2013 State FFA Crops Contest
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2013 State FFA Crops Contest Management Test Key
Name: ______FFA Chapter: ______Contestant No.: ______
Soybean (Questions 1-25)
1. Edible seeds of legumes such as soybean are called: a. achenes b. cereals c. pulses d. stamens
2. The first true leaves on soybean are: a. bifoliolate b. cotyledons c. trifoliolate d. unifoliolate
3. The stage of growth of soybean known as V3 indicates: a. three trifoliolate leaves b. three internodes with leaves c. three pods at each node d. three seeds per pod
4. The stage of growth of soybean known as R3 indicates: a. beginning seed b. beginning pod c. beginning bloom d. beginning maturity
5. Nitrogen fixation in soybean occurs in nodules and involves a symbiotic relationship with: a. bacteria b. fungi c. microspridia d. mycorrhizae
6. The hilum of soybean seed is: a. the part of the seed from which the stem forms and grows b. the part of the seed from which the primary root forms and grows c. the part of the seed attached to the pod and is usually black, brown, or yellow in color d. a thin covering that protects the seed’s embryo from insects, disease, and damage
7. High night temperatures during seed fill may decrease soybean yield by increasing: a. adsorption b. photosynthesis c. respiration d. translocation 8. Soybean varieties grown in Minnesota are typically in which maturity groups? a. 00 – II b. I – III c. IV – VI d. VII – VIII
9. Soybean varieties grown in Minnesota are indeterminate types. This means that: a. they complete their vegetative growth before flowering b. new flowers and pods appear as the plant grows in height c. the number of potential pods is determined by the variety d. the number of potential pods is determined by the environment
10. Under favorable soil conditions, soybean should generally be planted how deep? a. 0.75 inches b. 1.50 inches c. 2.25 inches d. 2.75 inches
11. A plant density per acre at harvest that is generally economically optimal for soybean yield is: a. 32,000 b. 75,000 c. 135,000 d. 195,000
12. If a soybean plant density is low, soybean plants will adjust by: a. producing fewer seeds b. producing smaller seeds c. tillering d. branching
13. Pre-emergence mechanical weed control in a recently planted soybean crop can be achieved with a: a. culti-packer b. field cultivator c. mulch finisher d. rotary hoe
14. Post-emergence herbicides are applied: a. to the soil before planting the crop b. to the soil before the crop comes up c. after the weeds are up, but before the crop come us d. after the crop and weeds are up
15. This post-emergence herbicide active ingredient is used on the majority of the soybean acreage in Minnesota: a. glufosinate b. glyphosate c. metolachlor d. metribuzin 16. Which of the following is the best description of iron deficiency chlorosis symptoms? a. chlorosis on the margins of the unifoliolate leaves b. interveinal chlorosis on the trifoliolate leaves c. mottling of the trifoliolate leaves d. purple discoloration of veins on the upper leaves
17. Which of the following is not a disease of soybean in Minnesota? a. frogeye leaf spot b. goss’ wilt c. sclerotinia stem rot d. sudden death syndrome
18. Symptoms of white mold in soybean include: a. black sclerotinia b. green to yellow mottling of young leaves c. powdery mildew on the upper surfaces of leaves d. reddish-brown lesions on the under-sides of leaves
19. Important soybean pests include all but which of the following? a. aphids b. japanese beetles c. rootworms d. spider mites
20. A farmer has counted an average of 83 soybean seeds in 10 square feet after harvesting soybean. If an acre contains 43,560 square feet and one pound of soybean seed contains 3,000 seeds, then what is the harvest loss in bushels per acre? a. 0.25 b. 2.0 c. 8.75 d. 14.5
21. The maximum moisture content at which soybean seed can be marketed without discount is: a. 9.0% b. 11.0% c. 13.0% d. 15.5%
22. You delivered 48,000 pounds of soybean to the grain elevator at the price of $14.00 per bushel. How much money should you receive? a. $10,338 b. $11,200 c. $12,000 d. $14,933
23. Soybean seed typically contains ___% oil at harvest: a. 8.5% b. 13.0% c. 18.5% d. 36.0% 24. Soybean seed typically contains ___% protein at harvest: a. 8.5% b. 13.0% c. 18.5% d. 36.0%
25. The suggested winter storage temperature for grains and oilseeds in the Upper Midwest is: a. 20-30ºF b. 30-40ºF c. 40-50ºF d. 50-60ºF
Wheat (Questions 26-50)
26. The structure that protects the first wheat leaf as it emerges through the soil during germination is the: a. mesocotyl b. hypocotyl c. epicotyl d. coleoptile
27. Wheat has a root system described as: a. branched b. fibrous c. seminal d. tap
28. Wheat normally forms tillers which are: a. additional roots b. additional seed-producing stems c. additional spikes from the same stem d. projections attached to the lemma
29. The maximum number of kernels per spike is determined during this growth stage: a. boot b. emergence of the seedling c. heading d. tillering
30. At the boot stage of wheat development, the plant is near: a. tillering b. jointing c. heading d. maturity
31. Physiological maturity of wheat first occurs when: a. it has been 28 days since heading b. kernel moisture content is less than 20% c. the crop is dry enough to combine d. the peduncle loses its green color 32. Hard red spring wheat is valued for its: a. high antioxidants b. high grain protein c. high oil and omega-3 fatty acids d. low protein and soft endosperm
33. The market class of wheat used to make pasta is: a. durum b. hard red spring c. hard red winter d. soft red winter
34. Which pair of diseases need to be taken into account when selecting a wheat variety for production in Minnesota: a. cyst nematode and leaf rust b. fusarium head blight and white mold c. leaf rust and fusarium head blight d. white mold and cyst nematode
35. The “red” in hard red spring wheat refers to the color of the: a. anther b. auricle c. kernel d. peduncle
36. Farmers need to be careful to avoid over-fertilizing wheat with ____ because it can increase lodging. a. sulfur b. potassium c. phosphorus d. nitrogen
37. Application of which of these nutrients will have the greatest influence on grain protein concentration? a. sulfur b. potassium c. phosphorus d. nitrogen
38. Delays in planting wheat until mid to late May often result in low grain yield because of: a. decreased kernels per plant b. increased lodging c. low plant density d. poor seed germination
39. Wheat is usually planted in a row spacing of: a. 7 inches b. 14 inches c. 21 inches d. 30 inches 40. The recommended seeding rate per acre for wheat is about: a. 25 pounds b. 50 pounds c. 100 pounds d. 200 pounds
41. Normal seeding depth of wheat is ___ inches. a. 0.75 b. 1.50 c. 2.25 d. 2.75
42. Assuming adequate moisture, wheat yields more at which temperature regime? a. highs in the 70’s, lows in the 50’s b. highs in the 80’s, lows in the 60’s c. highs in the 80’s, lows in the 70’s d. highs in the 90’s, lows in the 70’s
43. Cool season grassy weeds such as wild oat can best be controlled by non-chemical methods through: a. delayed planting b. early planting c. increased seeding rate d. interrow cultivation
44. The weed species most difficult to control in a growing crop of wheat: a. annual broadleaf weed b. perennial broadleaf weeds c. annual grass weeds d. volunteer corn
45. Which of the following herbicides should not be used on wheat? a. Discover b. Glyphosate c. MCPA d. 2,4-D
46. The disease of wheat that has caused great economic loss to Minnesota farmers during years with persistent rains during heading time and produces a toxin called "vomitoxin" is: a. ergot b. fusarium head blight c. leaf rust d. phomopsis
47. Fungicides can help control all but which one of the following wheat diseases? a. yellow dwarf virus b. Fusarium head blight c. leaf rust d. tan spot 48. Wheat is a self-pollinated crop; consequently, seed saved from the crop will be genetically ______to the variety planted. a. different b. identical c. intermediate between the two parents d. segregating for various plant traits
49. When buying or selling wheat, the standard bushel weighs ____ pounds. a. 45 b. 56 c. 60 d. 65
50. The most important factor influencing the value of a bushel of wheat is typically its: a. test weight b. oil c. protein d. fiber