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Avery A. Rizio 1
Avery A. Rizio
Department of Psychology The Pennsylvania State University Moore Building – Room 112 University Park, PA 16802 email: [email protected]
Education PhD, Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University: 2014 Dissertation title: Cognitive control and motor control: A comparison of the neural networks that support active inhibition in intentional forgetting and stopping. Committee Members: Nancy A. Dennis, PhD. (chair), Frank G. Hillary, PhD., Rick O.Gilmore, PhD., Charles F. Geier, PhD., & P. Karen Murphy, PhD.
BA, Psychology, Hamilton College, May 2009
Academic and Professional Experience 2014 – Post-doctoral Researcher with Dr. Michele Diaz, PSU: The neural correlates of language and aging 2009 – 2014: Graduate Student with Dr. Nancy A. Dennis, PSU: The cognitive control of memory as it pertains to inhibitory control, memory, and aging 2011 – 2012: Graduate research with Dr. Reginald Adams, PSU: Social Neuroscience and face perception memory 2010 – 2011: Graduate researcher with Dr. Ping Li, PSU: The neural correlates of mathematical processing in individuals for whom English is a second language 2006 – 2009: Research Assistant with Dr. Mark. A. Oakes, Hamilton College: Exploration of inhibitory processes that contribute to intentional forgetting 2005: Research Assistant with Dr. Douglas A. Weldon, Hamilton College: Single-cell recording in the rat superior colliculus during reward motivation
Research Interests Cognitive Control of Memory Intentional forgetting Inhibition Episodic Memory Encoding processes Retrieval processes Cognitive Aging Compensatory processes Inhibition deficits
Publications Published Rizio, A.A., Dennis, N.A. (2014) The cognitive control of memory: Age differences in the neural Avery A. Rizio 2
correlates of successful remembering and intentional forgetting. PLoS ONE. 9(1), 1-12.
Rizio, A.A., Dennis, N.A (2013), The neural correlates of cognitive control: Successful remembering and intentional forgetting. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25(2), 297-312.
Weldon, D.A., Patterson, C.A., Colligan, E.A., Nemeth, C.L., & Rizio, A.A. (2008). Single unit activity in the rat superior colliculus during reward magnitude task performance. Journal of Behavioral Neuroscience. 122, 183-190. Under Review Rizio, A.A., Hoagey, D.A., & Dennis, N.A. Anticipating the need for inhibitory control: The effects of cue placement and aging in the directed forgetting paradigm
Conference Presentations Rizio, A.A., Hoagey, D.A., & Dennis, N.A. (2014) Anticipating Inhibitory Control: The Effectiveness of Cue Placement in the Directed Forgetting Paradigm. Poster to be presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Rizio, A.A. & Dennis, N.A. (2014) Cognitive control of memory and motor response: A comparison of networks supporting active inhibition. Poster to be presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Boston, MA.
Rizio, A.A., & Dennis, N.A. (2012). The cognitive control of memory: Age differences in the neural correlates of successful remembering and intentional forgetting. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Rizio, A.A., & Dennis, N.A. (2012). Age differences in the retrieval of previously forgetting information: The neural correlates of intentional forgetting and inhibitory control. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Chicago, IL.
Rizio, A.A., & Dennis, N.A. (2011). The neural correlates of cognitive control: Successful remembering and intentional forgetting. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Conference, Washington, DC.
Rizio, A.A., Dennis, N.A., & Cabeza, R. (2010). Learning while remembering: Neural correlates of successful encoding during retrieval in younger and older adults. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta GA.
Rizio, A.A., Oakes, M.A., & Yee, P.L. (2009). Recognition of details in scenic images: Further evidence for the role of differential encoding in directed forgetting. Poster presented at Psychonomic Society Conference, Boston MA.
Rizio, A.A., Oakes, M.A., & Yee, P.L. (2008). Recognition of item details: Evidence for differential encoding in directed forgetting. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society Conference, Chicago IL.
Oakes, M.A., Yee, P.L., Rizio, A.A., Sadowsky, J., Boisvert, T., & Maeyama, C.M. (2007). Avery A. Rizio 3
Directed forgetting or directed remembering? A comparison of remember, forget, and incidental learning instructions. Poster presented the Psychonomic Society Conference, Long Beach CA.
Teaching Experience (Penn State World Campus) Neurological Basis of Human Behavior (Instructor) Theoretical and empirical overview to biopsychology, featuring empirical research related to the neurobiology of human behavior, and an introduction to the structure and function of the brain.
Research Methods for Psychology (Instructor) Introduction to methods of psychological research, with special attention to hypothesis formation and testing, threats to validity, and data presentation.
Teaching Experience (Penn State University Park) Research Methods in Labor Studies and Employment Relations (Instructor) Provides an understanding of social science research as employed in the field of Human Resources and Employment Relations
Research Methods for Psychology (Lab Instructor; three sections) Introduction to methods of psychological research, with special attention to hypothesis formation and testing, threats to validity, and data presentation
Positive and Wellbeing Psychology (Teaching Assistant) A course that features the application of psychological knowledge to develop and maintain effective personal adjustment, well-being, and positive social relations
Neurological Basis of Human Behavior (Teaching Assistant) An introduction to biopsychology, emphasizing the structure and function of the human brain.
Introduction to Sensation and Perception (Teaching Assistant) A survey of human perception and processing of perceptual information, with some reference to animal literature, and an emphasis on vision and audition.
Introduction to the Psychology of Learning (Teaching Assistant) A general survey of the learning area, including animal and human experiments, with emphasis on the applicability of learning principles being discussed.
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (Teaching Assistant; two sections) An introduction to study of higher mental processes such as thinking and reasoning, imagery, concept formation, problem solving, and skilled performance.
Introduction to Psychology (Teaching Assistant) An introduction to general psychology, including principles of human behavior and their applications. Avery A. Rizio 4
Guest Lectures 2014 False Memories & Cognitive Control. Center for Healthy Aging, PSU 2010 The neural correlates of item method directed forgetting. Hamilton College 2010 The neural correlates of mathematical processing in bilinguals: Influences of task difficulty and language proficiency. Center for Language Sciences, PSU
Mentoring 2009 – Present: Cognitive Aging and Neuroimaging Lab, PSU Mentored undergraduate students on behavioral and fMRI methods for intentional forgetting, cognitive control, and aging research; supervised undergraduates’ honor theses.
Honors and Awards 2012 Bruce V. Moore Fellowship in Psychology ($300) 2011 Bruce V. Moore Fellowship in Psychology ($300) 2009 Elihu Root Fellowship for high achievement in science, Hamilton College ($6000) 2009 B.F. Skinner Prize for excellence in Psychology research, Hamilton College ($500) 2009 Sigma Xi, Hamilton College 2008 Ralph E. Hansmann Science Support Fund, Hamilton College ($3200) 2008 Elected Vice President of Psi Chi, Hamilton College 2007 Ralph E. Hansmann Science Support Fund, Hamilton College ($3200) 2005 NSF Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program, Hamilton College ($2000)