Camden Military Academy Dual Enrollment
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Camden Military Academy Dual Enrollment
Camden Military Academy high school students have the opportunity to earn credit in both high school and college while taking courses from the University of South Carolina and Central Carolina Technical College (Math classes) in the Dual Enrollment Program. This is an additional fee. For more information, please call LTC John Heflin at the main office number. The primary purpose of offering dual credit courses is to deliver high-quality experiences to high- performing high school students. Dual credit courses are suitable to challenge students who are mastering the high school curriculum and who require college-level course work that is more rigorous than the high school curriculum. Dual credit courses enrich and extend the high school curriculum and provide introductory college coursework. Dual credit courses promote gradual transition to the college work load. Dual credit courses give students a jump start on college. Cadets must be an 11th/12th grade student. Cadets must have at least 3.0 GPA and teacher recommendation prior to enrolling in course.
*Each cadet must agree to all of the classroom and academy rules. If a cadet becomes a behavioral problem, he will be permanently removed from the class. Additionally, he will receive a “WF” and no refund will be given.
The CMA (High School) grade is ten points higher than the USC (college) grade.
Dual credit courses receive 1 GPA boost.
Course Descriptions
Economics (ECON)
224 – Introduction to Economics. (3) Micro- and macroeconomic principles of markets, government policy, and household or firm decision-making.
English Language and Literature (ENGL)
101 – Composition. (3) A course in the composing process with attention to invention, arrangement, and style, and closely supervised practice in reading and writing essays.
102 -- Composition and Literature. (3) (Prereq: ENGL 101) A course in the writing of expository and critical essays with an introduction to literature and including a research paper.
Government and International Studies (GINT)
201 – American National Government. (3) The formation and development of the national government, its organization and powers.
History (HIST)
HIST 101 – European Civilization from Ancient Times to the Mid-17th Century. (3) The rise and development of European civilization from its Mediterranean origins through the Renaissance and Reformation. HIST 102 – European Civilization from the Mid-17th Century. (3) European development and expansion from the mid-17th century to the present.
HIST 111 – United States History to 1865. (3) A general survey of the United States from the era of discovery to 1865, emphasizing major political, economic, social, and intellectual developments.
HIST 112 – United States History since 1865. (3) A general survey of the United States from 1865 to the present, emphasizing major political, economic, social, and intellectual developments. Honors sections are available for students in the honors program.
Criminal Justice (CRJV) 10
CRJU 101 – The American Criminal Justice System (Credits: 3) Survey of crime and societal responses to crime, including law enforcement, courts, corrections, and the juvenile justice system.
Mathematics (Math)
MAT 110 – College Algebra (Credits: 3)
This course includes the following topics: polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions; inequalities; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; determinants; and solutions of higher degree polynomials.
MAT 140 – Analytical Geometry and Calculus I (Credits: 4)
This course includes the following topics: derivatives and integrals of polynomial, rational, logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric functions; curve sketching, maxima and minima of functions; related rates; work; and analytic geometry.
Psychology (PSYC)
101 – Introduction to Psychology. (3) An introduction to and survey of the basic concepts and findings within the field of psychology.
All classes must have a minimum of 13 cadets.
All classes are subject to change.
For questions concerning prerequisites and fees, contact Dean of Students, LTC John Heflin, at (803) 432-6001.