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Laurel County Schools


Big Idea: Structure in the Arts Understanding of the various structural components of the arts is critical to the development of other larger concepts in the arts. Structures that artists use include elements and principles of each art form, tools, media, and subject matter that impact artistic products, and specific styles and genre that provide a context for creating works. It is the artist's choice of these structural components in the creative process that results in a distinctively expressive work. Students make choices about how to use structural organizers to create meaningful works of their own. The more students understand, the greater their ability to produce, interpret, or critique artworks from other artists, cultures, and historical periods. Academic Expectations 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music. 1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement. 2.23 Students analyze their own and others' artistic products and performances using accepted standards. Structure in Music Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary

1 AH-04-1.1.1 Students will identify or describe 2 AH-4-SA-S-Mu1 AH-4-SA-U-1 M Elements of Music Tool Kit elements of music in a variety of Students will Students will understand that the Music Arty 1 & 2 music. recognize and identify elements of music, dance and Rhythm, Tempo, Elements of Music: elements of music drama are intentionally applied in Melody, Rhythm - time signature (2/4, 3/4, (rhythm, tempo, creating and performing. Harmony, 4/4), bar lines, rhythmic melody, harmony, AH-4-SA-U-3 Form, Timbre durations (whole, half, quarter, form, timbre, Students will understand that (tone color) eighth notes and rests), measure dynamics) using responding to or critiquing works Dynamics- Tempo - steady beat, slower or musical terminology of art involves an understanding medium-soft- faster. AH-4-SA-S-Mu2 of elements, principles and mezzo-forte Melody - shape, direction Students will structures appropriate to each area Treble clef (pitches move up, down, by step, associate music they of the arts. Notes by skip, stay the same), treble listen to or perform AH-4-SA-U-4 Rests clef sign, pitch notation (notes with the Colonial Students will understand that Pitch from middle C to F at top of American period in existing and emerging Notation treble clef staff), high notes vs. history; describe in technologies can inspire new Whole Note low notes (pitches) simple terms how the applications of structural Half Note Harmony - parts (notes music reflects the components. Quarter round performed together to create Colonial American Chorus harmony), major/minor (aurally); time period. Verse unison (non-harmony) AH-4-SA-S-Mu3 Major Form - call and response, two- Students will describe Minor (aurally) part (AB), three-part (ABA), the music of specific Brass, round, verse/chorus, repeat cultures using music Woodwind signs tert elements results String in different musical Percussion effects Time signature AH-4-SA-S-Mu4 Students will recognize, describe and compare various styles of music (spirituals, game songs, folk songs, work songs, lullabies, patriotic, bluegrass)

Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary AH-04-1.1.1 Timbre (tone color) –recognize 3 M Continued different qualities of musical sounds, orchestral instruments by family - brass, woodwind, string, percussion, how instrument sounds are produced, human voices (high voices, low voices) Dynamics - soft (piano - p), medium soft (mezzo piano - mp), medium loud (mezzo forte - mf), loud (forte - f)

2 AH-04-1.1.2 Students will identify and describe M Spirituals, various styles of music (spirituals, Lullabies game songs, folk songs, work Patriotic, songs, lullabies, patriotic, Bluegrass bluegrass). Structure in Dance Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary Students will identify and 2 AH-4-SA-S-Da1 AH-4-SA-U-1 M Elements of Dance Tool Kit AH-04-1.2.1 describe elements of dance in a Students will recognize and Students will dance Arty 1 & 2 variety of dances. identify elements of dance understand that the Space (forward, (space, time, force) and basic elements of music, backward, right, Elements of dance: dance forms using dance dance and drama are left, up, down) Space – direction of dance terminology intentionally applied Pathway movements (forward, AH-4-SA-S-Da2 in creating and (straight, curved, backward, right, left, up, Students will use the elements performing. zigzag) down), pathway (straight, of dance in creating, copying AH-4-SA-U-3 Levels (high, curved, zigzag) levels (high, and performing patterns of Students will middle, low) middle, low), shape movement independently and understand that Shape (individual and group with others responding to or Time (tempo) shapes) AH-4-SA-S-Da3 critiquing works of art Force Time (tempo) – dance Students will observe, describe involves an movements that follow a and demonstrate locomotor understanding of steady beat or move faster or (e.g. walk, run, skip, gallop) elements, principles slower and nonlocomotor (e.g. bend, and structures Force – dance movements stretch, twist, swing) appropriate to each that use more or less energy movements area of the arts. (e.g., energy-sharp/smooth, AH-4-SA-S-Da4 AH-4-SA-U-4 weight-heavy/light, flow- Students will apply principles Students will understand that free/bound) of movement (e.g., balance, existing and emerging initiation of movement, weight technologies can inspire new Dance Form - call and response, shift) when observing, creating applications of structural AB, ABA choreography and performing movement components. skills Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary AH-04-1.2.2 Students will describe how 2 M Locomotor dance uses time, space, force, Nonlocomotor and various locomotor and nonlocomotor movements to communicate ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Structure in Drama/Theatre Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary

3 Students will identify or describe 2 AH-4-SA-S-DT1 AH-4-SA-U-1 M Elements of Drama Tool Kit AH-04-1.3.1 of elements of drama in dramatic Students will describe and Students will drama Arty 1 & 2 works. compare elements of drama understand that the Literary (literary, technical, elements of music, Technical Elements of drama: performance) using dance and drama are Performance Literary elements – Script, Story drama/theatre terminology intentionally applied Projection line (plot), Character, Story AH-4-SA-S-DT2 in creating and Diction organization (beginning, middle, Students will use the elements performing. Nonverbal end), Setting, Dialogue, of drama in creating and AH-4-SA-U-3 expression Monologue, Conflict performing dramatic works Students will Technical elements – Scenery independently and with others understand that (set), Costumes, Props, Sound AH-4-SA-S-DT3 responding to or and Music, Make-up Students will observe, describe critiquing works of art Performance elements – and apply creative dramatics involves an Acting – (how speaking, moving (improvisation, mimicry, understanding of help to create characters) pantomime, role playing and elements, principles Speaking – vocal expression, story telling) in a variety of and structures projection, speaking style, situations appropriate to each diction AH-4-SA-S-DT4 area of the arts. Nonverbal expression – Students will explore a variety AH-4-SA-U-4 gestures, facial expression, of dramatic works (e.g., theater Students will understand that movement and dramatic media-film, existing and emerging television) technologies can inspire new AH-4-SA-S-DT5 applications of structural Students will explore a variety components. of dramatic works (e.g., theater and dramatic media – film, television, electronic media) AH-04-1.3.2 Students will identify describe or M Settings explain relationships among Script characters and settings as related Scenario to a script, a scenario, or Dramatization classroom dramatization.

Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary AH-04-1.3.3 Students will identify and describe M Creative a variety of creative dramatics dramatics (improvisation, mimicry, Improvisation, pantomime, role playing, and Mimicry storytelling). Pantomime Role playing

Structure in Visual Arts Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary 4 AH-04-1.4.1 Students will identify or describe 2 AH-4-SA-S-VA1 AH-4-SA-U-2 M Line Visual Arts Tool elements of art, and principles of Students will Students will Shape Kit design in works of art. recognize and understand that the Form Arty 1 & 2 describe elements of elements and Texture Elements of art: art (line, shape, form, principles of design of Color Line, Shape, Form, Texture, and texture, color) and visual art are Primary & Color (primary and secondary principles of design intentionally applied in Secondary hues hues) and color schemes/groups (emphasis, pattern, creating works of art. Color schemes (warm, cool, neutral-black, white, balance, contrast) AH-4-SA-U-3 Visual gray, sometimes brown/beige as using visual art Students will compositions earth tones) terminology understand that Emphasis AH-4-SA-S-VA2 responding to or Focal point Principles of design: Students will use the critiquing works of art Pattern Organization of visual elements of art and involves an Balance compositions: Emphasis (focal principles of design in understanding of Symmetry point), Pattern, Balance creating artworks elements, principles Contrast (symmetry), Contrast (e.g., independently and and structures black/white, rough/smooth) with others appropriate to each AH-4-SA-S-VA3 area of the arts. Students will explore, AH-4-SA-U-4 describe and Students will understand that compare elements of existing and emerging art (e.g., line, shape, technologies can inspire new form, texture, primary applications of structural and secondary colors, components. color schemes/groups) and principles of design (e.g., focal point, pattern, balance, contrast) in a variety of 2 and 3 dimensional artworks AH-4-SA-S-VA4 Students will identify a variety of subject matter

Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary

5 AH-04-1.4.2 Students will identify or describe 2 AH-4-SA-S-VA1 AH-4-SA-U-2 M Media how an artist uses various media Students will Students will Two-dimensional and processes. recognize and understand that the Three- describe elements of elements and dimensional Media (plural) /medium art (line, shape, form, principles of design of Fiber art (singular): (used to produce texture, color) and visual art are Fabric printing artworks) principles of design intentionally applied in Stamping Two-dimensional - crayon, (emphasis, pattern, creating works of art. Collage pencil, paint, fabric, yarn, paper balance, contrast) AH-4-SA-U-3 Pottery sculpture Three-dimensional - clay, papier- using visual art Students will Fiber art mâché terminology understand that Weaving AH-4-SA-S-VA2 responding to or Quilting Art processes: Students will use the critiquing works of art Landscape Two-dimensional - drawing, elements of art and involves an Portrait painting, fiber art (e.g., fabric principles of design in understanding of Still life printing, stamping) and collage. creating artworks elements, principles Three-dimensional - pottery, independently and and structures sculpture, fiber art (e.g., with others appropriate to each constructing with fiber, weaving, AH-4-SA-S-VA3 area of the arts. quilting) Students will explore, AH-4-SA-U-4 Subject matter: (e.g. landscape, describe and Students will understand that portrait, still life) compare elements of existing and emerging art (e.g., line, shape, technologies can inspire new form, texture, primary applications of structural and secondary colors, components. color schemes/groups) and principles of design (e.g., focal point, pattern, balance, contrast) in a variety of 2 and 3 dimensional artworks AH-4-SA-S-VA4 Students will apply organizational structures and describe what makes them effective or not effective in communicating ideas

6 Big Idea: Humanity in the Arts The arts reflect the beliefs, feelings, and ideals of those who create them. Experiencing the arts allows one to experience time, place, and/or personality. By experiencing the arts of various cultures, students can actually gain insight into the beliefs, feelings, and ideas of those cultures. Students also have the opportunity to experience how the arts can influence society through analysis of arts in their own lives and the arts of other cultures and historical periods. Studying the historical and cultural stylistic periods in the arts offers students an opportunity to understand the world past and present, and to learn to appreciate their own cultural heritage. Looking at the interrelationships of multiple arts disciplines across cultures and historical periods is the focus of humanities in the arts. Academic Expectations 2.24 Students have knowledge of major works of art, music, and literature and appreciate creativity and the contributions of the arts and humanities. 2.25 In the products they make and the performances they present, students show that they understand how time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities such as languages, literature, and history. 2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes Humanity in Music Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary Students will identify how music 2 AH-4-HA-S-Mu1 AH-4-HA-U-1 M Native American AH-04-2.1.1 has been a part of cultures and Students will Students will Appalachian periods throughout history. associate music they understand that the West African listen to or perform arts are powerful cultures Cultures: with specific cultures tools for Colonial Native American, (Native American, understanding human American Traditional Appalachian, Appalachian, West experiences both past Patriotic West African African); describe and present. Lullaby how the music AH-4-HA-U-2 Folk music Similarities and differences in reflects the cultures Students will Pre-Columbian the use of music) (e.g., AH-4-HA-S-Mu2 understand that the ceremonial purposes) and the Students will arts help us use of elements of music associate music they understand others’ among cultures (musical listen to or perform (often very different) instruments, e.g., Native with the Colonial ways of thinking, American – rattles, drums, American period in working, and flutes, Appalachian – dulcimer, history; describe in expressing ourselves. fiddle, banjo, guitar, West simple terms how the AH-4-HA-U-3 African – drums, rattles, thumb music reflects the Students will understand that piano); polyrhythm in West Colonial American the arts play a major role in the African music not in Native time period creation and defining of American AH-4-HA-S-Mu3 cultures and building Students will describe the civilizations. Periods: music of specific cultures using Colonial American (e.g. work music terminology songs, game songs, patriotic music, lullaby, folk music) Native American includes period in North America before European settlement

7 Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary European influences in 2 M AH-04-2.1.1 American music, similarities between the music in the Continued American colonies and the cities of Europe (The influence of Europe was very strong in the colonies due to the movement of settlers from Europe to America.)

Humanity in Dance Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary AH-04-2.2.1 Students will identify how dance 2 AH-4-HA-S-Da1 AH-4-HA-U-1 M Space has been a part of cultures and Students will Students will Time periods throughout history. associate dances understand that the Force they observe or arts are powerful Cultures: perform with specific tools for Native American cultures (Native understanding human Traditional Appalachian American, experiences both past West African Appalachian, West and present. African); describe AH-4-HA-U-2 Similarities and differences in how dances reflect Students will the use of dance (e.g. the cultures (e.g., understand that the purposes: harvest and hunting dances from arts help us hunting dances in Native Native American and understand others’ American and West African West African cultures) (often very different) cultures), use of elements of AH-4-HA-S-Da2 ways of thinking, dance among cultures Students will working, and associate dances expressing ourselves. Periods: they observe or AH-4-HA-U-3 Colonial American (European perform with the Students will understand that influences on American Colonial American the arts play a major role in the dance, e.g., social dances, period in history; creation and defining of square dancing, folk dances) describe in simple cultures and building Native American includes terms how dances civilizations. period in North America reflect the Colonial before European settlement American time period AH-4-HA-S-Da3 Students will describe the dance of specific cultures using dance terminology

8 Humanity in Drama/Theatre Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary Students will identify how drama 2 AH-4-HA-S-DT1 AH-4-HA-U-1 M Myths AH-04-2.3.1 has been a part of cultures and Students will Students will Legends time periods throughout history. associate story understand that the Folktales telling, myths, arts are powerful Drama/theatre Cultures: legends, or folktales tools for Native American they experience or understanding human Traditional Appalachian perform with specific experiences both past West African cultures (Native and present. (The use of story telling, American, AH-4-HA-U-2 myths, legends, folktales in Appalachian, West Students will these cultures) African); describe understand that the how the literature and arts help us Periods: oral traditions reflect understand others’ Colonial American - the cultures (often very different) European influence on AH-4-HA-S-DT2 ways of thinking, American drama/theatre, Students will working, and plays from England (The associate folktales, expressing ourselves. influence of Europe was very legends, or myths AH-4-HA-U-3 strong in the colonies due to they experience or Students will understand that the movement of settlers perform with the the arts play a major role in the from Europe to America.) Colonial American creation and defining of Native American includes period in history; cultures and building period in North describe how the civilizations. America before European literature and oral settlement traditions reflect the Colonial American time period AH-4-HA-S-DT3 Students will describe story telling, myths, legends, or folktales of specific cultures using drama/theatre terminology

9 Humanity in Visual Arts Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary AH-04-2.4.1 Students will identify how visual 2 AH-4-HA-S-VA1 AH-4-HA-U-1 M art has been a part of cultures Students will Students will and time periods throughout associate artworks understand that the history. they experience or arts are powerful create with specific tools for Cultures: cultures (Native understanding human Native American American, experiences both past Traditional Appalachian Appalachian, West and present. West African African); describe AH-4-HA-U-2 how the art of these Students will Similarities and differences in cultures reflects the understand that the the use of art (e.g., purposes culture arts help us for creating art, folk art) and AH-4-HA-S-VA2 understand others’ elements of art and principles Students will (often very different) of design among cultures associate artworks ways of thinking, (e.g., how line, color, pattern, they experience or working, and etc. are used in artworks), create with the expressing ourselves. media in relation to theses Colonial American AH-4-HA-U-3 cultures (e.g., wood fiber) period in history; Students will understand that describe how the art the arts play a major role in the Periods: of the American creation and defining of Colonial American Colonies reflects the cultures and building European influences in Colonial American civilizations. American visual art, time period (e.g., similarities between the European influences visual art in the American in American visual colonies cities of Europe art) (The influence of Europe was AH-4-HA-S-VA3 very strong in the colonies Students will describe due to the movement of artworks of specific settlers from Europe to cultures using visual America.) art terminology Native American includes period in North America before European settlement

10 Big Idea: Purposes for Creating the Arts The arts have played a major role throughout the history of humans. As the result of the power of the arts to communicate on a basic human level, they continue to serve a variety of purposes in society. The arts are used for artistic expression to portray specific emotions or feelings, to tell stories in a narrative manner, to imitate nature, and to persuade others. The arts bring meaning to ceremonies, rituals, celebrations, and commemorations. Additionally, they are used for recreation and to support recreational activities. Students experience the arts in a variety of roles through their own creations and performances and through those of others. Through their activities and observations, students learn to create arts and use them for a variety of purposes in society. Academic Expectations 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music. 1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement. 2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view. 2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes Purposes for Music Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary Students will identify how music 2 AH-4-PCA-S-Mu1 AH-4-PCA-U-1 M Ceremonial AH-04-3.1.1 fulfills variety of purposes. Students will identify Students will Rituals purposes for which understand that the Patriotic Purposes of music: (different music is created arts fulfill a variety of Recreational roles of music) (ceremonial, purposes in society Artistic Ceremonial -music created recreational, artistic (e.g., to present Expression or performed for rituals or expression) issues and ideas, to celebrations, (e.g., patriotic AH-4-PCA-S-Mu2 entertain, to teach or music, music for worship) Students will listen to and persuade, to design, Recreational - music for perform music to fulfill a variety plan and beautify). entertainment, (e.g., music of specific purposes AH-4-PCA-U-2 for play such as game Students will songs, music for dances and understand that the social events, music for arts have value and physical activities, music as significance for daily a hobby) life. They provide Artistic Expression - music personal fulfillment, created with the intent to whether in career express or communicate settings, a vocational one’s emotions, feelings, pursuits or leisure. ideas, experience (e.g., AH-4-PCA-U-3 music created and Students will understand that performed in a concert the arts provide forms of setting for an audience) nonverbal communication that can strengthen the presentation of ideas and emotions.

11 Purposes for Dance Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary

12 AH-04-3.2.1 Students will identify how dance 2 AH-4-PCA-S-Da1 AH-4-PCA-U-1 M fulfills a variety of purposes. Students will identify Students will purposes for which understand that the Purposes of dance :(different dance is created arts fulfill a variety of role of dance) (e.g., ceremonial, purposes in society Ceremonial - dances created or recreational, artistic (e.g., to present performed for rituals or expression) issues and ideas, to celebrations (e.g., dances of AH-4-PCA-S-Da2 entertain, to teach or Native Americans and West Students will observe and persuade, to design, Africans to celebrate life events perform dance to fulfill a plan and beautify). such as harvest, ritual dances variety of specific purposes AH-4-PCA-U-2 associated with worship) Students will Recreational - dancing for understand that the entertainment, to support arts have value and recreational activities, (e.g., significance for daily ballroom, line dancing, aerobic life. They provide dance, dance as a hobby) personal fulfillment, Artistic Expression – dance whether in career created with the intent to settings, a vocational express or communicate pursuits or leisure. emotion, feelings, ideas, (e.g., AH-4-PCA-U-3 ballet, tap dance, modern dance, Students will understand that dance created and performed in the arts provide forms of a concert and/or theatrical nonverbal communication that setting for an audience) can strengthen the presentation of ideas and emotions.

13 Purposes for Drama\Theatre Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary AH-04-3.3.1 Students will identify how 2 AH-4-PCA-S-DT1 AH-4-PCA-U-1 M Myths drama/theatre fulfills a variety of Students will identify Students will Legends purposes. purposes for which understand that the Theatrical setting dramatic works are arts fulfill a variety of Purposes of drama/Theatre: created (e.g., sharing purposes in society (different roles of drama) the human (e.g., to present Sharing the human experience - experience, passing issues and ideas, to to express or communicate on tradition and entertain, to teach or emotion, feelings, ideas, culture, recreational, persuade, to design, information through dramatic artistic expression) plan and beautify). works (e.g., storytelling, role AH-4-PCA-S-DT2 AH-4-PCA-U-2 playing, narrative works) Students will observe, and Students will Passing on tradition and culture perform dramatic works understand that the -to express or communicate created to fulfill a variety of arts have value and feelings, ideas, information (e.g., specific purposes significance for daily narrative, storytelling, folktales, life. They provide myths, and legends) personal fulfillment, Recreational drama for whether in career entertainment (e.g., settings, a vocational drama/theatre as a hobby) pursuits or leisure. Artistic Expression – drama AH-4-PCA-U-3 created with the intent to Students will understand that express or communicate the arts provide forms of emotion, feelings, ideas, nonverbal communication that information (e.g. dramatic works can strengthen the created and performed in a presentation of ideas and theatrical setting for an emotions. audience)

14 Purposes for Visual Arts Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary AH-04-3.4.1 Students will identify how art 2 AH-4-PCA-S-VA1 AH-4-PCA-U-1 M Ritual fulfills a variety of purposes. Students will identify Students will Celebration purposes for which understand that the Purposes of Art: (different roles artworks are created arts fulfill a variety of of art) (e.g., ceremonial, purposes in society Ceremonial - ritual, celebration, artistic expression, (e.g., to present artworks created to support narrative, functional) issues and ideas, to worship ceremonies (e.g. AH-4-PCA-S-VA2 entertain, to teach or ceremonial masks) Students will create new and persuade, to design, Artistic Expression - artwork to experience artworks designed plan and beautify). express or communicate to fulfill a variety of specific AH-4-PCA-U-2 emotions, ideas, feelings (e.g., purposes Students will for self expression, to decorate understand that the or beautify objects) arts have value and Narrative - artworks that tell significance for daily stories, describe and illustrate life. They provide experiences, or communicate personal fulfillment, ideas or information, art to whether in career document important or historical settings, a vocational events (e.g., Native American pursuits or leisure. totem poles, cave and wall AH-4-PCA-U-3 paintings) Students will understand that Functional - artistic objects used the arts provide forms of in everyday life, (e.g., pottery, nonverbal communication that quilts, baskets.) can strengthen the presentation of ideas and emotions.

15 Big Idea: Processes in the Arts There are three distinctive processes involved in the arts. These processes are creating new works, performing works for expressive purposes, and responding to artworks. Each process is critical and relies on others for completion. Artists create works to express ideas, feelings, or beliefs. The visual arts capture a moment in time while the performing arts (music, dance, drama/theatre) are performed for a live audience. The audience responds to the artistic expressions emotionally and intellectually based on the meaning of the work. Each process enhances understanding, abilities, and appreciation of others. Students involved in these processes over time will gain a great appreciation for the arts, for artists past and present, and for the value of artistic expression. Academic Expectations 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music. 1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement. 2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view. 2.25 In the products they make and the performances they present, students show that they understand how time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities such as languages, literature, and history. Processes in Music Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary

16 AH-04-4.1.1 Students will create and notate AH-4-PA-S-Mu1 AH-4-PA-U-1 M Melodies/melodic short, simple melodies that Students will be actively Students will Shape/contour demonstrate melodic involved in creating and understand that there Meter shape/contour and meter. performing music alone are three distinct Accompaniments and with others processes for Improvise AH-04-4.1.2 Students will create and perform AH-4-PA-S-Mu2 involvement in the M Ensemble simple melodic or rhythmic Students will use arts; creating new Repertoire accompaniments to given knowledge of the artworks, performing melodies. elements of music and works previously music terminology to created and AH-04-4.1.3 Students will improvise answers describe and critique responding to M in similar style to given rhythmic their own performances artworks and and/or melodic phrases. and the performances performances. of others. AH-4-PA-U-2 AH-04-4.1.4 Students will sing and play alone AH-4-PA-S-Mu3 Students will M simple rhythmic or tonal patterns Students will identify understand that full by reading music notation; be possible criteria for understanding and able to sustain own part in an evaluating music (e.g., appreciation of the ensemble. skill of performers, arts requires some originality, emotional degree of AH-04-4.1.5 Students will sing alone and with impact, variety, interest) involvement in all M others a varied repertoire of AH-4-PA-S-Mu4 three processes. music. Students will demonstrate AH-4-PA-U-3 audience behavior appropriate to Students will context and style of music understand that performed; discuss opinions with openness, respect for peers in a supportive and work, and an constructive way understanding of how artists apply elements and principles of design in creating and performing are personal attitudes and skills that enhance enjoyment of the observer. AH-4-PA-U-4 Students will understand that existing and emerging technologies can extend the reach of the art form to new audiences.

Processes in Dance Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary

17 AH-04-4.2.1 Students will create patterns of AH-4-PA-S-Da1 AH-4-PA-U-1 M Space movement incorporating the Students will be Students will Time elements of dance (space, time actively involved in understand that there Force and force). creating and are three distinct Sequence performing dance processes for Folk dances AH-04-4.2.2 Students will create a movement alone and with others involvement in the M Square dances sequence with a beginning, middle, AH-4-PA-S-Da2 arts; creating new Ethnic dances and end. Students will perform artworks, performing traditional folk works previously AH-04-4.2.3 Students will perform traditional dances, square created and M folk dances, square dances, and dances and ethnic responding to ethnic dances. (Native American, dances (Native artworks and West African/African-American, American, West performances. Early American and folk) African/African- AH-4-PA-U-2 American, Early Students will American and folk) understand that full AH-4-PA-S-Da3 understanding and Students will use appreciation of the knowledge of the arts requires some elements of dance degree of and dance involvement in all terminology to three processes. describe and critique AH-4-PA-U-3 their own Students will performances and the understand that performances of openness, respect for others work, and an AH-4-PA-S-Da4 understanding of how Students will identify artists apply elements possible criteria for and principles of evaluating dance design in creating and (e.g., skill of performing are performers, personal attitudes originality, emotional and skills that impact, variety, enhance enjoyment interest) of the observer. AH-4-PA-S-Da5 AH-4-PA-U-4 Students will demonstrate Students will understand that behavior appropriate for existing and emerging observing the particular technologies can extend the context and style of dance reach of the art form to new being performed; discuss audiences. opinions with peers in a supportive and constructive way

18 Processes in Drama/Theatre Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary

19 AH-04-4.3.1 Students will create and perform AH-4-PA-S-DT1 AH-4-PA-U-1 M Literary using elements of drama (Literary, Students will be Students will Technical Technical, and Performance). actively involved in understand that there Performance creating and are three distinct Literary elements AH-04-4.3.2 Students will improvise to tell performing dramatic processes for M stories that show action and have a works involvement in the clear beginning, middle, and end. AH-4-PA-S-DT2 arts; creating new (Literary elements) Students will use artworks, performing knowledge of the works previously elements of drama created and and drama responding to terminology to artworks and describe and critique performances. their own AH-4-PA-U-2 performances and the Students will performances of understand that full others understanding and AH-4-PA-S-DT3 appreciation of the Students will identify arts requires some possible criteria for degree of evaluating dramatic involvement in all works (e.g., skill of three processes. performers, AH-4-PA-U-3 originality, emotional Students will impact, variety, understand that interest) openness, respect for AH-4-PA-S-DT4 work, and an Students will demonstrate understanding of how audience behavior appropriate artists apply elements to context and style of and principles of dramatic works performed; design in creating and discuss opinions with peers in performing are a supportive and constructive personal attitudes way and skills that enhance enjoyment of the observer. AH-4-PA-U-4 Students will understand that existing and emerging technologies can extend the reach of the art form to new audiences.

20 Processes in Visual Arts Core Core Content DOK Program of Studies Program of Studies Level of Essential Resources Content # Skills & Concepts Understandings Mastery Vocabulary

21 AH-04-4.4.1 Students will create artwork using Grade 5 Skills and Concepts AH-4-PA-U-1 M Principles of the elements of art and principles - Visual Arts Students will design of design. AH-4-PA-S-VA1 understand that there Students will be are three distinct Two-dimensional AH-04-4.4.2 Students will use a variety of media actively involved in processes for M (2-D) and art processes to produce two- creating artworks involvement in the Three- dimensional (2-D) and three- AH-4-PA-S-VA2 arts; creating new dimensional (3-D dimensional (3-D) artwork. Students will use artworks, performing knowledge of the works previously elements and created and principles of art and responding to art terminology to artworks and describe and critique performances. their own work and AH-4-PA-U-2 the work of others Students will AH-4-PA-S-VA3 understand that full Students will identify understanding and possible criteria for appreciation of the evaluating visual arts requires some (e.g., skill of artist, degree of originality, emotional involvement in all impact, variety, three processes. interest) AH-4-PA-U-3 AH-4-PA-S-VA4 Students will Students will understand that demonstrate openness, respect for audience behavior work, and an appropriate to context understanding of how and style of visual artists apply elements arts observed/viewed; and principles of discuss opinions with design in creating and peers in a supportive performing are and constructive way personal attitudes AH-4-PA-S-VA5 and skills that Students will describe enhance enjoyment personal responses of the observer. to artwork; explain AH-4-PA-U-4 why there might be Students will understand that different responses to existing and emerging specific works of art technologies can extend the reach of the art form to new audiences.

22 Big Idea: Interrelationships Among the Arts The arts share commonalities in structures, purposes, creative processes, and their ability to express ideals, feelings and emotions. Studying interrelationships among the arts enables students to get a broad view of the expressiveness of the art forms as a whole, and helps to develop a full appreciation of the arts as a mirror of human kind. Academic Expectations 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes. 1.13 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with the visual arts. 1.14 Students make sense of ideas and communicate ideas with music. 1.15 Students make sense of and communicate ideas with movement. 2.22 Students create works of art and make presentations to convey a point of view. 2.25 In the products they make and the performances they present, students show that they understand how time, place, and society influence the arts and humanities such as languages, literature, and history. 2.26 Through the arts and humanities, students recognize that although people are different, they share some common experiences and attitudes Interrelationships Among the Arts Core Content Program of Studies Skills & Concepts Program of Studies Understandings This content is not assessed at the state level, however, AH-4-IAA-S-1 AH-4-IAA-U-1 according to the National Standards for Arts Education, Students will define common terms used in Students will understand that the arts are basic students "should be able to relate various types of arts various arts (e.g., tempo in dance and music) forms of human communication. knowledge and skills within and across the arts AH-4-IAA-S-2 AH-4-IAA-U-1 disciplines." Students will explain communication of common Students will understand that music, dance, themes or ideas across different art forms drama and visual art created in common cultures In Kentucky's Learning Goals, goal number 6 states: AH-4-IAA-S-3 and/or common historical periods tend to reflect Students shall develop their abilities to connect and Students will identify and explain connections common attitudes, ideas, beliefs and feelings. integrate experiences and new knowledge from all subject between and among different art forms from the AH-4-IAA-U-2 matter fields with what they have previously learned and same culture or from the same time period Students will understand that the arts provide build on past learning experiences to acquire new AH-4-IAA-S-4 forms of non-verbal communication that can information through various media sources. Students will describe commonalities between strengthen the presentation of ideas and 6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from the arts and other subjects taught in the school emotions. different subject areas. (e.g., observation skills in visual arts and AH-4-IAA-U-3 science, historical and cultural perspectives in Students will understand that the modes of thinking and According to 404 KAR 3:303 the Program of Studies the arts and social studies, shape in visual art methods of the arts disciplines can be used to illuminate outlines the minimum content standards for all students and mathematics, dance and a healthy lifestyle, situations in other disciplines that require creative across grade levels and content areas. Although this fractions in music notation and mathematics, solutions. content is not tested in the Commonwealth Accountability composing music and writing) Testing System, it is required instruction in order for the AH-4-IAA-S-5 course to meet the guidelines of 404 KAR 3:303. Students will communicate common meaning through creating and performing in the four art forms


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