Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, It S Great Honor Standing Here to Give You a Brief

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Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, It S Great Honor Standing Here to Give You a Brief

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, it’s great honor standing here to give you a brief introduction of food, and today we will mainly focus on the Chinese food.

As a saying goes, “Fashion is in Europe, living is in America, but eating is in China”, the phrase is a testament to the popularity of Chinese food around the world. Food is an important part of daily life for Chinese people. Chinese not only enjoy eating but believe eating good food can bring harmony and closeness to the family and relationships.

Food has a special meaning to the Chinese people. The "waste not, want not" ethos means that a surprising range and variety of plants and animals, and every part of a plant or animal is used. This has given rise to a remarkable diversity in the regional cuisine, but to Westerners it can be overwhelming--surprising, fantastic, delicious, horrifying or disgusting --and above all, different.

Chinese people in general are not as concerned about nutrition as Western culture. They are more concerned with the food's texture, flavor, color, and aroma. These are the crucial points for good Chinese cooking. Chinese daily meals consist of five food groups: grains, vegetables, fruit, meat and dairies. Now,we will introduce these five groups.

First of all, please allow me to introduce the Grains Category. It’s our principal food which means most of our energy comes from the grains category. In the north of China, people prefer the product made from millet or barley. Such as noodles and steamed buns. And people live in the south of China like the rice. People in the Europe may also have oats, buckwheat and rye.

Grains Category 谷类 Rice ,millet 小米,Barley 大麦,sorghum 高粱,Wheat,Corn(maize),Oats 燕麦, Buckwheat 荞麦,Rye 黑麦 Then, it’s the vegetables category. Vegetable is an essential part of our daily food. It is contain a variety of nutrients, mineral salts and is the main source of vitamin. We divide it into five parts:

Vegetables Category Roots ,Tubers(球根),Stalk(茎) : rich in nutrients, low in fat and calories:甜菜 beet 胡萝卜 carrot, potatoes and sweet potatoes ,甜薯 yams,芋头 taro. Beans 豆类 pea 豌豆 Sprouts 芽 melon Vegetables:Gourd 葫芦 winter melon 冬瓜 pumpkin 苦瓜 bitter melon, tomatoes, eggplants 茄子, cucumbers 黄瓜, sweet peppers 甜椒 Leafy vegetables: Cabbages 卷心菜,洋白菜,Salad Greens 凉拌生菜,Cooking Greens,Inflorescent(开花的) Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower 花椰菜,Mushrooms 菇 Other Vegetables:nopal 仙人掌 muerh | tree fungus 木耳 bamboo shoots 笋 asparagus 芦笋 Sea Vegetables :laver 紫菜 seaweed,algae,kelp 海带,Onions 葱,. Garlic 大蒜 Ginger 姜 Now, it’s the fruits’ turn, fruits gets a similar value with the vegetables, but it has its features. Here I’d like to introduce some common fruits. Fruit Category Citrus Fruit 柑橘类:orange,lemon,pomelo 柚子,kumquat 金桔 Berries 浆果 blackberry,blueberry,boysenberry 波森梅,grape,kiwi fruit 猕猴桃, strawberry Stone Fruit 有核类:cherries, plums 李子, apricots 杏, nectarines 油桃, peaches Pome Fruit 梨果, apples, pears, quince(golden apple), loquats 枇杷, crab apples 山楂, persimmon 柿子 Melons :watermelon,cantaloupe 哈密瓜,orient melon 香瓜 Tropical Fruit 热带水果:banana,coconut 椰子,fig 无花果,papaya 木瓜, mango,pineapple,pomegranate 石榴,dragon fruit 火龙果,durian 榴莲,litchi,longan 龙 眼,rambutan 红毛丹 star fruit 杨桃 Now, it’s the fourth group—meats category. Meat is also an important part of our food, but there are many vegetarians reject to eat the meat as a way to respect the right of every single life. But it can cause some disease like lithiasis. In fact, Buddha's relics(舍利) is just the food can’t be digested and absorbed for lacking something that contained in meat.

Meats Category 禽肉 poultry:鸡肉 chicken 鸭肉 duck 鹅 goose 火鸡 turkey 鸽 pigeon 猪肉 pork 牛肉 beef ,veal 羊肉 lamb 野生类 Game:Game refers to animals that are normally raised in the wild. 加工肉类 cured meats:火腿 ham 熏猪肉 bacon 香肠 sausage 肉冻 meat jelly 下水 Variety meats :offal (British) Variety meats is a catch-all term for the organ meats, feet, and tails of butchered animals. Fish Category Freshwater fish:grass carp 草鱼,black carp 青鱼,silver carp 鲢鱼,Bighead carp 鳙鱼(四 大家鱼),carp 鲤鱼 ,crucian 鲫鱼 , catfish 鲶鱼,bream 鳊鱼,loach 泥鳅 Marine fish:sea cucumber 海参,hairtail 带鱼,conger eel 海鳗,eel 黄鳝,jellyfish 海蜇, shark’s fin 鱼翅,yellow croaker 黄鱼,salmon 鲑鱼,sardine 沙丁鱼,butterfish 鲳鱼, ribbonfish 刀鱼 Shellfish 贝类 :abalone 鲍鱼,oysters 牡蛎, clams 蛤,shrimp,prawn,conch 海螺, crab,crayfish(lobster)龙虾,mussel 贻贝,octopus 章鱼,squid 乌贼 And, the dairy category—milk, cream, cheese and eggs. These are high in nutrition quality. Dairy Category 奶制品 Milk & Cream Cheese Eggs:quail egg 鹌鹑蛋,egg yolks 蛋黄,egg whites

We’ve known so many kinds of food, but if we want to serve a meal, it’s far away enough. We need to know something to drink, how to cook and some common things in our kitchen or we use when we prepare a meal. Next, we will say something about Drinks, Condiments, kitchen instruments and the basic ways of cooking.


Juices:sugar cane juice 甘蔗汁 plum juice 酸梅汁 star fruit juice 杨桃汁 orange juice 桔子原 汁 lemon juice 柠檬原汁 Teas:black tea 红茶 green tea 绿茶, “eight treasures” tea 八宝茶, jasmine tea 花茶, herb tea 青草茶 Alcohol :brandy 白兰地, whiskey 威士忌,gin 杜松子,rum 朗姆, vodka 伏特加, tequila 龙舌兰,Calvados 卡尔瓦多斯,Pisco 匹斯可,sherry 雪莉,martini 马丁尼,vermouth 苦 艾,Liqueur 利口酒,champagne 香槟酒 cocktail 鸡尾酒 ,beer 啤酒 wine:red wines,white wines,blush wines,sparkling wines,dessert wines,fruit wines,fortified wines,rice wines Others:coke,mineral water 矿泉水 lemonade 柠檬水 soda water 苏打水 sprite 雪碧 milk shake 奶昔 milk tea 奶茶 fruit punch 果汁喷趣酒(清凉饮料)

Condiments 调味料 refined/coarse salt 精/粗盐,Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)味精,soy 酱油,castor sugar 细 白砂糖,chili sauce/oil 辣椒酱/油,brown/white vinegar 镇江/白醋,pepper corn 胡椒粒 ground pepper powder 胡椒粉,parsley 香菜,bruised/shredded ginger 姜末/丝,mustard 芥末, scallion 青葱,chopped onions 葱花,tomato sauce 番茄酱,caviar 鱼子酱,bruised garlic bulb 蒜泥,maltose 麦芽糖,fennel 茴香,cumin 小茴香,cooking wine 料酒,paprika 红椒, xanthoxylum seeds 花椒,curry 咖哩粉,cyclamate 糖精,cream | butter 奶油,peanut butter 花生酱,cherry jam 樱桃酱 ,oyster sauce 蚝油 ,apple jam 苹果酱,crab paste 蟹酱 Kitchen instrument 厨具 wok 锅 pot 锅 pan 锅 stew pot 炖锅 earthenware cooking pot 砂锅 microwave oven 微

波炉 frying pan 煎锅 saucepan 煮锅 steamer 蒸锅 spatula | slice 锅铲 skimmer 漏勺 funnel

漏斗 strainer 滤器 plastic chopsticks 塑胶筷 rice bowl 饭碗 chopsticks rest 筷子架 lunch box 饭 盒 cupboard 碗橱 refrigerator 电冰箱 freezer 电冰柜 chopping knife | kitchen knife 厨刀 cleaver 肉刀 grindstone | knife sharpener 磨刀石 plate 碟 | 浅碟 dish 碟子 spoon 调羹 rack 蒸

架 steamer 蒸笼 relish tray 调味盘 vinegar cruet 醋瓶 fork 餐叉 knife 餐刀 table napkin | serviette 餐巾 salt cellar 盐盅 salt shaker 盐瓶 salt cellar 盐碟 electric stove 电炉 mixer 搅拌 spoon 餐匙 jar 坛 electric cooker /oven 电子锅/炉 corkscrew 开塞钻 can opener 罐头刀 mould | form 模子 gourd dipper 瓢 sifter 粉筛 juicer | juice extractor 榨汁器 oval /round plate 椭圆/圆盘 electric coffee pot 电咖啡壶 scales 磅秤 teapot 茶壶 ladle 勺 rolling pin 擀面杖 spatula 炒菜

勺 chopping board 菜板

中菜的烹调方法 cooking methods 煮 boiling,煲/炖 stewing ,烧/焖/烩 braising ,煎 frying,炒 stir-frying,爆 quick-frying, 炸 deep-frying,扒 frying and simmering,煸 sauteing,煨 simmering,熏 smoking,烤 roasting/barbecuing,烘 baking,蒸 steaming,白灼 scalding

After so many introduction, here comes some Chinese common dishes. Chinese Breakfast



Chinese noodles come in different sizes and shapes. They can be cooked in the soup or stir-fried, which is known as "chow mien." Noodles are usually served for breakfast, lunch, or late snacks. During birthday celebrations, noodles are served to symbolize long life. The longer the noodle, the longer the life will be for the birthday person. Accompanying meat and vegetables are chopped up into small pieces and stir-fried or steamed. A dinner meal usually has soup in the middle, surrounded by 3 to 5 main dishes of vegetables, seafood, and poultry dishes.

阳春面 plain noodles 汤面 noodles in soup 牛肉面 beef noodles 榨菜肉丝面 pickled mustard root, pork noodles 刀削面 sliced noodles 海鲜面 seafood noodles 炸酱面 soybean paste noodles 排骨面 spareribs noodles 麻酱面 sesame paste noodles 馄饨 面 wonton noodles 什锦炒面 fried noodles with chop suey 凉拌面 cold noodles with sauce 炒面 fried noodles 蚵仔面线 oyster thin noodles


Main Courses

Kung Pao Chicken(宫爆鸡丁)

It's common knowledge that this dish is named after an official; however, from there it all gets rather murky. In some versions Kung Pao is a general who lived during the Ching dynasty. In others, he is a crown prince who discovered this dish while travelling and brought it back to the Imperial Court. There's even some confusion about whether the dish originated in Shanghai or Szechuan. Lion's Head Meatballs

It's easier to understand the name once you've seen the dish. The meatballs are huge - roughly the size of tennis balls. Often they are served with cabbage, meant to represent the lion's mane.

Beggar's Chicken

This is a wonderful story. A homeless, starving beggar is wandering along a road when he catches sight of a chicken. Desperate for food, he kills the chicken by wringing its neck. Lacking a stove, he covers the chicken in mud, makes a fire and bakes it. (One version has him plucking the feathers off the chicken as he eats).

Eight Distinct Regional Cuisines in China

Guangdong Cuisine : One of the eight major schools of China’s culinary art, Guangdong Cuisine is perhaps the most

popular. Guangdong Cuisine, known as Cantonese Cuisine in the West, was developed in Guangzhou, Huizhou and Chaozhou, and Hainan Island. As the climate of Guangdong is hot, these dishes are fresh, tender, and lightly seasoned. The raw material for Guangdong Cuisine is very rich, which includes snake, cat and pangolin. Cooked snake is considered a delicacy. The most famous snake dish is the Dragon and Tiger Locked in Battle, in which cobra, leopard cat, and over twenty spices are used. Roast snake with Chrysanthemum Blooms is provided in autumn. The dish is creamy in colour and is garnished with beautiful petals of chrysanthemum, mushrooms, and various flavorings. Other delicacies in Guangdong Cuisine include Roast Suckling Pig, Duck Web in Oyster Sauce, and Braised Chicken Feet with Wild Herbs

Sichuan Cuisine

Sichuan Cuisine is well-known for its hot and pungent at flavoring. Yet the highly distinctive pungency is not its only characteristic. In fact, Sichuan cuisine boasts a variety of flavors and different methods of cooking. A Sichuan dish can be hot, sweet, sour, salty, or tongue-numbing. Typical dishes of Sichuan are Twice cooked pork Slices, Spicy Diced Chicken with peanuts, Dry-fried Shark Fin, and Fish-flavored Pork Shreds. One of the popular dishes is Pockmarked Women’s Bean Curd which was invented by a Chengdu Chef’s pockmarked wife decades ago. Te cubed bean curd is cooked over a low flamed in a sauce which contains ground beef, chili, and pepper. When served, the bean curd is tender, spicy and appetizing. Shandong Cuisine

Shandong Cuisine includes many well-known seafood dishes. The dishes are usually fresh, tasty, but not greasy. Some of the famous dishes are Deep-fried Red-scale Fish. Shandong Cuisine has been influenced by the “Confucius Family Dishes”, which are renowned for their taste, aroma, colors and shape. Most famous ones are Jadeite Shark Fin, Agate Sea Cucumber, Shrimps Wearing Jade Belts, and Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea.

Jiangsu Cuisine

Developed from the local food of the four cities, Suzhou, Yanghzou, Nanjing and Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Cuisine is popular in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is characteristically sweet. Sweet-sour Fish, Sweet-sour pork and Sweet-sour soup are common dishes at the table of the ordinary families. The most popular dishes are Sweet-sour Boneless Fried Fish, Watermelon Chicken, Salted Duck and Creamed Abalone Soup.

Zhejiang Cuisine

Developed from the local food of the four cities in zhejiang province: Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Wenzhou. Zhejiang Cuisine makes crisp, tender, light and fresh dishes. The ways of the cutting and the temperature of cooking are closely observed, which is the key to the success of Zhejiang Cuisine.

Fujian Cuisine

Fujian Cuisine is developed from the local food of the three cities of Fujian Province: Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Xiamen. This region is very close to the sea and sea food making is, of course, the chef’s culinary art. They are good at steaming, frying, braising the food, particularly good at pickling 7 the ingredients before cooking. The popular dishes are Wined Chicken, Wined Sliced Fish, Deep-fried Prawns, Wined Sea Cucumber with Brown Sauce, and Braised Abalone with OysterSauce, Flavor, color and appearance are important in Fujian Cuisine.

Hunan Cuisine

Hunan Cuisine is developed from the local food of the Xiangjiang Valley, Dongting Lake Area, and Western Mountainous Hunan Province. Its characteristics are: a great variety of ingredients, shiny and strong colors, hot and spicy tastes, smoked and pickled flavors. Cooking techniques are pickling, smoking, spicing, simmering, steaming, braising and frying. The noted dishes are Hot and Spicy Chicken, Simmered Shark’s Fin in Brown Sauce, Gold-Coir Fish, and Sweet Lotus Seeds Soup. Anhui Cuisine

Anhui Cuisine is developed from the local food at the Yangtze banks In Anhui Province, the Huai River Valley, and Huizhou region. Is characteristics are natural ingredients selected; original color and flavor preserved. Deep-frying, roasting, simmering and steaming are.

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