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Ch. 34 - “From Republic to Empire” Open Book Notes

Part A – Key Terms: Using the word bank, fill in the blank in front of the correct description or definition.

Word Bank Caesar empire reform civil war emperor rivals dictator expansion treaty

Word Definition

1 a formal agreement between two or more states or . governments agreeing to peace or alliance

2 a government under an emperor or empress .

3 anything spread out, expanded .

4 long-lasting fight between regions of the same country .

5 person having absolute power, unrestricted control in . a government without hereditary succession

6 to change for the better . Part B – Key People, Events, and Ideas: Using the word bank, fill in the blank in front of the correct description. (SPELLING COUNTS!) Word Bank Carthage Latins Pompey Cincinnatus Marc Antony Punic Wars Hannibal Octavian (Augustus) Rome Julius Caesar Pax Romana Spartacus

7 a Carthaginian general; he lead his troops – riding on . elephants – across the Alps to fight against Rome; he eventually, after 15 years, lost to Rome

8 a general who conquered most of Gaul (modern-day . France), this man was declared a dictator by the Senate; he was murdered, stabbed to death, one afternoon as he was entering the Senate

9 a general who expanded Rome’s control through much . of Syria and Cyprus; he had the support of the Senate, he fought against Caesar and lost

1 a hero of the Roman republic; the Senate made him a 0 dictator so he could rescue the city from attack; after . winning the battle, he gave up his power and returned to being a farmer

1 During the second period of expansion, Rome and this 1 other great power (a city located in North Africa) . fought three major wars; by winning these wars, Rome gained control of North Africa, most of Spain, and Sicily

1 Rome’s three long battles with Carthage occurred 2 during the first expansion; Rome fought them over a . period of about 100 years

1 the first emperor of the Roman Empire; he added new 3 territory by pushing the empire to natural boundaries; . he encouraged education, art, and literature

1 this former slave led a famous revolt against Rome; 4 though eventually defeated, he is still remembered for . leading the slaves against the Romans

1 this popular general tried to take power from 5 Augustus; but he and his wife were defeated during a . battle at sea Part C – Multiple Choice: Circle the letter of the best answer.

16. During the first period of Roman expansion, the Romans a. took over the Italian peninsula. b. conquered all of Europe. c. expanded into North Africa. d. became a dictatorship.

17. How did Rome’s expansion affect the plebeians? a. The plebeians got more land. b. The plebeians got more slaves. c. More plebeians had to serve in the army. d. More plebeians had to set up colonies.

18. What was a third cause of the end of the Roman Republic?

Cause #1 Cause #2 Cause #3 slave revolts many jobless people in Rome ???

a. Rome started new colonies. b. Caesar defeated Pompey. c. Spartacus freed the slaves. d. Rome improved its roads.

19. The people who killed Julius Caesar wanted to give power back to the Senate, but their actions had an unexpected effect. What was it? a. the beginning of a civil war b. the beginning of the Punic Wars c. the beginning of Rome’s expansion d. the beginning of Rome’s wealth