Everyday Math

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Everyday Math


Our district has been using EM for 2 years. Last year, we thought our scores would drop, as most do in the first year of a new series. Instead they increased. We too had some parent concerns about helping their children. We held a "Parent Math Night" the first night where we showed the parents how to use the Student Reference Books or the Math Reference Books. We are also sure to send home the parent connection letters at the beginning of each unit (which actually show the parents the answers to the homework). This year, we held a Family Math Night. We had stations set up with activities from the series at each grade level. Parents were able to go to each station with their child and work through the activities together.

Overall, the teachers are happy with the program. Last year, our 4th and 5th grade teachers were concerned that the program was expecting students to have covered topics in previous years. However, this year both have commented how much smoother it is, and how much the students seem to "already know."

Parents have seemed to appreciate the math nights, and are becoming more comfortable with the program. Again, it is only our 2nd year, so I can't speak to a trend in our scores, but we are happy with it so far.

We don't have the program now, but I have taught it in three different grades. I loved it as a teacher because it was very application based and students learned hands on. The parents did complain that the strategies were different, but there are parent newsletters that go home every chapter with step-by-step ways of solving the problems. Also, we had a parent math night where we broke down the steps to lattice multiplication, partial quotient division, and some of the math games. To supplement the math facts we used the traditional mad minutes. I can't compare the scores because they were using the program before I got there, but we were at 90% m/e + each year I was there.

1. How long have you been using Everyday Math? (Fully implemented this year. Pilot was last year.) 2. Do you have data that verifies higher standardized test scores? If so, by what percentage? Over how many years? (Not yet. We did have data that showed that districts that used EM correctly, saw gains.) 4. How or do your teachers supplement in regards to memorization of math facts? (Some of our teachers may still do a little rocket math to help with facts. However, we do not focus on facts alone.) 3. Has your district discontinued this series? Why? What series did you adopt after the change? N/A

We've used it for at least 13 years. Our math scores at the elementary level are very high (even students with IEPs). We consistently have 94-100% of students meet math standards, and at least half (sometimes 75%) exceed--especially on the third grade math. However, this has been consistent as far back as I can find records (old IGAP scores, for example) so I can't say that it's the program. I can tell you that the middle schools do not use the program, and they typically have 80-89% meet/exceed standards in math. We use Carol Thornton math facts strategies as a supplement, and we now use the math worksheet website to provide additional practice. Like any program, it's not perfect.

Our school district has been using Everyday Math for several years. You may want to contact our Elem principal to see how it is going for them. My own children have been brought up under Everyday Math and I agree it is difficult for parents to understand (especially my husband who is a physics/math major).

1. How long have you been using Everyday Math? We began this program with a pilot 12 years ago. 2. Do you have data that verifies higher standardized test scores? If so, by what percentage? Over how many years? Yes, I will attach our most recent data. 3. Has your district discontinued this series? Why? What series did you adopt after the change? See above...... 4. How or do your teachers supplement in regards to memorization of math facts? We supplement with Math facts and other teacher supplements. When I researched this issue two years ago, no matter what curriculum anyone is using, they supplement. We are also doing a pilot of Harcourt right now for two reasons - 1. EM is hard for teachers to teach and we have been using the same curriculum a long time. 2 - our IEP subgroup struggles with EM. However, we are really torn because of our test scores being so high, so I am not sure what the outcome will be.

We have just adopted Everyday Math in our district and this is our first implementation year. We have purchased the online access to the student reference book and games for students to use at home, and I pray that teachers are presenting that information right now--we're holding conferences today and tomorrow. I believe the reference book access will assist parents. Naturally, we have no data on increased test scores. Ours are good at elementary and middle levels anyway. We adopted this series to assist our children when they reach high school. Basic number sense has always been lacking, and I know that EM will provide rich mathematical opportunities for all the children. We are having a little resistance from around 6 of 70 teachers right now. Most see the benefit. We have worked with a consultant from upstate New York who assured us that his adoption of EM was transformational. They began with the first edition, I believe, and have continued adopting into the third. We just held an in-service for teachers last week to discuss issues that they have faced in their first nine weeks of implementation. One mentioned supplementing, and the consultant wanted to make sure that supplementals were not in the form of paper/pencil (timed tests, like Rocket Math) or flashcards, but in the guise of activities, such as the games provided by EM, or online. You may be aware of this wonderful site, but if not, let me share: http://www1.center.k12.mo.us/Edtech/edm/K.htm This is a school in Missouri with a wealth of resources posted for all of us. Please let me know of things I need to know along the way. I expect that parents and the public will be confused, but I am, like you, here for students, and I know that some are approaching problem-solving in a new way after just nine weeks. I'm so grateful!

1. How long have you been using Everyday Math? over 15 years 2. Do you have data that verifies higher standardized test scores? If so, by what percentage? Over how many years? it's hard to document since we've used it for so long, but our students consistently score above the 85th percentile in math on ISAT (as a district) - even with our ELLs taking ISAT last year they were extremely high! We're a VERY diverse district, so it's been a testament to the math program that it works! 4. How or do your teachers supplement in regards to memorization of math facts? schools are using either Rocket Math or the Otter Creek program to supplement for math facts. 3. Has your district discontinued this series? Why? What series did you adopt after the change? Actually, last year we adopted the newest version of the program!

Even though our ISAT math scores have shown an increase every year in math since we implemented the program 3 years ago (3 years ago piloted at some grade levels), we still struggle with the parent component. When we purchased the program we had someone from the company meet with parents to explain how to help them at home. It was all so new that we really needed to meet again later. We still need to have another meeting - we have a high turnover of students here. 1. This is our 3rd year of full implementation in 3 grade levels and 2nd year of full implementation in the other 3 grade levels. 2. Can't say the math increase percentage off the top of my head and won't be back at work until Monday. If needed, let me know. 3. Memorization of facts - we tell parents that if they are concerned to purchase a $1 flashcard set for use at home. They will learn the facts.....

We use Everyday Math and has since consolidation 4 years ago. Prior to that my old school had used the program and were very strong in wanting it implemented in the new district.

Everyday math is used K-5 and 6-12 use Foresman, McDougal, and others. The frustration with the Middle teachers was they have no idea how to do Everyday Math and when they get the students they perform operations totally different than what the teachers do. We need to have a transition. Test scores at the Primary have been good - we have been constantly at over 80% -this is good for our district when you consider reading scores are at a consistent average of 58% with 45% economically disadvantaged. In math the economically disadvantaged score in the 70%. Teachers still promote flash cards and time tests. My observation from looking at ITBS scores and ISAT scores is that Everyday Math lends itself better to ISAT test results over ITBS. Seems Everyday Math works well on story problems vs. simple calculation problems. Multiple step problems vs. your 25 x 15. Our K-3 teachers love the program and the 6-12 would like to see the students learn traditional math.

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