Stratford Playhouse Booster Club April 7, 2015
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Stratford Playhouse Booster Club April 7, 2015 AGENDA
Meeting began at 7:05 pm Black Box
2014-2015 Playhouse Booster Club Board of Directors present: President 2014-2014 Amy Moen President Pro-tem Lisa Rush Parliamentarian Betsy Humphrey VP Fundraiser Valerie Lawrence Treasurer Kristin Hopper Box Office Kaye Karolys Thespian Liaison Kim Ehlinger Communications Kathy Goss Historian Jeanie Flores Secretary Carolyn Greene
MINUTES OF THE PRIOR MEETING Carolyn Greene Minutes from our previous meeting have been posted on SHS Playhouse website. Asked for corrections or additions. None reported. Motion made to approve minutes- Kristin Hopper, 2nd - Felecia May. Approved by affirmation. Minutes will stand as submitted.
The 39 Steps SNEAK PREVIEW David Humphrey A Hitchcock thriller: a scene from The 39 Steps will be performed tonight. A very funny and clever performance was enjoyed by all.
DIRECTORS’ REPORT Christian Holmes Currently have 2 shows working on simultaneously, The 39 Steps and Bi-District UIL play. The 39 Steps is our final Main Stage show for this year. It's a very difficult show with only 4 actors playing 50 different roles. There are a lot of techies and they are helping a lot. Set pieces are being painted and would love parental help.
Bright Ideas was one of 3 schools chosen from 8 competing schools to proceed to Bi-District this coming Thursday. Magnolia HS 4:45 pm 14350 FM 1488
FINANCIAL REPORT Kristin Hopper Please review financial reports for clarity There has not been a lot of changes to the financials. Tommy Tunes money must be turned in by the deadline (tbd)
COMMITTEES Crew Shannon Finger Please all support green room, concessions, cast/crew meal for The 39 Steps. Big Forms for this show are due April 20th to Deborah Bevers. Crew parents, please email her if you have any questions. Amy: Deborah will send out Big Form when ready.
Cast/Crew lunch Sue Saims Will need help to serve 2 different meals for 60 participants. Signup genius will be sent out soon. Next Fundraiser dinner Valerie Lawrence April 29th is our next dinner at Jason's Deli or Chick-fil-a.
Tommy Tune Awards Felicia May 106 students/staff will be attending. Day students will be taking a school bus but can come home by bus or with parents - just advise Clayton.
Green Room Tony May Final Hurrah The 39 Steps. Please volunteer to help.
Personal Ads Liza Ruff Due date April 9th. Instructions on how to create a Personal Ad in Word will be on website. She is also available by email.
StudioMovieGrill Screening Bill Moore Big screening of BBB. Great event so kids get to see the show. Need to determine venue. Copperfield is be determined. Tues after Memorial Day. After prom but before graduation. Amy: Thank you to Bill for sending TT judges film clip of BBB. Bill agreed to film The 39 Steps.
NEW BUSINESS "The Big Reveal" luncheon will be April 30th, opening day of The 39 Steps. SHS Playhouse Board is hosting a gala fundraiser luncheon, $25/guest, at Betsy Humphrey's home. Those who have already purchased a ticket at the gala will be receiving an Evite. All others invited to join - please contact Betsy Humphrey to be added to the list [email protected]. All are invited to join in auditorium at 3pm for the revelation of next year's shows.
T shirts Maurine Richter Only students that have paid will receive t-shirts - no extra will be ordered.
Recruitment Randa Jackson Please let Amy know now if you are interested in working on the Board next year.
Costumes Danielle Menard Workday this Saturday. We will be velcro-ing! Also need button people.
DATES TO REMEMBER Bright Ideas Bi-District Performance at Magnolia HS April 9, 2015 Playhouse Booster meeting May 5, 2015 @ 7pm The 39 Steps Personal Ad Artwork DEADLINE April 9, 2015 The Reveal Lunch/The Big Reveal/The 39 Steps Opening Night April 30, 2015 2015-2016 Big Show auditions late May 2015
Meeting concluded at 8:00 pm Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Greene, Recording Secretary