March 2018 The Visitor The Visitor - March 2018 A Publication of St. James Lutheran Church, 4425 South Jackson Rd. Jackson MI 49201 (517) 782-8297
[email protected] Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, 3. In the Western tradition, what are the first and last I was thinking about how we walked through Lent last days of Holy Week, respectively? year, and I remembered that we began each of the a. Palm Sunday/Holy Saturday sermons for mid-week Lenten services with a quiz b. Holy Monday/Good Friday regarding the Small Catechism. c. Palm Sunday/Easter d. Holy Monday/Holy Saturday 4. What is the first day of Holy Week in the Eastern Orthodox Church? a. Holy Monday b. Shrove Tuesday c. Palm Sunday It was fun, so let’s do this again. But this time our d. Lazarus Saturday topic will be about what we know about Holy Week. 5. Which day in Holy Week commemorates Christ's Ready? I will present quiz questions with possible triumphal entry into Jerusalem? answers, and then present the correct answer with a bit a. Holy Wednesday of information regarding the question somewhere else in the newsletter. Remember…no looking ahead for b. Maundy Thursday the answers! When I began to Google Holy Week c. Palm Sunday facts, I found that I learned new things and I am d. Good Friday thinking you will too! 6. What does Maundy Thursday commemorate? 1. When does Holy Week fall? a. The Crucifixion a. The week before Easter b.