Student Government Union Student Senate

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Student Government Union Student Senate

Student Government Union Student Senate

September 12th, 2012


 Call to Order at 6:03pm

 Opening Prayer – Kara

 Roll Call - 28

 Introduction of the Executive Board

o President

. Katie Gwinn

o Vice President of Activities

. Stephanie Reyes

o Vice President of Finance

. Kevin Sullivan

o Vice President of Communication Management

. Caryn Guth

 Introduction of the Advisors

o Dawn McElveen

. Advisor for Student Government Union and Greek Life

o Nick Bliesner

. GA for Campus Life

 Review of the Constitution – READ IT!!!!!!!!! LEARN IT!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

o Role of the Senate (Article III)

. We legislate . Approve new clubs/orgs

. Create/enact legislations pertaining to the needs and concerns of student body

. 2/3 vote

. Resolutions to the Constitution

. We are the court of SGU

. Appropriations Board elected from Senate

. Hear appealed cases

o What’s expected of you

. Follow the core values, please 

 Vice President of Operations

o Meeting Times: Currently 6:00pm every other Wednesday

. Chelsea Hatcher moves Senate from 6:00pm to 6:15pm

 Mike Gincel seconds the motion

 Motion carries

o Parliamentary Procedure

. “I move to……”

. Someone will second the motion

. Call to question (discussion)

. All those in favor/opposed…..

. Motions carries/denied

o President Pro Tempore Elections

. Noelle moves to open nominations for President Pro Tempore

 Chelsea Hatcher seconds the motion

 Motion carries

 Nominations:

o Mac Culkeen o Chelsea Hatcher

o Brendan Gorman

o Angie Fortunak

o Katie David

. Mac Culkeen moves to close nominations for President Pro Tempore

. Noelle Bertossi seconds the motion

. Motion carries

o Speeches

o Mike Gincel moves to open voting for President Pro Tempore

. Preston Walsh seconds the motion

. Motion carries

o Mac Culkeen elected as President Pro Tempore o Sergeant-at-Arms Elections

. Ali Lavelle moves to open nominations for Sergeant-at-Arms

 Kara seconds the motions

 Motion carries

 Nominations:

o Ali Lavelle

o Mitch Collazo

. Chelsea moves to close nominations for Sergeant-at- Arms

 Kara seconds the motion

 Motion carries

. Lou moves to open voting for Sergeant-at-Arms

 Kara seconds the motion

 Motion carries . Ali Lavelle elected as Sergeant-at-Arms o Appropriations Committee Elections

. Kara moves to open nominations for the Appropriations Committee

 Jonathan second the motion

 Motion carries

. Discussion

 Every Tuesday at 8:00pm

 Serious commitment

. Nominations:

 Orlando Rolim

 John Agnello

 Louis Cafiero

 Katie David

 Mike Gincel

 Mitch Collazo

 Burke Tomaselli

 Luckson Abraham

 Flavia Vazquez

 Chelsea Hatcher

 Sarah Mauter

 Madi Grabow

 Lindsay MacGregor

 Jonathan Perrone

o Luckson moves to close nominations for Appropriations Committee

. Chelsea seconds the motion . Motion carries

o Chelsea moves to vote for up to seven people for the Appropriations Committee

. Luckson second the motion

o Mike Gincel moves to open speeches for Appropriations Committee

. Kara seconds the motion

. Motion fails

o Chelsea moves to open voting for Appropriations Committee

. Kara seconds the motion

. Motion carries

o Madi, Chelsea, Flavia, Orlando, Mitch, Katie David elected to the Appropriations Committee

o Katie David – Chair of Appropriations Committee

o Chelsea moves to close voting for Appropriations Committee

. Mitch seconds the motion

. Motion carries

o Madi moves to revote between Lou and Lindsay (tie for 7th member)

. Chelsea seconds the motion

. Motion carries

o Lindsay MacGregor elected as the 7th member for Appropriations Committee

. Appropriations Committee:

 Madi, Chelsea, Flavia, Lindsay, Katie (Chair), Orlando, Mitch

 Formation of Other Committees: Rules, Ethics, Class, Appellate, and others

o Think about what committees to form for next senate meeting (Sept 19th)

 Upcoming Events o Leadership Conference on October 7th

 Open Forum

o Katie David moves to hold a vote of no confidence on Mike Gincel

. Chelsea seconds the motion

. Katie David speaks on why she moved for a vote of no confidence on Mike Gincel

 Mitch Collazo speaks on the negative behalf of Mike Gincel

 Brendan Gorman speaks on the negative behalf of Mike Gincel

 Ali Lavelle speaks on the positive behalf of Mike Gincel

 Sarah Mauter speaks on the positive behalf of Mike Gincel

. Madi moves to open voting on the removal of Mike Gincel

 Mitch seconds the motion

 Motion carries

. Vote of no confidence has failed

o Kevin would like to meet with the Appropriations Board after this meeting

 Sarah moves to adjourn the meeting

o Madi seconds the motion

o Motion carries

 Adjournment at 7:27pm

Student Government Union Student Senate

September 19th, 2012


 Call Meeting to Order at 6:18 PM  Prayer – Mike G.

 Roll Call

 Vice President of Operations - Corey

o Scholarships for Senate

. Find an endowment

o T-Shirts

. To be continued…

 President Pro Tempore - Mac

o Formation of New Committees

. Committee to improve Dining Hall

 Get student input on how to improve Dining Hall

. Class committee

 In best interest for your class

 Role :

o Plan class trips

o Determine how to spend class budgets

o Seniors determine senior week

o Nothing illegal and follow budget ($ = ?)

o Chelsea moves to set up Dining Services Committee

. Katie D seconds

. Motion carries

o Chelsea moves to open nominations for those who want to be on Dining Services committee and not to limit the amount of senate members to be on the committee

. Sarah seconds

. Motion carries

. Nominations: Lou, Kara, Alli Lutrell, Danni, John A., Burke, Lindsay, Stephon, Angie, Ali, Orlando . Mike G. moves to close nominations

 Kara seconds

 Motion carries

. Chelsea moves to put everyone nominated on the dining services committee and allow them to vote on head chair committee

 Kara seconds

 Motion carries

 Voting for head chair will be when the committee meets

o Mike moves to create a committee for the senior class with a stipulation that only senators who are graduating at the end of this academic year can hold office.

o Brendan seconds

o Motion carries o Brendan opens nominations for senior committee

o Mike seconds

o Nominations: Sarah, Mike, Katie, Brendan

o Mike moves to close nominations

. Chelsea seconds

. Motion carries o Chelsea moves to form a junior class committee including all junior senators

o Lou seconds

o Motion carries o Madi moves to create a sophomore class committee

o Ali seconds

o Motion carries o Madi moves to have every sophomore senator to be on class committee

o Kara seconds o Motion carries o Angie moves to form a freshman class committee

o Destiny seconds

o Motion carries o Burke moves to open nominations for freshman class committee

o Destiny seconds

o Motion carries

o Nominations: Angie, every freshman senator o Kara moves to close nominations for freshman class committee

o Lou seconds

o Motion carries

 Upcoming Events

o Tomorrow: Memorial for Angelic Findley.

. Need volunteers to work the table during mealtimes

. 11:00am to 2:30pm

. Table outside of the dining hall

. 2 senators at a time half hour increments

. Sign Ups:

 11-1130 Stephon and Angie

 1130-12 Janelle and Burke

 12-1230 Medjine and Burke

 1230-1 Mac and Lou

 1-130 Orlando and Medjine

 130-2 Destiny and Mike

 2-230 Kara and Hayley

o Cross Country Meet on Saturday, September 29th . Need student volunteers


 Be the face of SGU! 

 Email with valid excuse if you cannot attend

. 6:15 AM finished before noon

. SGU sponsored event

o Leadership Conference on October 7th

. 8:30AM to 3:00PM ?

. Required to go as SGU

. Can represent SGU and one more club/organization

 Open Forum

o SAE Walk to Remember to raise support for breast cancer awareness

o Freshman Google Roberts rules

. Explains how these meetings are run

. Read up = it will help PROMISE

o Sigma Tau Delta hosting game night SAB 117

. 6 to 8 pm

o Miscommunication about Mikes actions last week

o 4th Sunday of month UMin takes shuttles to Dade City

. Soup kitchen

. 1 to 330 pm

. Talk to Joe for info

o Dawn = advisors for class committees

. Pay attention to who it is!

. Freshman = Jen Garcia

. Sophomore = Krista Jones . Junior= KJ McConnell

. Senior = Katy Boyd

 Brendan moves to adjourn

o Chelsea seconds

o Motion carries

 Meeting Adjourned at 6:44 PM

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