Ashley Broxton English 4 CP Mr. Stanton An Englishman man named James Colmer is 46 year. He lived in Australia and entertained the industry since 1988. Colmer designed the first set of other elements for movies such as ‘Superman Returns.” He was also the one of the first 21 men and women who came around the small global town of Billund, to complete for a job as a Lego designer. Colmer is one of the 200 hundred designers included people who sketch characters and there is also the person who just sits and makes Lego’s. When the candidates enter a conference room they have to automatically show off their homework and techniques. A woman by the name of Kurt Kristiansen who is also a Lego experts for the star wars, team created one of the most popular toys company that buys and sells.

The Google team also determined that the G.P.A. is a worthless criterion for hiring, and seeing that using test scores is worthless. The number one thing that google look for like any other jobs, is the general cognitive ability, the learning ability, and the ability to pull together disparate bits of information. The google like for the workers to feel responsibility for the sense of ownership and to step up to misleading mistakes and the humility of stepping back and embracing others ideas. Google also see the brightness in those that failure and learned that even the brightest, talented, and experts fall. Google also believes that the experts, makes mistakes just as much as the non-experts.

Employers also still care about job candidates and SAT scores. They also discovered that the recruiting colleges care about the scores and so does the companies that request them. Even the senior sales and the management who hires and the electing scores from candidates in their 40s and 50s. The SAT scores is a common element of college Ashley Broxton English 4 CP Mr. Stanton applications during the junior and senior year of the remainder of the school year. The hiring managers say that low testing scores doesn’t ruin the people from getting the job, it is the knowledge that it requires of knowing the raw material that does. Although most companies target the test scores on the math section, the jobs wants to know the breaking point of the math scores. When applying for jobs. The candidates, who have weak math score, would have to use other strengths such subject-matter to the expertise or use the leadership ability. The scores count heavily for the candidates in the first year, of college. The academics of researchers proved that the ability can predict the job performance, linking back to the high school score. The SAT maintains the exam designed mainly to predict the first year of the college success. Researchers also discovered that the few companies request the official score reports from the College Boards and demand the formal transcript and often require candidates to provide truthful and honest information. The standardized testing can put candidates at a disadvantage by asking for SAT scores can turn off candidates applying tremendously.

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