California Polytechnics State University
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California Polytechnics State University San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly Interfraternity Council
Article I. Preamble
Section A. To foster and promote brotherhood, to inaugurate a spirit of cooperation and helpfulness, to create a better understanding among our members, to encourage vigorous participation in the activities of California Polytechnic State University, Associated Students, Inc. and general activities in our community, to the mutual advantages of all concerned.
Article II. Purpose
Section A. The Purpose of the Interfraternity Council shall be to govern, advise, and promote harmonious relations among and between member fraternities, the community, and the California Polytechnic State University governing, bodies as a clearing house to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information among, member fraternities, and to encourage social, academic service, and athletic interrelationships.
Article III. Identification
Section A. The name of the organization shall be the Interfraternity Council of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, herein referred to as the IFC.
Article IV. Membership
Section A. The IFC shall be composed of at least one delegate from each active member fraternity. A delegate should be the president of their fraternity, but in the event that this is not possible; a delegate should be elected or appointed by their respective fraternity.
Section B. Each fraternity with over 50 members will have 2 votes. Those with less than 50 members will have 1 vote. House membership is comprised of active as well as associate members. Those houses with 2 votes must have 2 representatives present to utilize their 2 votes. Section C. IFC membership shall be classified as:
1. Active: Due-Paying social fraternities, actively participating in IFC, and approved by Student life and Leadership.
2. Fraternities suspended from the IFC following the subjects from section E, will not hold voting privileges on the IFC board.
Section D. IFC will, in compliance with California State Law which prohibits hazing an organization or any of the its members, shall not conspire to commit any act which causes or is likely to cause, bodily danger, physical or emotional harm to any member of the campus or community.
Section E. There may be no membership discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or national origin.
Section F. 1. A fraternity may be suspended from IFC for any of the following reasons: a. Failing to pay levied fines within the quarter. b. Acting against IFC preamble or purpose.
2. Suspension of a fraternity must be voted upon by 2/3 vote of the member houses.
3. A fraternity may be reinstated as an active member upon 2/3 vote of the active member houses or based on a pre-determined date described in the suspension terms.
4. If under suspension, a fraternity may attend but not participate in any IFC meetings or functions and loses all IFC privileges until reinstated.
Section G. The following procedure shall be followed in the establishment of new fraternities to be recognized by the IFC:
1. Following recognition by Cal Poly Student Life & Leadership, a fraternity is considered a part of IFC after consultation of the IFC president.
Section H. All member fraternities agree to conduct themselves at all times in a manner approved by the University and Student Life and Leadership. Failure to do so could prompt judicial action by IFC.
Article V. Organization
Section A. The elected officers of the IFC shall be the President, Vice President. Section B. The officers shall be elected once a year. The election of all officers will take place no later than the end of the Spring Quarter. The President and Vice President positions can not be held by the same house. The candidates for office must have been active members in good standing in their respective fraternities for at least two quarters, excluding associate membership, immediately prior to the time of election. In addition, the candidates for the Presidency must have served on the IFC just prior to the corresponding election or have served as a president of their own fraternity. All candidates must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above at the time of election.
Section C. The appointed offices of the IFC shall be Secretary, Treasurer, Recruitment chairman, Sports chairman, Judicial chairman, Membership chairman, Public Relations chairman, and Greek Week chairman.
Section D. The appointed positions will be appointed once a year. The appointment will be recommended by an appointment committee comprised of the IFC President, IFC Vice President, IFC President elect and IFC Vice-President elect. The committee will be chaired by the current IFC President. The committee will make their recommendations to the IFC (delegates and board) at the last meeting of the fall quarter to be ratified.
Section E. No more than 3 members of the IFC can be from the same fraternity. All applicants for the appointed positions must have been active members in good standing in their respective fraternities for at least two quarters, excluding associate membership, immediately prior to time of election. All applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above at the time of appointment.
Section F. Responsibilities and duties of the Officers include:
1. The President shall: a. Preside over the IFC executive meetings and the IFC delegate meetings b. Attend monthly SCLC (Student Community Liaison Committee) meetings c. Have full understanding and knowledge of the IFC bylaws d. Act as representative of the IFC when the occasion arises e. Foster good relations with the Pan-Hellenic Council, Cultural Greek Council and Associated Students Inc. (ASI) f. Provide guidance for current and incoming board on all issues involving IFC 2. The Vice-President shall: a. Preside in the absence of the President and act as parliamentarian b. Plan and execute the yearly New Member Program. 3. The Secretary shall: a. Keep impartial records in a minute book which will be open to all members b. Maintain accurate contact information for all delegates, presidents and executive boards of fraternities c. Take role to determine if a quorum is present 4. The Treasurer shall: a. Collect, take charge of, and dispense funds when authorized by the IFC Advisor 5. The Recruitment Chairman shall: a. Preside over the Rush committee b. Report to the IFC delegates with a clear concise outline of rules and schedules for the Rush periods c. Plan out and execute two official IFC Rush periods d. Plan out and execute a successful representation of IFC at Open House 6. The Sports Chairman shall: a. Plan out and execute sports leagues for all IFC member fraternities. b. Coordinate with all parties involved (ASI, Bowling Alley, Hockey Team, etc.) to ensure proper execution of scheduled sporting events. 7. The Judicial Chairman shall: a. Preside over the Judicial committee b. Update and enforce IFC by-laws 8. The Membership Chairman shall: a. Attend all Philanthropic Council meetings b. Attend all Pan-Hellenic Meetings c. Attend all Cultural Greek Council Meetings d. Serve as a liaison between delegates and Student Life and Leadership on all matters concerning the Standards of Excellence 9. The Public Relations Chairman shall: a. Work with ASI and Campus public relations to properly advertise upcoming IFC events 10. The Greek Week Chairman shall: a. Work with Pan-Hellenic and Cultural Greek Council to come up with rules, schedules and regulations for Greek Week b. Report to the IFC delegates with a clear concise outline of rules and schedules for Greek Week
Section G. Election Procedures shall be as follows:
1. Applications for President and Vice President Positions will be collected until a week prior to the last meeting of spring quarter. Applications will only be needed for President and Vice President. 2. Elections will be held in the last meeting of the spring quarter. 3. Total number of votes held by the IFC delegates is determined by Section B of Article IV. 4. Voting shall be by secret ballot. 5. A majority of the votes wins for each office. 6. The executive council of IFC shall run the elections and count the votes. If there is a tie between two candidates for an office, the IFC president will determine the tie breaker. 7. Elected officers will officially take office January 1st of the following year. 8. Fall quarter immediately following the elections provide time for the appointment of officers mentioned in Section C of Article V.
Section G. Recall procedure shall be as follows:
1. A letter of intent and reason for recall for each office must be submitted by 35% of the active member houses to IFC. 2. 2/3 vote of the total active membership is needed to unseat any elected officer. 3. A recall committee comprised of IFC delegates approved by majority vote of IFC officers shall run the proceedings and count the votes.
Article VI. Meetings
Section A. The IFC shall meet at least once every two weeks during the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters.
Section B. A quorum shall be present in order to transact business.
Section C. A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the total number of representatives, except during recalls.
Section D. Special meetings may be called by the President or at the request of 2/3 of the active membership by notifying all member fraternities 48 hours in advance.
Section E. Each active member house shall be represented through their representative(s).
Section F. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern in all IFC.
Article VII. Committees
Section A. Rush Committee 1. Shall be chaired by the IFC Recruitment Chairmen 2. Shall consist of one representative from each active member house. 3. Representatives should be Rush Chairmen for their respective houses, or equivalent house position. 4. Shall decide on questions of upcoming Rush regulations, schedules and functions. 5. Rules, schedules and regulations decided upon by the IFC Rush Committee will be presented to the active membership for ratification by 2/3rds of votes.
Section B. Greek Week Committee 1. Shall be chaired by the IFC Greek Week Chairman. 2. Shall consist of one representative from each active member house. 3. Representatives should be Greek Week chairmen for their respective houses, or equivalent house position. 4. Shall decide on questions of upcoming Greek Week regulations, schedules and functions.
Section C. Judicial Committee 1. Shall be chaired by the Judicial Chairman. 2. Shall consist of at least ½ of active IFC delegates randomly picked by the IFC judicial. 3. Shall be held once a written statement regarding a fraternity’s actions is turned into the IFC Judicial chairman 4. Shall decide on an outcome based on current IFC bylaws. 5. The decision should be taken to the IFC delegates for ratification requiring majority of the votes.
Section D. Special committees shall be appointed by the President when deemed necessary.
Article IX. Finances
Section A. Funds will be administered through an account in the ASI accounts service and within ASI policies and procedures.
1. Only IFC President and IFC Treasurer shall have the right to write check requests against the IFC checking account. 2. The IFC advisor’s signature is required on all checks written against the IFC’s checking account.
Section B. Each active member house shall pay Fall, Winter, and Spring quarterly dues to IFC, which shall be charged per active member per house, the amount to be determined by IFC.
Section C. Special Rights:
1. In the case that IFC operates in deficit in areas approved by active member houses, IFC then shall have the right to equally assess active member houses to cover the deficit. 2. IFC has the right to assess active member houses for funds in time of need, provided the need mutually benefits all active member houses. This right is subject to a majority vote of IFC active members.
Section D. IFC shall create and present a yearly budget.
1. This shall be done within the first 30 days of winter quarter’s opening day. 2. This shall be subject to majority vote of the active member houses before becoming effective.
Section E. IFC Treasurer shall present a report on the Treasury listing its liabilities and assets from the day he takes office.
Article X. Attendance Rules
Section A. A hundred dollar fine will be levied against any active member house for each unexcused non-representation at IFC general meetings. All houses must have at least one representative present at the time of roll call.
Section B. If a house is unrepresented more than two times in a quarter they may face punishments decided upon at a Judicial meeting.
Article XI. Advisor
Section A. The members must select a professional member of the California Polytechnic State University teaching staff of faculty to be the Faculty Advisor.
1. A motion must do this selection. 2. This Advisor may or may not be a member of any fraternal organization.
Section B. The Advisor must be approved by his respective department head and school dean.
Section C. The duties, powers, and privileges of the Advisor:
1. Act as an advisor at regular and special meetings. 2. The Advisor is to act as a signer for all financial matters with the activities dealing with the University.
Article XII. Amendments
Section A. An amendment to the IFC code must follow the following procedure. 1. An amendment to the IFC code must be typed on a sheet of paper and submitted to the IFC President at least a week prior to a meeting. 2. Must be passed by the membership of IFC by a 2/3 vote.
Section B. An amendment becomes active immediately after the end of the meeting held to vote on the amendment.
Article XIII. Ratification
Section A. A unanimous vote by member fraternities is required to ratify this article.
Article XIV. Charter Members
Section A. The charter members of the IFC at California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo:
1. Alpha Gamma 7. Delta Upsilon 13. Sigma Phi Epsilon Omega 8. Kappa Chi 14. Sigma Pi 2. Alpha Gamma Rho 9. Lambda Chi Alpha 15. Tau Kappa Epsilon 3. Alpha Epsilon Pi 10. Pi Kappa Alpha 16. Phi Kappa Psi 4. Beta Theta Pi 11. Sigma Alpha 17. Phi Sigma Kappa 5. Delta Sigma Phi Epsilon 18. Theta Chi 6. Delta Chi 12. Sigma Nu