Georgia Associations of Health Underwriters
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Call to Order: 12:05 PM
Present: Lisa Hellman, Raymer Sale, Jr., CLU, Michael Carmean, Lance Ledbetter, Jeff Fishback, CHC, Trey Tompkins, JD, David Johnson, LUTCF, Robert A. Guenther, Jr., CLU, ChFC, Art George, Barrie Ruland, David Knight, Rick Bailey, CFP, RHU, REBC, Shan Ricketts, Terri Godfrey Doyle, Michael A. Wardrip, LUTCF, Keith Mangrum, Patty Murphy, Susan Cook and Gina Grantham, CAE of AESI.
Absent: Bob Swanson, Lacita Husband-Perez, Deborah Phillips, LUTCF, Anthony Campbell, Russell Head, Sam Macfie, Janette Balkcom, and Kirk Rouse.
President’s Report: President Elect Lisa Hellman advised the next meeting would be held in Macon. The budget reflected necessity to increase income and spend less, thus a suggestion to host an Insurance 101 state wide full day program for those newer in the industry in the spring and fall was proposed as a goal to meet the shortfall in initial projections. Robert Guenther’s assistance was to be enlisted for coordination of the program. Monthly progress in awards criteria areas was desired with development of responsibilities by committee. Local Chapters were encouraged to coordinate a public service activity the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving for regional publicity opportunities. Previously GAHU selected CURE as our charity beneficiary and hopes were expressed to move toward training to allow us to volunteer one night a month at Eggleston and Scottish Rite. Patty Murphy to check on “glossary of terms” copies for the Board. David Johnson to divide awards criteria by category. Those interested in training to volunteer for CURE were encouraged to contact Jill George at 770- 986-0035 or download the application from
Minutes: The minutes of the July meeting were approved with revision of the South Atlanta meeting date as 8/21/03 and clarification that Gina Grantham reported on the status of the joint newsletter project with GAIFA.
Finance Committee / Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Michael Carmean reviewed the initial budget draft with a stated goal to produce a balanced budget for approval at the next meeting. Financial Reports were reviewed noting the year-end close out was in process and the Treasurer’s Report was tabled until the next meeting. Financial Reports to be emailed to out of town Board members prior to meetings. Current Financial Reports to be emailed to out of town Board members. David Knight, Keith Mangrum and Jeff Fishback were requested to develop a sponsorship package inclusive of all GAHU events.
Old Business: Quotes and input from CPA firms had been requested for review. D & O quotes were also being explored to cover Local Chapters. Prior Board members were reminded to turn in their notebooks for update. Atlanta Ethics Policies & Procedures to be sent to Barrie Ruland.
Convention: Keith Mangrum distributed and reviewed attendee surveys of a 90% positive response to the 3-day format and 83% indicating willingness to host the event in or out of state; however prior participant data was not included. The Convention Committee recommendation was to return to Savannah in 2004 and venues were reviewed. Response from the Westin was desired and efforts made to follow up. Motion passed with 15 in favor, 1 opposed to suspend return to Marriott Bay Point from 2004 until 2005. Motion passed to accept Savannah Hyatt proposal or Westin property if within $10 rate range, similar facility and parking fees passed with 13 in favor and 2 opposed. Keith Mangrum to send Convention Committee reports to be emailed to out of town Board members. Convention Committee recommendation for 2004 facility to be sent to Board for approval.
Chapter Reports: Atlanta, South Atlanta, Chattahoochee, Coastal Empire and South Georgia AHU Chapter reported on upcoming meetings and plans for the year. The Northwest Chapter was transitioning leadership and a board meeting and program were planned in August. Carol Hayes and Raymer Sale were reported to be working with the CSRA Chapter. Efforts were underway to host a September or October program at the Northeast Chapter. Local Chapters were requested to send their bylaws to the GAHU office.
Programs: Robert Guenther reported working to be more interactive with the Chapters in programming needs.
Membership: Art George distributed and reviewed current membership reports. He had contacted all Local Chapters with prospective member lead lists and was working on a new business lead list. He advised Georgia had the lowest state dues in the nation. All Chapters were encouraged to support the 100% Board membership recruitment contest. Art George to send Membership Report to Local Chapters.
PAC: Lisa Hellman reported the PAC Board meeting was the following week and special thanks were expressed to David Knight for his efforts in supporting fundraising activities that garnered $11,000.00 in contributions to the GAHU PAC.
Committee on Government Affairs: Jeff Fishback distributed and reviewed report on committee structure as well as current state and federal legislative issues. Issues were to be assessed and added to list of priorities as brought to the committee. Motion passed to fund two attendees at a cost of $45.00 each to attend the Georgia Chamber Congressional luncheon. Trey Tompkins planned to attend at his own cost. Trey Tompkins reported having a list of all Local Chapter Legislative Chairs. Michael Wardrip advised of meeting with the Georgia Public Policy Foundation and having several strategic meetings pertaining to the High Risk Pool. Jeff Fishback advised ongoing discussion and evaluation of the proposal to have a Carrier Relations Committee and its fit within the COGA or another area was under evaluation. Discussion of HUPAC contributions and having President and Lobbyist attend fund presentations to politicians was deferred to committee for review and recommendation. Trey Tompkins to attend Georgia Chamber Congressional Luncheon with up to two others to be funded by GAHU. Trey Tompkins to provide a legislative update to local Legislative Chairs.
Fundraising: David Knight reported plans to coordinate the annual raffle and golf tournament. Raffle tickets were to be distributed in January. Heather Roberts and Art George had agreed to head the golf tournament. The COBRA Seminar was to move to the Education Committee agenda. Robert Guenther suggested adding sponsoring companies to our letterhead as an incentive for the overall sponsorship package being developed. Trey Tompkins distributed and reviewed report on the COBRA Seminar and advised a date was available for Macon. Trey Tompkins to contact Sam Macfie and Jimmy Hinson regarding 9/9/03 COBRA Seminar date availability.
Awards/Technology: David Johnson distributed Legislative Achievement Award criteria. He planned to present changes to overall award criteria at the Regional Leadership Conference. All were encouraged to review legislative materials provided by Michael Wardrip now on the website.
Public Relations: Kirk Rouse advised Deborah Phillips had distributed press releases on the Convention and David Johnson requested to have copies forwarded to him.
Education: It was reported Lacita Husband-Perez was working with the Atlanta Chapter on scheduled RHU Classes.
Ethics: No report.
New Business: Participation in the Regional Leadership Conference in Tampa was encouraged. The next meeting of the Board was scheduled for September 8th. Directions to September Board meeting in Macon to be emailed to all.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 2:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Grantham, CAE Executive Director