How does society and culture affect sexuality?

You are to answer the question:

“Who would you be (sexuality wise) in your chosen country?”

To do this you are to complete the following: 1. Describe the portrayal of sexuality of your country and what effects it (media, religion, culture, etc.)  How are males portrayed?  How are females portrayed?  What are the values and beliefs of your country?  What are the religious beliefs of your chosen country?  Link how these things have an effect on your sexuality. 2. Personal Safety  Based on the ideas of sexuality in your chosen country, does it impact violence in that country? (ex. Rape, domestic violence, stalking, date rape, etc. what are the incidences of each, is there a connection?) 3. Making the connection between violence, society, culture, and religion’s expression of sexuality  How would your sexuality be expressed in your chosen country?  What is your country’s ideas regarding gender roles?

You will have two choices on your final product;

Option #1 Your project will be in the form of a power point presentation handed in to me on the computer system (through the Hand-in function). Your presentation should include all of the items mentioned above and must be at least 7 slides in length.

Option #2 Your Project will be in the form of an information booklet. The booklet should include all of the items mentioned above and must be at least 4 pages in length

Assessment will be done according to the rubric provided. PROJECT DUE DATE: Monday November 15, 2010