Location and Time: Fellman Center - 9:00 A.M

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Location and Time: Fellman Center - 9:00 A.M



Members present: Frank Wozniak, Rosetta Stern, Tom Grover, Tom Brunner, Dr. Tom Thomas, Gladys Stezenski, Pam Anderson, Lynnae Zahringer, Holly Konitzer, Meg Tauchen

Members excused: John Ainsworth Absent: Jamie Perez, Marianne Phalen

Location and Time: Fellman Center - 9:00 a.m. Lundmark Room, 607 E. Elizabeth St. Shawano, WI 54166

1. Roll call was taken by Chairman Frank Wozniak and noted that the open meeting notice was properly posted.

2. Approval of May 28, 2013 minutes. Rosetta Stern made a motion to approve the May 28, 2013, minutes. Tom Grover seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.

3. Public Comment. None

4. Adoption of Agenda. Bonnie Olson made a motion to adopt today’s agenda, seconded by Tom Brunner. All aye, motion carried.

5. Deviation from the Agenda. No motion was made to deviate from today’s agenda.

6. Benefit Specialist Report. Pam Anderson distributed a pamphlet on Health Care Reform. There was discussion on how this will affect BadgerCare. Pam discussed the “Marketplace” and where people can call with questions regarding new insurance. Scams are going around already and people should be aware and can call 800-318-2596 with any complaints. Elderly who already have insurance won’t have to worry about the Marketplace. Lynnae indicated the GWAAR website has a five minute video available that is very informative.

7. Senior Information Day Update. Holly Konitzer reported on the Senior Information Day. There were 50 people registered for the program, and 44 showed up. There were presentations made throughout the day on the following topics: Dementia, Healthy Aging, Depression & Suicide Awareness. There was positive feedback on the day. The day is entirely put on by local sponsors and donations. 8. Nutrition. a. Nutrition Statistics. The Nutrition Statistics were distributed to all persons present and reviewed by Holly Konitzer. She reported that meal donations are going up. Statements are going out earlier in the month with number of meals and suggested donation amounts. b. Full Cost of a Meal (Price Increase). Holly Konitzer discussed the $7.00 per meal cost which has been in effect since 2010. Participants of community-based, long-term care programs are required to pay full cost of the meal according to the State. Food costs have risen 40 to 50 cents per meal due to food costs. Holly discussed the budget and other increases which brings the average cost of a meal to $8.50 per meal. The statewide average for a meal is about $8.50 per surveys taken throughout the state. The cost per meal should be looked at every year and adjusted accordingly.

Bonnie Olson made a motion to increase cost of meals to $8.50 for Long Term Support Program to be effective January 1, 2014 (or possibly November 1, 2013). Dr. Tom Thomas seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried. Bonnie made a motion to amend the previous motion to make the effective date as soon as Board approval is obtained. Dr. Tom Thomas seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.

Board would like to revisit suggested donation amounts before January. Bonnie suggested putting on next meeting agenda. c. Under 60 Policy. Holly distributed to all persons present a handout titled “Under 60 Nutrition Program Participants.” We are serving approximately 20 persons under 60 at the current time. Motion to approve the Under 60 Policy was made by Rosetta Stern and seconded by Tom Brunner. All aye, motion carried.

9. Transportation report. a. Driver Escort Report. Holly Konitzer reported that in May volunteer drivers logged 60 trips for a total of 3,307 miles and 114.5 hours; and in June volunteer drivers logged 58 trips for a total of 2,647 miles and 109.25 hours. Also, in July, volunteer drivers logged 96 trips for a total of 4,915 miles and 166.0 hours.

Holly provided statistics from the 85.21 Semi-Annual Report for driver escort, mini-bus and user-side subsidy (taxi ticket) programs.

b. Menominee Tribal Transit Report. Jamie Perez was not present at meeting. 10. Aging Unit Director Report. a. Aging Mission Statement. Lynnae Zahringer distributed copy of June 3, 2013, letter from GWAAR regarding the Shawano County Aging Unit 2012 Plan Assessment. There was discussion regarding changing the mission statement based on GWAAR recommendations. A motion was made by Tom Grover to keep the current mission statement. Bonnie Olson seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.

b. Budget Update. Lynnae Zahringer discussed concern about the State budget cut of $7,000 for 2013. Fortunately, the State covered the monies counties were to be cut. As a result, there will be no budget cut for 2013. It is still uncertain what cuts may happen in 2014. Numbers will be presented to Board when they are available.

c. ADRC Update. Lynnae Zahringer indicated there were two new satellite offices that were opened in Lakewood and Wittenberg. Hours for both offices are Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Frank Wozniak gave Lynnae a booklet containing information about the ADRC in Madison from a meeting he attended recently in Madison.

d. GWAAR Updates. Lynnae Zahringer reported no new updates.

e. Advocacy. Lynnae Zahringer distributed to persons present a newsletter from the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups regarding Jobs Growth under Governor Scott Walker. She discussed sequestration and contacting congressmen about concerns. Names of congressmen and phone numbers are listed in the newsletter. Lynnae also distributed information regarding seniors falling into poverty, seniors volunteering at a higher rate, and information from the Health Department regarding the heat extremes. She discussed the new Aging brochures that will be handed out at the Shawano County Fair. Bonnie Olson asked Lynnae to look into what is the “actual” poverty level.

At the previous meeting, there was question as to whether there was a “pill disposal box” located at the Shawano City Police Department. Lynnae checked on this and indicated there is a “pill disposal box” at SCPD. It is open 24/7.

Tom Brunner was asked about the new transportation provider, MTM. He indicated so far MTM seems to be worse than when Logisticare took over. He has had problems with communication from MTM, both in the form of e-mails and phone calls.

Lynnae indicated that effective June 1, when EMT personnel respond to a call, they will assess issues and make referrals to the ADRC if needed for possible services.

11. Department of Community Programs. Barbara Larson-Herber was not present at the meeting.

12. District Representatives and AARP Reports. Western: Frank Wozniak indicated the Nutrition Council Meeting will be held on September 11, 2013, at 10:30 am.

Eastern: Tom Brunner None

Central: Tom Grover None

AARP: Marianne Phalen was not present at meeting. Member at Large: Dr. Tom Thomas None

City: Gladys Stezenski indicated the comments she received regarding Senior Information Day were all excellent.

13. Per Diem Approval. Dr. Tom Thomas made a motion to approve today’s COA Meeting, and the Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting on 8/15 per diem payments. Bonnie Olson seconded the motion. All aye, motion carried.

14. Next Meeting Date. The next commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. The last meeting of the year will be held on December 10, 2013.

15. Adjourn. Tom Brunner made a motion to adjourn this meeting, seconded by Bonnie Olson. All aye, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned.

______Bonnie Olson, Secretary Date Shawano County Commission on Aging

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