Styleguide - AUSTRO FORMEC 2007
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FORMEC 2017 - Innovating the Competitive Edge: From Research to Impact in the Forest Value Chain September 25-29, 2017, Braşov, Romania
Name of author(s) Institute of ……. Department of …. University of …. Address [email protected]
Abstract: Uniformity in format is a desired attribute for papers included in the Proceedings of this conference. This paper is written in the recommended format. It outlines the required page length, spacing, margins, font sizes, headings, references, quotations and other aspects that lead to an appealing visual image.
Keywords: papers, uniformity, format, style
1. Introduction
The meeting will consist of a two-day technical conference on New Developments in Forest Engineering, followed by a one-day visit to FOREST ROMANIA FAIR. FOREST ROMANIA FAIR is a live demonstration and presentation of forest machinery in Romanian forest conditions. The focus is on steep terrain harvesting technology and environmentally sensitive forest practices. The meeting in Braşov will start with an ice breaker on Monday, September 25, 2017. The technical sessions will take place on September 26 and 27. The visit to the FOREST ROMANIA FAIR in Zizin will be on the 28 th of September, 2017.
For this meeting, we would like to produce Proceedings in electronic form. This compilation of the most important papers is given to each participant and to other individuals who subsequently request a copy. One problem, however, is that papers in the Proceedings should have a uniform format.
The purpose of this short paper is to specify an appealing style while still allowing the author’s message to be transmitted. The paper is written in the format that is recommended. It is important that authors follow the instructions carefully. 2. General Requirements
2.1 Page Limit
The full manuscript must not exceed 10 pages respectively 2 pages for an abstract, single spaced, including all tables, figures and references. Tables and figures should go into the body of the manuscript, close to where they are referenced. The paper should be written in Microsoft Word submitted at the following email address: [email protected] mentioning as subject “Full paper for Proceedings”.
2.3 Margins
Left and right margins (except the abstract should be 30mm on A4 size paper and 1.25 inches for 8 2/1 x 11 inches (letter size) paper, respectively, while 33 mm is required for top and bottom margins on A4 size (one inch is required on letter size paper). Text should be fully (left and right) justified. Hyphenating words is encouraged to obtain more even word spacing.
2.4 Spacing
Spacing should adhere to the following format: Single-space the body of the paper. Triple space before and double space after the first level headings (which should be centered). Do the same before and after the words Table, Figure, Appendix and References. Double space between paragraphs, before and after second level headings, and between footnotes or references.
2.5 Boldface
Use boldface type on the title (12 pt) of your paper, the names of authors (but not their affiliation), and all headings. For the text body please use a 10 point font size and the font “Times”.
3. First Page Requirements
3.1 Titles
Do not use a separate title page. Centered on the top line, type the title of the conference, its location, and date. Leave two blank lines and then use upper case letters of 12-point font size to type the title of your paper. Center the title. If more than one line is required, single space between the lines.
3.2 Authors
Leave two blank lines after the paper title and then type the author(s) name (one line) and affiliation (two lines). If one or more of the authors have an e-mail address, then these should be listed on an additional line below the affiliation. If authors are from more than one institution, then leave a blank space and repeat the same procedure for the author(s) of those other institutions. If two or more authors are from the same institution, they should be included as one entry. The corresponding author should be marked with a sign*. 3.3 Keywords, Abstract
After listing the authors, leave two more blank lines and type the keywords and the abstract. The keywords should be no more than 5 words and should begin with the word “Keywords:”. The abstract should have no more than 150 words and should begin with the word “Abstract:”.
3.4 The Paper Body
The body of the paper should be separated from the abstract by two blank spaces. Begin the body of the paper with the first main heading. Please be sure to check for spelling and grammar before submitting your paper.
4. Footnotes, Figures and Tables
4.1 Footnotes
Footnotes are generally discouraged, but may be used when necessary1. They should be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of the page on which they appear, separated from the body of the text by a line one inch long (or 10 spaces). Two footnotes on the same page should be separated by a blank space. Be sure to observe the margin requirements at the bottom of the page. Footnotes should not be attached to equations.
4.2 Figures and Tables
Figures and tables should appear soon after their first citation in the text. Each table or figure should have a bold-faced title describing its content. The label and the title should be centered and typed in upper/lower case. There should be no period after the title. You should attempt to include tables and figures in the body of the text in a manner that allows easy reference while reading the text. Please try to avoid photo-reducing figures and tables because this will make them illegible in the Proceedings.
4.3 Citations
Books, journals and other references should be cited in the text by enclosing in parentheses the author’s surname and the year of publication. Examples: (Saaty, 1994a; Wedley, Schoner and Choo, 1993, Leung, 1997). If you cite more than one reference by the same author in the same year, then use letters after the year to refer to the different publications. Example: (Saaty, 1994b). If a reference contains no author, use the first two or three words of the title and the year. Example: (Scale Reversals, 1991).
4.4 Quotations
If quotations contain two or more sentences and four or more lines, they should be set off from the body of the text by using 1.5 inch left and right margins.
1 Test 4.5 Formulas
All formulas should be placed on separate lines, centered and numbered consecutively. Be certain that all symbols are adequately defined. Identification numbers should be placed in parentheses along the right margin as shown below. CI(n) CR(n) (1) MRCI(n) where CR(n), CI(n) and MRCI(n) are the Consistency Ratio, Consistency Index and Mean Random Consistency Index, respectively, for matrix as size n.
4.6 Appendices
Appendices, if needed, should immediately follow the body of the paper and precede the references. The title should be centered and bold-faced. Note that Appendices should be used sparingly. Tables and Figures that are germane to your text should be included in the body of the paper.
4.7 Acknowledgements
This style guide has been based on the guide prepared by Bill Wedley for ISAHP’96 at Vancouver, Canada, by Ryutaro Manabe and Takao Terano for ISAHP ’99 at Kobe, Japan and by Harald Vacik for Decision Support for Multiple Purpose Forestry, Vienna, Austria.
4.8 References
The bibliography of cited sources should be entitled “References” and should appear at the end of the paper. This section should immediately follow the main body of the paper, after any Appendices.
Below are examples of book, journal and proceeding references, respectively. Additional documentation problems may be resolved by consulting a recognized style manual.
Dyer, R. F. and Forman, E. H. (1991) An Analytic Approach to Marketing Decisions, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Donegan, H. A., Dodd, F. J. and McMaster, T. B. (1992), “A New Approach to AHP Decision Making,” The Statistician, 41, 295-302.
Barzilai, J. and Golani, B (1991) “An Axiomatic Framework for Aggregating Weights and Weight-Ratio Matrices,” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Pittsburgh. PA, 59-70.