PREDICTION QUESTIONS The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

Prediction Question: My Prediction:

Based on the title, predict what Title: you think this story will be about.

First Who do you think the narrator is paragraph speaking to? : Third Write down what you think the paragraph author means by “the work.” : Third Why does the narrator treat the paragraph old man so well in the mornings? : Fourth Why doesn’t the narrator leave paragraph when he realizes the old man is : awake? Fifth Would you like to change your paragraph original prediction of what this : story is about? Sixth & seventh Whose heart do you think the paragraph narrator is hearing? : Seventh In one sentence, predict the paragraph ending of the story. : Eighth paragraph Who is at the door? : Ninth paragraph What is the noise? : Tenth What is the narrator felling right paragraph now? : Were any of your original End of predictions about the story story: correct?