ALLEGANY COUNTY Soil & Water Conservation District 2010 Annual Plan of Work Program Area: 1. DISTRICT OPERATIONS Objective(s): To insure the efficient, appropriate and effective operations of the District program. To support policy making, accountability, staff and director development, education and training and performance of program objectives.

Actions/Activities Tasks Who When Progress – Results - Outcomes 1. Conduct organizational Meeting 1. Establish Officers Board & Dec. 09 Elect officers 2. Formalize Budget and Plan of Staff Jan. 10 Review of funding, Work policies, + plan of work 2. Schedule & conduct regular Board 1. Conduct business in a timely & Board & Monthly To hold min. of 10 Meetings regular scheduled way, alternate Staff & regular meetings 1 to locations for meetings as needed be dinner meetings with program 3. Conduct yearly audit, prepare annual report 1. Review treasurer’s books & Audit Staff, Board Jan. + Feb. Submit report to both Report to NYS & County, prepare Committee & 10 Board’s of findings annual report to Board of Legislators Treasurer

4. Risk Assessment 1. Reduce exposure to Risk/Liability Board & October & Utilize State format and and insure smooth operations Staff Ongoing include insurance company outline into process 5. Employee & Director Training 1. To insure Directors & Staff are Board & Ongoing, Continue Training well trained to insure informed Staff June + Modules for Directors decision making Dec. Employee training plan updates 6. Employee Evaluation 1. Implement performance based Ex. Dir. and Feb. 10 Performance appraisal, appraisal system and provide staff Board Chair July 10 salary negotiation guidance Training Plan Development 7. District Employees 1. Maintain 2 full time district Board & Ex. Dec. 09 + Develop budget and employees, develop plan for Dir. ongoing funding to expand staff. expansion

10 ALLEGANY COUNTY :< SWCD Annual Reports>plan format ALLEGANY COUNTY Soil & Water Conservation District 2010 Annual Plan of Work Program Area: 2. DISTRICT PROGRAMS Objective(s): To develop land use alternatives, recommendations which conserve soil and water resources through implementation of BMP’s, projects and programs. Actions/Activities Tasks Who When Progress 1. Water Quality 1. Conduct 4+ Water Resources Staff Ongoing Develop new strategy + Council meeting Water user guide 2. Complete Haz. Mit. Plan Update Staff + Spring Contract for Haz Plan 3. Implement FL-LOWPA contractors Update Staff Ongoing Development of Farm & Community Projects 4. Implement EPF Projects Staff & NRCS Ongoing Rnds X close out projects & XIII Progress 5. Assist NRCS with EQIP & AMA Staff & NRCS Ongoing Implement EQIP & AMA 6. Genesee River Initative Staff & Ongoing Continue development of GACCC plan and funding for system of parks along Genesee River 2. Conservation Planning 1. Continue to work on AEM Staff April 10 Implement AEM Strategic Plan Staff Spring Farm Applications & 2. Adopt AEM Plan Year 6 Staff Ongoing Project Approvals 3. Learn more to support NRCS EQIP & AEM Applications 4. Ag District Review Staff Oct - Review Ag District #3 5. Hazard Mitigation Planning – next Staff & Dec 2010 Complete Planning & critical areas in Caneadea, Scio, Consultants Jan – Dec Design Genesee River Belfast 2010 Projects – next critical areas 6. GIS System Usage Staff Ongoing Eco Dev & Planning 7. Facilitate Ag Exemption Staff Jan – Mar Prepare soil group 2010 worksheets 8. Assist Town of Independence with Staff Jan – Aug Development of Plan & stormwater management Consultants 2010 Designs + implementation plan

10 ALLEGANY COUNTY :< SWCD Annual Reports>plan format ALLEGANY COUNTY Soil & Water Conservation District 2010 Annual Plan of Work Program Area: 2. DISTRICT PROGRAMS (Continued) Objective(s): Actions/Activities Tasks Who When Progress – Results - Outcomes

3. Technical Assistance 1. County Management Contract Staff Ongoing Ag District Review Manage Parks & Reforestation

2. Technical Assistance to Staff & NRCS Ongoing Assist landowners, groups, constituents & associates businesses & assoc. agencies

4. Seneca Trail Resource Conservation & 1. Solve community resource Local Ongoing Gain access to technical Development problems & perform council Committee assistance grants & functions measure plans 2. Support Grasslands Initiative Staff & NRCS Ongoing Grassland utilization AMA & FL-LOWPA project implementation Grazing plan development 3. Support Council function Committee Ongoing Hold 3 local mtgs Attend 6 Council mtgs

5. Current & Planned Grants 1. EPF Round X – close out Staff, NRCS & Ongoing Close out paperwork 2. Round XIII Landowners Ongoing Conservation project Staff , NRCS implementation & Landowners 3. FL-LOWPA 2007–close out Staff Ongoing Close out paperwork 07 4. FL-LOWPA 2008 + 2009 Staff Ongoing Conservation project implementation ALLEGANY COUNTY Soil & Water Conservation District 2010Annual Plan of Work Program Area: 2. DISTRICT PROGRAMS (Continued) Objective(s):

Actions/Activities Tasks Who When Progress – Results - Outcomes Current & Planned Grants (continued) 5. FL-LOWPA 10/11 Staff Spring Development of plan

6. FEMA Hazard Mitigation – next Staff Ongoing Design Genesee River critical areas Projects – next critical areas – submit application

7. Dry Hydrant Member Item Staff Ongoing Repair listing + funding 8. FL-LOWPA Special Project Staff Ongoing If approved – pr + brochures, etc.

10 ALLEGANY COUNTY :< SWCD Annual Reports>plan format ALLEGANY COUNTY Soil & Water Conservation District 2010 Annual Plan of Work Program Area: 3. DISTRICT ACTIVITIES Objective(s):

Actions/Activities Tasks Who When Progress – Results - Outcomes 1. Grant Income 1. Raise $100,000+ over next 3 yrs. Staff Ongoing Support of operations to supplement the Appropriation & budget Reimbursement Budget

2. Earned Income 2. Develop Earned Income Program Staff Jan.- Mar. Support of operations $1,000 income 2010 budget

3. Equipment, Building & Property 1. Maintain + Improve Annex Staff Ongoing Perform routine Building for new office space maintenance & improve 2. Look for grant site

3. Maintain Equipment Staff Ongoing Pickup Truck Trailer Concrete Saw Mulcher 4. Continue to inventory all Staff Spring- Auction off unused or equipment @ shop and maintenance Summer excess equipment. room 2010

10 ALLEGANY COUNTY :< SWCD Annual Reports>plan format ALLEGANY COUNTY Soil & Water Conservation District 2010 Annual Plan of Work Program Area: 4. EDUCATION & INFORMATION Objective(s): Examine environmental issues and help public learn conservation techniques and benefit from S&WCD and NRCS expertise.

Actions/Activities Tasks Who When Progress – Results - Outcomes 1. Conservation Education 1. AEM Week + RC+D Week Staff Ongoing Publicize AEM&RC+D 2. OEC Development Staff Ongoing Develop Trails & Learning Stations 3. Establish relationship with Co- Staff w/ co-op Ongoing Help Sponsor Workshop Op Ext. for Woodland Mgt + Rural ext. April - Sponsor teams. Wkshp Staff May 4. Envirothon 5. Start development of Community Staff, Co-op Ongoing Workshop Series. Conservation Workshop Series Ext., Boces

10 ALLEGANY COUNTY :< SWCD Annual Reports>plan format ALLEGANY COUNTY Soil & Water Conservation District 2010 Annual Plan of Work Program Area: 5. PARTNERSHIP Objective(s): To engage in partnership and contracts to further program development and delivery Actions/Activities Tasks Who When Progress – Results - Outcomes 1. Engage in contracts and partnerships 1. Allegany Co. Contract, develop S&WCD & 2010 Manage Ag Districts & new Forest Management Plan County, 2010 New Co Forest Private Management Plan Forester 3. Co Appropriation agreement – S&WCD & 2010 Keep county and towns For 2010-2012 continue public County, USC, informed of projects and relations. Cooperative funding. Coordinate Ext. staffing levels 4. USC Memo of Agreement District & 2010 Program & project Upper development Susquehanna Coalition 5. FL-LOWPA Finger Lakes 2010 Contracts for FL-LOWPA Association & funding & WQ District programming 6. Seneca Trail RC&D Council & 2010 To further address Board community projects

7. OEC – Genesee Valley Outdoor S&WCD 2010 Further development of Education Center, Wyoming Co. BOCES outdoor learning stations SWCD GVCS and trails, Envirothon. Co-op Ext. NRCS 8. Hazard Mitigation Project – S&WCD Jan – Mar Genesee River hazard Belfast and Amity FEMASEMO 2010 mitigation project audit 9. Hazard Mitigation Project – next NYS Dorm Develop plan and design of Critical areas Authority 2010 next areas

10ALLEGANY COUNTY :< SWCD Annual Reports>plan format