Dear Paul Dlamini

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Dear Paul Dlamini

Enquiries: TSHABANGU,IB Tel.: 057-391 7200 Reference: SAFETY PLAN: D Fax: 057-352 4405/086 650 4362 E-mail: [email protected]

LEJWELEPUTSWA DISTRICT: DRAFT SCHOOL SAFETY PLAN 2017 ADOPTED SAFETY AND SECURITY PLAN TO ADDRESS THE IDENTIFIED SAFETY RISKS FOCUS AREAS or ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE PROGRESS BUDGET RESPONSIBILITY DATE RISKS INDICATORS Gangsterism: Profiling or identification Number of gangsters Number of learners R 0 PRINCIPALS Peer pressure leading to of learners who are involved identified or profiled. identified/profiled or SGBs recruitment into gang or suspected to be members reported to parents SAFETY COMM. related behavior. of gangs. & SAPS. SAPS Learners in Grade 8, 9 Anti-bullying training for Direct support given to the ADOPTED COPS and 10 are recruited into teachers and RCL learners. learners by the school. Support given to the NPA gangs. Immediate disciplinary action Number of anonymous reportslearners. PARENTS against learners who engage and positive arrests and SOCDEV in assaults and stabbings on convictions by SAPS and NPA. HEALTH DEPT the premises. DCS Immediate parental DEPT CORR SERVICES involvement. CDWs Possible re-location or DISTR SAFETY COORD transfer of the gang members VIE OFFICERS to other schools, homes and INCLUSIVE EDUC Places of Safety. Sharing of information by DCS

1 and SAPS on the release of the former gang members from prisons. Anonymous reporting or whistle-blowing by learners, parents and community of any criminal and gang related activities through Drop or Suggestion Boxes in schools, churches and SAPS Crime Stop 10111. Illegal and dangerous Training of the principals, Number of principals, SGBs Impact, effectiveness R1500 SGBs weapons: SGBs and Safety Committee and Safety Committee and efficiency of PRINCIPALS (SASA ACT Carrying of dangerous members to conduct random members trained. random searches and 31/2007) weapons by the learners. searches and seizures in seizures. SAFETY COMM. Girl learners are forced to terms of SASA and Criminal Number of weapons found SAPS (CRIMINAL carry dangerous weapons Procedure Act. after the random searches andNumber of weapons PROCEDURE ACT) by boys. Random searches and seizures. found after searches ADOPTED COPS seizures conducted on those Signage boards must be and referral of DEPT CORR SERVICES learners who are suspected oferected on premises in visible learners for support DISTR SAFETY COORD carrying the weapons. positions for Visitors and and counseling VIE OFFICERS Signage boards declaring learners. INCLUSIVE EDUC school as free from drugs, Budget for signage boards. weapons and any illegal trespassers. Alcohol, Drugs and Training of the principals, Number of SMTs, SGBs and Decreased number ofR1000 for testingSGBs Substance abuse among SGBs and Safety Committee Safety Committee members learners who test devices PRINCIPALS the learners: members to conduct drug trained. positive. (SASA ACT 31/2007)

2 Taverns, tuck-shops and testing. SAFETY COMM. shebeens selling alcohol Identification of drug dealers Number of learners who Impact of support SAPS (CRIMINAL and cigarettes to under- who sell drugs to the learners tested positive and negative. and counseling PROCEDURE ACT) aged children. and the community. Number of learners who provided to the ADOPTED COPS Parents and adults who voluntarily request support learners. DEPT SOCDEV- (KE MOJA I’M send minor children to Administering of Drug testing and counseling. FINE WITHOUT DRUGS buy alcohol. on learners who are CAMPAIGN) Parents and adults who suspected to be using or Consultation of the parents, DEPT HEALTH drink alcohol in front of under the influence of learners and teachers to adopt Consistency in the DEPT CORR SERVICES children and engage in substances during school Code of Conduct that covers implementation of NICRO & SANCA vulgar language and hours. the policy on random the policy on random DISTR SAFETY COORD physical fights. searches, seizures and drug searches, seizures VIE OFFICERS Adoption of policy on testing. and drug testing. INCLUSIVE EDUC random searches, seizures Monitor the behaviour of LIQUOR BOARD and drug testing as part of learners who have attended LOCAL TAVERNERS’ the Code of Conduct for initiation schools. ASSOCIATION learners. CDWs Assessment of the impact of LOCAL COUNCILLORS the initiation schools ( both legal and illegal) among the learners. Random search and patrols in taverns and shebeens that sell alcohol to minor children and learners. Meetings with local tavern owners and tuck-shop owners.

3 No sports and other Extra-mural activities’ time- Participation of the learners Number of learners BUDGET SGBs extra-mural activities for tables MUST be available in and teachers in extra-mural involved in different PRINCIPALS the learners after school all schools to keep learners activities. sporting codes or SPORTS COMM. hours. engaged after school hours. activities. CBOs & Youth Orgs No sporting grounds in Sporting grounds MUST be Sporting grounds are prepared Availability of MUNICIPALITY some schools. prepared for learners and or alternative grounds are sporting grounds. CDWs teachers. provided-eg; local stadium. SYRAC - MONITORING YRAC – MONITORING CMs DISTR SAFETY COORD Lack of motivation for the Motivation sessions MUST be Number of motivation Positive attitude R0 PRINCIPALS learners and teachers. arranged for the learners – sessions organized for the displayed by learners SGBs Lack of parental starting from lower Grades. learners, teachers and , teachers and QLTC -school level involvement and support. Separate sessions for teachersparents. parents after the Local FBOs & CBOs More than 60% of the MUST be organized. sessions. DQLTC learners come from single Parental involvement to SOCDEV parent families – and motivate and support the DCS they are raised by their learners. DMT mothers and Moral Regeneration CMs grandparents. Movement campaign sessions VIE OFFICERS Absent fathers and with parents. SAs mothers negatively affect Parenting With Assurance ERC CAREER GUIDANCE the behavior of the sessions. INCLUSIVE EDUC learners. WELLNESS SECTION Deep seated anger ESTABLISHEMNT OF MEN’S among the learners from FORUM broken and/or IMBIZO YA MADODA disadvantaged families. IMBIZO YA BAFAZI

4 No security guards at the Principals and SGBs to Personnel or security guards Introduction of Budget PRINCIPALS gates and access control arrange for access control at MUST/SHOULD be appointed Visitors’ Register at SGBs is not properly the gates. to monitor access control. the gates. SAFETY COMM. monitored. Assessment of fencing Secure and protective fencing Limitation of MATJHABENG CWP & CDWs Burglary and theft of around the premises. around the premises. uncontrolled & COMM PATROLS school property Taking insurance to cover Reduce and/or eliminate movement of GROUND DUTY TEAM valuable property like burglary and theft of school learners, parents and DISTRICT SAFETY COORD. computers, etc. property. other visitors during PRP/PROPERTY OFFICERS Open criminal cases with the Holding the principal, SGB, school hours. SAPS / ADOPTED COP SAPS within 24 hours after security guards and other staff Number of burglaries PROPERTY SECTION the burglary or vandalism. accountable for any burglaries and theft of school and theft of school property. property. Insurance claims for liability Number of insurance and compensation. claims and compensation made to the school.

No consistency in the Training on the Training to be conducted for Consistency and R0 PRINCIPALS disciplining of the implementation of Code of the principal, SGB members, impartiality in SGBs learners. Conduct of learners. Safety Comm and SBSTs. implementing the SAFETY COMM. Present the Code of Conduct Signed copies of the Code of Code of Conduct SBSTs to the parents, learners and Conduct by the parents and during Disciplinary CMs RCL - if there is any revision learners. hearings. DISTRICT SAFETY COORD. of the Code of Conduct. Number of incidents VIE OFFICERS Copies of the Code of conduct captured on SA SAMS INCLUSIVE EDUC must be given to the learners Learner Misconduct and parents. Record

5 Damaged, weak and poor Develop Maintenance Plan toRenovations and repairs done Renovations done. R 5000 PRINCIPALS infrastructure –eg; renovate and repair old and on the premises. Safer environment SGBs broken toilets, halls, dangerous infrastructure on Budget for the Maintenance within the premises SAFETY COMM. passages, loose electrical the premises. Plan. for learners and staff. CMs. wires, fencing, falling Daily monitoring of the PRP/PROPERTY OFFICERS ceiling, leaking water- buildings and school property. DISASTER MGM CENTRE taps, roofing, etc. Immediate repair of broken HEALTH DEPT No Emergency and windows, doors, leaking Evacuation Plans to water-taps, etc. manage any injuries Servicing of fire-extinguishers among the learners and on a yearly basis. staff. Training of Safety and OHS Officers on fire education and management. First Aid training to be arranged for Safety and OHS Officers. Purchasing of First Aid Kit to deal with injuries. Evacuation Plans must be developed to manage any disasters like floods, earth tremors, earthquakes, social, political unrests, etc. Bullying incidents within Training for staff, parents and Number of bullying incidents Only a few bullying R0 PRINCIPALS the premises. learners on Anti-Bullying reported -and captured on SA incidents reported SGBs Strategy and National School SAMS. and captured on SA SQLTC Safety Framework ( NSSF). Number of presentations SAMS. SAFETY COMM. Implementation of NSSF and made to the learners, staff and DISTRICT SAFETY COORD.

6 Anti-Bullying Strategy – parents on bullying . DQLTC through Awareness Positive response by all the SAPS / ADOPTED COPS Campaigns. stakeholders. Weekly and monthly reports Safety Plan is developed to on bullying incidents address the identified safety announced in Staff meetings, risks after administering the parents’ meetings and Surveys for learners and staff. Assemblies. NSSF Learner, staff and non- teaching Staff surveys are administered to identify key risks on the premises.

Please, take note of the following: -Each school will decide on the dates for each intervention. -Each school will capture only the relevant safety risks or challenges and plot them on the School Safety Plan for 2017. -The Safety Plan must be adopted by the SGB, Safety Committee, SMT, staff, parents and learners. -Schools that need District intervention will invite the District Safety Coordinator, VIE Officers and DQLTC for support. -The DSC, SAPS, Department of Labour and Disaster Management Centre will be visiting schools to assess the effectiveness of School Safety Plans in 2017.




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