Medical Careers Course Syllabus

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Medical Careers Course Syllabus

Medical Careers Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Mary Beth (Vogel) Murray, BSN, RN-C Work Cell Phone: 484-995-5006 Work E-mail: [email protected] Home E-mail: [email protected]

Instructional Philosophy: Medical Careers students are expected to meet all of the learning objectives and course competencies. Students are also expected to be able to demonstrate their understanding of underlying health science concepts. Classroom instruction is supplemented by clinical experiences within the hospital, as well as, skill demonstration and practice. Students work in independently and in small groups to complete a variety of projects that require the use of critical thinking, leadership skills and teamwork. They complete a variety of projects, involving research, written reports, and oral presentations. Assignments require students to draw upon language arts, mathematics, science and communication skills.

Program Content: The Medical Careers Program is coordinated between Delaware County Technical High School and Bryn Mawr Hospital. The curriculum includes study of the following: anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, health care industry topics, medical terminology and abbreviations, safety and infection control procedures, basic patient care skills, vital signs and CPR/First Aid/Blood Borne Pathogens certifications. Clinical rotations through many departments of the hospital provide the opportunity to observe various medical careers at work as well as patient care activities. Many staff members, representing various health care careers, will join the class as “guest speakers” throughout the year to discuss their jobs or a particular area of clinical expertise. The combination of guest speakers, clinical rotations and academic content will provide the students with an opportunity to learn a wide array of material with the goal of assisting them with future career choices in the health care industry.

Emergency School Closing: Mrs. Murray will text students if there is no class due to an overnight weather event. If your home school is closed you do not have to attend Medical Careers class. If there is a two hour delay, there will be no AM class, or if there is an early dismissal, there will be no PM class. PM class: check with your home school guidance counselor if weather becomes an issue during the school day.

Clinical Rotation Days: Will begin in late Nov/early Dec and end in early May. The first months of the class will consist of lecture, career guest speakers and patient care skills to prepare students prior to the beginning of clinical rotations. On clinical rotation days, the students will spend the class period in an assigned unit at Bryn Mawr Hospital. In most cases, it is unlikely that missed clinical rotation days will be able to be made up. An ID badge and dress code adherence are required for rotation days.

Class Requirements: A. Required Supplies: 1 Notebook for lecture notes 1 Folder for handouts 1 Binder for notes and class work (1-2” binder) 1 Small pocket notebook for clinical days 1 Large (@3”) Three Ring Binder with dividers (for portfolio) Watch with second hand Course Texts (provided by DCTS):  The Human Body in Health and Disease (6th Ed), Gary Thibodeau & Kevin Patton, Mosby, 2014  Health Science Career Exploration (2nd Ed), Louise Simmers, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2009  Medical Careers Patient Care Manual, Skills and Related Topics – Kossuth, 2016 B. Grading Policies

1. Academics: quarterly grades are comprised of an average of the following: homework assignments, quizzes, tests, one health related article review/presentation, and one research paper/presentation. A portfolio of student work will be required during the 4th quarter. Lateness for any work will always result in a grade deduction. 10% of the assignment will be deducted for each day an assignment is late. Major assignments are expected to be turned in on time, regardless of attendance. Students with a B or better and/or a passing score on the NOCTI exam will not be required to take the final exam.

2. Grades  10% of Quarterly Grade ----- Class participation/Daily ”Work Ethic” points  90% of Quarterly Grade is comprised of the following:  Homework – variety of written and reading assgnments  Quizzes: approximately 4-8 quizzes/quarter.  Tests: approximately 2-4 tests/quarter. Announced 3 days ahead.  Clinical Journals and Clinical Area Summaries – weekly during Clinical Rotations  Skills Assessments – rolling throughout the year; Assessments approximately every 2 weeks  Health Related Article Review: one/quarter. Article source: newspaper, magazine, periodical or internet source. A paper summarizing the article and a brief oral presentation are required. See the rubric for specifics.  Research Paper/Project: one/quarter. Requirements will vary based on the project but will always include a paper and oral presentation. See the rubric for specifics.  Student Portfolio: Due in May and counts as a major test grade for 4th quarter. It is a presentation of all work completed throughout the year, so it is important to save everything!

3. Class Participation/ Daily Work Ethic Points: Students earn a daily grade for each class day. The students may earn up to 10 points each class day. Critical elements of the work ethic grade include:  Attendance: See DCTS handbook guidelines. A note is required within 3 days of return to class or the absence is unexcused.  Following safety procedures.  Following dress code.  Being respectful of classmates, instructor, hospital staff and patients.  Work habits: using class and clinical time productively.  Being prepared: includes ID badge, dress code, notebook etc., assignments in on time.  Attitude: demonstrates desire to learn, is cooperative and accepts responsibility.  Follows directions during class and on clinical days.  Participation: actively participates during class and clinical days.  Professionalism: in addition to all listed above, this also includes sitting up straight, keeping focus on the speaker and being engaged in learning.

C. Academic Integrity: Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Sources must always be cited for all written assignments. Not citing work will result in a failing grade for the assignment. Homework is assigned to help students learn the material; sharing work is not permitted unless it is part of a specific assignment. Using another’s work and representing it as one’s own or sharing work with another student will result in a zero for the assignment & disciplinary action. Scope

 Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology  Safety in the Health Care Setting  Medical Terminology and Abbreviations  Vital Sign Assessment  Basic Patient Care Procedures  Health Care Provider First Aid and CPR  Patient Assessment Techniques Certification  Documentation in Health Care  Communication Techniques  Medical Law and Ethics  Health Care Careers and College Majors  Infection Control Procedures  Employability Skills  Teamwork and Leadership Skills  Community Service in Health Care

Quarter 1 Overview

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