CST Review Packet #1

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CST Review Packet #1

CST Review Packet #1 11.1 Founding of the Nation

-The Age of Enlightenment:

-Age of Enlightenment had huge influence on Founding Fathers of United States

-Seven Years War: (French and Indian War):

Salutary Neglect:

-Britain passes a series of taxes on American colonies: leads colonists further down the road of preparing to declare their independence

-Intolerable Acts:

King George III:

Enlightenment: (what is it? Influence on founding of America?)

1 Articles of Confederation:

Constitution: (differences from Articles)

Bill of Rights:

Civil War:

Causes: (states’ rights vs. federal rights)

North’s Advantages:

Fort Sumter:

Battle of Antietam :

Battle of Gettysburg:

2 Gettysburg Address: Emancipation Proclamation:

Sherman’s March:

Surrender at Appomattox:

Assassination of Lincoln: (who did it? significance?)

Andrew Johnson:


Radical Republicans:

10 Percent Plan:

Wade-Davis Bill:

Wilmont Proviso:

3 Sharecropping:

13th, 14th, 15th Amendments:

Civil Rights Act of 1866:

Reconstruction Act 1867:

Election of 1876:

Compromise of 1877:

4 CST Review Packet #2 11.2 Industrial Revolution

Working Conditions:

Housing Conditions:

Dumbbell Tenements:

Row Houses:

The Jungle: (author? Significance?)



Bessemer Process:

Thomas Edison:

5 Transcontinental Railroad:

George Pullman:

Credit Mobilier:

Interstate Commerce Act:

Andrew Carnegie:

John D. Rockefeller:

Vertical Integration: (who mastered it too?)

Horizontal Consolidation: (who mastered it too?)

Social Darwinism:


6 Trust:

Holding Company:

Sherman Anti-Trust Act:

Labor Unions:

Knights of Labor:

American Federation of Labor:

Samuel Gompers:

Eugene Debs:

Collective Bargaining:


7 Blacklisting: Industrial Workers of the World: (Wobblies)


Haymarket Affair:

Pullman Strike:

Marry Harris “Mother” Jones:


New Immigrants from Europe:

New Immigrants from China/Japan:

Ellis Island:

Angel Island:

Culture Shock:

8 Melting Pot:


Chinese Exclusion Act:

Gentlemen’s Agreement:

Americanization Movement:

Ethnic Enclaves:

Problems with water/sanitation/transportation/fire (ch.7 sec.2)

Social Gospel Movement:

Settlement Houses:

Jane Adams:

9 Political Machines:

Political Bosses (City Bosses):

Immigrants’ Role in Political Machines:



Tammany Hall:

Boss Tweed:

Thomas Nast:


Civil Service:



10 Pendleton Act: 11.2:9 Progressive Era:

The Progressive Movement:




Scientific Management:

Robert La Follette:

Muller Vs. Oregon:




Seventeenth Amendment:

11 Suffrage:


Susan B. Anthony:


President Theodore Roosevelt:

Square Deal:

Coal Strike 1902:


Meat Inspection Act:

Pure Food and Drug Act:


12 NAACP: President William Howard Taft:

Bull Moose Party:

Election of 1912: (who ran? What parties? Who won?)

President Woodrow Wilson:

New Freedom:

Clayton Anti Trust Act:

Federal Trade Commission:

16th Amendment:

Federal Reserve System:

19th Amendment:

13 CST Review Packet #3 11.4: The United States as a World Power in the Twentieth Century

Hawaii: (how did America obtain it?)

Queen Liliuokalani:


McKinley Tariff:

Sanford B. Dole:

Spanish-American War: (how did it start? What was it really over? Who won? What were the end results for America?)

Cuba: (how was Cuba affected by the Spanish-American War? What were the end results of the war for Cuba?)

Jose Marti’:

14 General Valeriano Weyler: Yellow Journalism:

De Lome Letter:

USS Maine:

Rough Riders:

The Platt Amendment:

The Philippines: (how was The Philippines affected by the Spanish American War? What were the end results of the Spanish American War on the Philippines? How did the Spanish American War change America’s relationship with the Philippines?)

Emilio Aguinaldo:

Puerto Rico: (how was Puerto Rico affected by the Spanish American War? What were the end results of the Spanish American War on Puerto Rico? How did the Spanish American War change America’s relationship with Puerto Rico?)

15 Foraker Act:

Open Door Notes:

John Hay:

Boxer Rebellion:

Panama Canal: (how did America obtain the rights to build and operate it?)

Roosevelt Corollary (Big Stick Diplomacy: think powerful Navy):

Dollar Diplomacy (President Taft):

Missionary Diplomacy (Moral Diplomacy; President Wilson):

16 The Mexican Revolution (America’s Role in the changing leaders):

Francisco “Pancho” Villa:

John J. Pershing:

Columbus, New Mexico:

17 CST Review Packet #4 11.5: Political, Social, Cultural Developments of the 1920’s

The Prohibition:

The 18th Amendment (Volstead Act):



Women’s Christian Temperance Union:

Organized Crime (Mafias):


Clarence Darrow:

18 Scopes Trial: Flappers:


The Changing Family (how gender and marriage roles changed in the 1920’s):

News and Radio’s Roles in Popular Culture of the 1920s:

Movies’ Roles in Popular Culture of the 1920s

Charles Lindbergh:

The Harlem Renaissance:

James Weldon Johnson:

Marcus Garvey:


Claude McKay:

Langston Hughes:

Louis Armstrong:

Duke Ellington:

Bessie Smith:

Presidential Policies of Warren Harding:

Presidential Policies of Calvin Coolidge:

20 Presidential Policies of Herbert Hoover:

21 CST Review Packet #5 11.9: U.S. Foreign Policy Since World War II

United Nations:

GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade:

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization;

-Warsaw Pact:

SEATO: Southeast Asian Treaty Organization:

The Cold War:

The Cold War:-45-year arms race between US and USSR; both nations cultivated alliances, built up arsenals, tried to intimidate the other in preparation for war that never came; both did fight wars by proxy but never directly against the other

Potsdam Conference:

-soon after Potsdam Stalin reneges on free elections in Eastern Europe; turns Eastern Europe into Soviet satellite states:


-Truman Doctrine:

-US implements containment in Turkey and Greece (late 1940s); Korea (1950-1953); Vietnam (1963-1973)

-The Marshall Plan:

The Berlin Airlift:

22 -Containment/Truman Doctrine: this policy gets America involved in Wars in Korea (1950-1953) and Vietnam (1963-1973),

-Korean War 1950-1953:

38th Parallel

-Vietnam War 1954-1975: Vietnam was French colony; North Vietnam (Communist) led by Ho Chi Minh push France out of Vietnam; 2 Vietnams established: North communist/ South capitalist

-U.S. put No Dinh Diem in charge of South Vietnam:


-U.S. sends advisors, later troops to suppress communist rebellion

-North Vietnam (communist) invades South Vietnam to unite it as one communist nation: War begins

-1963-1973 America vs. North Vietnam/Vietcong: fight to a stalemate; America withdraws in 1973: 1975 South Vietnam falls to North Vietnam: one communist Vietnam

-53,000 Americans dead

-Domino Theory:

-Bay of Pigs:

-Cuban Missile Crisis:

-Nikita Krushchev:

23 -Brinkmanship:


-Alger Hiss:


-Hollywood Ten:


-Ethel and Julius Rosenberg:

-CIA (Central Intelligence Agency):

11.9:3 US Foreign Policy in Latin America

Nicaragua: Sandistas:


Grenada: Reagan sent troops there 1983; US troops overthrew a pro-Cuban government in Grenada; replaced govt with one friendly to the US

Panama: President Bush I sent troops to Panama 1989 to arrest Panama’s leader: Manuel Noriega: Bush accused Noriega of drug trafficking; 1992 he was sentenced to 40 years in prison

Iran-Contra Scandal:

24 11.9:5 Reagan Era

Ronald Reagan: elected President in a landslide, 1980; social conservative;

Reaganomics: (Trickle-Down Theory):

Supply-Side Economics:

Strategic Defense Initiative: SDI:

National Debt soars under Reagan/Bush I: $900 Billion 1980 to $4 Trillion by 1992: US becomes world’s leading debtor nation

-Supreme Court shifts to conservative majority: William Renquist becomes Chief Justice; Sandra Day O’Conor becomes first woman justice

Persian Gulf War:

Operation Desert Storm:

25 CST Review Packet #6 11.10 Civil Rights Movement

Minority Service in World War II: minorities faced discrimination at home yet still served in the war; they knew they would be worse off under Nazi control; 500,000 Mexican-Americans served; 1 million+ African Americans served; 13,000 Chinese- Americans served; 33,000 Japanese-Americans served; 25,000 Native Americans served; all served in segregated units

A.Philip Randolph:

-1948 President Harry Truman issues executive order ending segregation in the military

-Dredd Scott Case:

-Plessy vs. Ferguson:

-Brown vs. the Board of Education

-Affirmative Action

-Regents of the University of California vs. Bakke:

-Proposition 209:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

“I Have a Dream Speech”

26 Rosa Parks:

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Thurgood Marshall

Malcolm X:

James Farmer:


Littlerock, Arkansas: 1957 Arkansas governor order National Guard to refuse 9 Black students entry into Central High School; federal judge ordered him to allow the students entry; an angry mob greets the 9 students and shouts and spits as they enter the school; President Eisenhower sent in federal troops to protect the students; the incident leads to the Civil Rights Act of 1957

Civil Rights Act of 1957:

Civil Rights Act 1964:

Voting Rights Act 1965

Twenty Fourth Amendment:

Women’s Rights:


27 3 Part Strategy: women’s suffragists used 3 methods: 1) convince state legislatures to pass women’s suffrage laws 2) women pursued court cases that would give them the right to vote 3) women pushed for a federal constitutional amendment for suffrage

Susan B. Anthony:

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

19th Amendment:

Betty Friedan: (The Feminine Mystique: )

28 CST Review Packet #7 11.11 Contemporary American Society

Immigration Act of 1965:

Great Society Program:

Nixon Presidency:

-Richard Nixon (R) elected president 1968; Vietnam War still going on;

-Southern Strategy: -Nixon appointed 3 conservative supreme court justices: tips court in conservative direction

Economic Troubles: Stagflation:

OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries;


Henry Kissinger


-Nixon Visits China 1972

-SALT I Treaty:

29 -these events lead to Nixon’s reelection in 1972 Nixon’s Downfall:

Watergate Scandal:

-Democratic National Committee (DNC):

Watergate Hotel:

Committee to Reelect the President (CRP):

-Presidential Cover-up :

-Watergate Scandal did not get much attention prior to 1972 election: Nixon reelected

-James McCord:

-April 1973 Nixon fires key members of his staff; tells the public he appointed special counsel to “investigate” the scandal

-Senate had already began an investigation:

-President Nixon had a taping system installed in his office to tape all of his conversations

-Saturday Night Massacre:

Arhcibald Cox:

30 -House of Representatives then began to consider Impeachment proceedings

-October 1973 Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned: (why?)

-Gerald Ford:

-March 1974 four Nixon aides were indicted on charges related to Watergate Cover-Up

-Nixon Releases the Tapes: (what was revealed?)

-Tapes released were edited: (what happened next? Why did it matter?)

-August 8 1974 Richard Nixon resigned as President to avoid impeachment; Gerald Ford sworn in as new President

-Effects of Watergate: (why did it matter?)


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