Commissioners Present: Blake Hildreth, Chair
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THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular scheduled meeting on February 4, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.
Commissioners present: Blake Hildreth, Chair Neil Jones, Vice Chair Steve Lear Dr. Jim Sims Ross Streater Jarvis Woodburn
Staff members present: Chris Wease, County Manager Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board James Bennett, Assistant County Manager Dorothy Tyson, Finance Officer Rita James, Data Processing Jim Roosen, Health Director Stan Vance, Assessor Tommy Allen, Sheriff
Chairman Hildreth called the meeting to Order, welcoming those present. Reverend Clyde Dungee, Centenary AME Zion Church, Lilesville, NC delivered the Invocation.
Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Commissioner Sims asked if the fee schedule presented by Hobbs Upchurch was competitive. Chairman Hildreth answered that it probably is for professional services, but in this case, there is a limited amount of money available and they quoted a lump sum they can’t exceed. Commissioner Sims asked to place under Commissioner Concerns a discussion of the 9-1-1 addressing system. Chairman Hildreth asked to add under Commissioner Concerns a discussion of meeting with Towns and length of meetings. Vice Chair Jones asked to add a motion relative to the county complex. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to approve the Agenda with the additions. Motion carried unanimously
Consent Agenda: Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to approve. Motion carried unanimously
Minutes: Approved minutes of the January 7, 2003 meeting. Tax Releases: Vehicle Tax Releases – Jan 03; Allen, Thomas Albert 2002 3.66 Situs Austin, Jacquelyn O 2002 36.74 Proration Barnes, Margot E 2001 48.90 Proration Bennett, James T 2001 12.28 Proration Bishop, Larry 2002 42.39 Military Bishop, Larry 2001 77.40 Military Brock, Annie 2002 27.15 Value Buchanon, Eliza 2001 21.32 Proration Burr, Benjamin L 2002 103.67 Situs Cross, Roger L 2001 25.26 Proration Davis, Sarah J 2001 96.90 Proration Erdmanczyk, Steven 2002 6.89 Situs Goodwin, Crystal 2002 10.13 Value Grant, Timothy 2002 72.69 Situs Hanna, James F 2001 8.73 Proration High, Monte B 2001 7.87 Proration Horne, Brenda 2001 47.70 Proration Horne, William M 2002 46.20 Proration Ingram, Delman L 2001 26.73 Proration Lefler, Derek Z 2001 65.89 Proration Lett, Mark S 2001 140.22 Proration Liles, Bobby J 2000 38.60 Proration Liles, Bobby J 2001 20.80 Proration Kelly, Meagan 2002 7.66 Proration Mims, Robert L Jr 2001 64.20 Proration Mims, Robert L Jr 2001 8.76 Proration Morris, Marlene C 2001 141.46 Proration Tant, David 2002 66.78 Proration Tant, David 2002 48.87 Situs Wilcox, Tekeisha Y 2001 85.70 Proration Williams, Joyce A 2001 25.08 Proration Total $ 1,436.69
Vehicle Tax Adjustments-Jan03: Allen, Thomas A 2002 38.80 Situs Burr, Benjamin L 2002 10.76 Situs Erdmanczyk, Steven 2002 0.65 Situs Tant, David W 2002 6.30 Situs Tant, David W 2002 4.61 Situs Total $ 61.12
Vehicle Tax Refunds – Jan 03: Arant, Robert C 2001 29.19 Proration Arant, Robert C 2001 25.88 Proration Cox, Janet E 2001 16.76 Proration Dabbs, Joe F 2001 38.25 Proration Dunlap, Amos H 2001 97.65 Proration Xcell Hermetic Motor 2001 21.96 Proration Horton, Robert E Jr 2001 34.02 Proration Jarrell, Mildred R 2001 21.15 Proration Lail, Helen E 2001 13.84 Proration Lett, Dewey H 2001 22.19 Proration McBride, Cynthia A 2001 5.91 Proration McGoogan, John M 2001 21.64 Proration Miller, Roma P 2001 29.28 Proration Pierce, Russell C 2001 61.12 Proration First Union National Bank 2001 28.92 Proration Smith, Lori S 2001 155.10 Proration Tice, Willie M 2001 13.17 Proration Total $ 636.03 Property Tax Releases-Jan 03: Allen, Willie 2002 346.09 Error in listing Anson County Board 2002 1,343.73 Exemption Anson County Board 2002 658.58 Exemption Bennett, Joe Heirs 2001 87.88 Error in listing Bergen, Floyd 2002 66.94 Error in listing Bowater Timber 2002 2,526.24 Error in listing Bowers Service 2002 32.28 Error in listing Brown, Winnie 2002 351.05 Double billed Cameron, Alice L 2002 54.87 Senior Exemption Carelock, Mary 2002 215.20 Senior Exemption Chambers Development 2002 4,761.63 Error in listing Goodwin, Joseph M 2002 3,741.45 Double billed Little, Cassandra 2002 493.88 Double billed Little, Cassandra 2001 495.65 Double billed Maness, Ted H 2002 77.77 Error in listing Mitchum, Robert E 2002 20.01 Error in listing Nance, M R 2002 209.80 Senior Exemption Perry, William O 2002 205.20 Senior Exemption Plank Road Realty 2002 293.85 Belongs to City Plank Road Realty 2002 293.85 Belongs to City Sturdivant, Charles 2002 111.35 Error in listing Sturdivant, Charles 2002 159.55 Error in listing Threadgill, John C 2002 510.95 Senior Exemption Vaughn Contracting 2002 848.04 Error in listing Wallace Family Trust 2002 4.57 Error in listing Total $ 17,937.41
Property Tax Refunds-Jan 03: Ross, Lee & Linda 2002 311.40 Trade/DW Taylor, James 2002 224.90 Double billed Wright, James H 2002 736.13 75% Completed Yang, Bee 2002 96.64 Not owner Yang, Bee 2002 170.47 Not owner Total $ 1,539.54
Budget Report: Accepted the report as presented, stating the general fund is maintaining well within the budgeted parameters with 47% expenditures encumbered and 56% of revenues realized. The water fund is operating at a deficit primarily due to the capital investment at the filtration plant. Wastewater fund is also operating at a slight deficit primarily due to decreasing flow volumes. All others are in good shape.
Budget Amendments: This amendment establishes the pool project at Little Park as a separate Ordinance. ANSON COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION PROJECT ORDINANCE This project Ordinance establishes a Fund (30) to record revenues and expenditures as related to enclosing the pool located at our Parks & Recreation Department. Revenues are projected as follows: 30-3100-3421 (Donations/Gifts) $ 415,000. 30-3100-3233 (State Grant) $ 200,000. Total Revenues: $ 615,000 Expenditures are projected as follows: 30-4340-4191 (Administration/Construction) $ 615,000 Total Expenses: $ 615,000. Adopted this 4th day of February, 2003. The next amendment eliminates the pool project from the General Fund ($615,000), appropriates the remainder of the match for the Housing Urgent Repairs Program ($3,300 from fund balance), the reduction of our expected revenue from interest income ($50,000), a reduction of our anticipated expense with the NCDHHS’s finding regarding child support ($90,936) and a reduction in the fund balance appropriation ($37,636) AMENDMENT Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2002/03 BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the 2002/03 FY Budget Ordinance be amended as follows: Section 1. Expenditures: Decrease 11-6130 $ 615,000 Increase 11-4110 3,300 Decrease 11-5310-5580 90,936 Total Decrease $ 702,636 Section 2. Revenues: Decrease 11-6130 $ 615,000 Decrease 11-4130 50,000 Decrease 11-4110-3800 (Fund Bal. Approp) 37,636 Total Decrease $ 702,636 Adopted this 4th day of February, 2003.
This amendment appropriates the additional $2,565,000 grant for the airport paving and lighting project; AMENDMENT The Anson County Airport Project Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: Revenues: Increase 27-3100-3233 $ 2,565,000 Total Increase $ 2,565,000 Expenditures: Increase 27-4340-4560 $ 2,565,000 Total Increase $ 2,565,000 Adopted this 4th day of February, 2003.
CDBG Grant Administration Contract: Contract is with Hobbs Upchurch for administration of the 2003 Scattered Site Housing Project. The contract will be paid from grant funds and does not involve county funds. Said contract is on file in the Manager’s office and by reference made a part of these minutes.
CDBG Project Budget: ANSON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT 2003 Scattered Site Housing BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following grant ordinance is hereby adopted: Section 1: The project authorized is the Community Development Block Grant Project described as the 203 Scattered Site Housing Project between the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance, and Anson County, more commonly described as CDBG #02-C-0983 Section 2: The officers of this unit are hereby directed to proceed with the grant project within the terms of the grant documents, the rules and regulations of the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance. Section 3: The following revenues are anticipated to be available to complete this project: Community Development Block Grant Funds: $ 400,000.00 Section 4: The following amounts are proposed for the project to-date: Clearance $ 9,000.00 Relocation Assistance 44,500.00 Rehabilitation Assistance 255,000.00 Lead-Based Paint 48,000.00 Planning 3,500.00 Administration 40,000.00 Total $ 400,000.00 Section 5: The Finance Officer, Dorothy V. Tyson, is hereby directed to maintain within the grant project fund sufficient detailed accounting records to provide the accounting to the grantor agency required by the grant agreement and federal and state regulations. Section 6: Requests for funds will be made to the grantor agency in an orderly and timely manner as funds are obligated and expenses incurred. Section 7: The Finance Officer is directed to report quarterly on the financial status of each project element in Section 4 and on the total grant revenues received or claimed. Section 8. The Finance Officer is directed to include a detailed analysis of past and future costs and revenues of this grant project in every budget submission made to the board. Section 9: Copies of this grant budget ordinance shall be made available to the Finance Officer, if different from the County Clerk for direction in carrying out this project. Adopted this 12th day of November, 2002.
Resolution Supporting Emergency Response Training for Volunteers in Anson County: This is in response to various concerns of local volunteers with regard to the lack of training for emergency response within the jurisdictional boundaries of the county. Due to budget constraints, the Community College combined local classes with those in Union County, holding classes in Union County. This imposes additional time and effort on the volunteers and makes it prohibitive too many. The Resolution supports the staff’s efforts to work with the local resources and agencies to ensure that the training and courses are offered in Anson County. To date, EMS has tentatively agreed to offer the next course for EMT-1 training this spring and summer. Staff will continue to work with the community college to develop local options for other courses, including EMT, fire and other emergency response training. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING FOR VOLUNTEERS IN ANSON COUNTY WHEREAS, there are many volunteers who give of their time and expertise to respond in emergency situations to provide assistance to victims, and WHEREAS, these volunteers are a vital component of the emergency response capabilities in Anson County; and WHEREAS, volunteers are required by the State of North Carolina to acquire and maintain certain levels of emergency response training and continuing education; and WHEREAS, the community college and local EMS staff have the requisite certifications and capability of providing training and continuing education to these volunteers in Anson County; and WHEREAS, many of the volunteers do not have the time to travel outside of the county to receive this necessary training and continuing education, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Anson County Board of Commissioners strongly supports the continuation of the requisite training and continuing education courses for the various emergency response certifications and their availability and offering within the jurisdictional boundaries of the County of Anson. Further, be it resolved that to the extent such training courses required additional resources or funding that the requisite information be forwarded to the County Manager in order that an appropriate resolution may be outlined and pursued. Resolved this the 4th day of February, 2003.
Environmental Health Fees Proposal: Jim Roosen, Health Director, noted a recent change in State policy will now allow them to charge for restaurant plan review to cover the cost associated with writing permits, reviewing plans and making sure that all facilities open to sell food comply with state regulations. This will also help to recover cost from cuts in the Environmental Health budget. They are proposing a fee of $200.00 for new establishments and $100.00 for existing, which has been approved by the Board of Health. Chairman Hildreth asked how this would affect a non-charitable vendor setting up a food booth at a local community event with Mr. Roosen answering it does not apply to temporary food stands. Commissioner Streater questioned the cost for new being higher then existing with Mr. Roosen explaining that new is rather labor intensive as all equipment has to be approved and there is time involved with plan review and contact with owners and contractors. Commissioner Lear asked if this would have any effect on schools and Churches with Mr. Roosen answering he did not know about school cafeterias but would find the answer. Churches would be charged only if they were to be permitted as a restaurant and then if only for profit. Vice Chair Jones asked if the Seven-Eleven selling hot dogs were inspected with Mr. Roosen answering yes as they are considered a food stand since there is no seating for customers. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to approve. Motion carried unanimously
Water Building Project-Report on Findings: Vance Gulledge presented a Power Point presentation for the Board on his findings. Since obtaining estimates for construction of a new building on campus property, he learned of an existing site available for purchase and presented those estimates to Board members. The alternate site is the Anson Auto property located on Highway 74 west, containing twenty-two acres and a 10,500-sq. ft. building. Mr. Gulledge presented the cost for new construction as follows: Site Prep: $ 258,662.95 Building $ 349,604.60 CMU $ 104,880.72 Plumbing: $ 119,664.61 Electrical: $ 81,228.25 $ 914,041.13 Contingency: $ 45,702.06 $ 959,743.19 Road Const: $ 188,891.48 Total Costs: $1,148,634.67 The cost for the alternate building was presented as follows: Site Prep: $ 59,992.75 Building: $ 146,871.63 CMU: $ 26,224.00 Plumbing: $ 70,000.00 Electrical: $ 43,727.50 $ 346,815.88 Contingency: $ 17,340.79 $ 364,156.67 Turn Lane: $ 35,000.00 Property: $ 500,000.00 Total Costs: $ 899,156,67
Mr. Gulledge reported that regardless of which direction they go in, they must reconfigure the project to reduce costs. Mr. Gulledge mentioned water line construction and work being done on the water plant to stay in compliance as a few areas taking money from the water fund and reasons to reduce the cost of construction. Some areas of cost reduction should include all metal building, lower building height and scaling down all phases. Mr. Gulledge voiced that he did not feel it was equitable for the water department to pay the entire cost of the road construction for the campus property since it will serve as the main entrance to the campus. Commissioner Lear was of the opinion that DOT should help with the road construction. Mr. Gulledge offered that he had just recently learned of another existing property with a 7200-sq. ft. metal building that may be available. Commissioner Streater voiced a concern for removing existing property from the tax books. After much discussion, motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Streater, that the Commissioners direct Vance Gulledge, Utilities Director, to reconsider cost of construction of the planned water department and in doing so, tell Hobbs Upchurch that the Commissioners consider this part of the basic contract. Motion carried unanimously
Town of Polkton Request: According to County Manager Wease, this item did not require Board consideration.
Water and Sewer Advisory Board-Findings Report: County Manager Wease reported this Board was advisory in nature and allowed citizens input for the water department. Active members as of April 1, 1996 were Virgil Briles, Vondale Tucker, Robert Hilliard, Clayton Gregson, Wayne Murdock, Mark-Anthony Hines and Ranette Davis. Commissioner Sims mentioned the committee that was just recently appointed to review problems with the wastewater treatment plant and asked if they could be expanded to look at everything. Vice Chair Jones answered they were a good committee and he would ask them and find out. Vice Chair Jones was of the opinion the original board was no longer viable and if something is found for them to do, the Commissioners should get those handling the review of WWTP problems to address issues with water and sewer.
Budget Process Timeline: County Manager Wease reported that budgets were due from department heads by the end of March for presentation to the Board of Commissioners in April. County Manager Wease would like to define meeting dates and the process. Commissioner Sims noted he would appreciate it if the Board would not schedule any meetings during Easter vacation. After discussion, Board agreed on the following dates: March 28 – Departmental budgets due in the Manager’s office April 8 & 15: Presentation of Departmental Budgets to Commissioners May 13: Goal Setting Retreat with another date to be set if needed Meetings with the Board of Education and SPCC will be scheduled during March, April or May. June 3: Manager will present the budget to the Board of Commissioners June 16: Budget Public Hearing June 30: Deadline for adoption of budget
CEDS Presentation Meeting Date: County Manager Wease noted three dates were given for the presentation and he chose February 18, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. The group will be visiting all counties in the 8th District to present to each community the strategy for economic development developed for that county. Flour Global Location Strategies will make the presentation in the Ingram Community Room located at the Lockhart-Taylor Center of SPCC. Update from Sheriff’s Department-Budget: Sheriff Allen stated that at the present time, the Jail was right on course with their budget but that the Sheriff’s department budget was running tight. Sheriff Allen explained one reason for this by giving the example that over the years, a particular line item has always been budgeted at $30,000. This year that same particular line item was budgeted at $18,000 and they are on course to spend the $30,000. It appears that in an effort to cut the budget last year, arbitrary cuts were made knowing that someone else would have to deal with this issue. Sheriff Allen noted the jail budget should be around 42% left and they are around 45-47% while in the Sheriff’s office we are in the 32-33% margin for budget remaining. Sheriff Allen noted his reason for being here was to inform the Board that he is watching the budget and as he approaches the end of the budget cycle for this year, he and County Manager Wease will be in a better position to tell you exactly where they will be at the end of the fiscal year. Sheriff Allen referred to Courthouse security, noting the overall operation is not very secure. He noted the issue came up a couple of years ago and a minimal effort was made but there is only so much that can be done with a building of this nature without physical and personnel changes. Sheriff Allen noted the level of security offered depends on whether the Board wants all the knives taken or just the bombs and hangranades. Vice Chair Jones recalls that over the last few years, Sheriff Allen has been in the business of courthouse security and also pointed out that he has served as Sheriff of Anson County longer than anyone else has. Vice Chair Jones feels that with these qualifications, Sheriff Allen should make a recommendation to the Board as to the most practical and appropriate thing to do and attach a price tag to his recommendation. Commissioner Lear voiced that along that spectrum, he feels the level of security should be where any citizen would feel comfortable coming into the courthouse. Vice Chair Jones voiced that we don’t want it to be a fort but it needs to be practical. Commissioner Sims voiced that he appreciates Sheriff Allen communicating with the Board. Sheriff Allen noted that he has an idea of what the Board is requesting from him and can bring an outline the Board can build on or he may be more detailed and give direction.
Appearances: Wayne Murdock: Mr. Murdock noted that he served as Chair of the Utilities Advisory Committee for several years. One thing they accomplished was to develop guidelines for the road name change procedure. Mr. Murdock noted they spent a great deal of time on this issue and developed what they thought were strict guidelines for the procedure to change a road name. The procedure required notification of 100% of the landowners with road frontage property on the proposed road to be changed. Of those, 75% had to agree to the name change. Then 100% of the folks had to be notified by and at the expense of the person wanting the name change, using certified mail. Mr. Murdock was extremely upset when he received a hand delivered package from the folks handling the 9-1-1 addressing, telling him that his road name had been changed from Old US 74 Highway East to Vintage Road. Mr. Murdock now understands that a person from each district was appointed by the Commissioners to serve on a localized group to change names. Mr. Murdock surveyed 13 people living on his road that said they were not approached about the name change and found that 9 of the 13 did not like the name change. Mr. Murdock feels that acceptance of the recommendation from the planning committee is in violation of the rules set forth by the Commissioners in previous years. Mr. Murdock feels the Utilities Advisory Committee of the 90’s could have been more effective had they been an oversight committee. He is proud of the work they did and feels it has now been thrown to the wind. He feels there should have been more public postings of name changes of roads and feels this Board did not do a very good job on this issue. Mr. Murdock did express to the Board that he is available to help in any way he can and thanked Board members for their time and allowing him to speak. Chairman Hildreth thanked Mr. Murdock for sharing his history and concerns, noting they are always better for listening to the citizens and apologized that it was after the fact.
Chairman Hildreth called for a short break.
After the break, the next topic of discussion was Appointments: Planning Board: Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to approve the recommendations as presented in items 1-Planning Board, item 3- Library, item 4-Hospital and item 6-Deputy Finance Officer in Sheriff’s Department. Commissioner Woodburn commented that he had not named his appointment to the Planning Board and named Richard Burr for that position. County Manager Wease commented that the documentation included in the packet was in error and only one appointment to the Hospital Board was needed and that would be Robert E. Little, III. Vice Chair Jones voiced that the new Librarian at the Library was fine and he trusted she would do an excellent job but noted there are still issues with Sandhills. Members of our Library Board of Trustees are concerned that their voice is not being heard by those with the Sandhills system. Vice Chair Jones wondered if we should make it the Anson County Library and not an arm of Sandhills with Commissioner Sims feeling we need to demand participation, partnership and ownership of our library. Vice Chair Jones reminded Board members that we have a leadership academy and when a vacancy comes, he feels the Board should look to this group for appointments. Commissioner Sims and Commissioner Lear both spoke in favor of Ms. Dagenhart to the Library Board, noting the school system will work with her so she can attend meetings. Motion carried unanimously Appointments approved as follows: Planning Board: Richard Burr, Fred Sparger, Richard Harrington, Mrs. Bell Library: Wendy Dagenhart to the local and regional Board and Johnnie Pettiford to the Regional Board. Hospital: Robert E. Little, III Deputy Finance Officer: Joyce Williams of the Sheriff’s Department.
Road Naming Committee: County Manager Wease noted this Board has been handled by district representation. After looking over the list, it seems that most appointments have expired or will expire soon and this will be placed on the March agenda.
EMS Advisory Committee: County Manager Wease favored discussion of how the Board wants to handle EMS services in the county. The contract with the hospital will be up for renewal in a few months and wondered if the Board wanted to handle this as a county department or a private entity. County Manager Wease felt it would be good to have citizen input in the matter and felt appointment of citizens with experience in the area of emergency response would be helpful. Motion by Commissioner Lear, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to appoint said committee to be constituted of district representation with each Commissioner to name a representative from their district. Vice Chair Jones felt this was an important committee and wanted to see the appointments made promptly and with great care. Commissioner Sims felt the committee needed a variety of folks with different viewpoints and areas of expertise. Commissioner Streater asked if this committee would work on the new contract with County Manager Wease answering yes. Commissioner Streater then asked when the appointments would be made to this committee with Chairman Hildreth answering at the March 4 meeting. Motion carried unanimously
Commissioner Concerns: Report from the Clerk to the Board-Commissioner Absences from Meetings: Chairman Hildreth asked if any action was recommended at this time. Commissioner Woodburn felt that with the information provided, this was an area the Board did not need to get involved with.
Chairman Hildreth mentioned the recent meeting with Town Officials from Wadesboro and asked if the Board wanted to meet with other Town Officials. All members agreed this was a good idea and something they wanted to continue. Chairman Hildreth then asked if Board members wanted to hold these meetings in conjunction with their regular monthly meeting with Board members electing to hold separate meetings in order to discuss issues of importance to both Boards. Commissioner Sims suggested picking a Town for the next meeting and work down the list from there. County Manager Wease noted he would have staff work out dates for the next meeting and present at the March meeting.
Chairman Hildreth noted that according to the By-Laws, Commission meetings can be limited to three hours and asked the pleasure of the Board. Commissioner Sims felt that by consensus the Board could say they would like to finish in three hours but sometimes we have unusual circumstances that will cause us to meet longer and suggested we take it meeting by meeting. Board members agreed.
Vice Chair Jones voiced that in keeping with the meeting with officials from Wadesboro and what the Chairman just said, offered the following motion: that the order constituting the seven person courthouse committee passed at the January meeting be amended as follows: that the seven Mayors of the municipalities in Anson County be added to the committee as Ex Officio non voting members with floor privileges in the committee. Vice Chair Jones feels it would be a good idea to give the Mayors an opportunity to be active in the deliberations and fulfill all the reasons discussed at the meeting with Wadesboro Officials. Motion seconded by Commissioner Woodburn and carried unanimously. Commissioner Streater asked if this committee had been appointed with Chairman Hildreth answering some appointments are still to be made. Commissioner Sims commented that he thought he knew how the 9-1-1 addressing system worked until he was asked questions by a group of citizens. After discussing this with the citizens, he became almost as confused as they were, if they were confused. Commissioner Sims feels something should be done to clarify for our citizens why we are going to the new addressing system, the advantages and time parameters, and what the affects will be on our citizens. Commissioner Sims would like to see someone, possibly the Manager, present letters to the various publications to explain the system. Chairman Hildreth noted both the old and new address would be honored by the Post Office for one year. Chairman Hildreth asked how long citizens could use their driver’s license with dual addresses with Board members answering one year. County Manager Wease noted that after the one year, citizens would have thirty days to obtain a new driver’s license with their new address. Vice Chair Jones suggested the County Manager write an article addressing these issues and have it published in both local newspapers. Commissioner Sims voiced that he wanted to see it placed in the paper where all citizens would see it. Commissioner Sims suggested preparing flyers to be sent to local schools and Churches in an effort to educate our citizens on the process.
Vice Chair Jones announced that he has been working on a television program to be shown locally and invited Board members to the initial showing of the program. He commented that criticism would be accepted at this time. The date has not been set but he wanted Board members to be aware that an invitation will be forthcoming. The showing will be held at the Lockhart-Taylor center of SPCC.
County Manager Wease noted the Board had asked the County Attorney to draft an opinion on the tax penalty issue and presented to each member an envelope containing that opinion.
Motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to recess until February 18, 2002. Motion carried unanimously
Respectfully submitted:
Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC Clerk to the Board
Meeting time: 2 hr. 30 min.