Homeland Security Grant Program
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Describe how the spectrum of terrorism and natural hazard risks that the State/territory/Urban Area faces influenced the development of this Investment Justification to include all Investments. Nebraska regularly faces a variety of extreme weather events, such as floods, tornados, winter ice and snow storms, and wild fires. Because of its relatively large geographic size, the distance between communities – particularly in rural parts of the state - , and paucity in first response assets, trained citizen volunteers can play an essential role in emergency response efforts. A community of prepared citizens is a more self-sufficient, more resilient community in the face of any kind of incident, whether it be natural or man-made.
The Nebraska Citizen Corps Program promotes and supports the Citizen Corps mission of individual preparedness and self-sufficiency through training and education. The overall mission of the Corps is to strengthen communities through volunteering and collaboration, and to make communities safer from all types of disasters or emergencies. This investment supports both sustaining prior Nebraska Citizen Corps activities, and growing and consolidating the foundation and scope of the Corps to new geographic and topical areas.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 2 OMB Control Number: 1660-0125 FEMA Form: 089-1 Identify the amount and percentage of funding that will be dedicated to Management and Administration (M&A) expenditures.
Note: The Total M&A Amount and Total M&A Percentage will not be automatically calculated in the table below. The total M&A percentage should not exceed five percent (5%) of the allocated funding. Please note that M&A should be calculated at the overall IJ level per funding source (e.g., SHSP, UASI) and not at the individual Investment level.
Request Subtotal M&A M&A Program Amount (Request Amount + Amount Percentage M&A) SHSP $120,000 $ 5% $
I.A Is this Investment New or Ongoing: (Double click to place an “X” in the corresponding box. Within the GRT, this will be a drop-down menu.)
New Ongoing
If the Investment is Ongoing, identify the Investment(s) from prior year(s) to include: (FY 2008 – FY 2011)
Note: Applicants may select up to three prior years’ Investments. Within the GRT, applicants will only have the ability to select previously funded Investments from a drop- down menu.
FY 2008 Investment Name: (100 characters max) Nebraska Citizen Corps
FY 2008 Funding Amount: $160,164
FY 2009 Investment Name: (100 characters max) Nebraska Citizen Corps FY 2009 Funding Amount: $159,999
FY 2010 Investment Name: (100 characters max) Nebraska Citizen Corps FY 2010 Funding Amount: $136,899
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 3 FY 2011 Investment Name: (100 characters max) Nebraska Citizen Corps FY 2011 Funding Amount: $109,470
I.B Provide the FY 2012 Investment name: (100 character max) Nebraska Citizen Corps
I.C Provide the applicant name: (State/territory or Urban Area) (100 character max) Nebraska
I.C Identify if this Investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. (Double click to place an “X” in the corresponding box. Within the GRT, this will be a drop-down menu.)
Building New Capabilities Sustaining Existing Capabilities
Applicants must ensure that requested funds maintain current capabilities that were funded by past HSGP funding cycles. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current, essential capabilities. If new capabilities are being built utilizing HSGP funding, applicants must ensure that the new capabilities are able to be deployable outside of their community, through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), to support regional and national efforts.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 4 OMB Control Number: 1660-0125 FEMA Form: 089-1 I.D Provide a description of this Investment, including the planning, organization, equipment, training, and/or exercises that will be involved. The overall goal for the State of Nebraska under this investment is to further strengthen and expand the Citizen Corps Program (CCP) through training, educational activities, increased collaboration, and consolidating governance and organization within an all-hazards preparedness approach. For FY2012, the CCP will:
Implement a whole community preparedness initiative, working with non-English speaking communities, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations. Support ongoing local, tribal, regional and state CC Councils and establish new ones. Organize and provide more Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trainings. Update and upgrade CERT equipment. Increase collaboration and participation in Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS), Fire Corps, and Neighborhood Watch programs. Continue support of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and its activities, with equipment, training and supplies.
This investment addresses the National Priority to strengthen planning and citizen preparedness capabilities. It supports the Nebraska priority to enhance capabilities to prevent against, protect against, respond to and recover from a terrorism event, natural disaster, or major emergency. Additionally, strengthening the Nebraska CCP addresses the target capabilities of planning, community preparedness and participation, volunteer management and donations, and citizen evacuation and shelter-in-place.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 5 II. BASELINE
II.A Identify the goals and objectives in your State and/or Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy supported by this Investment. This investment supports the Nebraska homeland security strategy of enhancing capabilities to prevent against, protect against, respond to and recover from a terrorism event, natural disaster, or major emergency. It will achieve this by continuing previous activities and enacting new ones.
The CCP will implement a whole community preparedness initiative that will work with non- English speaking communities, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations. The CCP support ongoing local, tribal, regional and state CC Councils, and increase the number of new councils. It will provide more Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trainings (basic and supplemental) to train, educate, and prepare citizens in Nebraska. CERT equipment will be updated to ensure that Nebraska citizens are trained.
The CCP will increase collaboration with Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS), Fire Corps, and Neighborhood Watch programs to strengthen community resilience. The CCP will continue to support the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and Consortium and its activities, with equipment, training and supplies, in order to increase medical surge and disaster response capabilities. Further organizational support will be provided to the Nebraska CC Council, giving the program the coordination and management necessary to promote the Citizen Corps mission and its partner programs.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 6 OMB Control Number: 1660-0125 FEMA Form: 089-1 II.B Describe existing capability levels that address the identified goals/objectives and what will be in place to support the Investment prior to the use of FY 2012 funds. Nebraska currently has 15 Citizen Corps councils throughout the state that promote disaster preparedness and self-sufficiency after disasters, as well as offering trainings for disaster response related skills through the CERT and MRC partner programs. Nebraska has 7 MRC units and 8 CERT programs covering the state. With these programs already strongly rooted in Nebraska, the Citizen Corps program seeks to sustain and expand its efforts with additional trainings and the creation of new councils. Awareness campaigns will help spread the word of the Citizen Corps’ mission and build up its partner programs (VIPS, Fire Corps, CERT, MRC, and Neighborhood Watch), as well as plant the seeds for new councils. With the Nebraska Citizen Corps Council as an advisory body for the Nebraska Citizen Corps Program, the state will continue to support it by funding a Citizen Corps State Coordinator position to help facilitate the Nebraska Citizen Corps Council’s functions and act as a point of contact.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 7 II.C Explain the capability gap(s) that this Investment is intended to address. The Nebraska Citizen Corps program has focused on family and business preparedness, working with community/faith groups and the private sector, and expanding its network and membership with local and tribal entities. The continued support and growth of the Citizen Corps can benefit the areas of Nebraska that are underserved in the area of self-sufficiency and disaster preparedness training, or lack a strong Citizen Corps Council. More focus will be placed on the whole community including coordinating needs for non-English speakers, persons with disabilities, and other special needs populations. Trained volunteers are more easily utilized, and thus a greater asset to responders and emergency management. With better prepared citizens, the communities, regions, and state of Nebraska will be more resilient and will recover more quickly from any incident.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 8 OMB Control Number: 1660-0125 FEMA Form: 089-1 III. Project Management and Milestones
Guidance for Completing this Section: Applicants should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of how the Investment supports identified Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA), Core Capabilities, and primary Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercises (POETE) Solution Area.
III.A Provide the FY 2012 Funding Source and Amount:
Funding Source Funding Amount Proposed Funding Source (Select One) SHSP $120,000
Applicants may choose to fund projects from multiple funding sources (e.g., SHSP, UASI); however, dedicated funding toward such projects must be accounted for separately within the respective State and Urban Area IJ.
Identify if this Investment supports a fusion center. (Double click to place an “X” in the corresponding box. Within the GRT, this will be a drop-down menu.)
Yes No
Please note that all fusion center-related funding requests must be consolidated into a single Investment per funding source (e.g., SHSP, UASI) in which recognized fusion centers reside. The consolidated fusion center Investment per funding source must address funding support for the recognized fusion center (For a list of recognized fusion centers, please see http://www.dhs.gov/files/programs/gc_1301685827335.shtm).
III.B How much of this Investment will be obligated towards Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA): $0
Per the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107–296), Title XX, § 2006, as amended by the 9/11 Act, Title I, §101, August 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 280, 6 U.S.C. § 607, States are required to ensure that at least 25 percent (25%) of the combined HSGP funds allocated under SHSP and UASI are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities. The LETPA allocation can be from SHSP, UASI or both.
III.C Identify the Core Capabilities supported by this Investment and for each of the selected Core Capabilities, provide the proposed funding amount to be obligated from this Investment.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 9 Guidance for Completing this Section: Core Capabilities selected should be relevant to the capability gap(s) described in Question II.C. Responses should be comprehensive for the Investment.
The table below will not automatically calculate the Total Amount of Proposed Funding; however, the GRT will automatically calculate the Total Amount as you enter funding amounts. The GRT will also automatically calculate the percent of proposed funding per core capability as you enter the amount across core capabilities. Applicants must ensure that the total percentage of proposed funding must equal to 100 percent (100%). The Total Amount of Proposed Funding should match the amount you entered in section III.A above.
Amount of Percent of Core Capabilities Proposed Funding Proposed Funding (As Identified Above) ($) (%) Access Control and Identity Verification $ Community Resilience $120,000 Critical Transportation $ Cyber Security $ Economic Recovery $ Environmental Response/Health and Safety $ Fatality Management Services $ Forensics and Attribution $ Health and Social Services $ Housing $ Infrastructure Systems $ Intelligence and Information Sharing $ Interdiction and Disruption $ Percent of Long-term Vulnerability Reduction $ Proposed Funding Mass Care Services $ will be automatically calculated by the Mass Search and Rescue Operations $ GRT as you enter Natural and Cultural Resources $ the amount across On-scene Security and Protection $ the core capability Operational Communications $ categories. Operational Coordination $ Physical Protective Measures $ Planning $ Public and Private Services and Resources $ Public Health and Medical Services $ Public Information and Warning $ Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment $ Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities $ Screening, Search, and Detection $ Situational Assessment $ Supply Chain Integrity and Security $ Threat and Hazard Identification $ Total: $120,000 100% THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 10 OMB Control Number: 1660-0125 FEMA Form: 089-1
For additional information on the NPG and core capabilities, please visit http://www.fema.gov/pdf/prepared/npg.pdf. A crosswalk of target capabilities within the TCL to core capabilities within the NPG can also be accessed at http://www.fema.gov/pdf/prepared/crosswalk.pdf.
III.D Provide the proposed funding amount to be obligated from this Investment towards the primary Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and Exercises (POETE) Solution Area. (Please provide amounts for all that apply)
Note: The table below will not automatically calculate the Total Amount of Proposed Funding. The GRT will automatically calculate the total as you transfer your answers. The Total Amount of Proposed Funding should match the amount you entered in question III.A above.
Guidance for Completing this Section: Planned expenditures should be appropriate for the Solution Area and grant program in which they are described; however, the list of planned expenditures does not have to be exhaustive. Amount of Proposed Percent of Proposed Solution Area Funding ($) Funding (%) Planning $90,000 Percent of Proposed Organization $ Funding will be automatically calculated Equipment $12,000 by the GRT as you enter Training $18,000 the amount across the Exercises $ POETE categories Total: $120,000 100%
III.E Identify up to ten projects within this Investment, with start and end dates, which will be implemented over the 24 month period of performance. Provide the following information:
Guidance for Completing this Section: Please reference Appendix A for a detailed description of the Project Management Lifecycle. The projects/activities should demonstrate progress towards achieving the Investment within the FY 2012 HSGP period of performance.
For any additional projects, please copy and paste a blank copy of the above table to complete the required fields.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 11 Project/Activity One Amount of Proposed Funding ($) CERT Trainings and Exercises, and Annual CERT Project Name Conference Funding Amount $20,000 Project Management Step (Select the most applicable Execute step) Start Month/Year 10/1/2012 End Month/Year 7/31/2013
Project/Activity Two Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Project Name MRC Trainings and Exercises Funding Amount $7,000 Project Management Step (Select the most applicable Execute step) Start Month/Year 10/1/2012 End Month/Year 7/31/2013
Project/Activity Three Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Project Name Whole Community Initiative Funding Amount $7,000 Project Management Step (Select the most applicable Execute step) Start Month/Year 10/1/2012 End Month/Year 7/31/2013
Project/Activity Four Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Increase agency awareness of VIPS, Project Name Neighborhood Watch, FireCorps Funding Amount $2,000 Project Management Step (Select the most applicable Execute step) Start Month/Year 10/1/2012 End Month/Year 7/31/2013
Project/Activity Five Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Project Name Continued MRC/CC Coordinator Support THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 12 OMB Control Number: 1660-0125 FEMA Form: 089-1 Funding Amount $70,000 Project Management Step (Select the most applicable Plan step) Start Month/Year 10/1/2012 End Month/Year 7/31/2014
Project/Activity Five Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Project Name Update and Upgrade CERT Equipment Funding Amount $7,000 Project Management Step (Select the most applicable Execute step) Start Month/Year 10/1/2012 End Month/Year 7/31/2013
Project/Activity Six Amount of Proposed Funding ($) Project Name Purchase needed MRC equipment and supplies Funding Amount $7,000 Project Management Step (Select the most applicable Execute step) Start Month/Year 10/1/2012 End Month/Year 8/31/2013
III.F Does this Investment require new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures? (Double click to place an “X” in the corresponding box)
Yes No
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 13 IV. ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND IMPACT
IV.A Describe the outcomes that will be achieved as a result of this Investment. The outcomes should demonstrate improvement towards building capabilities described in Section II, Baseline.
The outcomes of this investment will support Nebraska’s homeland security strategy to enhance capabilities to prevent against, protect against, respond to and recover from a terrorism event, natural disaster, or major emergency. It will also directly address the target capabilities of planning, community preparedness and participation, volunteer management and donations, and citizen evacuation and shelter-in-place.
Specific outcomes of this investment include continued support for the CERT and MRC programs which includes training, exercises, and equipment for both programs, as well as support for the Annual Nebraska CERT Conference. This investment also supports a Whole Community Initiative which will educate and engage non-English speaking communities, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations. There will be continued support of Citizen Corps partner programs (MRC, CERT, VIPS, Fire Corps, Neighborhood Watch) to harness the power of volunteers in a different roles, and further regional collaboration and coordination. The MRC/CC Coordinator position will be continued. The Coordinator acts as a point of contact for all things concerning Citizen Corps, and will effectively advise and advocate for each program.
THIS WORKSHEET MAY NOT BE SUBMITTED TO www.grants.gov Please transfer all responses completed in this worksheet to the IJ Submission module in the Grants Reporting Tool (https://www.reporting.odp.dhs.gov/) 14 C. APPENDIX A. PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIFECYCLE
The main steps and processes of the Project Management Lifecycle are summarized in the below table: Steps Description Process Involves preparing for, assembling The authorization to begin work or resources and getting work started. Initiate resume work on any particular May apply to any level, e.g. program, activity. project, phase, activity, task. The purposes of establishing, at an Involves working out and extending early date, the parameters of the the theoretical, practical, and/or useful project that is going to be worked application of an idea, concept, or Plan on as well as to try to delineate any preliminary design. This also involves specifics and/or any peculiarities to a plan for moving a project concept to the project as a whole and/or any a viable project. specific phases of the project. The period within the project Involves directing, accomplishing, lifecycle during which the actual managing, and completing all phases Execute work of creating the project’s and aspects of work for a given deliverables is carried out. project. Involves exercising corrective action A mechanism which reacts to the as necessary to yield a required current project status in order to outcome consequent upon monitoring ensure accomplishment of project performance. Or, the process of Control objectives. This involves planning, comparing actual performance with measuring, monitoring, and taking planned performance, analyzing corrective action based on the variances, evaluating possible results of the monitoring. alternatives, and taking appropriate correct action as needed. The completion of all work on a Involves formally terminating and project. Can also refer to concluding all tasks, activities, and Close Out completion of a phase of the component parts of a particular project. project, or phase of a project.
For additional information on the Project Management Lifecycle, please visit Project Management Institute’s (PMI) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) at http://www.pmi.org/PMBOK-Guide-and-Standards.aspx. Specifically, applicants are encouraged to reference Chapter three of the PMBOK Guide, the Standard for Project Management of a Project.
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