GNLCC Steering Committee Strategic Outcomes - DRAFT

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GNLCC Steering Committee Strategic Outcomes - DRAFT

Situation (need): The Steering Committee (SC) directs the GNLCC in creating the conditions that enhance individual and collective partner implementation of landscape-level conservation. Representing the mission and mandates of their organizations, the SC increases collaboration and efficiencies in working across complex ecological and jurisdictional systems. To increase the effectiveness of the GNLCC over the next five years, there is a need to develop a strategic approach to reinvigorate the SC, to improve governance/functionality, and to achieve conservation outcomes.


SC members have become aware of need SC call and meeting attendance SC membership increases in organizational to reinvigorate the SC and agree to increases diversity and is highly participatory in develop / implement strategies  Non-active members participate directing the GNLCC  Target new organizations join the Non-active SC members and target non- SC is recognized as a leader in actionable SC member organizations become landscape conservation science knowledgeable about the GNLCC function, SC members identify and implement value, and opportunities … strategic solutions (work groups, process, etc.) to strengthen GNLCC … function, effectiveness, and identity

SC members ask to become GNLCC chair and co-chair


Outcome Action Who When Short Term: SC members have Establish sub-committee; re- become aware of need to reinvigorate evaluate our strategic approach the SC and agree to develop / implement strategies

1 GNLCC Steering Committee Strategic Outcomes - DRAFT Short Term: Non-active SC members Target organizations: personal and target non-member organizations visits/calls, grand narrative, etc. become knowledgeable about the GNLCC function, value, and Assign staff and SC members opportunities

Medium Term: SC call and meeting Action 1: attendance increases Action 2:  Non-active members participate  Target new organizations join the SC

Medium Term: SC members identify Action 1: and implement strategic solutions Action 2: (work groups, process, etc.) to strengthen GNLCC function, effectiveness, and identity

Medium Term: SC members ask to Action 1: become GNLCC chair and co-chair Action 2:


Educate the SC on GNLCC history Improve SC functionality and SC functions effectively and efficiently to

2 interaction with other GNLCC entities achieve GNLCC landscape conservation Existing roles responsibilities and identify (Staff, AT, PF, Sci Community, goals possible new roles, responsibilities, tasks stakeholders). are clarified New partnerships and innovative approaches Investments in conservation are are added to existing GNLCC relationships Become informed how other organizations enhanced by an improved business and practices bridge issues and achieve organizational process (i.e. funding decisions, goal goals refinement) …

… …


Outcome Action Who When


SC and stakeholders understand how Science investments are strategically Aquatic and terrestrial integrity of landscapes funding and operations are linked to aligned to conservation practices that enhance benefits to fish, wildlife, plants, GNLCC landscape goals (desired future improve aquatic and terrestrial integrity people, and communities: conditions) • Conservation programs and initiatives are 3 GNLCC Steering Committee Strategic Outcomes - DRAFT Practitioners are integrating landscape adequately funded at the local, regional, Partners and stakeholders understand science to achieve on the ground and national levels what the GNLCC will look like and be doing conservation outcomes • More landscape conservation values are in 5 years maintained through agreements spanning … jurisdictions and geographic boundaries Partner organizations have become aware of the value of the GNLCC to their … conservation work


Outcome Action Who When


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