Open Book Evolution Test

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Open Book Evolution Test

Name: ______Date: ______Period: _____ Intermediate Science Mr. Vorstadt Open Book Evolution Test _____1. Structures (like molar teeth in vampire bats) which are homologous to important structures in other organisms but serve no purpose in the organism being considered are: a. Analogous b. Mutations c. Vestigial d. Convergent

_____ 2. Structures that have the same structures but a different function: a. Natural selection b. Homologous c. Convergent evolution d. Comparative anatomy

_____ 3. Natural selection is: a. Some live and some die in each generation b. Only the largest and strongest survive c. Random assortment of genes results in better characteristics in the following generations d. The best adapted individuals survive and reproduce, contributing the most to the next generation

_____ 4. Boa constrictors have tiny pelvic girdles and leg bones within their bodies. Since these structures are nonfunctional, they are called: a. Vestigial b. Analogous c. Maladaptive d. Homologue

_____ 5. Which of these is best considered the description of evolution? a. Mutation b. Non-random mating c. Natural selection d. Small populations with massive migrations

_____ 6. The structures shown in the figure below are _____. a. analogous b. vestigial c. heterologous d. homologous

_____7. What type of adaptation is shown in the figure below?

a. artificial selection b. mimicry c. homologous structure d. camouflage _____ 8. According to the theory of evolution, differences between species may be the result of a. natural selection b. the disuse of body structures c. mutagenic agents d. the transmission of acquired characteristics _____ 9. The image below illustrates what evolutionary concept:

a. homologous structures b. vestigial structures c. embryological similarities d. variation among species

_____ 10. Larmarke is to "Use and Disuse" as Darwin is to _____ a. divergence of related species b. homologous structures c. evolution by natural selection d. speciation by common descent _____ 11. Which organism experienced a specific type of microevolution called Industrial Melanism? a) peppered moth b) horse c) chimpanzee d) sour melon

_____ 12. Which one of the following is considered to be a human "vestigial" structure: a) appendix b) pelvis c) chromosome d) eyebrow

_____ 13. The deepest layers of the Earth contain fossils that are: a) old and complex b) old and simple c) young and complex d) young and simple

_____ 14. Which gas was not present in large amounts in the early atmosphere of Earth? a) ammonia b) water vapor c) methane d) oxygen

_____ 15. How old is the Earth? a) 4 million years b) 8 million years c) 2 billion years d) 4.5 billion years

_____ 16. A study of the position and shape of the bones in the forelimbs of a flying squirrel, a bat, and a beaver showed that the beaver and the flying squirrel appear to be most closely related. This determination was most likely based on a study in the field of comparative a) anatomy b) biochemistry c) embryology d) cytology _____ 17. Microevolution can be defined as: a) small-scale changes in an organism b) large-scale changes in an organism c) small-scale changes in the planet d) large-scale changes in the planet _____18. Fossils would most likely be found in a) volcanic rocks that are 50 million years old b) sedimentary rocks that are 500 million years old c) amber that is over 8 billion years old d) icebergs that are 500 billion years old _____19. The diagram below shows undisturbed sedimentary layer at the bottom of an ocean. The fossils found in layer B resemble the fossils found in layer A. This similarity suggests that

a) modern forms of life may have evolved from earlier forms of life b) vertebrate fossils are only found in sediments c) the fossils in layer A must be more complex than those in layer B d) the fossils in layer B were formed before the fossils in layer A _____ 20. The diagrams below represent stages in the embryonic development of four organisms. The similarities in embryonic development shown in the diagram suggest that these organisms

a) have adaptations for the same environment as adults b) are all members of the same species c) all undergo external development d) may have evolved from a common ancestor

_____ 21. Darwin's studies of finches on the Galapagos Islands suggest that the finches' differences in beak structure were most directly due to a) adaptations of the finches to different environments b) mating behaviors of the different finch species c) acquired characteristics in the parent finches d) the size of the island where the finches live _____ 22. Characteristics of a species that make its members better able to live and reproduce in their environment are known as a) biotic adaptations b) homologous structures c) favorable factors d) abiotic factors

_____ 23. The diagram below represents undisturbed rock strata in a given region. A representative fossil of an organism is illustrated in each layer. Which statement best describes a relationship between these representative organisms?

a ) Organism A was probably more structurally advanced than organism B and organism C. b) Organism C probably gave rise to organism A and organism B. c) All of these organisms probably evolved at the same time. d) Organism A was probably more primitive than organism B and organism C.

_____ 24. In the diagram below B, C, and D represent organisms that exist in the present time and show a striking similarity to each other in their bone structure. In the diagram, letter A most likely represents a) geographic distribution b) an acquired characteristic c) homologous structures d) a common ancestor

_____ 25. Which area of biology compares and attempts to explain the structural changes that have taken place in living things over millions of years, as well as those changes occurring today? a) physiology b) classification c) evolution d) reproduction

_____ 26. Two organisms are closely related and are thought to share a similar evolutionary history. If this assumption is correct, these organisms most likely have a) identical chromosome mutations b) similar embryological development c) no structural differences d) few biochemical similarities _____ 27. According to most scientists, which two organisms are most closely related?

a) A& B b) I & B c) F& E d) B& J

_____ 28. The long term changes that occur in different organisms known as a) microevolution b) macroevolution c) genetic mutations d) cross breeding _____ 29. The study of the similarities and differences in the cell structures of organism is known as a) embryology b) cytology c) biochemistry d) paleontology _____ 30. The first life-forms to appear on Earth were most likely a) anaerobic heterotrophy b) complex multicellular organisms c) aerobic autotrophy d) simple multicellular organisms

_____ 31. According to Charles Darwin, one factor that affects the evolution of a species is a) variation due to genetic mutations b) rapid fossil formation c) survival of the fittest d) exposure to radiation

Base your answers to questions 32 and 33 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. Letters A through J represent different species of organisms. The vertical distances between the dotted lines represent long periods of time in which major environmental changes occurred.

_____ 32 . Which species was the first to become extinct? a) C b) D c) J d) E _____ 33. Which species appears to have been most successful in surviving changes in the environment over time? a) A b) B c) C d) D

Base your answers to questions 34 and 35 on the diagram appearing on the next page and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram shows an interpretation of relationships based on evolutionary theory. The letters represent different species.

_____ 34. Explain why species B and C are more closely related than species A and C are. a) They are not more related b) A and C have a common ancestor in H c) B and C have a common ancestor in F d) B and C are more complex _____ 35. The diagram indicates that a common ancestor for species C and E is species a) F b) G c) H d) K _____ 36. What is the most probable reason for the increase in the percentage of variety A in the population of the species shown in the graph below?

a) There is no chance for variety A to mate with variety B. b) There is no genetic difference between variety A and variety B. c) Variety A is less fit to survive than variety B is. d) Variety A has some adaptive advantage that variety B does not have. ______37. Which statement concerning the first appearance of the organisms over the time period represented in the chart above is most likely correct? a) Life on Earth has remained the same. b) Life on Earth has changed from primitive organisms to more complex organisms. c) Life on Earth began with complex organisms and changed to more complex organisms.

d) Life on Earth has changed rapidly.

_____ 38 . The diagram below shows the evolution of some different species of flowers.

Which statement about the species is correct? a) Species A, B, C, and D came from different ancestors b) Species C evolved from species B. c) Species A, B, and C can interbreed successfully. d) Species A became extinct. _____39. Geographic isolation of a small population from the main group may contribute to the development of new species. This new species is most likely to happed if members of the geographically isolated population, compared to members of the main group, have a) an inability to survive environmental conditions b) the ability to resist genetic mutations c) different environmental factors acting on them d) the same initial gene frequencies _____40. Distinct species of birds living on two different islands have similar characteristics which 1) Comparative anatomy indicate common ancestry. The differences that 2) Absolute Dating have evolved to make these species distinct have resulted in 3) Atrophy a) the inheritance of acquired traits b) frequent interbreeding 4) Geographic isolation c) the elimination of variations 5) Biochemistry d) reproductive isolation 6) Mimicry MATCHING MATCHING 7) Fossil _____ 41. Some remnant of an organism that proves its existence 8) Autotrophs 9) Hypertrophy 10)Overproduction _____ 42. Can be used to determine the precise age of fossils _____ 43. Comparing specific body structures in organisms _____ 44. Comparing similarities in proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids _____ 45. Structure decreases in mass with disuse _____ 46. Structure increases in mass with use _____ 47. Organisms produce more offspring than can possibly survive _____ 48. A population is divided by a natural barrier _____ 49. Adaptations some animals use as protection from predators _____ 50. Organisms that can make own food from sunlight

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