Gold Link Award
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OK State Council 2nd Vice President / Educational Dir. Oklahoma State Council Deb Hughes 2817 South Hudson Avenue Tulsa, OK 74114 A Newsletter for Oklahoma Chapter Educational Director’s Phone: 918-269-3857 Email: [email protected] “INDULGE YOURSELF”
July & August 2007 Vol. 1 No. 2
INSIDE THIS ISSUE The July and August newsletters have been combined to include the current International Council report forms and judging sheets. Check out A Note From Deb.…………….1 the websites to download the forms, requirements, etc. As a reminder, yes, Theme “Indulge Yourself”……1 OK Education Awards..………2 you can complete and send your chapter report form to me via email. If you From Our Chapters..…………2 need assistance, give me a call or an email and I will be happy to assist Website address……………...2 you with the process. Award Descriptions…………..3 Report Form……...... 4 Gold Seal Judging Sheet…..5 If you are a chapter president and have not yet submitted the name of your IC Judging Form….…….6,7 chapter educational director to me, please do so as soon as your chapter has made the selection. I realize some of our state chapters do not make the appointments until they resume after a brief summer recess. This will help your chapter educational director be up-to-date with the latest information. Please include her name, email address as well as mailing address via the US Post Office. Thank you for your assistance.
Educational Directors, while you are completing the report form; you can begin the process of compiling your Gold Seal Entry at the same time. Perhaps it has been a few years since your chapter has submitted a Gold Seal Entry and you don’t remember what is required. To refresh your memory, I have included the Gold Seal Entry - Official Judging Sheet in this newsletter. Yes it is just that easy. Let’s get started now!
The idea behind this theme is to involve your chapter members during the Ok State Council educational process with an interactive program. You can use a hands on Theme 2007-2008 experience, demonstrations, a field trip and outside speakers too. You may even wish to make it a community presentation and invite guests; a great way to incorporate a chapter education program with a rush event.
The subject might be one that you have wanted to “study” before but were unable to fit into your chapter schedule because of service projects and fundraising. How about a day trip or tour together? Are you chapter members readers; then you may want to study a particular author; after all our organization started as a book club. Most any president’s theme can be adapted. For example our State President Ramona’s theme, “Light the path to ESA’s future” could be incorporated to a program of learning and making candles, either to be gifts or sold as a philanthropic fund raiser.
This is the time to “Indulge Yourself” that opportunity to go beyond the oral presentations and develop your education program to a group process. Have fun!
Each year at the International Council Convention the Outstanding State Educational Director and the top ten educational programs are highlighted.
Congratulations to Bunnie Sullins, our 2006-2007 Oklahoma State 2nd Vice Sullins awarded President and Educational Director, named as Outstanding State Educational Director based on her Maie L. Wells entry.
This year, Oklahoma had two chapters place in the Top Ten Educational OK chapters selected Programs. There were: o Delta Kappa, Norman, Pat Langdon, educational director o Kappa Theta, Guthrie, Jacque Edwards, educational director
Join me in expressing a huge “Bravo” to these ladies and their chapters for supporting the educational programs.
Let’s have even more Oklahoma chapters participate next year. I know all of our chapters have exciting educational programs.
One of the aspects I wanted to accomplish with this newsletter is to share some of the varied educational programs our chapters across the state are experiencing. However to do that, I will need your timely reports. Now that you have the current forms available, there’s nothing stopping you.
Barbara Stapleton, Gamma Delta Tulsa, shares their chapter is studying Gamma Delta, Tulsa ‘Bizarre & Unique Holidays”. The first holiday selected was “National Doughnut Day” held the first Friday in June, honoring the Salvation Army Lassies and the US Infantrymen of WWI, the doughboys. The members also shared songs of the period and the refreshments, what else, yummy donuts. Thank you Barbara for sharing your program idea.
Please regularly visit our websites to download electronic versions of the report forms, review judging sheets, information, etc. The ESA website also has helpful resources on a variety of topics for your chapter programs.
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After each educational program, an Educational Report Form should be completed. Provide all the information requested on the form and be sure to use the current year’s form. You can find the form on the Oklahoma ESA web site. Please don’t use old forms.
Six timely reports qualify a chapter for a Gold Link Award. To be timely, reports should be sent to the State Educational Director. They must be postmarked on or before April 1st. The reports may be sent in as you progress through the year, or they may be sent in all at once.
A Gold Seal entry is a folder or notebook made up of all the chapter educationals for the year. A judging sheet will be placed on the state website. (IC rules are published in the Jonquil and on the website.)
Here are some things to keep in mind when submitting an entry: 1) State dues must be paid on or before January 1, to be eligible to compete. 2) A minimum of 6 timely reports are required and points are awarded for a maximum of 9 timely reports. 3) A completed Educational Report form should precede each program. 4) Provide a listing of all the resources used for the presentation. 5) Make sure your book is well organized and consistent throughout. 6) Completed entries are due by April 1.
The top three entries will be recognized at State Convention and will be forwarded to the IC Educational Director for IC judging.
One chapter educational director per state is recognized each year for outstanding educational contributions to her chapter, community and State Council.
To be eligible for this award, she must submit a Gold Seal entry and be nominated by her chapter president. Nominations are due on or before April 1 and should be sent to the State Educational Director. The nomination should include a brief description of her accomplishments.
Any chapter presenting an educational program on the State Educational Director’s theme will receive a special award. In order to qualify, the chapter must report the educational to the State Educational Director using the regular Educational Report form. Revised June 2006
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Chapter Name and Number:______State: ______City: ______Meeting/Presentation Date: ______Yearly Theme: ______Topic of this Program: ______
METHOD OF PRESENTATION (Check all that apply) (______) Member’s Oral Report (name) ______(______) Guest Speaker (who/title) ______(______) Visual Aid Program (kind and type)______(______) Field Trip (where) ______(______) Reference Listing (book or magazine) ______(______) Other (explain - internet, pamphlets, etc.) ______
SUMMARY: (Briefly summarize the program and attach a more complete narrative or outline stating all major points emphasized so the program can be fully understood.) ______
COMMENTS BY THE EDUCATIONAL CHAIR: (Value to chapter/community, general comments about the presentation and chapter discussion.) ______
CHAPTER EDUCATION CHAIR: PLEASE SEND TO: STATE EDUCATIONAL CHAIR: Name: ______Name: Deb Hughes Address: ______Address: 2817 S. Hudson Ave. City: ______City: Tulsa State and Zip Code: ______State and Zip Code: OK 74114 (Revised March 2003) Email: [email protected]
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1) Number of programs during the year meeting deadline: 9 Programs - 30 points 8 Programs - 25 points 7 Programs - 20 points 6 Programs - 15 points Total Points: ______
2) Cover and/or Title Page: (10 points possible) A) Chapter Name (2) ______B) Chapter Number (2) ______C) City and State (2) ______D) Year’s Educational Topic (2) ______E) Educational Director’s Name and Year (2) ______Explanation of Point Deduction: ______
3) Table of Contents: (5 points possible) A) Date Program Presented (1) ______B) Topic of Program (1) ______C) Name of Members and/or Guests Presenting Program (2) ______D) Page Number of Program (1) ______Explanation of Point Deduction: ______
4) Scope: (55 points possible) A) Theme 1) Title of Program (5) ______2) Review - Detailed Summary of Program by the Educational Director, Should Follow Educational Report Form, and Major Points of Interest Should be Emphasized (10) ______B) Method 1) Oral Report (2) ______2) Visual Aid (2) ______3) Guest Speaker/Demonstrator (2) ______4) Field Trip (2) ______5) Other (2) ______C) Resources Used 1) Name of Presenter-If Guest, List Title & Firm Represented(5) ______2) Reference Books, Resources, etc. (5) ______D) Originality-Neatness, Arrangement of Material, Completeness (10) ______E) Continuity-Follow Some Type of Organization (10) ______
Total Points: ______Explanation of Point Deduction: ______
TOTAL POINTS: (100) ______Judged By: ______Date: ______Revised June 2006 Page 6 of 8 July & August 2007
GOLD SEAL MERIT AWARD IC Judging Form for Chapter Educational Programs
Chapter Name and Number: ______State: ______Chapter City: ______Educational Director: ______
1. COVER AND/OR TITLE PAGE: POSSIBLE POINTS (a) Chapter Name ...... (1-2 points) _____ (b) Chapter Number ...... (1-2 points) _____ (c) City/State ...... (1-2 points) _____ (d) Year's Educational Topic ...... (1-2 points) _____ (e) Educational Director's Name/Year ...... (1-2 points) _____ TOTAL for COVER AND/OR TITLE PAGE ....(Maximum 10 points)...... ______
2. APPEARANCE/CONTENT OF YEAR'S PROGRAMS: (a) Compiled in a binder/folder with all individual programs which form the year's educational study included...... (1-5 points) _____ (b) Include a purpose statement for your year's programs, an index page, and divider pages between programs .....(1-5 points) _____ (c) Neatness, originality and arrangement of materials ...... (1-15 points) _____ TOTAL for APPEARANCE/CONTENT ...... (Maximum 25 points) ...... ______
3. CHAPTER INFORMATION/METHOD OF PRESENTATION (must be on each program): (a) Completed information on chapter/theme/date of program (1-5 points) _____ (b) Listing of who gave program or what type (member or guest speaker/visual aid/field trip, etc.) ...... (1-5 points) _____ (c) Reference listing (book, magazine, internet, pamphlets, etc.).. (1-5 points) _____ TOTAL for METHOD OF PRESENTATION: ..(Maximum 15 points)...... ______
4. YEAR'S THEME AND RELATED PROGRAMS: (a) Yearly educational theme carefully thought out with each individual program related to that theme showing continuity through the year ...... (1-15 points) _____ (b) Brief Summary of each program, attaching a complete narrative or outline to the Report Form stating major points emphasized so the program can be fully understood (Pictures and other extras are not necessary and will not receive additional points) .. (1-20 points) _____ TOTAL for YEAR'S THEME AND RELATED PROGRAMS (Maximum 35 points) ..... ______
5. COMMENTS BY EDUCATIONAL CHAIR: (a) Educational value to chapter or community ...... (1-5 points) _____ (b) Comments on program presentation (well presented, interesting, originality, etc.)...... (1-5 points) _____ (c) Chapter discussion ...... (1-5 points) _____
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TOTAL for COMMENTS BY EDUCATIONAL CHAIR: ..(Maximum 15 points) ...... ______
TOTAL GOLD SEAL MERIT AWARD POINTS ...... (Maximum 100 points) ...... ======JUDGE'S COMMENTS: ______
Judge's Signature: ______Date: ______
IC Educational Chair Signature: ______Date: ______
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