Tisbury Parish Council s2

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Tisbury Parish Council s2

TISBURY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st April 2008 at 7pm in the Elizabeth Hall, Tisbury. 08.04.01 Present: Cnllrs D. Carroll (Chairman), Mrs C. Campbell, P. Coopman, Mrs J. Golder (until 8:32pm), Mrs P. Chave, M. McGrath, D. Boxall(until 8:12pm), J. Berkley-Matthews, R. Dearden and Mrs J. Amos (from 7:08 to 10.06pm) - (10). Also in attendance: C.Cnllr. B. Wayman (from 7:00 to 9:03pm); Helen Kreizman and Mrs S. Harry (Clerk). 08.04.02 Apologies received: D. Cnllr. Mrs J. Green. 08.04.03 Declarations of Interest: None. 08.04.04 Questions and/or statements from members of the public: Although not present, a resident had spoken to a P.Cnllr about the dog fouling in Park Road. Cnllrs were informed that SDC had been informed and that additional notices had been posted. Those present felt that there was little else that could be done. 08.04.05 TISVIS! Way Forward Helen Kreizman spoke on the possible ways that a Tisbury Area Partnership could be (7:08pm) formed and indeed, informed P.Cnllrs that Tisbury had been chosen as a ‘pilot’ for the development phase by the (transition) Implementation Executive. A copy of the presentation is appended to the minutes. P.Cnllrs agreed that a detailed discussion on the way forward would be pursued at the May meeting. Reports from County and District Councillors: 08.04.06 a. County Councillor Mrs Bridget Wayman spoke briefly on the proposed electoral divisions for the new Wiltshire Unitary Authority, but added that alternatives were still being pursued. In addition: The agreement between WCC and SDC for distribution of the profits from the use of the refurbished tennis courts had now been signed, with all monies raised outside school hours being retained by the Sports Centre, and the opening date for the swimming pool was dependent upon the replacement of a heat exchanger. 08.04.07 b. District Councillor Richard Beattie was not present. 08.04.08 c. District Councillor Mrs Jose Green was not present. Minutes of the previous meeting: 08.04.09 4th March 2008 - these were accepted and signed as correct. Proposed JBM / seconded MrsPamC/ unanimous of those present (4) 18th March 2008 - these were accepted and signed as correct. Proposed MMcG / seconded Mrs CC / unanimous of those present (7) 08.04.10 Matters arising from the previous meetings: i. Written confirmation had been received indicating that Parish Councils were not eligible for the Community Spaces Grant scheme. ii. A letter from a resident in The Avenue was read aloud, illustrating that not all residents were in favour of the Youth Club having access to the garages to the rear of the Police Station. Wiltshire Police had offered some monies towards the purchase of a portacabin to be sited elsewhere in Tisbury. Jaki Farrell would be approached and shown the contents of the letter to elicit MrsCC her views. iii. The shrub overgrowth in the Causeway had been removed. iv. The Environment Agency had confirmed verbally to the Clerk that hatch keys would not be kept within the village. The Clerk had requested written confirmation of this decision, apparently in place for Health and Safety reasons. Consideration of Planning Applications: 08.04.11 S 2008 0538 – full – St Anne’s Cottage, Wardour – erect single storey dining room Clerk Page 1 of 5 extension with balcony over, replacement conservatory and new porch. Cnllrs. resolved to approve the application, especially as it was set back from the highway - proposed MMcG / seconded JBM/ 9 in favour with 1 against 08.04.12 Applications Determined: noted.

REPORTS FROM PARISH COUNCILLORS: 08.04.13 Clarence Highway Issues Cnllrs noted that the pothole at the junction of Weaveland Rd with the High Street had yet to be repaired, but had been scheduled. The programme for the Parish Steward (Spring 2008) was briefly described. The bottle bank in the car park was reported as being grossly under capacity relating to the frequency of collection. SDC were aware of this continuing problem. 08.04.14 KGV th play area - works by Youth Club members, in return for Leisure Credits, would be started when the weather improved. 08.04.15 Lower Recreation Ground – information was still awaited from B. Woodcock. Information signs were currently being produced and the aerial runway swing seat needed to be re- attached to the overhead wire (G. Flower). The Bowls Club and Sports and Social Club would be contacted and asked to replace the bollards, keeping them locked in place as previously agreed. Clerk 08.04.16 Footpaths - No report made. 08.04.17 Parish Liaison Meeting The Tisbury PC question relating to early consultation on planning policies and proposals was answered with the information that the study had been done mostly by consultants and had conformed to Government guidelines. Additionally, the SDC Chief Executive had requested that Parish and Town Councils consider what functions might be devolved (with funding) to local council responsibility. (8:12pm) This would form an agenda item at the May meeting. Clerk 08.04.18 SDC LDF Transport Workshop This workshop had centered on the proposal for 12,500 new houses to be built in the SDC area. The Tisbury PC delegates made the representatives of other bodies aware of the inadequate transport links and infrastructure in the Tisbury area, including the lack of ‘A’ roads and parking facilities at the railway station in particular. Positive comments were made about the TISBUS service and SW Trains confirmed that Semley and Dinton railway stations would not re-open. 08.04.19 TCSP A report of the last quarterly meeting was received. Although not well attended, many issues had been discussed and positive action proposed. In particular, communication between the police force and residents was explored and also possible safety projects for which funding could be obtained. It was noted that PCSO Kim Thick would be working reduced hours and that the AGM and annual meeting would be held on 27th May 2008; the meetings to be attended by the Chief Inspector from Devizes. C.Cnllr. Tony Deane had indicated that monies from a £50,000 grant were available and a bid for £3,500 was likely to be made for a mobile speed indicator for use within the (8:32pm) TCSP area. 08.04.20 Community Composting The sale of site products, compost and mulch, were now being pushed as there was a shortage of storage space for receipt of green waste. Although not yet officially advertised as being open, green waste would not be refused as long as space was available. Cnllrs. noted that mulch was on sale at 50p per bag and compost at £1 per bag. Equipment for conditioning and/or chipping was still promised by Hill’s Waste, but had not yet been received. Finance: 08.04.21 The income and payments data previously circulated were approved. proposed RD /seconded MrsJA/unanimous Page 2 of 5 08.04.22 R2 Monies Update The list of approved planning applications thought by SDC not to have been started was discussed with a view to maximise the amount of monies available. SDC would be notified Clerk of those schemes that Cnllrs. confirmed had begun. Local schools and groups would be canvassed for ideas on potential schemes for spending Clerk the monies due for release. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION: 08.04.23 Draft Tisbury Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan It was reported that the group responding to this plan had not met as it was considered that the Core Strategy subsequently released by SDC covered the same content. However, P.Cnllrs agreed that the comments made by D.Cnllr. RAB should be wholly Clerk endorsed and that this should be the basis of the Parish Council’s response. 08.04.24 Core Strategy – preferred options consultation Councillors discussed each of the options relevant to the Nadder Valley, with the following comments to be relayed to SDC: Option 73: Although intended as a ‘Local Service Centre’ it was doubted that the local infrastructure and utilities could accommodate further growth. The document makes no mention of the likelihood of Wessex Water or Southern Electric being consulted on provision for the considerable potential increase in population. For example, the sewage treatment works near Tisbury is already at capacity to process waste and is known to ‘back up’ with subsequent effect on adjacent properties. Better reference should be made to the poor road structure surrounding Tisbury that would suffer further with increased traffic and initially from haulage/delivery vehicles. Option 74: The rationale behind the figures quoted for various house sizes is unclear, as there is much evidence that smaller family homes and single occupancy units are required more urgently. The figures quote that only 14% of market housing is envisaged as 1 or 2 bedroomed properties with a increased figure of 64% for affordable housing. (9:03pm) Option 75: Cnllrs. felt that merely allocating land for employment was insufficient as a strategic process, but that encouraging long term, new employment opportunities from outside the area were probably beyond the remit of the core strategy. This was especially so with the inadequate road structure available for potential major industrial users. Opinions were expressed that the Station Road site would better reflect the facilities available if designated as light industrial use mixed with housing. With this in mind, Cnllrs. felt that more emphasis should be placed on facilitating employer discussions through such organisations as Business Link and Rural Business Groups. Option 76: Specifically with respect to point d, it was felt that more clarity was required as there is already an existing, successful pre-school and the former Nadder Middle School has recently closed. There are however little, if any, adult education opportunities. Cnllrs. agreed with point e. Option 77: Cnllrs. felt that village design statements, conservation area appraisal and management plans and the Living River initiative should all be specifically mentioned in this option. Options 78 and 79: Cnllrs. were happy with these options as expressed. Option 80: The issue of availability of parking was felt by all to impact upon successful retailing; affecting both Tisbury and Hindon. In Tisbury there is currently a lack of available commuter parking facilities and this is impacting on the spaces available for retail purposes. Such an issue needs to be addressed specifically within the document. Option 81: Cnllrs. agreed in principle but felt that there was potential for this initiative to generally increase house prices if contributions were not limited specifically to particular developments. Option 82: This option is subjective by nature but Cnllrs. agreed with the principle. Option 83: Cnllrs. agreed with point a, but felt that point b should specifically mention Clerk Page 3 of 5 green initiatives and include waste/pollution criteria. 08.04.25 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Cnllrs expressed the following opinions following discussion on the Tisbury sites: Site 100, land at Tucking Mill Highways Depot – the plot of land seemed very small for 10 units, but small units had been identified as a requirement within the village. Site 59, land adjacent to Tuckingstones – this was agreed to be a good site for potential housing if highway access problems could be overcome. Although the skyline would be affected by the proposals, other previous developments had already had such an impact, e.g. Brook Close, Springfield Park. Site 68, Land Opposite The Avenue, Tisbury – A ribbon development above the flood plain would be welcomed especially if an extension to the Car Park could be incorporated. Site 75, Land at the Station Works, Tisbury – this would be welcomed by Cnllrs. if (10.06pm) the definition of the space could include smaller units for less heavy industrial use. Clerk 08.04.26 Future of the allotments A well attended meeting of allotmenteers had embraced the option of self management with enthusiasm. The element of control retained by the Parish Council was still to be Clerk/ agreed, but Cnllrs. resolved to progress the option in principle. MrPC Proposed MMcG / seconded JBM / unanimous 08.04.27 Additional Parish Notice Board Following a brief discussion, Cnllrs. agreed that a metal notice board with a lock should Clerk be purchased and subsequently adapted to allow free access to groups within the village. 08.04.28 Highway Signing in Wardour Cnllrs. noted the inclusion of signing in the current year’s programme of works. 08.04.29 Heavy Commercial vehicles on Jobbers Lane, Tisbury Cnllrs. had been requested to identify potential passing places and speak to the owners of the land affected. WCC would then appraise the proposals to determine costings and Clerk possibility. 08.04.30 Collection problems with the Black Box Scheme SDC would be advised that Zion Hill properties would need special consideration with respect to the Black Box scheme. Outlying farm houses would also have problems. Clerk 08.04.31 Chicksgrove Environment Following a letter from a Chicksgrove resident, Cnllrs. would, from time to time, ensure Clerk that they passed through Chicksgrove. In addition, all residents of the Parish would be reminded that anyone can report potholes or highway defects to ‘Clarence’. 08.04.32 Traffic Calming on Churchill Estate Following an approach by a resident, Cnllrs. agreed that a follow up request would be made for traffic calming on the estate. Clerk CHAIRMAN’S NOTICES: 08.04.33 Fonthill Gifford Cricket Club re R2 monies Cnllrs. were informed of a letter of thanks from the Fonthill Gifford Cricket Club for help in purchasing the Gang mowers. 08.04.34 Sand SE excavations around the village Cnllrs. were informed that S7SE had wanted to close Cuffs Lane to allow the work to progress more quickly, but had been denied a road closure notice by WCC. A donation would be received by the PC as a contribution towards bulbs or containers. 08.04.35 Violet Capewell - letter of thanks Cnllrs. were informed of a letter of thanks from Violet Capewell for the flowers received at the presentation of her ‘Community Award’ certificate. 08.04.36 CC&WWDs AONB – position statement on light pollution The position statement was available in the correspondence file. 08.04.37 WWT – Gardening talks at Langford Lakes, Tuesday 15 th May 2008 11am Page 4 of 5 Bookings for the talks on Tuesday 15th May were required quickly as space was limited. 08.04.38 Review of Relationship with Voluntary and Community Sector Clerk Consultation event on 19th May at 11:45am noted; papers would be passed to Cnllr MsJG. 08.04.39 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: Noted.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 10.28pm. Date and time of next full monthly meeting - Tuesday 6th May 2008, to follow immediately after the AGM

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