AE 220: Introduction to HVAC
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MEM 413 HVAC Loads Syllabus for Fall 2011 - 2012 (Tuesday/ Thursday: 3:30 – 4:50) Curtis 231 Instructor: Teaching Assistant: Dr. Jin Wen Ran Liu Department of Civil, Architectural & Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering Alum Engineering 270-H Alumni Engineering 153A Phone: 215.895.4911 Phone: 215.895.2280 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Instructor: Tues 14:00 – 15:00 or by appointment; Teaching Assistant: Weds 15:00 – 16:00 Objectives: This course reviews pertinent thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow fundamentals and demonstrates how these knowledge can be applied to analyze, model and design HVAC systems. After taking this course, the students should a. master the calculation of building heating and cooling loads; b. understand human comfort and indoor air quality in buildings; c. have working knowledge of annual energy calculation methods; d. have working knowledge of infiltration and ventilation design. Prerequisites: MEM 345 Minimum Grade: D and (MEM 310 Minimum Grade: D or AE 220 Minimum Grade: D ) Textbooks: Kreider, J. F., Curitis, P. S,, and Rabl, A., 2002. Heating and Cooling of Buildings, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. Reference: McQuiston, F. C., Parker, J. D., and Spilter, J. D., 2005. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, 6th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. Grading Policy: (A final grade of less than 50 % will be a F) Homework: 30 % Midterm exam 25 % Final exam 35 % Class attendance 10 % Homework: Assignments will consist of a number of problems handed out each day of class. These will be due by 3:35 pm every following Thursday. Late submissions will be penalized. I will post the homework solutions on the course homepage (WebCT), and homework after the posting will not be accepted. Please do NOT use WebCT to submit homework. Use the office hours to clarify doubts. Your assignments can be handwritten but they must be neat and clear (otherwise I will not accept them). Handouts: Copies of class note and all pertinent material will be available from the course homepage (WebCT). Copyright of the material needs to be respected. Exams: There will a midterm exam and a final exam. These will consist of closed book and closed notes. I will deduct marks if the solutions are not clearly worked out or if the handwriting is illegible. Note: Exam questions will be based on reading assignments, class notes, and homework. Class attendance: I will take attendance on a random basis, and for each absence 2 % points will be deducted (till a maximum of 10 % points). WebCT: I will use WebCT environment to distribute class related information including syllabus, homework assignments, homework solutions, class notes and other material. I will also use WebCT to broadcast important class announcements. Students who are not familiar with the WebCT environment are strongly encouraged to learn and be familiar with it. For WebCT related questions, please check student WebCT manual: or Contact WebCT Support Group at [email protected] To access your WebCT courses, log on to Drexelone, click Student Service tab, then click My Course, click the course that you want to access from the list. Once you are in the WebCT environment, select the course that you want to access. Email: I will respond to the course related emails at least every Tuesday. Questions that involve elaborate explanation should be asked personally during the office hours. Every student is required to check their Drexel email accounts on a regular basis for class updates. Schedule: WK Date Topics Reading 9/20 Introduction Chap. 1 1 9/22 Comfort and Ventilation Chap. 4.5 - 4.6 9/27 Heat Transfer Review and Application in 2 Chap. 2 9/29 Load Calculations 10/4 3 Solar Radiation and Windows I Chap. 6 10/6 10/11 4 Solar Radiation and Windows II Chap. 6 10/13 10/18 Load Calculation - Air Exchange Chap 7.1 5 10/20 Load Calculation - Principles Chap 7.2 - 7.4 10/25 Mid Term Exam 6 10/27 Heating Load Chap. 7 and Handouts 11/1 7 Cooling Load I Chap. 7 and Handouts 11/3 11/8 8 Cooling Load II Chap. 7 and Handouts 11/10 11/15 9 Energy Analysis I Chap 8 11/17 11/29 Energy Analysis II Chap 8 10 12/1 Ventilation Design and Review Handouts 11 Final exam