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(College of Business North Campus) ECO 2023 Principles of Economics Micro
Reference Number: 6466 Campus: North Campus Term: Summer 2017 Meeting Time: MWF 10:25am-12:40pm Classroom: ______
Assistant Professor: René Choy MDC North business office: 305-237-1215 Instructor/Class webpage: http://faculty.mdc.edu/rchoy email: [email protected] please allow more than 24 working hours for a reply Office hours: See office schedule in Room: 1256-29 North Campus
Purpose: This course is the study of economic analysis and includes the market price theory, the theory of the firm, and the theories of production and distribution. Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of economic opportunity cost and contrast it with accounting costs. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the theory of supply and demand and describe their determinants. 3. Define price, income, and cross-price elasticity and demonstrate an understanding of their effect on demand. 4. Outline and explain the theory of the firm. 5. Describe the concepts of marginal cost, marginal revenue and marginal revenue product and their effect on profit maximization. 6. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the following market structures: monopoly, perfect competition, oligopoly and monopolistic competition. 7. Demonstrate how the various market structures relate to production and pricing decisions. 8. Other topics may be covered as required or needed. Students completing this course will improve their knowledge of economics as preparation to further academic studies or its application in a professional career.
Text: Microeconomics by Hubbard and O’Brien, 6th edition. A purchase of a bundled new book should bring access to MyLab online for 6 months. Publisher: Pearson Education, Prentice Hall.
Required Software: MyLab (The software should be included for 6 months with a bundled New Book purchase.) If you wish to purchase the software separately go to http://pearsonmylabandmastering.com and purchase your own access kit.
Other recommended readings: Financial Newspapers and Magazines such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, The Economist, Financial Times.
Grading Policy: Final Grade will be based on three exams, attendance, and MyEconLab Homework and Quizzes. There are no scheduled make-ups and no scheduled extra credit assignments . A 90%-100% D 60%-69% B 80%-89% F 59% or below C 70%-79%
Tentative Grades: Exam 1 (25%) Chapters 3,4,5,6 Due: 05/19/2017 Exam 2 (25%) Chapters 10,11,12,13 Due: 06/02/2017 Exam 3 (25%) Chapters 14,15,7,18 Due: 06/14/2017 MyLab (ML) (20%) Explained see page 2 Due: See ML calendar Attendance/Participation (5%) Taken every day
We are going to have a Great Time “Good Luck to all” Miami Dade General Education Outcomes: The Class and the Project are specifically designed to reflect and practice Critical Thinking (Students should be able to solve problems using critical and creative scientific reasoning.) Numbers / Data Analysis (Students should be able to process, understand and accurately analyze numerical data) Computer / Technology Usage (You will learn how to use word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation programs.
Academic Honesty and Academic Irregularities: Violations of ethical concept will result in penalties ranging from F grade in the course to dismissal from the College. In all penalties a letter of fact will be included in the student’s file. The following shall constitute academic irregularities and will result in substantial penalties: - The use of materials and/or devices such as notes, books or calculators, etc while taking the examination unless authorized by the instructor, or assistance from other persons while taking the examination or working on other assignment unless specifically authorized by the instructor, acts defined as cheating. - Unauthorized obtaining, distributing or receiving material which is purposed to be an examination, or part of an examination, without the consent of the instructor. - Taking of an examination for another person or having another person take an examination or having same present as one’s own exam. - The presentation of words or ideas from existing source as one’s own, acts defined as plagiarism. - Other activities which interfere with the educational mission within the classroom. The use of cellular telephones and pagers is not permitted in this class. In particular, you may not leave and re-enter the classroom for the intended purpose of using a cellular telephone. Your full attention is expected in the classroom.
Tentative Schedule: The schedule may change depending on the individual circumstances of the class. The book includes chapters that may not be covered. In order to keep up with class material full attendance is strongly suggested. Exam 1 (25%) Chapters 3,4,5,6 Exam 2 (25%) Chapters 10,11,12,13 Exam 3 (25%) Chapters 14,15,7,18 IMPORTANT NOTES: The students are encouraged to take class notes as class notes will constitute the majority, if not all, of the material covered by the exams. Make sure you get someone else’s phone number, in case you miss a class you will have someone to copy the notes from. The students are also responsible for the material in the book, to expand your knowledge the MyEconLab assignments will have material that may or may not be covered in class. The school attendance policy says that any student may be dropped from the class if he has too many absences, this policy also applies for our class. If you have any questions or comments please let the professor know immediately, before or after class. Your courteous comments are greatly appreciated!!!
MyLab Explained (20% of Final Class grade) To Register into MyLab: Step 1 1. Buy a bundled New book and use the code that comes with it. OR 2. Buy the Code directly from the manufacturer: go to http://pearsonmylabandmastering.com Step 2 1. Go to my webpage http://faculty.mdc.edu/rchoy 2. Click on ECO2023 3. Pick the class time you are in and download the page that explains how to register 4. Copy / Paste the Course ID from the word document and use it to register directly into my class Homework and Quizzes: -Homework for each chapters are due every week on Friday at 11:59pm (all the homeworks are worth 25% of MyLab Overall Grade or 5% of your Final Class Grade) -Quizzes are due on usually on Sunday’s at 11:59pm and see MyLab Calendar for due dates. (each Quiz is worth 25% of the MyLab Overall Grade or all 3 quizzes are worth 15% of your Final Class Grade). -Homework and Quizzes may have different due dates, See the MyLab calendar -To expand you knowledge about the course material, the MyLab homeworks and quizzes will include material that may have not been covered in class, therefore you are responsible for some extra material on the book
We are going to have a Great Time “Good Luck to all”