Institutional Research Function Update

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Institutional Research Function Update

Institutional Research Function Update 03/28/2017 IEC Council

1. Volume and Speed of Projects- data extracted: 3/27/2017 10/19/2016 2/28/2017 3/28/2017 Change Completed 46 64 76 19% In Progress 33 38 35 Maintains Not started 22 26 24 Maintains TOTAL 101 128 135 5%

2. DART a. Vetting priority: a.i. Subject by Enrollment/Retention/Success a.ii. Subject (discipline) – class a.iii. Hartnell Profile a.iv. Cohort Persistence b. DED – In progress c. SQL training d. DART Retreat e. Vetting

Report in focus: 2 Example of Vetting 3. Projects In Progress:

1 ACCJC 2017 Annual Report 2 ACE Project MOU Data part B 3 Alisal Student Profile 4 Basic Skills Initiative (BSSOTT) 5 Bright future (CSUMB/MPC) 6 Climate –FA2016 7 College Leavers 8 CORE Competencies Survey 2017 9 Cost Effectiveness Study 10 CSUMB Grant - K12-HC-CSUMB Te 11 CTE- Unlock the data - Grant Application 12 DART reports development 13 Data Assistance for MESA 14 Data element dictionary construction 15 Data to support instructional initiatives 16 Data vetting 17 Distance Ed Report- Count of sections by modality per semester 18 Early Support Program 19 EDW Operational definitions 20 EIS Reports migration 21 Enrollment , average class size and fill rate (AOJ) 22 Enrollment Management Data Dashboard 23 Enrollment Management Support 24 Gainful Employment Disclosures 25 Grant NSC Tracker Data 26 Hartnell College Profile 27 IPEDS (February)- Winter 2017 Number of former El Puente students 2015-2016, - And number that 28 take remediation classes. (assessed) 29 On-site vs. DE for ADJ only. 30 Research updates (Administrators mtg.) 31 Section & Enrollment Counts - Part II 32 Support database entry design and implementation (outsourcing) (HEP) 33 Support structure & development of EDW 34 Test Validation -GRADES 35 Tracking Academic Support -Tutoring and grades relation

4. Projects Not Started:

1 Enrollment and transfer data for the year 2015/2016-ACCESS-UCSC 2 Grade comparison data for Fall 2016- ACCESS-UCSC 3 2011-12 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BSP:12) 4 2017 WGOH Survey 5 Building a truly “serving” Hispanic Serving Institution. 6 CCSSE –SP2017 7 Climate –FA2018 8 Current & Prospective Student Survey 9 Dashboard production with most used data 10 Data Summit 11 Develop Research oriented Brown Bags 12 Enrollment Budgeting Techniques (Business Office) 13 Environmental Scan - TERM TO BE DEFINED 14 Faculty/staff/administrators know general Hartnell data and where to access it 15 High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) 16 HS Follow up study 17 Labor Market –SP2017 18 SENSE- FA2017 19 SLO Support 20 SSSP Data Support 21 Student Equity Plan metrics Data support 22 Support with data for Report to the Community 23 Training in Self-reporting tools Transfer Students Survey (Time to degree, completion, transfer yr. experience, 24 leaving in separation to University)

5. Projects Completed

ACCESS Study- Santa Cruz- UCSC -Hispanic, American Indian, Technical courses (chem) 1 14-15- Transfer 2 ACCJC Data Needs 2016 3 ACE Project MOU Data part A 4 ACE Project MOU Data part A2 5 ACRL survey 6 Admission/Selection Criteria for NAH students" project 7 Adult Ed Express data 8 Adult Education Initiative (AEGB Report) 9 AG Data for Brochure (Majors headcount per 4 specific subjects) 10 Annual College Survey 11 Associates Degrees and Certificates Awarded 2015-16 by Gender and Ethnicity 12 California Acceleration Project Throughput Data - Math and English 13 Chamber of commerce clusters 14 Concurred Enrolled (Res:10) and number of units. 15 Conduct a District wide Student Satisfaction Survey 16 Core Competencies Survey 17 CSUMB Departed Students 18 CTE EOS (SRJC) 2017 Survey- Contact Info Extraction 19 CTE-EOS- (SRJC) -2016 20 Distance Ed FTES, FTEF, 21 Distance Ed Report- Success/Retention- By discipline 22 Distance Ed Report -Success/Retention -Non vs. Distance 23 Economic Impact Study- FA2015 24 ENG 253 “floor” data 25 English & Math Test Validation 26 Enrollment by zip code 27 Enrollment in special programs 28 Enrollment Management Survey 29 Environmental Scan Hartnell- Student Services 30 Ethnicity, Gender, Age 31 Fall 2015 Unduplicated count- By modality 32 Gainful Employment Report Oct 1st 33 Goals of Inst. Effectiveness 2016 34 Graduates Survey 2016 35 Hartnell College Awards- NEW Years 36 Holister City Zip codes 37 HSI APR Data report 2016 38 HSI Grant data & baseline 39 Identify current database(s) tables/fields to access 40 Identify out-of-state online students 41 Institutional Set Standards 42 IPEDS (April)- Spring 2016 43 IPEDS (January)- Winter 2016 44 IPEDS (October)- Fall 2016 45 King City Academic Profile Project 46 Marketing Campaign for student services offered 47 Mt. Toro HS Participation Numbers Multiple measure vs assessment outcomes. Student success rates for students who 48 were placed using Multiple measures vs assessment test scores. (part I) Hanover 49 Needs Assessment for Special Pops 1a)WELI 50 Needs Assessment for Special Pops 1b)MILE 51 Needs Assessment for Special Pops 1c)AB540 Dream Students, Needs Assessment for Special Pops 1d) South County (Enrollment, Persistence, 52 Completion and Transfers) 53 NPSAS (Student Aid) 54 NPSAS (Student Aid) - Student Record Data 55 NSF Grant Data 56 Number of Transfers and students receiving Financial Aid 57 OEI Student Level Records - Spring 2016 58 OEI Survey sample extraction 59 Participate in Student Success conference 2017 60 PPA Data SP2017 61 Prioritizing full-time faculty 62 Program Planning & Assessment 63 Program Revival Discontinuance-General 64 Revival or Discontinuance- AA Social Sciences 65 Scorecard Review 2016 66 Scorecard Review 2017 67 Section & Enrollment Counts 68 SRTK 2017 69 STEM Interns (Transfer Rate) 70 STEM Trends 71 Strong Workforce data preparation 72 Student Equity Plan Feedback 73 Success rate correlation with students entry exam (nursing) 74 Success rate of students enrolled in Nursing in the past 10 yrs. 75 Support to convert application form into a web based database tool (Nursing Dept) 76 Upward Bound Grant data request

6. Spring 2017 Projects:

1 2011-12 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BSP:12) 2 2017 WGOH Survey 3 ACCESS Enrollment and transfer data for the year 2015/2016 4 ACCJC 2017 Annual Report 5 ACE Project MOU Data part B 6 ACESS Grade comparison data for Fall 2016 7 Alisal Student Profile 8 Bright Futures 9 Climate –SP2017 10 College Leavers 11 CORE Competencies Survey 2017 12 Cost Effectiveness study 13 DE -Per subject (Section count) 14 Distance Ed Report- Success/Retention- By discipline GRAPHS (Part II) 15 Early Support Program 16 Enrollment Management Metrics- Baseline 17 Enrollment/Class size (Section Count) 18 Environmental Scan - TERM TO BE DEFINED 19 Gainful Employment Disclosures 20 High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) 21 HS Follow up study- Part I (Entry) 22 HSI Baseline (part I) 23 IPEDS ( April )- Winter 2017 24 Labor Market –SP2017 25 Number of former El Puente students 2015-2016 , - 26 Scorecard Review 2017 27 Section & Enrollment Counts - Part II 28 STEM MESA Majors 29 Strong Workforce 30 Student Equity Plan metrics Data support 31 Test Validation correlation with GRADES 32 Tracking Academic Support -Tutoring and grades relation

7. Climate FA16-SP17 a. DLE Launched 3/23 b. Gift cards: 212 reminders sent c. Preliminary results Dashboard

8. Resources a. NEW Student assistant (Calworks) b. Upcoming NEW student assistant (FWS) c. Discussion for RA (0.50 focus on SVAE) d. Data Analyst: 16 Projects

9. Other IR focus a. Strategic Planning –Research projects b. Cohort Flagging c. Data Access d. Resources e. Website migration f. Projects Validation Survey

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