How to install jGRASP Java compiler on your PC:

1. Go to the following link:;dl=download_jgrasp.html

2. You will see the following screen.

3. Scroll Down and you will see the following: 4. Where you see the highlighted text Windows self-extracting exe with JRE 1.4.0 - no Java installation required to run jGRASP (full JDK is required to compile and run Java programs). (17,708,202 bytes), click on jGRASP JRE exe button.

5. Then save the file to a folder where you can run the setup file. The screen is below: 6. After you click on the Save button, the downloading process of the setup file will start. 7. Simply run the setup and you will have jGrasp on your machine. 8. To get the latest Java Development Kit, go to the following link: 9. You will see the following screen: 10.Then click on the Download button. 11.Then accept the license agreement. 12. Then click on Windows Online Installation (build 06), Multi-language 13.Then click on Save 14.Then click run and wait until Java is installed.

Then click on the download button facing the option: SUN J2SDK 1.5 nload.jsp Java development kit

15. You will then follow the same steps which you did earlier setting up the jGRASP Java compiler.