your desire to love and serve Him.

Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday): The and Gethsamane

Younger Options Supplies: A large bowl or basin, a towel, a bar of soap (Leave in your special “Holy Week” space.)

Read John 13:1-5 Explain that when Jesus was alive, people walked everywhere. They didn’t have cars. They may have traveled with donkeys. So the roads they walked on were very dusty or muddy...and shared with animals (you fill in the blanks). When someone came into your home, your servants would wash their feet (washing off the dust, the mud, and animal contact). When Jesus, who was “Master” got down and washed the feet of His disciples, He showed how much He desires we serve one another.

Discuss ways you can serve one another, very practically, as a family. Consider washing each others’ hands or feet and expressing the love you have toward one another. Tell the person, as you wash his/her hands or feet, something you appreciate about him/her.

Read :32. Tomorrow (Good Friday) would mark a very big day for Jesus. Before that day came, Jesus wanted to spend time praying to His Father in heaven. We can learn a lot from Jesus. He thought time in prayer was very important. Jesus taught us that we can come to God and ask God to supply our needs too.

Song: I have peace like a river: https://youtu.be/7it5W1FVtTs ​

Close in prayer by thanking God for His love for you, for your family, and for supplying your needs.

Tweens & Teens | Family Devotions Bible reading: Matthew 26:17-46 (see also Luke 22:7-23; Mark 14:12-42; Matthew 26:17-46) Thursday evening, into Friday events: (Matthew 26:47-75; Mark 14:43-72; Luke 22:31-65) Though a longer reading, John’s reading just before Jesus is crucified is worthy of meditation: John 13-17.

Most of the events we know of on Thursday began in the evening: Jesus washing the disciples feet; Jesus’ last meal with the disciples; Judas leaving to betray Jesus; the argument over who would be the greatest in the kingdom; Jesus praying in the Garden; Jesus’ betrayal and arrest; Jesus being taken to be tried before the religious leaders during the night; Peter’s denial of Jesus just before daylight on Friday.

Look at the words of Jesus in chapters 13-17. Here we see Jesus’ heart and passion. Spend some time meditating on the Scriptures above and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Thank Jesus for all He went through, on our behalf, out of His great love for us.

Song: I surrender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcnfT4arZtI ​

Good Friday Younger Options Today, talk with your child(ren) that this was a sad day for the people who loved Jesus, but that the story won’t stay sad!

Supplies: Make a cross out of brown construction paper or popsicle sticks Read Mark 15:21-26 and Mark 15:33-37

As a family, talk about the love that God has for us, and that God wanted to have a relationship with us. Jesus loved us so much, He was willing to die in our place, so we could live forever with God in heaven. (If you do not believe your child has accepted Christ as their Savior, today is a wonderful day to explain how Jesus’ death on the cross allowed us to have a relationship with God and invite them to accept Christ as Savior.) For a resource on leading your child to Christ, see these articles: https://www.kidsofintegrity.com/lead-your-child-christ https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/leading-your-child-to-christ/ https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/leading-your-children-to-the-savior/

Read John 3:16-17 and 1 John 1:9 Spend a few minutes, quietly, in prayer, confessing any sin to God and thanking Him for dying on the cross for our sins.

On the construction paper or popsicle cross you made, have your children write out words to express their thanks to Jesus for dying on the cross for their sins. Explain that, even though this was a very sad day for Jesus’ followers, we call it “Good” because Jesus’ death allowed us to have a relationship with God and live in heaven with Him.

Song: This is Amazing Grace, Phil Wickham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_N4tcQkwens I sing the Mighty Power: https://youtu.be/Qb63JKS3BaA ​ There’s Power in the blood: https://youtu.be/ru9I8CCjs8U ​

Tweens & Teens| Family Devotions Bible reading: Matthew 27:1-56 (see also Mark 15:1-41; Luke 22:66-23:49; John 18:1-19:37)

We call the day Jesus died for us, Good Friday. It was a day that Jesus willingly suffered and died for our sins, so that when we believe in Jesus, we can have eternal life in heaven. For God loved the world so much, He gave His Son to die for us (John 3:16). What an amazing love. The incarnation makes stand out from other religions. No other religion has a God, who becomes human, so that we might personally know Him and have a relationship with Him. On this very sacred day, spend some time meditating on the Scriptures, confessing sin, and thanking God for dying on the cross.

For the tweens: Song: Freedom https://youtu.be/IrgViuuyYAQ ​ Song: Death was Arrested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwgWbIOt0ko ​

Holy Saturday: Jesus in the tomb Younger Options Read Mark 15:42-47 Suggested supplies: Blindfolds; a candle to light

Discuss Jesus being buried in a tomb after He died on the cross and a HUGE stone was rolled in front of it. Soldiers were placed there to guard the entrance to the tomb so no one could steal Jesus’ body and say Jesus “rose again”. Ask: What does it feel like when you are in the dark? The Bible says when Jesus died, the earth shook and it was dark on the earth. When Jesus was buried in the tomb, his disciples were sad, and they felt alone, like they were in the dark too. You may also want to light a candle and then blow it out. (You will re-light it tomorrow.)

Read Matthew 17:22-23 Ask: Do you think Jesus’ disciples remember what Jesus told them? How do you think they were feeling the day after Jesus died on a cross and was buried? Discuss with your children how we can feel sad (Jesus’ disciples lost not only their Savior, but their Master and friend). Yet, Jesus gave them hope. Sometimes it’s hard to understand how we can feel sad and yet have hope in our heart, but these two realities can co-exist in the Christian faith.

Song: Love Ran Red: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Nh1WJcKE-0 ​ John 3:16: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI8lrBADzH8 ​ Nothing is Impossible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=22&v=SzYr3sXi2Js&feature=emb_logo

Tweens & Teens | Family Devotional Bible reading: Matthew 27:57-68 (see also Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42)

Saturday is the day when Jesus followers observed the Sabbath and rested. Can you imagine what they thought about that day, after seeing Jesus die on the cross. Were they afraid? Did they talk about Jesus’ teachings and try to make sense of things? Were they numb and speechless? Many times we experience difficulties in life. Sometimes these experiences can be very dark and lonely, even as if Jesus wasn’t present with us anymore. Perhaps his followers felt like that. However, we can take hope as Christians that even in our darkest moments, we are on the verge of seeing some of God’s greatest work...the resurrection is just around the corner...In what area of your life do you feel as if God isn’t present? As if He isn’t there? As if you are alone? Talk to God about that and ask Him to help you see Him and His work in the midst of the darkness.

Song: What a beautiful Name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQWFzMvCfLE ​

Easter Sunday Younger Options Here is an easy recipe for Resurrection Rolls for Sunday morning: https://spicysouthernkitchen.com/resurrection-rolls/

Supplies: a Candle. If you have trick candles for birthdays, get one of those candles out. Read Luke 24:1-12. Discuss how Jesus did not stay in the tomb, but we celebrate Easter because Jesus rose again!

Read John 14:1-7 Discuss how having a personal relationship with Jesus is how we spend eternity in heaven. Jesus went back to heaven, where He is right now (Acts 1:9) and someday Jesus will return (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) and take those who believe in Him to heaven.

Remind the children about how they felt in the dark on Saturday when Jesus was in the tomb. Read John 8:12. Light the candle and discuss how Jesus is a light to the world and we need to live so others will be drawn to Jesus. You can use the birthday trick candles - light the candle, have the children blow it out. When it re-lights, talk about how NO ONE can take away Jesus as the light of the world!

Songs: (very upbeat song) Tell the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2wSqufGulI This Little Light of Mine: https://youtu.be/ty9bZXN4uWA ​ Aive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=2dDjjpm8Ayc&feature=emb_log o ** For a quieter song: What a beautiful Name: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMEKuEPcCUc

Close in prayer, asking God to help you be a light to the world and spread His Gospel.

Tweens & Teens | Family Devotional Bible reading: Matthew 28 (see also Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20)

Easter Sunday! The power of a resurrected Savior! The God who became human is now alive! As you celebrate this Good News today, thank God for all he has done for you. Spend some time in celebration of Him. Also spend time specifically praying about how, right now, we can share this Good News with those around us. Our family. Our friends. Our neighbors. Our co-workers. Commit to being a missionary for Jesus and sharing Him wherever you live, work, study or play!

Song: Waymaker, Sinach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4XWfwLHeLM ​ Song: Forever, Kari Jobe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6duzVn5M6E ​

Remember: Outside Activity Consider making a chalk drawing each day of Holy Week, on your sidewalk, to share the Gospel with all those who walk by!

Brought to you from the Bible Department at CCA