Winter 2011 Lesson 2: Ephesians 1:15–23 Resources in Christ

Study Tip:  Pray before you begin—ask God to help you understand the passage, see His character displayed, and understand specific application for your own life.  The “Dig Deeper” questions are optional, though very helpful. They are a bit more challenging and may require the use of a concordance or commentary.

Day One: Read Ephesians 1:15–23; The God of Faith and Love 1. From your study last week, what truth were you able to apply to your life?

2. In Ephesians 1:15, to what is “for this reason” (or “therefore”) referring?

a. Why do you think this reason motivated Paul to pray for the Ephesians?

3. Dig Deeper: Do you think Paul’s order of “faith” and “love” in verse 15 is important? Why?

a. How is love an evidence of faith in Jesus Christ?

b. Why is this significant in the life of a believer? Support your answer with Scripture.

4. How is love for the saints demonstrated in your life?

5. In verse 16, evidence of the Ephesians’ faith and love resulted in Paul’s response of thanksgiving and supplication on their behalf. How do you respond to evidence of another’s faith and love?

Day Two: Read Ephesians 1:17–19; 1 Corinthians 2:10–16; The God of Wisdom and Hope 1. From these texts, from whom do believers receive wisdom and knowledge?

a. Through whom are believers able to receive wisdom and knowledge?

b. Through whom are believers instructed in wisdom and knowledge?

2. Dig Deeper: How does the Bible contrast worldly wisdom with God’s wisdom? See 1 Corinthians 3:18–19 and James 3:15–17.

a. In what area(s) of your life have you been pursuing the world’s wisdom rather than the wisdom of God? What steps do you need to take to change? 3. What do you think “the eyes of your heart may be enlightened” means?

4. According to verses 18–19, why does Paul pray this?

5. From these verses, what is the hope of God’s calling and inheritance in the saints? Cite Scripture to support your answer.

Day Three: Read Ephesians 1:19–20 and skim Hebrews 1–7; The God of Power 1. How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ demonstrate the power of God?

a. How does the knowledge of the resurrection encourage you? give you strength and power?

2. What does the truth that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father reveal about the relationship between the Father and the Son?

a. What does this reveal about the work of Jesus Christ?

3. In what way is your heart encouraged by the truth?

a. In what way should this truth affect how you live?

b. How should this truth affect your relationships with others?

Day Four: Read Ephesians 1:20–23; The God over All 1. Considering our world today, how does the truth of Christ’s position—far above all rule, authority, power, and dominion—affect your thinking?

2. What aspect of God’s character is evident at the end of verse 21?

a. How does this manifestation of His character provide you with hope and peace?

3. Using your own words, define “the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (from the end of verse 23).

4. Dig Deeper: Read 1 Corinthians 15:25–28 and Ephesians 1:22–23. How do these texts deepen your understanding of what is to come and our future hope?

a. How do these verses display the oneness of the Father and the Son? Day Five: Read Ephesians 1:15–23; The God of the Chosen 1. As the Chosen of God and the body of Christ, what continuing responsibilities should believers pursue?

a. How are you doing in your pursuit of those responsibilities?

2. From verses 15–23, list as many of God’s attributes as you can find.

a. Dig Deeper: Choose one of God’s attributes from the previous question and find several other verses that refer to it. Try to memorize one of these verses and be ready to share it with your group.

3. What lesson can you learn from Paul’s prayer for this group of believers who already had a strong faith and evident love?

4. Re-read Ephesians 1 and write down at least five blessings that God has given you as one of His chosen.

5. Take time to thank God for what you have learned, and pray for “the eyes of your heart to be enlightened” as you meditate on His truth.

______Luenebrink/Peters January 19, 2011