Minamata Convention: a Rising Hope for Medicinal Uses of Mercury

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Minamata Convention: a Rising Hope for Medicinal Uses of Mercury

Minamata Convention: A Rising Hope for Medicinal Uses of Mercury

Anand Chaudhary Associate Professor Department of Rasa Shastra Faculty of Ayurveda Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi -221005 E mail –[email protected]

Ayurveda, the most ancient wisdom is alive in Indian social and cultural traditions with aim to serve humanity since dawn of civilisation. Ayurvedic principle amalgamate individual and community life style, prevention and promotion of health and code of conduct to all diseased to back in holistic fold of life with high spiritual end. Therapy of Ayurveda is also dependent on medicines of three sources namely botanical, zoological and mineral/metals. Ayurvedic pharmaceutics is very accomplished in its preparatory treasures for transitional and ultimate conversion of these raw materials of different origin in to form of quality, safe and effective Ayurvedic medicines.

Rationale Rasa Shastra (Mercurial/Mineral Medicine)

Metals/Minerals are part of Ayurvedic formulations from very primitive stages of drug development doctrines of this system of medicine .Carak Samhita ,Sushruta Samhita and other classics of Ayurveda consists of several references of metals/minerallic medicines . But, it is the supreme work of Acharya Nagarjuna ( Rasendra Mangala and Rasa Ratnakar) in 5 th AD which lead to landing of metallurgical medicines in canvas of Ayurveda. About 500 years were expended by numerous Acharyas namely Bhikshu Govind ( Rasa Hridaya Tantra) ,Bhairavnanad Yogi( Rasaarnava) ,Soma Dev ( Rassendra Chudamani ) ,Rasa Vagbhatta ( Rasa Ratna Samuchhaya) in establishment of excellent pharmaceutical procedures of Shodhan, Sanaskar and Maran of Mercury ,Gold ,Silver ,Copper ,Iron ,Lead ,Tin ,Biotite ,Chalcopyrite etc to convert these into their respective Bhasma which are used as magical medicines in acute and chronic conditions of illness. This branch of Ayurveda is christened as Rasa Shastra (branch of Ayurveda dealing particularly with pharmaceutics and therapeutics of Rasaoushadhies –Bio mineral formulations practiced in Ayurveda).

In due course of progress, many more reforms were adapted in manufacturing of these medicines and compiled by many Acharyas which includes Sadanand Sharma ( Rasa Tarangini ) and Yadav Jee Trikram Jee ( Rasamrita ) in their respective book of 19 and 20 century AD . These visionary Acharyas of Rasa Shastra invented instruments of pharmaceutical procedures, intermediary media, quantum of heat required for incineration of individual mineral and metal which are unchallenged till date. Vaidyas of days as well as particular pharmacies are following these guidelines of manufacturing and preparing safe and effective medicines of metallic/mineralise origin including Mercury.

Amalgamation with Ayurveda ( In Therapeutics )

Rasa Shastra started with a rationale approach as an independent therapeutic branch of Ayurveda. Later it is accommodated in main stream of Ayurveda on virtue of its quicker action, longer shelf life, good palatability and wide therapeutic range and continues in practice till date. This amalgamation took place in 10/11 th century AD with most abundant practices of these medicines in main stream of Ayurveda along with herbal predominance.

At present many leading physicians of Ayurveda are practicing these bio mineral formulations with full authority and confidence. They believe on classical parameters of preparation of Bhasma and many mercurial products like Rasa Parpati, Rasa Sindoor ,Makardhwaja and many other Kharliya formulations . Recently, dept of AYUSH, Government of India notified list of essential drugs of Ayurveda .Here, too medicines of these groups are suggested by regulators to use in practice in service of patients.

Mercury Moroseness (Environmental Pollutant)

Mercury, as an industrial effluent is root cause of much hazardous effect on humanity effecting several generations. Many toxic epidemics in countries located in Europe, South American, Australia and Japan are on credits of mercury since centuries. In last two decades special care has been given on toxic effects of mercury and it has been substantiated by researches of reputed institution that exposure of mercury vapour and its organic forms are highly dangerous to human being as well as other animals. Adulterated mercurial products are in market as food substances and many other forms of mercury with potent capacity of exposure are used as preservative or many other chemicals for several purposes of day to day life. Fishes are playing big roles in spread of mercury contaminated food material. (1956 episode at Minamata ,Japan)

Further, the ban on mercury products and processes are being created by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). The objective is to develop a binding global treaty that will encourage countries to agree upon and end mercury pollution and toxic mercury exposure to humans and the environment. Many groups over the years have presented studies to the UNEP showing that there is a tremendous amount of danger associated with the use of mercury in vaccines, and mercury-silver amalgam in dental fillings. Approximately 84 million children are inoculated with thimerosal-containing vaccines, apparently because countries lack refrigeration or can’t pay for more costly single-dose vaccines.

Apart from UNEP , looking to environmental pollution created by mercurial effluents in its organic, inorganic and vapours forms and its ultimate result on human health especially degenerative neurotoxicity, a group of activist and governments are of opinion that business of Mercury for any purpose should be ban completely all over globe through every means as a safe guard to human health.

Ban on Business (of Mercury)

Therefore, Environmental Protection Agencies ( and other similar functioning agencies ) of 140 member countries of UN met in early 2013 in several rounds and preparing resolution of complete ban on business of Mercury and to be agreed on measures to phase out industrial use of Mercury for all purposes with ultimate aim to make this globe free from mercury.

Indian Ignorance (Ministry of Environment)

But, surprisingly, representative of Govt of India in these rounds kept mum in several rounds of discussion. Finally, Govt of India agreed to abide all developments in this regards without considering rich heritage of medicinal application of mercury in Ayurveda. As ,I discussed in first few paragraphs of this write up that Indian Science specifically Rasa Shastra of Ayurveda had developed all measures for safe medicinal use of Mercury. At least 1500 years histories of safe use of different dosage forms of Mercurial preparation are on credit of Ayurvedic physicians of India.

Not only this, but several authorities in Government are not well versed about specific knowledge of Rasa Shastra and they are adamant that permissible limit of heavy metals notified by dept of AYUSH for herbal products of Ayurveda will be equally applicable to bio mineral /mercurial formulations of Ayurveda.

Safety of Rasaoushadhies (Old/New Discovery)

However, since, last two decades, some sections are raising doubts over safety of these Rasaoushadhies (Bio Mineralise /Metallic/Mercurial Preparation of Ayurveda). Among these worthy to note are publications from Boston (2004, 2008, 2010 and 2013) and New York (2012) as a sensational findings in specific reference of USA.

But, here it is worthy to know that ancient texts of Rasa Shastra are defining toxic effects of improperly prepared medicines in details with their instant effective remedies. Precautions about therapeutic administrations of Bhasma are well addressed in books of Rasa Shastra, namely from Rasa Prakash Sudhakar (10 th AD) to Rasa Tarangini (20 th AD) in a very systematic way. These guidelines are given for different Bhasma with the individualistic approach.

So, propaganda about toxic effect of these medicines as a new noble discovery to save humanity on planet earth by present day researchers are not new for an Ayurvedist. We are well versed about these and taking utmost care for safe use of these medicines. Contemporary treatises of Rasa Shastra are progressively validating safety and efficacy of metallic/mercurial/mineralise preparations of Ayurveda on scientific parameters. Some equally potent papers supporting intrinsic safety of these medicines are appearing from New Delhi (2012) and many in PubMed (2010, 2011 and 2013), provided these medicines are prepared on classical parameters of Rasa Shastra. Satisfactory works are being done by concern physicians, academician and administrators of India and abroad for further strengthening of Rasaouashadhies on scientific parameters of quality, safety and efficacy.

Minamata Convention (at Minamata in October, 2013)

With all above mentioned evidences about safety of mercurial preparation of Ayurveda author of this article went in media about the threat of availability of Mercury in India after UN ban. As, ultimately it would check manufacturing of mercurial preparation of Ayurveda in India ( India lack mines of Mercury) depriving millions of Indians from its curable properties in therapeutics of Ayurvedic practices. I also wrote to The Secretary, dept of AYUSH ,Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ,Government of India about all probable effects of proposed ban on present day promising practice of Ayurveda in which thousands- thousands of patient are relived from their ailments . So, finally Ministry of Environment was alerted by dept of AYUSH and concern Indian authorities are now taking care for the exemption of ban on business of Mercury for medicinal purposes.

Therefore, with the efforts of many concerns all over globe specially Chinese in final draft of UNO related to business of Mercury these exemptions are made .I quote “However, certain mercury-added products are to be exempted from the ban, including those used for military and civil protection, products with no mercury- free alternative, products used in religious or traditional practices, and vaccines containing thimerosal, an ethylmercury preservative” unquote . This draft will be placed at Minamata Convention of UNEP in October, 2013 for final adaptation.

We understand that ‘Traditional Practice’ word save practice of mercurial medicine in Ayurveda. And we look forward to Minamata Convention as rising hope for medicinal uses of mercury in India as well as abroad with all its uniqueness and virtue inherited in it.

Bibliography & Further Suggested Reading:

01 -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minamata_disease as available on 07/05/2013 as available on 07/05/2013 .

02http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2013/mercury_20130119/en/ as available on 07/05/2013

03http://www.unep.org/newscentre/Default.aspx? DocumentID=2702&ArticleID=9373&l=en as available on 07/05/2013 04- http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-02- 06/varanasi/36948730_1_rasa-shastra-mercury-ayurvedic-medicine as available on 07/05/2013

05- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jan/19/treaty-on-mercury-would- not-affect-vaccines-with-t/ as available on 07/05/2013


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