Curriculum Vitae s84

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Curriculum Vitae s84


CURRICULUM VITAE Name: DAVID WOOL Ph.D. (first) (last) (Acad. degree)

I.D. No: 736765 Faculty: George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences Dept: Zoology Home address: 17 Bialik St., Ramat Hasharon 47206 Tel. Nos: 03-5407916 03-6409807 (home) (work) Date & place of birth: March 10, 1933; Tel Aviv, Israel ZAHAL (Israeli) Military Service: 1950-1952

Marital status: Married, 2 children Member of kibbutz: 1951-1962

A. EDUCATION Period of Name of University Subject Degree or Date of Study Professional Award (dates) Licence ______

1961-1964 Tel Aviv University Biology B.Sc. 1964 1964-1966 " " " Zoology M.Sc. (Hons.) 1966 1966-1969 University of Kansas, Entomology Ph.D. 1969

Lawrence, USA Title of Master's dissertation: Chironomidae (Diptera) from the Hula Nature Reserve, Israel. Supervisor: Prof. J. Kugler Title of Doctoral dissertation: Deviations of zygotic frequencies from expectations in eggs of Tribolium castaneum Supervisor: Prof. R.R. Sokal


1 None


C. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Period Name of Institution Department Rank/Function (dates) ______1970-1974 Tel Aviv University Zoology Lecturer 1974-1976 " " " " Senior Lecturer 1976-1977 University of Reading, Agriculture Sabbatical England 1977-1981 Tel Aviv University Zoology Senior Lecturer 1981-l988 Tel Aviv University Zoology Associate Professor 1986-1987 Michigan State Univ., Zoology Sabbatical USA

1988-2001 Tel Aviv University Zoology Professor 1992-1993 Macquarie University, Sydney Biol.Sci. Sabbatical Australia 2001-present Tel Aviv University Zoology Professor Emeritus

l990-1992 Tel Aviv University Zoology Department Chairman


1972 INTECOL Meeting at Cavtat, Yugoslavia 1973 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, Houston, Texas 1974 First International Conference on Stored Products Entomology, Savannah, Georgia, USA 1975 International Conference on Population Genetics and Ecology, Israel 1978 International Conference on Cecidology, Strassbourg, France 1980 Second International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Vancouver, Canada 1981 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, Iowa, USA


1983 Annual Meeting of the European Population Genetics Group, Birmingham, England 1984 Annual Meeting of the European Population Genetics Group, , Southampton, England 1985 Annual Meeting of the European Population Genetics Group, Exeter, England 1986 Third International Congress: Environmental Quality and Ecosystem Stability, Jerusalem, Israel

1986 Fourth International Working Conference on Stored-Product Protection, Tel Aviv, Israel

Symposium on Electrophoretic Studies of Agricultural Pests, Rothamsted, 1988 England (invited lecture) 1989 International Conference on Tropical Entomology, Nairobi, Kenya 1989 International Conference on Insect-Plant Interactions, Budapest, Hungary l990 International Congress of Ecology, Yokohama, Japan l990 International Symposium on Aphid-Plant Interactions, Oklahoma, USA 1992 Annual Meeting of the European Population Genetics Group, Leiden, The Netherlands 1992 8th International Conference on Insect-Plant Interactions, Wageningen, The Netherlands 1993 Australian Entomological Society, Cairns, Australia 1993 4th International Symposium on Aphids, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic 1995 9th International Congress on Insect-Plant Interactions (SIP-9), Gwatt, Switzerland 1995 5th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.

1995 Fifth International congress on systematics and evolutionary biology, Budapest,Hungary 1997 Seond International symposium on gall inducing arthropods, Matrafured, Hungary


1997 Fifth International symposium on aphids in natural and managed systems, Leon, Spain

1998 Tenth International Symposium on Insect-Plant relationships, Oxford, England ( SIP10) 2000 XXI International Congress of Entomology, Iguassu Falls, Brazil


E. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL AWARDS 1982-1985BARD ($150000) Genetic manipulation of almond-moth populations as a means of reducing or preventing insecticide resistance 1986-l990 CDR-AID ($147000) Identification and characterization of genetic strains in Bemisia tabaci

F. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Entomological Society of America Society for Population Ecology (Japan) Israel Zoological Society Israel Entomological Society Israel Ecological Society


G. DOCTORAL STUDENTS Year Name of Student Title of Thesis 1979 Eliahu Sverdlov The effect of environmental conditions on the genetic composition of populations

1983 Bella Galil Systematics, morphometric variation and genetic (supervised together (electrophoretic) variation in Trapezia with the late Prof. H. Lewinsohn (Brachyura:Decapoda) 1985 Orna Bergerson The process of adaptation of flour beetles (Tribolium) to new environments as a model of an evolutionary process 1988 Nurit Kamin-Belsky Activity of digestive enzymes in different genetic strains of the almond moth and its ecological significance

1995 Moshe Inbar Resource partitioning and plant-mediated competition among gall-forming aphids

1996 Ora Manheim Similarity and phylogenetic relationships among gall-forming aphid species (Fordinae, Homoptera: Aphidoidea) estimated by multivariarte analysis of morphological characters

2003 J-J.Y. Martinez Gall-inducing aphids (Fordini) on Pistacia trees: Ecological and genetical studies of metapopulations


LIST OF PUBLICATIONS A. BOOKS Wool, D. The driving forces in Evolution - genetical processes in populations. Ramot Publ. Co. l985 (in Hebrew). Wool, D. The Driving Forces in Evolution – genetical processes in populations Science Publishers, Enfield, NH , 2006

B. REFEREED ARTICLES Kugler, J. and D. Wool. Chironomidae (Diptera) from the Hula Nature Preserve, Israel. Ann. Zool. Fenn. 5: 76-83, 1968. Wool, D. and J. Kugler. Circadian rhythm in Chironomid species (Diptera) from the Hula Nature Preserve, Israel. Ann. Zool. Fenn. 6: 94-97, 1969. Wool, D. The effect of larval age range on survival of two Tribolium castaneum strains in pure and mixed cultures. Res. Popul. Ecol. 11: 40-44, 1969. Wool, D. Depth distribution of adults and immatures of two Tribolium castaneum strains in pure and mixed cultures. Res. Popul. Ecol. 11: 137-149, 1969. Wool, D. Differences in population parameters of two Tribolium castaneum strains in environments of different shapes. Res. Popul. Ecol. 11: 45-66, 1969. Wool, D. Deviation of zygotic frequencies from expectation in eggs of Tribolium castaneum. Genetics 66: 115--132, 1970. Sokal, R.R., E.H. Bryant and D. Wool. Selection for changes in genetic facilitation: negative results in Tribolium and Musca. Heredity 25: 299-306, 1970. Wool, D. A new approach to insecticide resistance: Ecological genetic speculation. Bull. Ent. Soc. Amer. 17: 133-135, 1971. Wool, D. A critical examination of the use of the Jolicoeur-Brunel diagrams to demonstrate selection in biological populations.


Genetics 70: 181-185, 1972. Wool, D. The growth phase of serially-transferred Tribolium populations. J. Anim. Ecol. 41: 439-451, 1972. B. REFEREED ARTICLES (CONT.) Wool, D. Size, productivity, age and competition in Tribolium populations subjected to long-term serial transfer. J. Anim. Ecol. 42: 183-200, 1973. Wool, D. Quantitative evaluation of temporal similarity in abundance of animal species. Res. Popul. Ecol. 15: 90-98, 1973. Sverdlov, E. and D. Wool. The effect of rearing Tribolium castaneum in used culture medium on developmental time of the next generation. Entomol. exp. Appl. 6: 550-551, 1973. Wool, D. and S. Mendlinger. The eu mutant of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. Environmental and genetic effects on penetrance. Genetica 44: 496-504, 1973. Wool, D. On the possibility of controlling disease vectors by genetic means. Ha'Refua 84: 658-662, 1973. (in Hebrew). Sverdlov, E. and D. Wool. Some aspects of survival of starved adult Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). J. Stored Prod. Res. 11: 145-154, 1975. Wool, D. and E. Sverdlov. Sib-mating populations in an unpredicatable environment: effects on components of fitness. Evolution 30: 119-129, 1976. Wool, D. Changes of life-history stage distribution of single-strain and mixed Tribolium populations during a single generation at a lowered temperature (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). J. Anim. Ecol. 45: 381-394, 1975. Cohen, E., E. Sverdlov and D. Wool. Expression of Esterases during ontogenesis of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera). Biochem. Genet. 15: 253-264, 1977. Wool, D. Genetic and environmental components of morphological variation in gall- forming aphids (Homoptera, Aphididae, Fordinae) in relation to climate. J. Anim. Ecol. 46: 875-889, 1977.


Koach, J. and D. Wool. Geographic distribution and host specificity of gall forming aphids (Homoptera, Fordinae) on Pistacia trees in Israel. Marcellia 40: 207-216, 1977.

B. REFEREED ARTICLES (cont.) Wool, D., H.F. van Emden and S.W. Bunting. Electrophoretic detection of the internal parasite, Aphidius matricariae, in Myzus persicae. Ann. Appl. Biol. 90: 21-26, 1978. Wool, D., S. Bunting and H.F. van Emden. Electrophoretic study of genetic variation in British Myzus persicae (Sulz.) (Hemiptera, Aphididae). Biochem. Genet. 16: 987-1006, 1978. Wool, D. and E. Sverdlov. Temporal patterns of food availability and their effect on Tribolium populations. Res. Popul. Ecol. 20: 61-73, 1978. Wool, D. and O. Bergerson. Analysis of selection processes using the incompletely-penetrant mutant eu of Tribolium castaneum. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 21: 405-415, 1979. Wool, D. and O. Bergerson. Sperm precedence in repeated mating of Tribolium adults. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Entomol. exp. Appl. 26: 157-160, 1979. Wool, D. On ecological inference from kurtosis and skewness of morphological characters. Res. Popul. Ecol. 22: 263-272, 1980. Wool, D. and S. Noiman. Amylase activity in adults and immatures of Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Z. Ang. Ent. 90: 382-390, 1980. Wool, D. and O. Manheim. Genetically-induced susceptibility to malathion in Tribolium castaneum despite selection for resistance. Entomol. exp. Appl. 28: 183-190, 1980. Nevo, E., T. Perl, A. Beiles, D. Wool & U. Zoller. Genetic structure as a potential monitor of marine pollution. Journees Etud. Pollutions, Cagliari, C.I.S.E.M. pp. 61-68, 1980. Wool, D. and S. Mendlinger. Genetical and ecological consequences of subdivision in Tribolium populations. J. Anim. Ecol. 50: 421-433, 1981. Wool, D. and H.F. van Emden.


A possible genetic component in the adaptibility of Myzus persicae clones to artificial diet. Z. Ang. Ent. 91: 225-231, 1981. Nevo, E., T. Perl, A. Beiles and D. Wool. Mercury selection of allozyme genotypes in shrimps. Experientia 37: 1152-1154, 1981.


Wool, D. Critical examination of postulated cladistic relationships among species of flour beetles (Gen. Tribolium; Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera). Biochem. Genet. 20: 333-349, 1982. Wool, D. Family selection for DDT resistance in flour beetles (Tribolium; Tenebrionidae) as a model for group selection of fitness traits. Isr. J. Entomol. 16: 73-85, 1982. Noiman, S. and D. Wool. Genetic and ecological properties of malathion resistance in a "field" strain of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Z. Ang. Ent. 93: 496-503, 1982. Graur, D. and D. Wool. Dynamics and genetics of mating behavior in Tribolium (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Behav. Genet. 12: 161-179, 1982. Wool, D., S. Noiman, O. Manheim and E. Cohen. Malathion resistance in Tribolium strains and their hybrids: Inheritance patterns and possible enzymatic mechanisms. Biochem. Genet. 20: 621-636, 1982. Wool, D. and S. Noiman. Integrated control of insecticide resistance by combined genetic and chemical treatments: a warehouse model with flour beetles (Tribolium; Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera). Z. Ang. Ent. 95: 22-29, 1983. Wool, D. and N. Kamin-Belsky. Age-dependent resistance to malathion in adult almond moths, Ephestia cautella (Walker). Z. Ang. Ent. 96: 386-391, 1983. Wool, D. and O. Manheim. The effects of environment subdivision on morphological variation in the "cauliflower" galls of the aphid Slavum wertheimae (Homoptera, Aphididae, Fordinae). Isr. J. Entomol. 17: 95-1O4, 1983. Wool, D. Directional and correlated effects of selection on amylase activity, weight and developmental time in Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae).


Genetica 65: 173-178, 1984. Wool, D. and N. Kamin-Belsky. Effects of diet and of larval density on adult sensitivity to malathion and on ecological parameters in Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera, Phyticidae). Z. Ang. Ent. 98: 58-62, 1984. Wool, D. and E. Shirtz. Selection for high and low amylase activity in adult flour beetles (Tribolium confusum). (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Genetica 63: 229-236, 1984. B. REFEREED ARTICLES (cont.) Wool, D., D. Gerling and Isabelle Cohen. Electrophoretic detection of two endoparasite species, Encarsia lutea and Eretmocerus mundus, in the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Z. Ang. Ent. 98: 276-279, 1984. Wool, D. Blind flour beetles: the expression of variable eye phenotypes in the microcephalic (mc) mutant of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Isr. J. Entomol. 19: 201-210, 1985. Graur, D. and D. Wool. Unidirectional interspecific mating in Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum: Evolutionary and ecological implications. Entomol. exp. Appl. 38: 261-265, 1985. Wool, D. Enzyme activity levels in individuals: Selective value, over-reaction and conditional neutrality. Evolutionary Theory 8: 39-48, 1986. Wool, D. and O. Manheim. Population ecology of the gall-forming aphid, Aploneura lentisci in Israel. Res. Popul. Ecol. 28: 151-162, 1986. Wool, D., Z. Namir and O. Bergerson. Dietary regulation of amylase activity levels in flour beetles (Tribolium. Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 79: 407-413, 1986. Bergerson, O. and D. Wool. Genetic variation and the ability to colonize new niches in the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Heredity 57: 403-406, 1986. Wool, D.and O. Bergerson. Random environmental variation and inbreeding: effect on pure-strain and hybrid populations of flour beetles (Tribolium). Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 28: 889-898, 1986. Wool, D. Differentiation of island populations: a laboratory model. Am. Nat.129: 188-202, 1987.


Bergerson, O. and D. Wool. Attraction of flour beetles (Tribolium) to wheat flour: heritable character or "conditioning"? Z. Ang. Ent. 104: 179-186, 1987. Wool, D., J.H. Brower and N. Kamin-Belsky. The relative importance of factors affecting the size of laboratory populations of the almond moth Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Z. Ang. Ent. 104: 217-227, 1987.


B. REFEREED ARTICLES (cont.) Wool, D. and O. Manheim. The effect of host plant properties on gall density, gall weight and clone size in the aphid, Aploneura lentisci (Pass.) (Aphididae, Fordinae) in Israel. Res. Popul. Ecol. 30: 227-234, 1988. Bergerson, O. and D. Wool. The process of adaptation of flour beetles to new environments. Genetica 77: 3-13, 1988. Wool, D., J.H. Brower and N. Kamin-Belsky. The genetic impact of immigrant males on resident populations of the Almond moth, Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lep., Pyralidae). J. Appl. Ent. 106: 339-344, 1988. Aloni, R., D. Katz and D. Wool. Effect of the gall-forming aphid Slavum wertheimae on the differentiation of xylem in branches of Pistacia atlantica. Ann. Bot. 63: 373-375, 1989. Wool, D., D. Gerling, B. Nolt, L.M. Constantino, A. Bellotti and F. Morales. The use of electrophoresis for identification of adult whiteflies (Aleyrodidae) in Israel and Colombia. J. Appl. Ent. 107: 344-350, 1989. Wool, D. Regular alternation of high and low population size of gall-forming aphids: analysis of ten years of data. Oikos 57: 73-79, 1990. Wool, D. and S. Greenberg. Esterase activity in whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) in Israel in relation to insecticide resistance. Entomol. exp. Appl. 57: 251-258, 1990. Kamin-Belsky, N. and D. Wool. Dietary modification of digestive physiology in larvae of the almond moth, Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera, Phyticidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 84: 768-775, 1991. Wool, D. and M. Burstein. A galling aphid with extra life-cycle complexity: population ecology and evolutionary considerations. Res. Popul. Ecol. 33: 307,322, 1991. Wool, D. and M. Burstein. Parasitoids attacking the gall-forming aphid, Smynthurodes betae Westw. (Aphidoidea: Fordinae) in Israel. Entomophaga 36: 531-538, 1991. Wool, D., D. Gerling, A.C. Bellotti, F.J. Morales and B. Nolt. Spatial and temporal genetic variation in populations of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) in Israel and Colombia: an interim report. Insect. Sci. Appl. 12: 225-230, 1991.


B. REFEREED ARTICLES (cont.) Wool, D. and N. Kamin-Belsky. Relative fitness in an ecological context: a three-dimensional representation of fitness of almond moth strains Ephestia cautella (Walker), Lepidoptera, Phyticidae). J. Appl. Ent. 113: 168-174, l992. Kaufman, B. and D. Wool. Gene flow by immigrants into isolated recipient populations: a laboratory model using flour beetles. Genetica, 85: 163-171, 1992. Burstein, M. and D. Wool. Great Tits exploit aphid galls as a source of food. Ornis, 23: 107-109, 1992. Wool, D., J.H. Brower and N. Kamin-Belsky. Reduction of Malathion resistance in caged almond moth Cadra cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) populations by the introduction of susceptible males. J. Stored Prod. Res., 28: 59-65, l992 Burstein, M. and D. Wool. Gall aphids do not select optimal sites (Smynthurodes betae, Pemphigidae). Ecol. Entomol. 18: 155-164, 1993. Kamin-Belsky, N. and D. Wool. Ecological aspects of digestive enzyme co-variation in almond moth (Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera, Phyticidae). J. Stored Prod. Res. 29: 323-332, 1993. Wool, D., D. Gerling, A.C. Bellotti and F.J. Morales. Esterase electrophoretic variation in Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hom. Aleyrodidae) among host plants and localities in Israel. J. Appl. Ent. 115: 185-196, 1993. Shchukin, A. and D. Wool. Pyrethroid resistance and esterase activity in selected laboratory populations of sweetpotato whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci). Eur. J. Entomol. 91: 285-295, 1994. Bloch, G. and D. Wool. Methidathion resistance in the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) in Israel: selection, heritability, and correlated changes of esterase activity. J. Econ. Entomol. 87: 1147-1156, 1994. Inbar (Burstein), M. and D. Wool. Phloem-feeding specialists sharing a host tree: resource partitioning minimizes interference competition among galling aphid species. Oikos 73: 109-119, 1994. Burstein, M., D. Wool and A. Eshel. Sink strength and clone size of sympatric gall-forming aphids. Eur. J. Entomol. 91: 57-61, 1994.


B. REFEREED ARTICLES (cont.) Wool, D., O. Manheim, M. Burstein and T. Levi. Dynamics of re-migration of sexuparae to their primary hosts in the gall-forming Fordinae (Aphidoidea: Pemphigidae). Eur. J. Entomol. 91: 103-108, 1994. Wool, D., L. Calvert, L.M. Constantino, A.C. Bellotti and D. Gerling. Differentiation of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) populations in Colombia. J. Appl. Ent. 117: 122-134, 1994. Wool, D. Aphid-induced galls on Pistacia in the natural Mediterranean forest of Israel: which, where, and how many? Isr. J. Zool. 41: 591-600, 1995. Bloch, G. and D. Wool. Esterase activity in populations of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci: heritability and associated organophosphorous resistance. Bull. ent. Res. 85: 11-19, 1995. Wool, D. and N. Bar-El. Population ecology of the galling aphid Forda formicaria von Heyden in Israel: abundance, demography and gall structure. Isr. J. Zool. 41: 175-192, 1995. Inbar, M., A. Eshel and D. Wool. Interspecific competition among phloem-feeding insects mediated by induced hostplant sinks. Ecology 76: 1506-1515, 1995. Wool, D., D. Hales and P. Sunnucks. Host plant relationships of Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Australia. J. Austral. Ent. Soc. 34: 265-271, 1995. Wool, D. Aphid galls: what makes them attractive for study? Cecidology: 11: 2-8, 1996. Wool, D. and D.F. Hales. Previous infestation affects recolonization of cotton by Aphis gossypii: induced resistance or plant damage? Phytoparasitica 24: 39-48, 1996. Wool, D. and D.F. Hales. Phenotypic plasticity in Australian Aphis gossypii: hostplant effects on morpholoigcal variation. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 90: 316-328, 1997. Wool, D., O. Manheim and M. Inbar.


The return flight of sexuparae of galling aphids to their primary host trees: implications for differential herbivory and gall abundance (Aphidoidea: Pemphigidae, Fordinae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 90: 341-350, 1997.

10 DAVID WOOL, Ph.D. 11

B. REFEREED ARTICLES (cont.) Yom Tov, Y. and D. Wool. Do the contents of Barn Owl pellets accurately represent the proportion of prey species in the field? Condor 99: 972-976, 1997. Wool, D. and M. Inbar. Colonization of ecological islands: galling aphid populations on recovering Pistacia trees after destruction by fire. Eur. J. Entomol. 95: 41-53, 1998 Wool,D., and O.Ben Zvi Population Ecology and clone dynamics of the galling aphid Geoica wertheimae (Sternorrhynch: Pemphigidae: Fordinae) Eur.J.Entomol. 95: 509-518, 1998 Wool, D. and R.Bogen Ecology of the gall-forming aphid, Slavum wertheimae, On Pistacia atlantica : population dynamics and differential herbivory. Isr.J.Zool. 45: 247-260, 1999 Wool,D., R.Aloni, O.Ben Zvi and M. Wollberg A galling aphid furnishes its home with a built-in pipeline to the host food supply. Entomol.Exp.Appl. 91:183-186, 1999 Wool,D. and T.Agami Response to selection and genetic regulation of esterase activity variation in Tribolium confusum Selection 1: 95-105, 2000

Wool,D. Charles Lyell - " The father of Geology" - as a fore runner of modern Ecology Oikos 94: 385-391, 2001

Wool, D. and Sulami, Z. Induction of alate sexuparae in root cage colonies, and female-biased sex ratios in the galling aphid, Aploneura lentisci Entomol. Exp. Appl. 101: 299-303, 2001

Wool, D. Herbivore abundance is independent of weather? A 20-year study of a galling aphid, Baizongia pistaciae ( Homoptera: Aphidoidea.) Popul. Ecol. 44: 281-291, 2002

Wool, D., and Front, L. Esterase variation in Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) : genetic analysis of interstrain crosses in relation to malathion resistance


J. Stored Prod. Res. 39: 237-249, 2003

Dayan,T., Wool, D., and Simberloff, D. Variation and covariation of skulls and teeth: modern carnivores and the interpretation of fossil mammals Paleobiology 28: 508-526, 2002

Martinez, J.J.(Y.) and Wool, D. Differential response of trees and shrubs to browsing and pruning : the effect on Pistacia growth and gall-inducing aphids Plant Ecology 169: 285- 294, 2003

Wool, D. Galling aphids : Specialization, biological complexity, and variation. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 49: 175- 194, 2004

Manheim,O., and Wool,D. Ifferential response of genotypes to alternative environments: a comparative morphological study of gall-inducing aphids ( Homoptera: Pemphigidae: Fordinae) Israel J.Zool. 49:287-305, 2003

Inbar,M., Wink M. and Wool,D. The evolution of host-plant manipulation by insects: molecular and ecological evidence from gall-forming aphids on Pistacia Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 32: 504-511 2004

Martinez, J-J.Y. , Mokady O., Wool D. Patch size and patch quality of gall- inducing aphids in a mosaic landscape in Israel. Landscape Ecology, 20:1013-1024, 2005.

Hazkani-Covo,E. Wool, D., Graur, D. In search of the vertebrate phylotypic stage: a molecular examination of the development hourglass model and Von Baer's third law. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol.Dev.Evol.) 304 B: 150-158 , 2005.

Wool, D. Differential colonization of host trees by galling aphids: selection of hosts or selection by hosts? Basic and Applied Ecology, 6: 445-451, 2005.

Wool, D., Hendrix, D.L., Shukry, O.

12 DAVID WOOL, Ph.D. 13

Seasonal variation in honeydew sugar content of galling aphids ( Aphidoidea: Pemphigidae: Fordinae) feeding on Pistacia: Host ecology and aphid physiology. Basic and Applied Ecology, 7: 141-151

Martinez, J-J. Y. , Wool, D. Sampling bias in roadsides: the case of galling aphids on Pistacia trees Biodiversity and Conservation, 2006 DOI 10.1007/s 10531-004-6685-2

C. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS Wool, D. and J. Koach. Morphological variation of the gall-forming Aphid, Geoica utricularia (Homoptera) in relation to environmental variation. pp. 239-272 In: "Population Genetics and Ecology", S. Karlin and E. Nevo, (eds.). Academic Press, 1976. Wool, D. Gall-forming Aphids. pp.l1-58 In: "Biology of gall insects", T.N. Ananthakrishnan (ed.). Oxford & IBH, 1984. Wool, D. Electrophoretic variation in post-harvest agricultural pests, and its implications. pp. 341-362 In: "Electrophoretic studies on agricultural pests", H.D. Loxdale and J. Den Hollander (eds.). Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989. Wool, D. and O. Manheim. Multivariate study of temporal variation in morphology of a gall-forming aphid. pp. 179-192 In: "Ordination in the study of morphology, evolution and systematics of insects", J. Sorensen and R. Foottit (eds.). Elsevier, 1992. Wool, D. The shapes of insect galls: insect control, plant constraints and phylogeny. pp. 203-213 In: "Ecology and evolution of plant-feeding insects in natural and man- made environments", A. Raman (ed.). Intern. Sci. Publ., New Delhi, India, 1997. Wool,D. Gall-forming aphids on Pistacia: a first look at the subterranean part of their life cycle. pp.127-131 in “The biology of gall-inducing arthropods”, G.Csoka, W.J.Mattson, G.N.Stone and P.W.Price (eds.), USDA Forest Service , St. Paul, Minnesota, 1998. Wool, D. Gall-inducing aphids : biology, ecology and evolution In : "Biology, Ecology and Evolution of Gall-inducing Arthropods"; A. Raman, C.W.Schaefer, and T.M. Withers,(eds.). Science Publishers, New Hampshire, USA.


D. PAPERS PRESENTED AT SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND ABSTRACTS Wool, D. Some observations on mating frequencies in Tribolium castaneum strains. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 10: 182-186, 1967. Wool, D. and J. Kugler. Laboratory cultures of Chironomid species from the Hula Nature Preserve, Israel. Ann. Zool. Fenn., 5: 153-154, 1968. Wool, D. Selection for fast and slow development in pure cultures of T. castaneumstrains. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 11: 108-112, 1969. Wool, D. The effect of brief periods of freezing on population parameters of black and wild type T. castaneum. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 11: 113-117, 1969. Wool, D. Deviations of zygotic frequencies from expectation in eggs of Tribolium castaneum. Diss. Abs., 2751-B, 1969. Wool, D. Larval weight and pupation in the absence of food in T. castaneum strains. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 13: 87-90, 1971. Wool, D. and S. Mendlinger. A recurrent mutation. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 15: 103-105, 1972. Sverdlov, E. and D. Wool. An effect of inbreeding on adult survival under starvation in T. castaneum. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 16: 97-99, 1973. Wool, D. and O. Levi. The length of embryonic development in the eu mutant of T. castaneum. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 16: 105-108, 1973. Sverdlov, E. and D. Wool. Selection against homozygotes in a variable environment: A preliminary experiment with Tribolium. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 17: 115-120, 1974. Wool, D. Genetic control of insecticide resistance in stored-products insects: prospects and preliminary investigations. Proc. 1st Int. Work. Conf. on Stored-Products Entomology, Savannah. Ga. pp. 310-316, 1974.

14 DAVID WOOL, Ph.D. 15

Wool, D., L. Bialer and E. Sverdlov. Survival and developmental period of two T. castaneum strains at 25oC. Tribolium Inform Bull. 18: 141-148, 1975. D. PAPERS PRESENTED AT SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND ABSTRACTS (cont.) Sverdlov, E. and D. Wool. The effect of maternal age on penetrance in the eu mutant of T. castaneum. Tribolium Inform Bull. 18: 135-139, 1975. Sverdlov, E., D. Wool and E. Cohen. Esterase isozymes of some Tribolium strains. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 19: 120-125, 1976.

Sverdlov, E. and D. Wool. Isozymes of Tribolium. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 21: 155-160, 1978. Wool, D. Galls and genetic variation in the Fordinae (Aphididae, Homoptera). Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 127 (Actual. Bot.) 1: 197-198, 1980. Wool, D. Productivity of x-irradiated T. confusum adults. Tribolium Inform. Bull. 22: 174-177, 1982. Wool, D. Immigrant males as tools for reducing or preventing insecticide resistance. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Environ. Quality and Ecosystem Stability, Jerusalem, Israel, pp. 77-85, 1986. Kamin-Belsky, N., D. Wool and J.H. Brower. Unplanned factors affecting population size in laboratory populations of the almond moth Ephestia cautella (Walker). Proc. 4th Int. Work. Conf. Stored Product Protection, Tel Aviv, Israel. l986. (Eds. E. Donahaye and S. Navarro), pp. 463-469, 1986. Brower, J.H., D. Wool and N. Kamin-Belsky. Genetic modification of malathion resistance in almond moth populations by immigration of susceptible males. Proc. 4th. Int. Work. Conf. Stored Product Protection, Tel Aviv, Israel (Eds. E. Donahaye and S. Navarro) p. 470, 1986. Wool, D., J.H. Brower and N. Kamin-Belsky. The genetic impact of immigrant males on resident populations of the almond moth, Ephestia cautella. Proc. 4th Int. Work. Conf. Stored Product Protection, Tel Aviv, Israel. (Eds. E. Donahaye and S. Navarro) p. 517, 1986. Burstein, M. and D. Wool. Host trees, gall-forming aphids and parasitoids: Smynthurodes betae Westw. on Pistacia atlantica. I. Ecology of the gall-forming aphid. Proc. Inter. Symp.: Aphid-plant interactions - populations to molecules, p. 255, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1990. Burstein, M. and D. Wool.


Host trees, gall-forming aphids and parasitoids: Smynthurodes betae Westw. on Pistacia atlantica. II. Do galls protect aphids from parasitoids? D. PAPERS PRESENTED AT SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND ABSTRACTS (cont.) Proc. Inter. Symp.: Aphid-plant interactions - populations to molecules, p. 256, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1990. Wool, D. Two-year periodical changes in abundance of gall forming aphids: description and possible causes. Symp. Biol. Hung. 39: 553, 1990.

Wool, D. and M. Burstein. Learning in Nature: Great tits (Parus major) learn to exploit an unusual source of food. Isr. J. Zool. 37: 175, 1991. Wool,D., and Burstein, M. Dominant factors in gall aphid- host tree interaction: tree chemistry, tree phenology, or chance ? XIX International Congress of Entomology, Beijing, China Kaufman, B. and D. Wool. How effective are immigrants as gene flow agents? A laboratory model with flour beetles. Population Genetics Group Meeting, 1991. Burstein, M. and D. Wool. Aggregations of aphid galls at "preferred" sites within trees: do colonizers have a choice? Proc. 8th Insect-Plant Interactions Symp. (Eds. S.B.J. Menken, J.H. Visser and P. Harrewijn). Klewer Pubs., Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 33-35, 1992. Wool, D. and M. Burstein. Preference or chance; how to interpret differences among trees in aphid gall density? Proc. 8th Insect-Plant Interactions Symp. (Eds. S.B.J. Menken, J.H. Visser and P. Harrewijn). Klewer Pubs., Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 33- 35, 1992. Wool, D. and D. Hales. Host plant induction of morphological change in the cotton-melon aphid, Aphis gossypii, in Australia: the "yellow dwarf" phenomenon. Proc. of 24th Ann. Gen. Meeting, Australian Entomological Society, Cairns, Australia, p. 70, 1993. Wool, D. The ecology of gall aphids on Pistacia: new aspects. Wadenswil Res. Station, Switzerland, 1993. Burstein, M., D. Wool and A. Eshel. Sink interactions among closely-related sympatric aphids. 4th Int. Symp. on Aphids, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 1993. Wool, D., O. Manheim, M. Burstein and T. Levi.

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Temporal patterns and host recognition of sexuparae in tribe Fordinae (Eriosomatidae) in Israel. 4th Int. Symp. on Aphids, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 1993. Wool, D. and D.F. Hales. Genetic and hostplant components of morphological variation in Australian Aphis gossypii: which is more important? SIP-9 (Int. Symp. on Insect-Plant Interactions), Gwatt, Switzerland, 1995. . Wool, D. The shapes of aphid galls: insect control and/or plant constraints 5th Cong. of European Soc. for Evolutionary Biology, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., 1995. Wool, D. Gall-forming aphids on Pistacia: a first look at the subterranean part of their life cycle. Conf. on Galls, Matrafured, Hungary, 1997. Wool, D. Gall-forming aphids (Fordinae, Pemphigidae): is holocycly facultative and environment -dependent? 5th Intern. Symp. on Aphids, Leon, Spain, 1997 Inbar,M. and D. Wool Post-fire colonization of Pistacia trees by gall-forming aphids MEDPINE Mediterranean Pine international Workshop, Oranim 1999 Martinez,J.J.Y., and D.Wool Are Pistacia trees growing alongside roads a better habitat for galling aphids ? Isr.J.Zool. 45:315-316 (abstract) Wool, D., T.Agami and L.Front Single-locus control of a continuous phenotype : Esterase activity in the flour beetle Tribolium confusum Proceedings, 7th conference , Eur.Soc. Evol.Bio.( ESEB7) , Barcelona, Spain 1999 Wool, D. and R Aloni Galling aphids as physical ecosystem engineers : the vascular system in aphid galls as a mass-feeding apparatus Proceedings, XXI International Congress of Entomology Book 1 p.210, 2000 (abstract) Wool,D. Gall-forming aphids ( Pemphigidae: Fordinae) on Pistacia : The hidden stages in their life cycle Phytoparasitica 29 : 87 ( abstract) Wool,D., and Aloni , R. Galling aphids as physical ecosystem engineers: the vascular system in aphid galls as a mass-feeding apparatus. XXI International Congress of Entomology, Iguassu Falls, Brazil 2000 Steinitz, H., and Wool, D. Natural enemies of Pistacia galls


Annual conference of the Israel Zoological Society, Haifa 2001 ( abstract in Isr.J.Zool.) Dayan, T., Simberloff D., and Wool, D. On time scales, morphological change, and variation: a close look at early domesticated dogs [ identify the conference!!] - Tamar, 2002

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