2016-09-06 WSC Meeting Minutes Approved 12-06-2016 - Final

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2016-09-06 WSC Meeting Minutes Approved 12-06-2016 - Final

WECC Standards Committee (WSC) Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 2:00 to 2:30 p.m., MDT Webinar Only

1. Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions

Mr. Joe McArthur, WECC Standards Committee (WSC) Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m., September 6, 2016. A quorum1 was present for the conducting of business. A list of the WSC members in attendance is found at Exhibit A.

2. Antitrust Policy

Mr. W. Shannon Black read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.

3. Consent Agenda (Exhibit B)

o New Drafting Teams

WECC-0120 FAC-501-WECC-1 Drafting Team Roster

WECC-0121 A-C INT Five-year Review Drafting Team Roster

WECC-0122 COM-001-WECC-CRT-1 Five-year Review Drafting Team Roster

WECC-0124 ATEC R1 Modification Drafting Team Roster

o Approval of June 15, 2016 minutes Mr. Joe Tarantino requested that for future drafting team considerations that the individual’s workplace be added to the information provided.

On a motion by Mr. Joe Tarantino seconded by Ms. Dana Cabbell the WSC approved the Consent Agenda.

4. Approve Agenda

Mr. Joe McArthur introduced the proposed meeting agenda.

1 A quorum for meetings shall be a majority of all of the WSC members (5). If a Standard Voting Sector (SVS) position is vacant, the number needed for a quorum or for a majority vote shall be decreased accordingly.

WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 155 North 400 West, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103-1114 WSC Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 2

On a motion by Ms. Crystal Musselman seconded by Ms. Dana Cabell the WSC approved the agenda.

5. Review of Previous Action Items

WECC-0113 FAC-010/011, Request to Retirement Regional Variances

On March 9, 2016, the WECC Board of Directors (Board) approved retirement of the variances associated with the two FACs, subject to relocation of subsections 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.6, and 1.3 into the WECC Path Rating process or other peripheral document. In July 2016, the Planning Coordination Committee (PCC) approved relocation of the language into the WECC Progress Report Policies and Procedures (Report). The Report is one of several documents that comprise the WECC Project Coordination and Path Rating Process. Approved changes will not impact the Major Path Table contained in NERC Reliability Standards nor trigger a compliance filing that might otherwise be required under FERC Order 751 and 752 Compliance Filing, Docket RM09-9- 000 and RM-09-14-000.

WECC-0115 BAL-002-WECC-2, Contingency Reserve, Request to Retire Requirement R2

WECC staff coordinated with the Operating Committee to design and implement a field test to discern the impacts in the event the Requirement is retired. The test must first be approved by the NERC Vice President of Standards and Compliance. That request has been forwarded by Standards staff through the assigned communication channels.

Mr. Steven Rueckert reviewed the scope of the data for inclusion in the test. Ms. Catlin Liotiris asked whether a reporting of reserve quantities might also be included. It was unclear whether the specific data requested is available for inclusion.

6. Reports – W. Shannon Black

To the Board

The following projects will be presented to the Board for approval in September 2016:

 WECC-0100 TPL-001-WECC-CRT-3, Transmission System Planning

 WECC-0107 VAR-501-WECC-3, Power System Stabilizer and Design

WECC-0101 Generator Validation Conversion Project

On August 25, 2016, balloting for the WECC-0101 Generator Validation Conversion Project closed. The project encompassed MOD-026 and MOD-027 (references below). Each project

W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L WSC Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 3

was balloted separately. Neither project passed the ballot, receiving a 24.2% and 27% affirmative vote, respectively. Below is a summary of the ballot results.

MOD-026-1, Verification of Models and Data Generator Excitation Control System or Plant Volt/Var Control Functions

Total Ballot Pool: 108

Total Number of Votes: 90

“No” Vote: 68

“Yes” Vote: 20

“Abstained: 2

Quorum: 83.3%

Weighted Vote: 24.2

MOD-027-1, Verification of Models and Data for Turbine/Governor and Load Control or Active Power/Frequency Control Functions

Total Ballot Pool: 108

Total Number of Votes: 89

“No” Vote: 64

“Yes” Vote: 23

“Abstained: 2

Quorum: 82.4%

Weighted Vote: 27.0

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A review of the comments in opposition to each document did not highlight any new issues nor did it reveal any potential remedial approach that could garner passage of the projects if adopted. As such, the WSC adopted staff’s recommendation that the project be deemed complete. The WSC offered its special thanks to each of the drafting team members and those that actively engaged in the development process.

WSC Member Terms

On June 9, 2016, WECC solicited nominations to fill the following WSC two-year terms of service. These terms expire coincide with the September 2016 Board of Directors (BOD) Annual Meeting. As of the July 1, 2016, closing of nominations, only one nominee was received per each expiring Standards Voting Sector (SVS).

Pursuant to the WSC Charter, “If there is only one nominee for a specific SVS position, balloting shall be waived and the name of that nominee shall be communicated to the Board chair for consideration.” WSC Charter, Committee Composition and Governance, Membership.

The following names and qualifications were forwarded to the Board Chair for consideration and subsequently approved.

 SVS 1 Transmission Dana Cabell

 SVS 2 Generation Angela Mendolia

 SVS 5 System Coordinator Joe Tarantino

 SVS 8 Other Non-Registered Entities Crystal Musselman

Although the position of WSC Chair also vacates, neither nominations nor a ballot will ensue as that is a Board appointed position.

7. Action Items – W. Shannon Black

WECC-0119A PRC-003-WECC-CRT-1.3, ARM of Transmission and Generation Protection System and RAS Misoperation Procedure (PRC-003-WECC)

On July 7, 2016, the WECC-0119A Drafting Team (DT) concluded development of the WECC- 0119A document. In reviewing the document to remove all references to the Reliability Assurer, the DT concluded that all of the reliability content is resident in NERC Standard PRC- 004-4(i), Protection System Misoperation Identification and Correction, effective as of July 1, 2016. Because the administrative content is included in peripheral WECC documents and the reliability content is included in peripheral NERC documents, the entire document is redundant.

W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L WSC Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 5

The DT is requesting approval to ballot the document for complete retirement.

On a motion from Mr. Joe Tarantino seconded by Mr. Joe McArthur the WSC agreed to ballot WECC-0119A PRC-003-WECC-CRT-1.3, ARM of Transmission and Generation Protection System and RAS Misoperation Procedure, for full retirement. The motion carried.

WECC-0119C PRC-006-WECC-CRT-2, Underfrequency Load Shedding

On August 18, 2016, the WECC-0119C DT agreed by majority vote to forward the project to the WSC with a request for ballot. Having posted the project twice for comment the DT concluded no further substantive changes were warranted.

On a motion from Ms. Dana Cabbell seconded by Ms. Caitlyn Liotiris the WSC agreed to ballot WECC-0119C PRC-006-WECC-CRT-2, Underfrequency Load Shedding. The motion carried.

WECC-0117 Reliability Standards Development Procedures (Proposed Procedures)

On June 15, 2016, the WSC agreed to post Posting 3 of the redraft of the Procedures with a request for comment. The posting period was open from June 27, 2016, through August 1, 2016. The WSC reviewed and considered all comments, opting to clarify the WSC’s authority in Step 13 to retire only a portion of a WECC CRT (as opposed to the entire document), and that retirement could be based on “other WECC documents” such as Charters, where applicable.

A redlined and a clean version of the Proposed Procedures will be posted on the WECC-0117 project page at the Posted for Comment accordion. Version 4 of the project will be posted for comment from September 13, 2016 through October 14, 2016.

On a motion from Mr. Joe McArthur seconded by Mr. Tanner Brier the WSC agreed to post Posting 4 of the Procedures for 30-day comment. The motion carried.

WSC Charter Review (Review)

The WSC Charter requires an annual review. The charter was last approved by the Board on September 15, 2015. As part of the 2016 review, Mr. Tarantino asked that the addition of the following italicized language be added to the Membership section of the charter. The proposed language would be inserted following the 1.a. Membership section.

Committee Composition and Governance

1. Membership

a. The WSC membership shall be comprise of one representative from each of the WECC Standards Voting Sectors (SVS) as defined in the Procedures, plus one member of the Board designated by the Board chair in consultation with the Board, to serve as

W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L WSC Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 6

the WSC chair. Each member must meet the membership eligibility criteria set forth in this Charter.

No single individual, firm, or affiliate shall serve in more than one SVS at any given time. The Director of Standards shall have authority to make the final determination on the question of affiliation.

Staff requested that the following section be added to the Meeting section of the charter to allow the WSC to conduct consensus business without a meeting. The following section would be added as Meetings, Section “e.”

“e. For purposes of approving the Consent agenda only, the WSC may act by mail, email, or other means of communication as approved by the chair, without conducting a regularly-scheduled meeting. This provision does not waive notice or quorum requirements.”

Mr. McArthur asked how records of such meetings would be retained. Mr. W. Shannon Black reported that a WECC meeting would be scheduled for calendar purposes and all documents would be posted there, just as if a regularly-scheduled meeting took place. Because the clause only impacts consent items, if any of the WSC members ask for an item to be removed from the consent agenda, that business could not be addressed under the proposed clause.

On a motion from Mr. Joe McArthur seconded by Mr. Joe Tarantino the WSC agreed to add and locate the requested language to it charter, and to forward the charter to the Board with a request for approval. The motion carried.

No further changes were made to the charter. This action constitutes fulfillment of the requirement for annual review.

8. Public Comment

Mr. McArthur suggested that a report on the Governance Committee’s findings regarding the efficiency of existing WECC committees might be presented at a future meeting. Mr. McArthur suggested he could provide that report.

9. Review of New Action Items

No new action items were assigned.

10. Upcoming Meetings

December 6, 2016 ...... Salt Lake City, Utah

W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L WSC Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 7

11. Adjourn

Mr. McArthur adjourned the meeting without objection.

W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L WSC Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 8

Exhibit A: Attendance List

Members2 in Attendance

Dana Cabbell, Southern California Edison...... SVS 1 Transmission

Tanner Brier, Bonneville Power Administration...... SVS 3 Transmission

Joseph Tarantino, Sacramento Municipal Utility District...... SVS 5 System Coordinator

Crystal Musselman, Proven Compliance Solutions...... SVS 8 Other Non-registered Entities

Joe McArthur, Chair...... Non-Affiliated Director

Caitlin Liotiris, Energy Strategies...... SVS 6 End User Representative

Members not in Attendance

Angela Mendolia NAES...... SVS 2 Generation

Warren Rust, Colorado Springs Utilities...... SVS 4 Distribution

David Walker, Wyoming Public Service...... SVS 7 Marketers and Brokers

Others in Attendance

Bert (No Further Information) Merrill Brimhall Sandra Pea Steven Rueckert Tony (No Further Information) W. Shannon Black

2 Term Notice:

Two-year terms of service for SVS 3, 4, 6, and 7 expire coincide with the 2017 annual Board meeting.

Two-year terms of service for SVS 1, 2, 5 and 8 expire coincide with the 2018 annual Board meeting.

Two-year term of service for the Chair expires coincident with the 2018 annual Board meeting.

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Exhibit B: Consent Agenda

The following items were presented for the Consent Agenda. Documents were provided on the WECC Calendar for this meeting.

 Minutes Approval of WSC Minutes for June 14, 2016 as posted on the September 6, 2016, WSC Calendar  Drafting Team Changes Unless otherwise noted, WECC staff is recommending approval of each of the following drafting team items. o New Drafting Team

WECC-0120 FAC-501-WECC-1 Drafting Team Roster

WECC-0121 A-C INT Five-year Review Drafting Team Roster

WECC-0122 COM-001-WECC-CRT-1 Five-year Review Drafting Team Roster

WECC-0124 ATEC R1 Modification Drafting Team Roster

o Drafting Team Removals / Inactive None o Drafting Team Additions



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