Chapter 6: the Duel for North America: 1608 1763 s1

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Chapter 6: the Duel for North America: 1608 1763 s1


The Clash of Empires Know: Treaty of Utrecht, War of Jenkins's Ear, James Oglethorpe, Louisbourg

1. Describe the early wars between France and Britain.

Pitt's Palms of Victory Know: William Pitt, James Wolfe, Battle of Quebec

2. What was the significance of the British victory in the French and Indian War?

Restless Colonials 3. How did the French and Indian War affect the relationship between the colonies and with the mother country?

War’s Fateful Aftermath Know: Treaty of Paris, Pontiac, Daniel Boone, Proclamation of 1763

4. How did French defeat lead to westward expansion and tension with Native Americans and the British?


Mercantilism and Colonial Grievances Know: Mercantilism, Navigation Laws, Royal Veto, Salutary Neglect, John Hancock, Bounties

5 Explain the economic theory of mercantilism and the role of colonies. How did Parliament enact the theory of mercantilism into policy? In what ways did the mercantilist theory benefit the colonies?

The Stamp Tax Uproar and Forced Repeal of the Stamp Act and Parliament Passes the "Intolerable Acts" Know: George Grenville, Sugar Act, Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Admiralty Courts, Virtual Representation Stamp Act Congress, Nonimportation Agreements, Homespun, Sons of Liberty, Declaratory Act, Townshend Acts, Indirect Tax, Boston Massacre, John Adams, Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act of 1774, Quebec Act

6. Why were the colonists so upset over relatively mild taxes and policies? In what ways did colonists resist the Stamp Act?

Imperial Strength and Weakness and American Pluses and Minuses Know: Hessians, Tories, George Washington, Ben Franklin, Marquis de Lafayette, Continentals

7. What were British strengths and weaknesses at the outset of the war? What were the American strengths and weaknesses at the outset of the war?

CHAPTER 8: AMERICA SECEDES FROM THE EMPIRE: 1775—1783 Thomas Paine Preaches Common Sense Know: Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, Natural Rights

8. Why was Common Sense important? What does the Declaration of Independence say?

Burgoyne's Blundering Invasion Know: John Burgoyne, Benedict Arnold, Saratoga, Horatio Gates

9. Why did the Americans win the battle of Saratoga? Why was it significant?

Yorktown and the Final Curtain Know: Charles Cornwallis, Yorktown

10. If the war did not end at Yorktown, then why was it important?

Peace at Paris Know: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay, Treaty of Paris

11. What did America gain and what did it concede in the Treaty of Paris?

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