Comhairle Thoghlach Dhroichead Átha DROGHEDA BOROUGH COUNCIL

Minutes of Special Meeting of Drogheda Borough Council held in the Council Chamber, Fair Street, Drogheda, on Monday, 24th July, 2006 at 7.00 p.m.

In attendance:

MEMBERS: In the Chair: The Mayor, Councillor M. O’Dowd.

Councillors: P. Bell, T. Byrne, M. Coogan, M. Godfrey, F. Maher, J. Mulroy, G. Nash, K. O’Heiligh, D. Wilton.

OFFICIALS: Mr. D. Foley, Town Clerk. Mr. D. Agnew, Borough Engineer.


The Mayor and Members expressed their condolences to the following:

The family of the late Peter Herbie McEnteggart. The family of the late Matt Ward.

138/06 Deputation from Drogheda Chamber of Commerce in relation to West Street Environmental Improvements Scheme.

Mr. Jim Corcoran, Chairman of the Retail Sub Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Eugene Kierans, President of the Chamber of Commerce made a submission to the Meeting regarding the West Street Environmental Improvements Scheme. The following points were noted by the Members:

 Between 60 and 70 jobs have been lost since the commencement of the works  A number of businesses are under threat of closure, other businesses face short time working  Between 20% to 60% losses in turnover have occurred  The Chamber requested longer working hours and a larger workforce to progress the works  Traffic lights need to be sequenced to give priority to traffic entering and exiting the town

Mr. D. Foley, Town Clerk, expressed his sympathy with the frustrations and drop in trade being experienced by retailers. However, he stated that it is not possible to amend the terms of the contract to increase the current working hours as this would incur significant extra costs. He indicated that works on the south side of the street are expected to be completed by 15th September. The paving subcontractor is due on site towards the end of August and at that stage sections of the street will start to be paved. It is expected that the paving contractors will work longer hours to complete their part of the contract. The Town Clerk also pointed out that the works alone could not be totally blamed for the fall-off in trade on West Street. It was noted that new competition has come on stream in terms of the Retail Parks, Shopping Centres and Discount Stores. The Members debated aspects of the Environmental Improvements Scheme at length and expressed their concern at the trading situation in West Street. They also requested details of the Contract and the Programme of Works to be made available. Finally, the Members requested that negotiations be held with SIAC in an effort to progress the works with the minimum amount of disruption to trade and members of the public in West Street. The Members also requested that details of the ongoing works be communicated to the Traders on a regular basis.

139/06 Recommendations of Protocol Committee.

On the proposal of the Mayor, Councillor M. O’Dowd, seconded by Councillor G. Nash, the Members agreed with the recommendation of the Protocol Committee in relation to Commemorative Structures.

The Members discussed at length the situation regarding the Commemorative Structure at Grove Hill and the recommendation of the Protocol Committee that formal permission had not been given for the structure was put to a roll call vote which resulted as follows:

In favour: Councillors: P. Bell, M. Godfrey, F. Maher, J. Mulroy, G. Nash. M. O’Dowd = 6

Against: Councillors: T. Byrne, K. O’Heiligh = 2

Abstention: Councillor: M. Coogan = 1

Absent: Councillors: A. Donohoe, T. Murphy = 2

No preference expressed: Councillor: D. Wilton = 1

The recommendation of the Protocol Committee was adopted.

140/06 Proposals for the erection of Socks Byrne statute.

The Members noted and approved the recommendations of the Protocol Committee to take in charge the structure when it is erected. The recommendation by the Protocol Committee to make a contribution of €5,000 towards the cost of the monument was also approved. The Members discussed at length the location for the structure and agreed that it should be located in West Street. The Town Clerk indicated that advice on whether the structure required planning permission would be clarified following the Meeting.


Proposals for the nomination of community and voluntary representatives to the Joint Policing Committee.

On the proposal of Councillor G. Nash, seconded by Councillor F. Maher, the Members approved the format for the election of the community and voluntary representatives to the Joint Policing Committee (copy of details attached to the minutes). 142/06 European Road Safety Charter.

On the proposal of the Mayor, Councillor M. O’Dowd, seconded by Councillor J. Mulroy, the Members agreed that Drogheda Borough Council should adopt the European Road Safety Charter (copy of details attached to the minutes).

143/06 Any other Business.

The Members noted that an allocation of €120,000 is being made to each county in respect of the provision of playground equipment. It was noted that the closing date for submissions is 27th September, 2006 and it was agreed that the Members would identify suitable locations for playgrounds before this date.

This concluded the business of the Meeting.