Title: Eco Marathon

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Title: Eco Marathon

Title: Eco Marathon Duration: 2.18 minutes

Description: Young mechanical engineering students at University College London (UCL) design a fuel efficiency car to compete on the Shell Eco Marathon.

Eco Marathon Transcript

[Background music plays] Staccato notes, rather like a muted car horn.

[Animated sequence] Words appear in black letters on a solid yellow box background against a fast forward streak of a car on a race track.

[Text displays] London to Moscow on 1L of Fuel?

{Scene transition}

Back view of Elizabeth Lawrence, mechanical engineering student, drawing on a whiteboard with a black felt tip.

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“To make a car super fuel efficient…”

[Animated sequence] Close up of hand holding a white mock-up of a car design.

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“…you’re kind of looking at…”

[Animated sequence] Close up of Elizabeth Lawrence talking, background out of focus.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“…how do we make it more aerodynamic…”

[Animated sequence] Returns to Elizabeth’s hand drawing on the white board.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“…how do we make it lighter…”

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth in profile drawing on the white board.

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“…how do we make it smaller?”

[Animated sequence] Douglas Stridsberg, student of mechanical engineering, speaks to camera.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“How can we improve…”

[Animated sequence] Computer screen with model of car part moving against blue background.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“…the general behaviour of the car…”

[Animated sequence] Back to white board and Elizabeth writing on it with black felt tip.

[Text on whiteboard] ackerman angle 6.08

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“…to make it run further…”

[Animated sequence] Back to Douglas Stridsberg talking to camera.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“…on the fuel that we have.”

[Animated sequence] Douglas and Elizabeth work on wiring on a workbench together.

[Animated sequence] Close up of Elizabeth Lawrence talking to camera.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“My name is Elizabeth Lawrence.”

[Animated sequence] Two male students walking on campus square.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“My name is Douglas Stridsberg.”

[Background music plays] Music still staccato but moving into unobtrusive melody.

[Animated sequence] They disappear behind colonnade and walk into UCL building.

Douglas Stridsberg sitting and talking to camera.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“We do the mechanical engineering course here at UCL.”

[Animated sequence] Shot of campus avenue looking down to an imposing building with a dome and columns along its front. Several people walk on the campus, which has grass areas and trees that show the colours of early spring.

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“Make the Future London is happening…”

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth Lawrence talks to camera against out-of-focus lab background with glass shelves and bottles.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“…in June this year. It’s an exciting festival of ideas and innovation.”

[Animated sequence] Fast forward of a racing car streaking along a race track against a red and yellow wall (which is blurry due to the speed of the car). Car continues on down track. Spectators on the side, and above a banner.

[Banner text displays]

Shell Eco Marathon

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“The Shell Eco Marathon is a big part of that.”

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth Lawrence talks to camera.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“That’s what we’re taking part in.”

[Animated sequence] Racing cars of all shapes, sizes and colours lined up 7 abreast on track ready for the start.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}


[Animated sequence] Close up of entrants standing beside their vehicles. {Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}


[Animated sequence] Entrants with Shell emblems on shirts push a small racing vehicle forward.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}


[Animated sequence] Douglas Stridsberg talks to camera.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“…to compete with them…”

[Animated sequence] View from the inside of a racing car looking ahead down track.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“…to achieve the highest fuel efficiency possible.”

[Animated sequence] Douglas Stridsberg talks to camera.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“We are super excited to be there…”

[Animated sequence] A red racing vehicle with the number 7 and the Shell logo races along track.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“…over the course of three days to compete with our car.”

[Background music plays] Music begins to swell into melody.

[Animated sequence] The team of five students, including Elizabeth and Douglas, walk along the aisle of a workshop.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“We see questions as a starting point…”

[Animated sequence] Close up of Douglas talking to camera.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“…for everything that we do, and…” [Animated sequence] Close up of wheel with working parts turning.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“…everything that we build…”

[Animated sequence] Close up of white slatted pedals and a hand moving and touching them.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“…and that we create. It starts with a question.”

[Animated sequence] Four students sitting on steps below the colonnade at the UCL building.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“There’s always things that don’t…”

[Background music plays] Melody repeats in background. [Animated sequence] Douglas in close up talks to camera against blurred background of glass laboratory shelves.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“…work out the way you want them to. There’s always problems that come up, but…”

[Animated sequence] Closer shot of the four students sitting on the steps.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“…for us…”

[Animated sequence] Camera moves in to two of the students on the steps in an animated discussion, gesturing.

“…that’s part of the innovation. It’s part of the process.”

[Animated sequence] Close up of Douglas smiling at other students.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“It’s something that’s frustrating at the time,…”

[Animated sequence] Douglas talks to camera against blurred lab background.

{Douglas Stridsberg} “… but when you solve it, when you overcome it, it feels great.”

[Background music plays] Unobtrusive melody plays on, ebbing and flowing.

[Animated sequence] Close up of a group of students discussing over a mockup held by one of them.

[Animated sequence] Five students kneel around a small black racing model with the Shell logo, the number 222 and a UCLB sticker on its side.

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“I think without all of the questions…”

[Animated sequence] Close up of Elizabeth listening and examining the racing model while still kneeling beside it.

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“…and those people who do ask…”

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth talks to camera.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“…the questions we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth sits in the black racing vehicle while putting on a racing driver’s white helmet with Perspex visor.

[Animated sequence] Close up of Elizabeth hands holding the helmet on her head, her eyes and nose showing through visor.

[Text display in red letters above visor on helmet]

Follow #SEM2016

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“We all need to move towards…”

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth talks to camera against blurred lab background.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“…cleaner transport and cleaner energy.”

[Animated sequence] In fast motion, people on side lines at the race track move in and around vehicles. {Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“Having events like this where people can really get involved,

[Animated sequence] Overhead shot of everyone on track around vehicles.

{Elizabeth Lawrence – voice over}

“…and really get given the time and the opportunity to think about these things…”

[Animated sequence] Back to Elizabeth talking to camera.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“…is so important.”

[Animated sequence] Crowd on the racing track look up to camera and wave.

[Animated sequence] Douglas talks to camera.

{Douglas Stridsberg}

“At the moment we’re at the stage where we have a digital, fully…”

[Animated sequence] Computer screen showing design of wheel attached to a car part in animation.

{Douglas Stridsberg – voice over}

“…assembled version of the car.”

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth talks to camera against blurred lab background.

{Elizabeth Lawrence}

“So we’re kind of getting everything manufactured and we’re about to put everything together, which is really exciting.”

[Animated sequence] White board with Elizabeth’s hand drawing with a red felt tip pen.

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth in profile draws on white board watched by other students.

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth at workbench handling wires and parts.

{Text displays] Tim Baker

Snr. Engineering Fellow, UCL

[Animated sequence] Tim Baker in a black UCLR shirt speaks from an office chair, behind him a photo of a work scene, and on the left hand side of the screen, a computer screen showing a photo of two racing vehicles on Westminster Bridge in London with a red Road Master bus behind it.

{Tim Baker}

“The Shell Eco Marathon is fantastic…”

[Animated sequence] Two students discuss things in the workshop beside a black racing vehicle bearing a Shell logo.

{Tim Baker – voice over}

“…for final year students.”

[Animated sequence] Close up of Tim Baker talking to camera.

{Tim Baker}

“They get to work in a team. They get to sort of…”

[Animated sequence] Elizabeth and another student look into a vehicle.

{Tim Baker – voice over}

“…tackle a real life project, exactly like they would in industry.”

[Animated sequence] Close up of two students talking next to a vehicle.

{Tim Baker – voice over}

“This really is the climax of everything that they do.”

[Background music plays] Melody reaching crescendo.

{Visual transition}

On a white background, dotted yellow line runs across the screen; at the centre of the screen appears a yellow block where white letters appear.

[Text displays]

Experience the answers that are shaping tomorrow

{Visual transition} Dotted yellow line continues to run across screen into another yellow block, the background fills up with different drawings in yellow surrounding the yellow block in the middle that brings up the white letters.

[Text displays]

Make the Future London


{Visual transition} Screen transition from below, a white screen with the Shell logo at the centre. Below the logo, text displays.

[Text displays]


Below the hashtag, logos of the sponsors: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP, Linde, Michelin, Southwest Research Institute and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

[Music fades]

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